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Tough Situation That Is Becoming A Hassle


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And yes, that was my point. Sometimes not easy to get things across well enough on some internet board. :D

Yeah, but sure fun wading through all the crap to get to the bottom line, huh? And we can thank Galaxy Boy (OP) for bringing us to this profound moment. :o

Edited by toptuan
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They guys playing football have seen me then also with my friends from the rescue, and from then on the situation reversed completely - when some kid gave me a bit of a lip, the older blokes straight away give him a slap. Nowadays we get on very well.

Sounds like you are relying on been seen with some friends from the rescue group, who by the sounds of it you look upon as backup.

Try being in the same position with no mates and a 45 kg build, you will be amazed what a self depriciating sense of humour can do to difuse a tense situation

Only people with big fragile egos care if they look like a wuss.


When in Rome...

Thailand is a peer group and clan oriented culture. People here have to have people as back up, be it relatives from the clan, or your peer group.

Yes, i do look at my friends as backup, and in fact they have been in several situations coming to my aid without asking any question. The same way i have been helping them out when being a farang was useful, which at times it can be here.

Size don't matter - when i was a kid the nastiest and most feared bloke around was a gypsy who was not more than 45 kilos and tiny. He was brutal beyond anything and hospitalised several people much bigger than him.

The problem is not so much if you are a wuzz (i am one :o ), but when other people look at you as one.

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And yes, that was my point. Sometimes not easy to get things across well enough on some internet board. :D

Yeah, but sure fun wading through all the crap to get to the bottom line, huh? And we can thank Galaxy Boy (OP) for bringing us to this profound moment. :o


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4. I offer the toothless Mo-Cy a pair of eye glasses and say "Now maybe you can drive better"(does anyone know how to say this in Thai?)... Then I tell the other Mo-Cy. "Khun Somchai you drive safe. Take me to BTS Khrap!"

Wouldn't it be a wee bit too far to take a Mo-Cy from Phuket to a BTS station?

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Thanks for the responses. Which idea do you like best:

1. I ask the security guard in my apartment building to have a word with these guys and let them know that I am a "good farang". I live in a touristed area, so it is understandable that these guys might think I am a "bad farang".

2. Samething as #1, only I use the apartment Manager who is a 30ish female.

3. I go up to them and make a joke about "Khun hen Casino Royale mi khrap", then I will take off my shirt and say "Me Same Same James Bond". If they see that I workout, they will probably think of me as a "cool farang" and not try and any crap with me. This also plays on the humor card.

4. I offer the toothless Mo-Cy a pair of eye glasses and say "Now maybe you can drive better"(does anyone know how to say this in Thai?)... Then I tell the other Mo-Cy. "Khun Somchai you drive safe. Take me to BTS Khrap!"

# 3 for sure, should really break the ice. And as a bonus,taking your shirt off and showing off your muscles would solve the problem of you being thought of as a homosexual. Please keep us posted.

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I frequently have forebodings about certain motorbike taxis, it's often the way they're pulling at the dregs of the Saeng Som bottle whilst maintaining an angle of 30 degrees to the vertical. Another guy at Thong Lor BTS had a baby (live) strapped to the petrol tank, I felt this was a bad vibe. On every occasion I have declined the offered bike and taken the next one in the queue, no problems.

Maybe the OP's parents can sort this out, if they're still in town.

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Whenever I leave my condo, I always grab a motorcycle taxi. There are about 4 guys who service my condominium. Most of them are relatively easy going and will drive slowly, however there is one who I refer to in my head as "Toothless Mo-Cy". This guy drives a very old motorcycle that feels like its going to fall to pieces, and he drives it as fast as possible. He has almost killed me several times. Ive seen him sleeping on the side of the road a few times in the middle of the night. He is missing all of his front upper teeth. When I ask him to slowdown, he laughs and starts going faster.

