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France: Jewish man stabbed by 'mentally unstable' attacker in Strasbourg


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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


The nutters are obviously being influenced by Jihad and radical Islam often takes credit for their crimes. Why split hairs about who is responsible?

I tend to agree with you on this one but given the perp's history of mental illness I don't see the point of rushing to judgment either way.

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A similar attack in a French holiday compound on the Alps has not been reported.


A woman  not wearing a hijab and her 3 kids were stabbed by a Moroccan stabber.


I doubt if the attacker would have been reported as a member of IS/AQ or its franchise...

Edited by Thorgal
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4 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

A similar attack in a French holiday compound on the Alps has not been reported.


A woman wearing a hijab and her 3 kids were stabbed by a Moroccan stabber.


I doubt if the attacker would have been reported as a member of IS/AQ or its franchise...


If you are referring to this, it has been reported.



AMoroccan-born man who stabbed a French mother and her three young daughters at an Alpine holiday village said he had been offended after the father "scratched his inner thigh" in the presence of his wife, according to the prosecutor.

He also reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) three times when questioned after Tuesday's attack.




Nothing to see here. Just another mentally unstable person.


If you are referring to a separate incident, might be a good idea to provide a link.

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7 hours ago, SgtRock said:

Anyone ever see a news report labeling all those that traveled from EU Countries to join up with the nutjobs AKA Deash as mentally unstable ?


PC garbage on steroids.


Actually there was a thread just last week on the ISIS foriegn  recruits that discussed that very subject along with other personality issues they typically have.



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1 hour ago, The manic said:

It's not really under wraps as we arediscussing it.  But it is happening.


This particular discussion is whether there is a deliberate, coordinated policy of governments and police forces across many European countries to downplay alleged acts of terror, and to classify them as non-terrorism related. My point is that there is literally no conclusive evidence of this being the case. Furthermore, it would require that every arresting officer in the EU was complicit in such a policy, which would be a ludicrous suggestion. In this age of whistleblowing and a media desperate to tarnish all migrants with the same sh*t stick, if there was the merest hint of evidence to suggest that this was true, it would be all over the red tops in a heartbeat.

Edited by RuamRudy
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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Shouting Islamic slogans and stabbing Jews. Another innocent coincidence. :whistling:


Please Ulysses read the article. It was another attack down to mental illness and instability.


The fact he shouted Islamic slogans, attacked a regular target for Islamic hate, using a method often adopted by Islamic assassins is all just coincidence and does not indicate any connection to Islam, Islamic groups, or radical Islamic nut cases.


Get with the PC program. It was the victims fault for wearing a skull cap.

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France does need to make it's mind up on secularism though. If articles of clothing that identify a specific religious group are banned then why would skull caps be allowed? 


I don't care if the ban or allow, but they should be consistent.

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If there is a Europe wide conspiracy to dub all such attacks as due purely to mental illness and nothing to do with Islamic terrorism, the UK courts don't seem to be in on it.


Leytonstone Tube attacker Muhiddin Mire jailed for life


Sentencing him at the Old Bailey, Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC said while he accepted Mire was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the offence, he also believed he had been motivated by events in Syria.


He continued: "In other words, because Muslims were being bombed in Syria, he was going to attack civilians here.

"That was designed to intimidate a section of the public, and it was to advance an extreme cause."


Judge Hilliard said Mire's "brazen" actions were "an attempt to kill an innocent member of the public for ideological reasons by cutting his throat in plain sight for maximum impact."



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2 hours ago, xineohp said:

"A Jewish man...".


One fails to see the relevance of this person's religion.


There has been a spike of attacks on Jews in France. Many reports in recent years of Jews saying they no longer feel safe living in France, with a spike in migration mostly to Israel and Quebec, Canada.

Reports of the antisemitism there being the worse that  it's been since WW2.

He was identifiable as Jewish, wearing a kippah (definite giveaway), and the attacker shouted the chant that Islamist terrorists usually chant during attacks. The attacker had previously attacked another .. let me check, wait for it, Jewish man. 

You were joking, right, or just not aware of current events?

Now if it just been a random attack with no strong clues of antisemitic motivation, especially if the victim was not identifiable as a Jew, then I would of course agree, there is no reason to mention his affiliation with the Jewish ethnoreligious identity.

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

France does need to make it's mind up on secularism though. If articles of clothing that identify a specific religious group are banned then why would skull caps be allowed? 


I don't care if the ban or allow, but they should be consistent.

That's absurd. So you think they should ban wearing cross jewelry? It's up to them but the only such ban that I see as reasonable is about covering the face.

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1 minute ago, Dustdevil said:

He may well be a psychotic. Some psychotics like the Nice mass murderer can't handle their lives anymore and simply decide to take as many infidels with them as possible to get extra rewards from Allah.

Can easily be both nutty and motivated by Islamic extremism. 

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

If there is a Europe wide conspiracy to dub all such attacks as due purely to mental illness and nothing to do with Islamic terrorism, the UK courts don't seem to be in on it.


Leytonstone Tube attacker Muhiddin Mire jailed for life



There was a conspiracy of looking the other way in one or two British towns including Rotherham where the police let the Pakistani rapefugees run amok. We wouldn't want to be PC now, would we.

