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Traffic Lights to Manual

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Apparently the Metropolitan Police Bureau has ordered traffic police in Bangkok to stop using the automated system for changing traffic lights, and requires them to change lights manually in future.  Apparently this will "ensure smooth traffic".


Cops who continue to use the automatic system will apparently be penalised by 3 days working in police HQ.


Just curious, but is there any large city in the civilised world that relies upon police to change all its traffic lights? And if not, what makes Bangkok so special?


(Report from a newspaper today that we're not allowed to mention.  Page 2.)




I wondered why my usual free-flowing (on automatic) lights on the way home were on manual early.


I assume the cop was chasing a rare Pokemon during our 15 minute wait on red :(



"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


There is no rule against mentioning the Bangkok Post, just against quoting from and linking to it.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


timed traffic lights - to me - appear to be the most innovative and energy efficient features of thai traffic. i wish, every country had them.

volkswagen just came out with a 'so new and fantastic' feature of having a wifi communication with the traffic light...

the simple timers here in T seem to do the job real good.

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