Yesterday, he spotted me hiding behind a car waiting for him to leave with someone else so I could get a ride with the other drivers. He picked up a soda can and tossed it at me, and said something I didnt understand except 'falang'. The other Moto-Cy's, many of whom I consinder to be close friends and remarkable individualsl, all looked away.

What is my play here?

You are a guest in Thailand stop making him lose face.

Its only your life but his face. In Thailand his face is more important.

So died and let him keep his face.

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Whenever I leave my condo, I always grab a motorcycle taxi. There are about 4 guys who service my condominium. Most of them are relatively easy going and will drive slowly, however there is one who I refer to in my head as "Toothless Mo-Cy". This guy drives a very old motorcycle that feels like its going to fall to pieces, and he drives it as fast as possible. He has almost killed me several times. Ive seen him sleeping on the side of the road a few times in the middle of the night. He is missing all of his front upper teeth. When I ask him to slowdown, he laughs and starts going faster.

Yesterday, he spotted me hiding behind a car waiting for him to leave with someone else so I could get a ride with the other drivers. He picked up a soda can and tossed it at me, and said something I didnt understand except 'falang'. The other Moto-Cy's, many of whom I consinder to be close friends and remarkable individualsl, all looked away.

What is my play here?

You are a guest in Thailand stop making him lose face.

Its only your life but his face. In Thailand his face is more important.

So died and let him keep his face.

I hope you are joking :o

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The troll OP is good though you got to admit, seemingly innocent, he starts the topic and then leaves the trail cold.

I feel like I've not had my moneys worth you know, unsatisfied.

What happened to the bird? did the playstation joystick ever work again? would his parents dissapprove of a new found friendship with the local motorcycle taxi crew?

I really feel like I need to know these things.

I know it's sad, but can we have some more installments of your seemingly banal life 007?

I'm not surprised if you lot have scared him away....

I mean, honestly lads. You should all be very very ashamed of yourselves foer the manner in which you communicate with this troubled man.

Can he help it if his 'girl' throws playstations across the room, and his mo'cy rider throws cans at him?

You should all really think about your words some more and have some courtesy towards this poor sod.






mhuauhahahah :D :D hahahahahahahahahha

I told my gf to get out of my room and never come back. (We arent living together, only dating). She started crying and said that she would get the controller out of the toliet, etc. She said she hates to lose and its not fair that I always beat her and wouldnt tell her how to make headers.

I said "if you want me stay with me, than we have to make love in the XXXXX position". She said she wouldnt do that, so I said to get out of my room, which she did.

mhuauhahahah :D :D hahahahahahahahahha

You are a guest in Thailand stop making him lose face.

Its only your life but his face. In Thailand his face is more important.

So died and let him keep his face.

I hope you are joking

mhuauhahahah :D :D hahahahahahahahahha STOP!!! I can't take it anymore!!!!

Oh, and I don't think he is joking. either dead or move to another location away from these guys... :D :D

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I told my gf to get out of my room and never come back. (We arent living together, only dating). She started crying and said that she would get the controller out of the toliet, etc. She said she hates to lose and its not fair that I always beat her and wouldnt tell her how to make headers.

I said "if you want me stay with me, than we have to make love in the XXXXX position". She said she wouldnt do that, so I said to get out of my room, which she did.

classic mate, :D

i hope there was'nt a number 2's in the toilet when she chucked the controller in there. :o:D

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If most of his posts arent wind-ups then "What is up" , Lets see so far , The rude girlfriend who hates to loose :D , now the ex girl who wouldnt let you treat her like a slab of meat for your own pleasure, The motorbike drivers that throw cans at you ( was the can empty or ? ) because you dont like the way he drives and you are afraid to to jump on another bike, and from your last post that was already closed by a moderator, You want to work in Thailand as a Male Stripper.. :o

You need to get out more and enjoy yourself... :D

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Aside from the obvious trolling by a few clowns in this thread, there is probably something to learn...

