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Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say


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Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say



Image: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- Crime suppression police  commenting on the use of medicinal ganja have likened arresting users to prosecuting women for wanting to feed their babies at any cost.


The comments could begin to mark a big change in the way the police and drugs suppression agencies view ganja use for the treatment of mental conditions and relieving stress in cancer patients, reported Daily News.


And it could begin the process to see the relaxation of laws relating to cannabis use - possibly later leading to changes in the law relating to recreational use as has been seen in many countries throughout the world.


Four agencies are in broad agreement that ganja should soon be taken off the illegal drugs list for medicinal purposes and the findings of a committee set up on the subject are expected to pass further up the legislative chain for approval. 


The CSD, drugs suppression police, the National Agricultural council and the council of state have been discussing the matter.


Crime Suppression Division police or CSD have clearly stated that ganja use does not promote criminal behavior. 


And they stated that prosecuting people for medicinal use is akin to jailing a mother who is forced to steal to feed milk to her baby. It is a case of morality versus the law, they said.


Somneuk Sirihanthong who heads up a group promoting use of oil derived from cannabis for use in treating cancer patients said there is much evidence to support a change in the law. 


He also cited evidence from a Thai group called "Ganja users group" that the drug was excellent in treating children suffering from fits, children with muscle weakness difficulties as well as relieving stress and unpleasant symptoms associated with cancer treatment.


The views of the four state agencies are likely to be taken into serious consideration as moves to decriminalize ganja gain momentum in Thailand.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-08-24
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Fantastic news! Sounds like progress may be made in the future.


I have glaucoma.  


Oh, what's that... Oh... It's only for Thais using it for medical use. Foreigners will still get fleeced for huge sums of cash or go to jail. 

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Yes, it's a miracle drug. 


Unfortunaelty, still even in the West, we have too many dumb dumbs and people with a vested interest to keep it illegal. 


Its weed, people. How can you question its  integrity at all when we have cigarettes and alcohol! Cigarettes kill! That's a fact.

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I come from a country where you smell marihuana on ever streetcorner litterally. It makes some people very lazy but others enjoy it without any problems.


For medicinal use it's a different story i guess but to see the youth all being stoned all day is not that good. They are wasting their future/career.


It helps against stress and escaping from the reality but there's no stress in Thailand since everything goes so slow and unregulated here. Sunshine also makes people happy. 

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Where do they find these people. Haven't they got better things to do? 


Ask a local for directions. You'll receive a grunt comparable to a beast defecating. Make an appointment and expect confusion and excuses. Solicite a service and more often than not be decieved.


Teach every child to swim, how to ride a bycycle, how to do basic arithmetric.


Employ more police and give them the resources they need. Get the idiots off the road.


How hard can it be?

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33 minutes ago, Snackbar said:

Where do they find these people. Haven't they got better things to do? 


Ask a local for directions. You'll receive a grunt comparable to a beast defecating. Make an appointment and expect confusion and excuses. Solicite a service and more often than not be decieved.


Teach every child to swim, how to ride a bycycle, how to do basic arithmetric.


Employ more police and give them the resources they need. Get the idiots off the road.


How hard can it be?

Impossible when you don't have the will to do it. No monetary benefit no Interest

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need an "official" Medical use card ?


next time you are in LA , pick up the LA Weekly paper and there are pages of Doctors ( yes real Doctors) advertising  that they will sign you up for a $$$ consultation , 


the Medical part has become a joke, , maybe I need to sign up for Medical Chang Beer :)

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The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything

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@Dr. Robert: And what makes your opinion worth anything more? 


There is little reason that marijuana should be banned even for recreational use imo, so long as alcohol remains legal. And it certainly shouldn't be banned for medical use. I think the problem is that governments have spent so long demonizing this substance in the war on drugs. People who have never used it have certain preconceived notions about its use. Over the years it's proven to have a good amount of medicinal value, and you'd be hard pressed to show that it is worse for you or worse for society than consuming alcohol recreationally. Worst case scenario potheads are going to lay around watching television and getting lazy, it's not typically a substance that will make you turn violent or ruin the lives of others.

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34 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

Impossible when you don't have the will to do it. No monetary benefit no Interest


Gandalf, you are living in a fairyland if you think the government couldn't make money from ganga. There could be a huge monetary benefit for Thailand growing it for medicinal use, and exporting it to the many countries where it has been legalized. Imagine the boost to tourism if it was legalized for recreational use and the government had it's own coffee/ganga shops like in Holland. Imagine possibly the huge drop in yaba use and crime, and violence if it could be used legally. Possibilities are endless. 

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

I come from a country where you smell marihuana on ever streetcorner litterally. It makes some people very lazy but others enjoy it without any problems.