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54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


There has been a spike of attacks on Jews in France. Many reports in recent years of Jews saying they no longer feel safe living in France, with a spike in migration mostly to Israel and Quebec, Canada.

Reports of the antisemitism there being the worse that  it's been since WW2..........


Attacks in France on Muslims, Jews and churches soar


(Interior Minister Bernard) Cazeneuve told the Catholic daily La Croix in an interview for Wednesday publication that islamophobic threats or assaults "tripled to some 400 for the year 2015.".........


Across the year as a whole "we note a drop of five percent in anti-Semitic attacks, which nonetheless remained at a high level with 806 recorded," Cazeneuve said.........


Cazeneuve added that attacks on Christian places of worship and cemeteries rose 20 percent to 810.

Figures for 2016 are not yet, of course, available.


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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

If there is a Europe wide conspiracy to dub all such attacks as due purely to mental illness and nothing to do with Islamic terrorism, the UK courts don't seem to be in on it.


Thank goodness there are some sensible judges out there. There are still people that reject PC madness.

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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

That's absurd. So you think they should ban wearing cross jewelry? It's up to them but the only such ban that I see as reasonable is about covering the face.


France is absurd at times, but so are most countries.


So is your Jewish defensiveness at times. Don't start playing the anti-semitism card either.


Now read the post again. I couldn't give a fig what France does - but the inconsistency is absurd.


Banning something that covers the face is one thing. It is simply not appropriate in Europe where identification and security require the face to be seen.


Banning these somewhat peculiar costumes is another. Are they proposing banning the Hijab, head scarfs and the Pakistani style dress or turbans some Muslims like to wear too?


If so then Sikhs wearing turbans and other religious symbols, Jews in big black hats and coats, or wearing skull caps, and Catholics festooned in crosses and beads should also be banned. They are religious symbols that are in a secular country.


The problem with absurdity is it's like the law - it can't be applied to selectively to suit yourself.


So France, make your mind up. Either be like the US where you can where what you want or NK where you only where what's permitted. If you wan to be in the middle, make the rules very clear once and for all.

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Like I said I think only banning face coverings is reasonable. No way will they ever ban wearing Christian identity clues so consistency is never going to happen. But it's up to them even if they choose to be unreasonable.


My post had nothing to do with anti-semitism. I referred to crosses. 

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On 8/21/2016 at 10:54 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Not necessarily. Please provide some evidence that yarmulke is specifically against French law. 


The real issue is that for decades, centuries no one has really minded what people of a particular religion or ethnicity have worn. Tolerance rules.

Now, and whether the PC brigade like it or not,  the Islamic faith has spurned large numbers of followers intent on murder, destruction and domination of countries other than their own and who show complete intolerance to any others.


In these circumstances new laws are required to deal with specifics. Trying to apply existing laws selectively only causes more aggravation.

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believing jihad can count as mental illness or being a psychotic person for me but if all jihadist can get away from such attacks claiming they are mentally sick is nonsense imo!

just let this guy stay in asylum for the rest of his life.

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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


In these circumstances new laws are required to deal with specifics. Trying to apply existing laws selectively only causes more aggravation.


Perhaps, but I take it that there is no law against a yarmulke NOW. Happy Joe made it sound like there is.

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On August 21, 2559 BE at 9:15 PM, 7by7 said:


Attacks in France on Muslims, Jews and churches soar

Figures for 2016 are not yet, of course, available.


The o.p concerns an easily identifiable Jewish man attacked by a Muslim, who is coincidentally mentally ill, as per a recent Europe wide trend of mentally ill attacks by Muslims.


How absolutely typical of you to dredge up an article supposedly showing a decrease in antisemitism and an increase in Islamophobia. You stop at nothing when it comes to attempts to give a misleading impression of what's going on to a degree bordering on pathological.

The reality is that French Jews are leaving for Israel in record numbers, the degree of Muslim Antisemitism in France has reached the point where all Jewish schools and establishments are guarded, often by armed police. Meanwhile, despite the supposed Islamophobia in France Muslims are settling in France not leaving it.

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25 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:


The reality is that French Jews are leaving for Israel in record numbers, the degree of Muslim Antisemitism in France has reached the point where all Jewish schools and establishments are guarded, often by armed police. Meanwhile, despite the supposed Islamophobia in France Muslims are settling in France not leaving it.


A French friend told me recently that the a French with Jewish or Muslim faiths were welcome in this country.


However a Muslim or a Jew, French by opportunism but activist for his belief is strongly encouraged to join his fellow believers in his native country.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Perhaps, but I take it that there is no law against a yarmulke NOW. Happy Joe made it sound like there is.


The problem with some is that we can leave no room for understanding and that we have to write black on white what is obvious to most.


My point underlined the fact that the French court allows Burkini banishment at ground that it is a sign of religious affiliation in this emergency period.

In this spirit, it should also allow the prohibition of the kippa or cross for the same reasons.


That said I have already noticed this misunderstanding with you on another topic. I suggest you put me in your ignore list to avoid us those laborious discussions.

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