I've had minor problems with motorcy types at different locations before... you could classify them the following ways:

1. Motorcy doesn't want to take me flat out (I'm too big or going somewhere he doesn't want to go or not willing to pay unreasonable fare gouge)

In that case, fair's fair. If he doesn't want to take me, he's free not to. I usually shake my head and suppose internally that he just has too much money to accept mine. I usually make a point on subsequent visits to the same taxi stand to avoid these particular drivers even if they are next in the queue and want my business on a slow day. Two can play this game.

2. Motorcy plays games- acts like he doesn't want to take me, shows great reluctance, in general wastes my time. In this case I usually solve his problem by walking on and letting him wonder why he lost a fare.

3. Motorcy plays physical games- this is more serious as they usually involve a motor vehicle vs. my body (pretending to be rushing at me or zooming a bit ahead as I try to get on the cycle). In that case I will show my displeasure very obviously and start walking on in the direction of my destination- usually by this point the guy has also lost his place in the queue as well as his customer. In one case, when a guy rushed at me with his cycle in full view of the other cyclists (who cheered him on), I ostentatiously passed by the stand (which I had previously patronised every day for months) and walked a block away to another stand for a full month. They got the point and I never had a problem with them again.

Remember when dealing with motorcy drivers that:

1. They are not often particularly well-educated;

2. They are often drunk on the job (this used to bother me more than it does now; I must be adjusting to Thailand);

3. They are often connected to local elements of the police/mafia.

Basically, it's best to use kid gloves and try to let their conscience and empathy for you solve your problems for you, if possible. Otherwise it's best to avoid any problematic types because they definitely have a lot less to lose than you do.


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3. They are often connected to local elements of the police/mafia.

Actually - almost all of them are.

Most do still have to pay certain fees to the "owner" of the stand, and have to buy their jackets, who pays to the local police station a monthly obulus (and i guess that will get worse since Thaksin is gone, who has made a semi successful attempt of cracking down on this). There are often turf wars and killings connected to conflicts over this issue. Police stations all over town have a regular income from these motorcycle taxi stands.

I made the observation that at one stand either all of them are nasty, or all of them are OK. Dunno, if that is just me, or a general rule. Fortunately the ones in my area are mostly OK.

My most uncomfortable encounter i had a few years ago somewhere in Lad Prao. I went with my own motorcycle, trying to get to the Laotian embassy. I couldn't find it and asked some motorcycle taxi guys for help. When i couldn't understand them i got off the bike and let the engine running. While i spoke with them i saw out of the corner of my eye one of them getting on my bike trying to get away. I ran up in front of him, blocking him. He got off, i got back on my bike, and they were laughing and giving me the impression that they would want to fight me if i had a problem with what they tried to do.

I drove off straight away, and down the road to the next police box. When i told the copper what happened, he just laughed at me, and said that those folks were only making a joke. I knew then that it would be useless to follow this up, and was just happy that i still had my bike and my teeth.

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But, and using some of "steven"'s rationale in here too,

I start to see some parallels between 007's girlfriend and this mo'cy driver.

Ok. The bvious one of them completely unwarranted thrwoing things at him... (3 sides to every story there, methinks...)

But here's the other thing, right?

As ijwt mentioned here, there are some who at times refuse. Maybe they've had a good day and are feeling ki kiet, but there may well be a reason which they do not need to share with you; Ie: they have to pick up a wife or mother within a certain timeframe that your trip wouldn't allow for, forexample.

whatever, ok. Point is, you then avoid driving with him in future.

which means your boots are made for walking then.

Just as our little green O.P little childish ultimatum he put his woman.

"I said "if you want me stay with me, than we have to make love in the XXXXX position". She said she wouldnt do that, so I said to get out of my room, which she did."

as IJWT's boots are now made for walking, as is 007's right hand now made for.... :o


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Ive been told by thais not to tell them to go slow as thats when they will have an accident,

you throw off their timing or something like that

His girl friend is always hanging around. She is friends with the girl who runs the office downstairs. they might be related i dunno, but that would make sense. also, she might be his wife, who knows?

anyways, i shagged her rotten.

