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Caged Gibbon at the Temple

Franky Bear

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We lived near a lot of Long tail Macaques in a Temple area(ish). Great wee guys to feed and watch. Sadly near where the Monks are there is caged Gibbon. I got in touch with the Wildlife Friends Foundation of Thailand. This is the last Email i had with him

She is a female pileated gibbon and quite rare. We have a few males, but no females so we can match her up and have her share a very big enclosure with still a chance for release in a few years.

I will do what I can.

With best regards.

What i am a tad worried about is the Monks reaction if they find out it was me that told him. I have asked the guy from the rescue centre to be careful and not let on i told him as i am the only Farang hear. There are plenty of people come and feed her and the other monkeys. What i am getting at is have i done the right thing. We do move to Hong Kong soon but will keep the house here. 

Here's pictures of the girl in her cage, she's a stunning animal, is not aggressive and seems to like me petting her as she will swing to the side of the cage i am at and place her back to me.


Gibbon 1.JPG

Gibbon 2.JPG

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If you have NEVER been scared of ANYTHING or ANYONE in your entire life you must be the only human on the earth that has felt like that!


You did say you were worried about the monks reaction.  What are you worried about exactly?


You did the right thing for sure... there is never any excuse for keeping a healthy wild animals in a cage like that.


Those monks should know better... as a key teaching of that religion is freedom for animals.... crazy really as I know lots of temples with crappy cruel 'zoos' with sick and dying animals kept in disgusting conditions.




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20 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

If you have NEVER been scared of ANYTHING or ANYONE in your entire life you must be the only human on the earth that has felt like that!


You did say you were worried about the monks reaction.  What are you worried about exactly?


You did the right thing for sure... there is never any excuse for keeping a healthy wild animals in a cage like that.


Those monks should know better... as a key teaching of that religion is freedom for animals.... crazy really as I know lots of temples with crappy cruel 'zoos' with sick and dying animals kept in disgusting conditions.




yeah i have done the right thing. I fed her twice today. She makes that amazing noise they make when she see's me coming now. 

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