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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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9 hours ago, Linzz said:


"On the point, my posts have reiterated (ad nauseum)...." At last I agree with you. Your repetitions are quite sickening.

Why use 3 words when you can use 23.


Some like to WALLPAPER a thread to dominate it will verbiage.  This way a WIN can be declared by drowning out the opposition with VOLUME - not substance ... 

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11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's one thing to forgive someone who, like Senator Byrd actually and explicitly apologized for his past actions and done things to show his repentance is sincere. It's quite another to forgive someone who has apologized for nothing he has done.


Trump was never a KKK leader who fillibustered the Civil Right Act and called blacks "race mongrels". He does not have much to apologize for in comparison. It is bewildering how so-called liberals could make excuses for the man.



Edited by Ulysses G.
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Obviously they have nothing to lose. Look where 50 years of strong loyalty has gotten blacks overall: high unemployment, high government dependence, lower wages, trapped in failing schools, etc.


Oh and Hillary Clinton wants to exclude conversing with black people anyway.. She said to this black man, "I will talk only to white people".



Note her body language with this respectful man. She's condescending and patronizing.


So what problem is there in the United States that warrants excluding black people from the discussion?


Oh and can you imagine the outrage we'd be hearing from leftists if Donald Trump had said something like this?



Edited by MajarTheLion
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11 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Forgets Cameras Exist, Says Black People Are Uneducated, Poor & Jobless




He did not say anything of the kind. These two left wing clowns did. This is nothing but dishonest, partisan spin. Why bother posting such obvious drivel?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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24 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Obviously the blacks have quite alot to lose under GOP leadership and they know it.


The free handouts flow much better under the Dems who trade tax-dollar funded welfare programs for votes.




It's all about voting blocks and vote buying. Hell sounds like Thailand before the coup

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53 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Obviously the blacks have quite alot to lose under GOP leadership and they know it. The free handouts flow much better under the Dems who trade tax-dollar funded welfare programs for votes.


If you wanna talk about handouts, let's look at those who receive the most, via the US Feds:

>>>  military

>>>  other wasteful government agencies

>>>  Wall Street

>>>  wheeler dealers like Trump

>>>  banks and other corps which are 'too big to fail.'

>>>  big corporations, particularly those which are given billions in grants to do essentially nothing.  One of hundreds of examples:  the Big 3 automakers have been given billions from the Feds to develop a more efficient type of vehicle battery.   25 years and 30 billion $$'s later:  no new battery.

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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

Obviously the blacks have quite alot to lose under GOP leadership and they know it.


The free handouts flow much better under the Dems who trade tax-dollar funded welfare programs for votes.




Playing on resentment of such benefits is an old political tactic, sometimes using a barely veiled racial code, as when Ronald Reagan inveighed against a “welfare queen”during his 1976 presidential campaign.


But “free stuff” from the government is far more extensive than the benefits disdained by those politicians, and is eagerly accepted by people of every race and income level. As Howard Gleckman, a tax expert who writes for the Tax Policy Center, a joint venture of the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, pointed out recently, virtually every American gets some kind of government subsidy, from people who have mortgages or employer-sponsored health care (big tax deductions) to those who work for or invest in big companies (big corporate tax subsidies). Recipients of Social Security and Medicare get back far more in benefits than they paid in taxes.




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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


If you wanna talk about handouts, let's look at those who receive the most, via the US Feds:

>>>  military

>>>  other wasteful government agencies

>>>  Wall Street

>>>  wheeler dealers like Trump

>>>  banks and other corps which are 'too big to fail.'

>>>  big corporations, particularly those which are given billions in grants to do essentially nothing.  One of hundreds of examples:  the Big 3 automakers have been given billions from the Feds to develop a more efficient type of vehicle battery.   25 years and 30 billion $$'s later:  no new battery.


And none of your post makes my statement any less true.


Its interesting that you are bothered by hand-outs in all cases except those the one I mention.


You certainly are not color blind.



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53 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


And none of your post makes my statement any less true.


Its interesting that you are bothered by hand-outs in all cases except those the one I mention.


You certainly are not color blind.



Perhaps, oddly enough, in his mind, it's bad giving out government money to those who are already rich rather than to those who are poor.

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56 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

But...but...but...thats FOX News.


It must be a fake interview.


That must be an actor in blackface.

No, fox news just digs up outliers when their views coincide with conservatives. It's like anthropogenic global warming. If you were to watch Fox, you'd believe that the majority of climate scientists don't believe in it.

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

If you were to watch Fox, you'd believe that the majority of climate scientists don't believe in it.


Funny, I have never heard them suggest any such thing. The Fox haters all profess to big experts on something that they have never watched for more than 10 minutes.

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, fox news just digs up outliers when their views coincide with conservatives. It's like anthropogenic global warming. If you were to watch Fox, you'd believe that the majority of climate scientists don't believe in it.


I wondered how you would choose to discredit this interview.


Blame it on Fox.


So no comment about what he said in the interview? No counterpoint?

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Funny, I have never heard them suggest any such thing. The Fox haters all profess to big experts on something that they have never watched for more than 10 minutes.

I didn't mean that fox has said that a majority of climate scientists don't support anthropogenic global warming. Rather, that their ratio of interviews is tilted in favor of deniers.

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3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I wondered how you would choose to discredit this interview.


Blame it on Fox.


So no comment about what he said in the interview? No counterpoint?

I don't know why it is that right wingers seem to think we all have the time to sit down and watch an interview. If there's a transcript or  a written case made by the interviewee I'll look at it.  

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Funny, I have never heard them suggest any such thing. The Fox haters all profess to big experts on something that they have never watched for more than 10 minutes.


Funny, there has been scientific studies that show Fox suggests such consistently and has impacted people's trust of science. 


The results suggest that conservative media consumption (specifically Fox News and Rush Limbaugh) decreases viewer trust in scientists, which in turn decreases belief that global warming is happening. 



Full study is here




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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't know why it is that right wingers seem to think we all have the time to sit down and watch an interview. If there's a transcript or  a written case made by the interviewee I'll look at it.  


I only thought that a liberal would be interested in hearing the viewpoint of a black man who speaks poorly of hrc.


If you don't have time then I understand. No problem.



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18 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Funny, I have never heard them suggest any such thing. The Fox haters all profess to big experts on something that they have never watched for more than 10 minutes.

Wrong. I watch Fox an awful lot. And I do mean AWFUL. It's right wing propaganda and everyone knows it. Know the enemy. 

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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I only thought that a liberal would be interested in hearing the viewpoint of a black man who speaks poorly of hrc.


If you don't have time then I understand. No problem.




Don't get too big of a hard on for Quanell. 


"Saying that Quanell X is voting for Donald Trump could not be further from the truth as Satan is from God. There's no way I'd vote for Donald Trump when, at his heart, he cares nothing for black people," Quanell said. "He [Trump] has affiliations with white supremacy groups. How the hell could I support that man?"



What he is saying is to stay home and not vote



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7 minutes ago, thaihome said:


Funny, there has been scientific studies that show Fox suggests such consistently and has impacted people's trust of science.


You article quotes MEDIA MATTERS. :lol: Who would listen to anything these partisan crackpots have to say?

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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I didn't mean that fox has said that a majority of climate scientists don't support anthropogenic global warming. Rather, that their ratio of interviews is tilted in favor of deniers.


That is their perogitive. Obviously, they question the way this issue is reported by the MSM.

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