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Swiss and American hiding in Pattaya nabbed for overstay

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3 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Criminals and drunks and druggies should

stay in their own countries ; Thailand would

be a much nicer place to live.


But you enjoy your daily Hong Thong, right?..:coffee1:    

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5 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Why xenophobia? These guys had broken the law, they got caught.


I think thhMan has a point when he says we are treated like criminals having to report every 90 days etc

3 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I am not saying they are right, but the most likely answer IMO would be because they have too many hoops to go through, not

everyone wants to get married, or is over fifty, or very rich that they can afford to throw away 800.000 Baht to stay here for ten years.



Just a little curious as to why you think those of us who maintain the B800,000 in a bank account throw it away to stay here for 10 years.  My money earns interest and I certainly do not throw it away, and I've had the account for 11 years.

6 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I am not saying they are right, but the most likely answer IMO would be because they have too many hoops to go through, not

everyone wants to get married, or is over fifty, or very rich that they can afford to throw away 800.000 Baht to stay here for ten years.

You hardly have to be rich to pay 800,000 Baht for a 10 year visa. 80,000 Baht a year equates to around 4 half decent nights out in Bangkok including a mediocre hotel!

1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

I think thhMan has a point when he says we are treated like criminals having to report every 90 days etc



And how do you relate being treated like a criminal to walking into immigration, handing over your passport, signing the printout and leave.  And all done with a smile and 5 minutes of your time. At least that's my  experience and has not altered since I retired here full time 3 years ago.

1 minute ago, Ronuk said:

You hardly have to be rich to pay 800,000 Baht for a 10 year visa. 80,000 Baht a year equates to around 4 half decent nights out in Bangkok including a mediocre hotel!

Are you including the cost of the hookers as well?

4 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:


Maybe if they keep catching the bad guys and throwing them out the visa process will start getting easier for the honest expats here. 

Good point but, Thailand want as many good Westerners as possible here, so they can get as much as they can from us.

If every overstayer was deported tomorrow, and it was somehow impossible for anyone to ever overstay, do you

honestly think the visa process will start getting easier for the expats here?

2 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Are you including the cost of the hookers as well?

Not really. Unless you can find an extremely cheap one :lol:

4 hours ago, LPCustom69 said:



The rules won't be relaxed because they don't want us here! I wouldn't be surprised if they tighten up a few other rules.


Retirees are tolerated. They want everyone else to come for a short trip, spend a lot of money, and go home!

Retirees are tolerated.  No they are not, don't you know we are "guests" here?

3 hours ago, JSixpack said:



Actually no. Anybody can get a long-term visa here with relative ease.



Really? Even the under fifties who cannot afford the Elite Visa don't want to get married?

3 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Criminals and drunks and druggies should

stay in their own countries ; Thailand would

be a much nicer place to live.

I don't often agree with you Mrs Sunshine, but you are right this time.


Been here 7 years.  A great retirement.  Play by the rules,

take the BS with a sense of humor (BS to contend with in

every country), Got my O-A Visa 7 years ago, get my

extension each year.  Have my B65K+ monthly income,

never look at a price tag, what could be better.


Don't know what all you people are  bitching about???

27 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



Just a little curious as to why you think those of us who maintain the B800,000 in a bank account throw it away to stay here for 10 years.  My money earns interest and I certainly do not throw it away, and I've had the account for 11 years.

Maybe I've missed something, but the way I see it is you hand over 800.000Bt to Thailand, stay for ten years, all the time contributing to Thailands economy.

After ten years, they say to you "would you like to stay for another ten years, that will be another 800.000Bt please, if not then bye bye".

31 minutes ago, Ronuk said:

You hardly have to be rich to pay 800,000 Baht for a 10 year visa. 80,000 Baht a year equates to around 4 half decent nights out in Bangkok including a mediocre hotel!

OK, change that to very well off financially.

32 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



And how do you relate being treated like a criminal to walking into immigration, handing over your passport, signing the printout and leave.  And all done with a smile and 5 minutes of your time. At least that's my  experience and has not altered since I retired here full time 3 years ago.

Not everyone lives next door to the Immigration office.

45 minutes ago, hdkane said:

But I'm also guessing that you have a quality wife...I don't know many farang who have married a Thai woman who was truly independent...of course many Thai women are, but most farang-Thai marriages represent a compromise--older farang who is financially better off with a younger Thai who needs security. I've met some couples who seemed perfectly matched and each individual was independent and strong...they are the happiest I think...but they are also in the fortunate minority, just from my informal observation...