For medicinal use it's a different story i guess but to see the youth all being stoned all day is not that good. They are wasting their future/career.


It helps against stress and escaping from the reality but there's no stress in Thailand since everything goes so slow and unregulated here. Sunshine also makes people happy. 

Often it will not be the weed that fails them, but they are failures by nature. People such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jay Z, Carl Sagan, Michael Phelps, Hunter S Thompson and many US presidents to name a few smoke or smoked regularly.

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Where did these very tough laws against drugs in SEAsia come from anyways? 

I mean you are put in front of the firing squad for drugs smuggling and a slap on the hand for murder?

Edited by AlQaholic
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2 hours ago, Thian said:

I come from a country where you smell marihuana on ever streetcorner litterally. It makes some people very lazy but others enjoy it without any problems.


For medicinal use it's a different story i guess but to see the youth all being stoned all day is not that good. They are wasting their future/career.


It helps against stress and escaping from the reality but there's no stress in Thailand since everything goes so slow and unregulated here. Sunshine also makes people happy. 


I come from a country where the majority of substance abuse is alcohol .... many violent crimes result ... I would prefer that those affected by alcohol were stoned on ganja instead

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Common.  Suddenly, people change there minds and everyone is agreeing to it??


Whats wrong with this picture. Even US and Europe do not agree this fast on Weed.


Guys...Its because of Combodia...More and More tourist are now going to Cambodia and giving a thumbs down to Thailand policies. Combodia is a haven for weed smokers aka tourists who just wanna relax and have good time.


Cambodia is a drug haven and Thailand wants some of that action :D


Thank You Cambodia NOT that guy on the picture.

Edited by starchild5
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54 minutes ago, Dr Robert said:

The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything


and your stance exposes the narrow uninformed view of people that have not tried the devil weed  (including many in the medical profession)... I use it through a vaporizer for chronic back pain from a broken back suffered 28 years ago ... since using the 'weed' I have thrown away my codeine/paracetomol and anti inflammatories ... and the difference to my health & well being is noticed and commented on by many who have seen me under both treatments ...

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Legalize it and you'll vastly increase the number of really mellow tourists...


Control the quality, tax the crap out of it, release all the inmates in jail just for lighting up and set the BIB onto more important crimes- and you may even turn the entire economy around.

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I suffer from  diabetic peripheral neuropathy. It started abiout 4 years ago, long after I moved here. Painkillers subscribed here (anywhere?) on a long term basis are not strong enough. Doctors refuse to subscribe morphine based painkillers because of the risk of addiction.


There is no treatment to reverse the nerve damage. I have to live with it.


The pain often makes it extremely difficult to walk. I struggle to drive any sort of distance and will soon have to give up the car and turn to a disability scooter.


The leading diabetic medical experts in the world recognise that cannabis is an effective proven method of pain control for many sufferers of this condition.


Smoking cannabis means I can sleep at night. I can continue to work. I can still walk to the nearest shops. I can still be a productive member of society.


Before I started smoking "the weed" the pain was becoming unbearable at times, leading to a lack of sleep combined with episodes of depression that were becoming more frequent and severe.


There is not a shred of doubt in my mind about this issue. It is to my misfortune that I chose to live in a part of the world that has not yet legally recognised the genuine benefits provided by this demonised yet hugely beneficial drug. Fingers very tightly crossed!



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now appointments with Khun Somchai will be 4 hours late instead of the usual 1-2 hours.

I think it should be allowed for medical use, but if they don't regulate it more and more kids will be hooked - its already bad enough in the current state with rampant use among high schoolers where schools don't carry out drug tests

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Often I sat at my desk trying to find a way out of a difficult situation .

Smoking some ganja helped me find a solution almost instantly .

The problem the governments have with legalizing it , is that people who use it tend to question the the ( political ) system we are living in .

Life is short , is there nothing more than work , paying taxes , founding a family , taking care for the kids , growing old , becoming senile , and finally passing away ...?

The answer easy to find , but you must find it yourself .

Ganja is not making people dumb , at least when it is taken with moderation , it is helping them to gain intelligence ...

But , it some cases it might be counterproductive in a physical way .

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1 minute ago, little mary sunshine said:

Pot heads and druggies, all go to

Cambodia.  You won't be missed

and Thailand will be much nicer

and safer....BYE!!!!!!

Simple mind ...

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1 hour ago, Dr Robert said:

The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything

you seem of the opinion that only a competent medical practitioner can be "Informed". these days anyone that can read has  access to the same information as any doctor, and the effect of a drug remain the same regardless of weather you buy them off a dodgy street dealer or get prescribed by doctor. were all grown ups in here

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