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3. They are often connected to local elements of the police/mafia.

Actually - almost all of them are.

Most do still have to pay certain fees to the "owner" of the stand, and have to buy their jackets, who pays to the local police station a monthly obulus (and i guess that will get worse since Thaksin is gone, who has made a semi successful attempt of cracking down on this). There are often turf wars and killings connected to conflicts over this issue. Police stations all over town have a regular income from these motorcycle taxi stands.

I made the observation that at one stand either all of them are nasty, or all of them are OK. Dunno, if that is just me, or a general rule. Fortunately the ones in my area are mostly OK.

My most uncomfortable encounter i had a few years ago somewhere in Lad Prao. I went with my own motorcycle, trying to get to the Laotian embassy. I couldn't find it and asked some motorcycle taxi guys for help. When i couldn't understand them i got off the bike and let the engine running. While i spoke with them i saw out of the corner of my eye one of them getting on my bike trying to get away. I ran up in front of him, blocking him. He got off, i got back on my bike, and they were laughing and giving me the impression that they would want to fight me if i had a problem with what they tried to do.

I drove off straight away, and down the road to the next police box. When i told the copper what happened, he just laughed at me, and said that those folks were only making a joke. I knew then that it would be useless to follow this up, and was just happy that i still had my bike and my teeth.

This ties something together I was not sure about. I have seen on numerous occasions policemen walk up to the table where the motorcycle taxi's play cards and seem to have a bank. I have seen money change hands from the bank to the cop on many occassions. I figure they were tied in somehow but now it makes alot more sense.

I think the poster ought to go to the cops with his complaint. :o

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The "toothless mo-cy guy" has been offering his taxi service for many years.

It was many years ago when I was last on the back of his motor cycle. He had a full mouth of pearly white teeth in those days............

............anyway..........he had a nasty habit of driving very slowly. This was most annoying as I wanted to get to the bar as quickly as possible................

............despite all my objection of his slow riding, he continued to take me at a snails pace...so....

.........one day out of total frustration, I punched him right in the mouth....his teeth made a clattering sound as they bounced off the roadway......

........It is a pity that he has never made enough money out of taxi fares to replace his teeth.....but...

......at least he is now driving a bit faster these days..... :o

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The "toothless mo-cy guy" has been offering his taxi service for many years.

The solution might be to use his fellow motocy drivers against him....

One day when they are all sitting around playing checkers with the caps from their beers, go up to your first choice of driver and quitely explain that you want to go on a long trip but do not have any money, but as you like him you will perform oral sex in exchange for the ride. He will (you hope) tell you to flock off.

Next go to the second driver, ask the same question and hopefully get the same answer. Then again with the third driver....

....lasty approach "toothless mo-cy guy", ask him for the price of a trip to somewhere about ten minutes away, agree to whatever price he says and get on the back of the bike. Smile broadly and give the thumbs up to the other motocy drivers as you zoom off.

His status among the group is ruined - the down side is you might need to move home.

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ColPyat - sorry to delate your ego or whatever you have hold of but i think you are full of it.

Firstly you say this guy has nearly ended your life several times?>??

Then you say he throws a can (assuming with some contents) at you.

These two acts eliminates any loss of face on behalf of the MC driver.

Now dressed in your ( superman outfit) you front the footy gang and face them down so you are now accepted and come under the protective arm of the big cool guy..>???

Where is Mr Cool guy in relation to the MC rider or are they one and the same>?????

Mate wake up and then grow up and get a life - If you have been here for 3 years and suffer these type of situations (and by suffer I mean put up or accept them) it's time to move on or at least cease airing your fantasies here - try the jokes section please. :o

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