      Couldn't you take your observation and use it for another "more civilized " country? 

     I never wanted to get married back home when I saw my brothers, friends and some relatives. Same old, same old....


But then I "ran" into my wife when I wasn't looking for love and we got married  two years later. I don't regret one second of my marriage and I guess i was just at the right place at the right time. 


    Love is a mysterious thing and the language barrier doesn't make it easier for "lonely hearts " to find a Thai partner.


  But all the "love agencies" seem to have a lot of customers and I might create my own soon. Are you looking for a partner? 











41 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Really? Even the under fifties who cannot afford the Elite Visa don't want to get married?


Of course, as anyone can work, invest, and save until they can afford the Elite Visa, which shouldn't take long as they SO want to live in Thailand. Or our cupcakes can just, like, change their minds about the marriage. :) I note that in the UK, a Hod Carrier, a job to which most of our posters might reasonably aspire, makes £23,333 http://www.mysalary.co.uk/average-salary/Hod_Carrier_7120. Plenty of jobs available. Here's a site for finding an additional part-time job: https://www.gumtree.com/part-time-jobs.. And here's a site for finding a flat share: http://uk.easyroommate.com/. And for finding used clothing: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/shop/second-hand-clothes.


No more poor-mouthing please. Sorted! Next.

49 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Maybe I've missed something, but the way I see it is you hand over 800.000Bt to Thailand, stay for ten years, all the time contributing to Thailands economy.

After ten years, they say to you "would you like to stay for another ten years, that will be another 800.000Bt please, if not then bye bye".


Farangs such as yourself have a vastly inflated notion of just how much they contribute. :) Plus so many lack means to pay for their own healthcare. And tell us about all the taxes you pay to Thailand.

46 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Not everyone lives next door to the Immigration office.


But then you could just move next door to the Immigration office. Duh. Seems you want us to change your diaper too?

6 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:


Maybe if they keep catching the bad guys and throwing them out the visa process will start getting easier for the honest expats here. 

Of course it will because Thailand really wants hordes of unqualified TEFLers, pensioners scraping by on ever decreasing pensions,  assorted bloggers 'living the dream' etc. infesting the country....dream on pal! Things are going to get a lot tougher for all 'expats' before they get easier....

34 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


Farangs such as yourself have a vastly inflated notion of just how much they contribute. :) Plus so many lack means to pay for their own healthcare. And tell us about all the taxes you pay to Thailand.


'Farangs' such as you vastly overuse the word, especially when referring to other farangs.....

7 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:


'Farangs' such as you vastly overuse the word, especially when referring to other farangs.....


Which word? :) And how so? Looks like you haven't been here long enough to tell about the overuse of anything. Relevance to this topic?

7 hours ago, KittenKong said:

I see no problem with deporting farangs who are wanted for crimes elsewhere, or who commit crimes here. I dont particularly want them living near me, or running businesses that I might frequent. Of course proper punishment of Thais who commit crimes would be nice also, but that seems less likely.


Nicely put, Kitten.

I might add that in my 30 years of LOS I have come across a disturbing number of businesses run by Westerners who were notorious for having had trouble with the law in their own country, and sometimes this one as well.

One nationality, in particular, seem to specialize in having trouble at home and then waltzing off to Thailand to open up a bar/restaurant/gogo/real estate agency/gest house.

1 hour ago, JSixpack said:


But then you could just move next door to the Immigration office. Duh. Seems you want us to change your diaper too?

Another member of the keyboard warriors brigade. 

1 hour ago, JSixpack said:


Farangs such as yourself have a vastly inflated notion of just how much they contribute. :) Plus so many lack means to pay for their own healthcare. And tell us about all the taxes you pay to Thailand.

My tax situation is none of your business, now run along and give us peace.

8 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

Are those bars still rotating? I have not been there for like 10 years or so.

Now the issue of tracking sim cards (read tracking collars for convicts) will come up again...555555...

yep they are still spinning


@ williamgeorgeallen: be really interesting to hear why these guys overstay.


If you read the article you will know. The Swiss is wanted in Switzerland for fraud and theft. The other one we don't know. By the way, I used to go to the same bar like the Swiss, Paul. He is a friendly guy but always had money problems. So the other Swiss always told him to go back home. He is over 65 years old and is entitled to get the Swiss state pension. But he always had excuses and told us he will go home maybe in 2 or 3 years. Now we know why. Well, soon he will get his pension. But first Thai monkey house and then after 5*  Swiss prison. Maybe he comes back to Thailand in 10 years :)

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