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Crazed Nigerian on the loose - Bangkok police make arrest

Jonathan Fairfield

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Is hé Nigérian ? With the huge African populations in Bangkok, surely the police have interpreters? They all seem to be in one area of Bangkok that has a street market at night, can't remember where it was , but I was really surprised to see so many Africans obviously living and working there. Do they get easy visas or what ? 

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Just now, saminoz said:

Let's hope so.


I don't think the textile traders will be hoping for that and I somehow think that their many thousands of buyers might just be considered a little bit more important than a farang who is miffed at seeing a handful of drug dealers hanging out near their favourite girly bar.

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

In my whole life i have never ever read any positive news about Nigerians. Are they all so bad?


No. I just met one in Manila. A beautiful award winning, actress and film director. Smart, good looking, honest and very chic. I should not go on, but I am truly grateful, but probalby not in the race. Anyway in answer to your question. NO.

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16 minutes ago, Maggusoil said:


No. I just met one in Manila. A beautiful award winning, actress and film director. Smart, good looking, honest and very chic. I should not go on, but I am truly grateful, but probalby not in the race. Anyway in answer to your question. NO.


But she didn't offer to send you 12 million USD?

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3 minutes ago, geisha said:

Is hé Nigérian ? With the huge African populations in Bangkok, surely the police have interpreters? They all seem to be in one area of Bangkok that has a street market at night, can't remember where it was , but I was really surprised to see so many Africans obviously living and working there. Do they get easy visas or what ? 


There has been a large Nigerian population in Bangkok since the early 80's, many have citizenship, Nigeria is one of Thailands most important trade partners, they buy a large percentage of the rice as well as textiles, a lot of the Nigerians you see are traders, the few hanging out in Sukumvit are often people who came here hoping to do trade but failed and got lured into the drugs business.

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

Why is one policeman wearing a bulletproof vest and the other one not? Do they have to share 1 vest?


Yep, works like this : if there's a mad shooter in the vicinity, the one with the vest is supposed to quickly place himself between the shooter and the cop without the vest. Takes some rehearsing though, but hey, humans can achieve amazing things when they set their minds to it and exercise regularly.

Edited by Yann55
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59 minutes ago, JAG said:

On closer inspection it looks like it may be a stab vest rather than bulletproof. 


If you are dealing with a crazed individual who has chosen to lie down in the middle of the road then it is probably quite a wise precaution! 


I never heard of a stabvest, we call them leather jackets. 


If i was a policeman and had to deal with a crazy dangerous person i wouldn't touch him at all or even come near him. My gun and mouth would do all the work untill i could easy put the handcuffs on while he was laying  on the floor.

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2 hours ago, monty1412 said:

 what news is this... he probably just got a letter from back home saying he  was going to get 12M UDSD from the estate if the Late Randolph P McMurphy...... its just a Nigerian way of celebrating such luck..... mind you serious question.. what does he have between his legs there........

Oh Mr Monty! I guess you could call it his "Mojo" but then again "appendage" would probably do?? (a lucky charm perhaps?)  :thumbsup::cheesy::cheesy::wai:

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7 minutes ago, Bryacar said:

A shame about the racist comments made by the usual ignorant suspects.


Is saying something disparaging about a Nigerian qualify as a "racist" comment? 


Is Nigerian its own "race"?


Will the PC Brigade ever stop?

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The racists in this place ... sickening.

A guy loses his marbles, and because he is black ... you really sink the boot in, with your references to slavery as well.

The moderators must be with you, as they have selectively allow the racist flag to fly.

Shame on all of you.

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"They could only determine that he was from Nigeria."


Who wants a bet this is wrong also!


Black man = African

Africa = ?????????

OK = We haven't a clue, Somchai where was that black man from you arrested last week?

Somchai Nigeria.

That'll do!

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Sounds to me like the example of the typical Thai dog.  I've always wondered if lying in the middle of the street is learned from the soi dogs or the dogs learn their lazy unbelievable behavior from the locals. Maybe this guy imagined he was just another Thai dog!

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41 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Is saying something disparaging about a Nigerian qualify as a "racist" comment? 


Is Nigerian its own "race"?


Will the PC Brigade ever stop?


It is not only PC to show disdain for bigotry, it is also morally correct, so in answer to your question, no, people will never stop having morals, and it is the racists that will die out not being unprejudiced which is a growing movement that is expanding in line with increasing levels of education and intelligence


To clear up your lame attempt to avoid racism being called racism, take a look at the definition.


"The international definition of racial discrimination is contained in Article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). It states that 'the term 'racial discrimination' shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life'."

The comments above being well within this definition of racism as it is defined by the UN.

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1 hour ago, Dukeleto said:

Poor bugger, I do hope he is treated decently and gets some help.

awwww thats sweet.Im sure the bib will take him straight to a good hospital where his health insurance will pay for the best specialists 



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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


It is not only PC to show disdain for bigotry, it is also morally correct, so in answer to your question, no, people will never stop having morals, and it is the racists that will die out not being unprejudiced which is a growing movement that is expanding in line with increasing levels of education and intelligence


To clear up your lame attempt to avoid racism being called racism, take a look at the definition.


"The international definition of racial discrimination is contained in Article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). It states that 'the term 'racial discrimination' shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life'."

The comments above being well within this definition of racism as it is defined by the UN.


BS. None of the comments above have the effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life of this unfortunately nutty Nigerian.

They are in the main JOKES.

I recognize racism when I see it (and it happens enough on TV for sure - usually anti-Thai racism) but I don't seriously see it here (maybe one or two a bit iffy). But nobody said that all Nigerians are always sleeping in the middle of the road. ??? do they?

For me; and most here, sleeping/lying in the middle of the road is an amusing (if tragic) occurrence. The poor guy does not look hurt in any way and will at least get some treatment in Thailand, even if it is just a sobering-up.

I though he was displaying a very large foreskin piercing, is that racist? Should I have said a very small (Thai size) piercing? Golly no, that would be racist.

And if you think I actually am a racist, come round and ask my 3 black (according to the locals) Thai kids what they think.

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