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Sex laws row between Turkey and Sweden leads to rape billboard


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On 20 สิงหาคม 2559 at 2:53 PM, Galactus said:


it is not true. there is no such thing as necessity of a male witness in turkish laws and before marriage sex is common too especially in cities. i think you mixed it with saudi arabia and with other arab countries?

and as in europe, just a police report of a rape case by female victim is enough to let culprits arrested asap.

please read a bit first.


Perhaps at present, but given the direction Erdogan appears to heading, that may change.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps at present, but given the direction Erdogan appears to heading, that may change.


dont exaggerate the power of bigot wanna be director erdogan. he is not a putin yet.

no way he can cancel that law. 

lots of people following this.

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You have to admire their chutzpah considering its predominantly Muslim immigrants have changed Sweden to the extent that many blonde women have dyed their hair brown to avoid unwanted attention.  This of course comes against a backdrop of Turkey blackmailing the EU to grant Turkey visa free access or else they will stop the current agreement stemming the flow of migrants (rapeugees according to Pergida) into Europe.

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5 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

You have to admire their chutzpah considering its predominantly Muslim immigrants have changed Sweden to the extent that many blonde women have dyed their hair brown to avoid unwanted attention.  This of course comes against a backdrop of Turkey blackmailing the EU to grant Turkey visa free access or else they will stop the current agreement stemming the flow of migrants (rapeugees according to Pergida) into Europe.

Blackmail? Really?  The current agreement included granting Turkish citizens visa free access.

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4 hours ago, Galactus said:


you are either misleaded or trying to mislead others.

law is not changed. old law continues. Constitution Court just asked law makers to revise it and law stays the same until the revision is done. if revision is not done within 6 months, old law again continues.

and reason for Constitution court to do that is, current law gives offenders same sentence for abusing a minor at age 15 and age 12. Constitution court want the law revised as the want higher punishment for the offenders of minors at age 12 then offenders of minors at age 15.


and if you say, old man lines up for minors etc, you will be at the same group of that Swedish minister, stating facts you have zero idea.

and if you say all believers of islam do not allow their woman to show their faces, again, you are stating facts with prejudice and stating facts you have zero idea again.

"all believers of Islam"   You are putting words into my post that I did not say.   I seldom, if ever use the word "all" as it is too broad a brush to paint a subject.  What the heck difference does it make if a girl is 12 or 15?  Bedding these young women is just wrong on every level.

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On 8/20/2016 at 10:07 PM, Rod Gold said:

One can only imagine the number of wealthy old men, lining up to take advantage of the new law and filling their beds with naïve underage young teens. 


This is all OK in Islam, but whatever you do, do not allow the women to show their faces.   Hypocrisy on the highest order.

Sounds like a massive generalization to me.


An important issue in the Muslim world is how women should dress in public. A recent survey from the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research conducted in seven Muslim-majority countries (Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey), finds that most people prefer that a woman completely cover her hair, but not necessarily her face. Only in Turkey and Lebanon do more than one-in-four think it is appropriate for a woman to not cover her head at all in public.


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On August 21, 2016 at 8:01 AM, 4737 Carlin said:

Nothing to do with immigration? Do you work for George Soros?


I suggested having data citation to support your point. Think that as neutral as one can get.

Why misquote or extrapolate a statement which was not made. You may be supported in your statement if the data supports it.

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Seems like my post about a turkish movie called mustang has been removed, however this oscar nominated film by a turkish director is very relevant to the subject, it deals with the plight of teenage girls in current day turkey how they are forced into sex by family pier pressure, and how its totally acceptable and even expected. IMO note imo anyone suggesting anything less than tightening and more punishment of these abhorant acts is either, note again imo,
complicant in some way or just a plain !!!!

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I was in Malmö last summer. Nothing but rapefugees, hate beards and ninjas disguised as garbage bags.


What future do Jews, Buddhists, atheists, homosexuals and women have in such a hopeless country?


Sweden is lost. Time to dismantle or just blow up that bridge connecting Copenhagen with Malmö and the rest of the soon-to-be Islamic Caliphate of Sweden.

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1 hour ago, rijit said:

Seems like my post about a turkish movie called mustang has been removed, however this oscar nominated film by a turkish director is very relevant to the subject, it deals with the plight of teenage girls in current day turkey how they are forced into sex by family pier pressure, and how its totally acceptable and even expected. IMO note imo anyone suggesting anything less than tightening and more punishment of these abhorant acts is either, note again imo,
complicant in some way or just a plain !!!!


that is a french movie shot in turkey by a turkish - french director and although it shows some hints of female empowerment still it is a bit biased and not based on real facts.

first of all, there is mandatory education there and if you dont send you kid(s) to the school, like in EU or US, some social work officials come you your house sometime with police and ask you questions.

if you refuse to send your kids to the school, there is a fine and jail sentence for this. Social workers can get the kid(s) from the family if the still refuse to send the kids to the school.

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that is a french movie shot in turkey by a turkish - french director and although it shows some hints of female empowerment still it is a bit biased and not based on real facts.

first of all, there is mandatory education there and if you dont send you kid(s) to the school, like in EU or US, some social work officials come you your house sometime with police and ask you questions.

if you refuse to send your kids to the school, there is a fine and jail sentence for this. Social workers can get the kid(s) from the family if the still refuse to send the kids to the school.

No your right its not based on a true story, but neither was 'kathy
come home'. But it helped 'the world' understand there was a problem.
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