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Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say


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5 hours ago, zyphodb said:


As someone who lives & teaches here with kids of my own I very rarely see or hear about kids smoking weed, I do however hear about lots taking Yabba & Ice as well as dodgy drug & cough mixture cocktails which are all far worse for you than smoking some weed...

 However unfortunately I can never see weed being legalised here as it will put too bigger dent in the profits of the rich & connected who control the yabba supply, If legalised they won't be able to control the profits made from something that anyone can grow on their window sill or in their backyard, It was smoked here for thousands of years until American influence in the eighties got it banned & it was replaced by the far more lucrative Yabba, which I believe is the main reason for a race of peaceful Buddhists turning to the violence that we see & hear about every day now...




Yabba and Ice is what Thai students use, I agree its far worse. Kids who go to international schools normally smoke weed right when school is off. Most large international schools have implemented a random drug test policy, so most kids actually  don't do any drugs anymore. Back then it use to be a pee test which can be easily faked, nowadays they use hair where traces can stay for a couple of months. This is just for high schools only. When you hit college, there are many many more users naturally.


Back when I was in high school, drugs can easily be bought from motorcycle taxi dudes along sukhumit roads, not sure how the market is nowadays. I'm guessing its harder to buy from the streets due to all the chat options available which makes it safer to do the trade. Probably everything is done through Line and Whatsapp.

Edited by mike324
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2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Amazing....pot heads will quote any statistic

to justify their getting high.  This unfortunate

segment of society is just so sad.


As  opposed to the wet brained lounge lizards that don't have to bother, because their drug of choice -though significantly more harmful- hasn't been outlawed?  


Or rather, it was outlawed until they figured out what a bad idea that was?  Monumentally bad.  But not as bad as outlawing a weed that grows wild all around the world.


BTW, I don't smoke, and I took the oath on alcohol in the '80s  But I still think trying to outlaw either one just puts money in the hands of the bad guys, and puts otherwise good people in jails- destroying many more families than prohibition has helped.

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1 hour ago, innocenthai said:



I doubt that they check more on the way to hua hin than pattaya, and they don't check at all on the way to pattaya...




This response seems very strange to me.  The guy is telling you it is there. Why would you disbelieve him?  It is there. It is just south of Petchaburi, and as he says it is semi-permanent.  I have been through it many times, but never been stopped (cars in front and behind have). I also know someone that has been tested there.  

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1 hour ago, innocenthai said:



I doubt that they check more on the way to hua hin than pattaya, and they don't check at all on the way to pattaya...



Well as two friends as been caught, 3 months interval, as i wtinessed it last month, i can say they are here, but if it helps you sleep well...believe what you want.. just keep this in mind if you re a smoker or if you have some friends who smoke...better safe than sorry!


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Decriminalizing the use of cannabis is the first step

I think if you are a registered card carrying user for medical purposes then that is the way to go or you can also buy the medical purpose cannabis oil from say legitimate suppliers...or be licensed to make your own for personal medicinal purposes...or for recreational if you want...but licensed to use.


For recreational purposes it should also be decriminalized while say more than one ounce or certainly more than 1 kilo in your possession could result in confiscation but no fines or prosecution.


The suppliers should be registered and taxed ...but not too heavily ..while the retail price should be kept low enough that the overwhelming majority of the citizens will not bother to grow their own nor will criminal elements bother because there is no lucrative profits to be had ...but if you do want to grow your own then obtain a growers license and pay a licensing fee that allows a limited amount.....say 5 plants per year ...maybe 10.... and do not be selling it for profit.


If you sell it for profit then you would be in violation of that particular law but not a harshly enforced law having a penalty of say 10,000 baht ...if caught selling it as a unlicensed business enterprise and not pay taxes


If you want to be selling it then get a sales license also and pay the taxes...lol


Make it a legit consumer product and remove the social stigma concerning the supply and consumption of the drug.


Meantime the government should be financing the research aspect concerning the many uses of the Hemp plant and its by products derived from the plant for a wide variety of commercial and industrial purposes.





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7 hours ago, zyphodb said:


You'd be surprised, naturally grown weed has a completely different "hit" than skunk grown under lights, in a lot of peoples opinion a much more pleasant one......


Alternating back and forth tween bushies and hydro works well :blink:....




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23 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Well, all the pot heads made their presence known today,

even a "cure" for CA today... In an hour or two they will

all be in their little haze, I hope not all smoked up driving,

some of us will be at Dinner, or the movies while they

sit with another dumb smurk on their faces in their rooms.


You clearly have no experience of what you ridicule and condemn.

Happy hating!



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4 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Amazing....pot heads will quote any statistic

to justify their getting high.  This unfortunate

segment of society is just so sad.


I went to a weekend Rock festival, some 30 years ago, which was run by a bike gang, on their own private property.


all alcohol was confiscated at the entrance, (addmittedly it was being sold within) but the weed was ignored.... And there was a lot of it


ten thousand people, raging out all weekend... High as kites... Not one single fight... Not one.


dont know how to work that into a stat for you, as it's a personal observation, but other observations regarding alcohol only parties, often involve violence... That I know.... Which is what is so sad... And there are plenty of alcohol / violence studies out there... A truck load of which show women as the victim... So IMHO... Women should support this move

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42 minutes ago, farcanell said:


I went to a weekend Rock festival, some 30 years ago, which was run by a bike gang, on their own private property.


all alcohol was confiscated at the entrance, (addmittedly it was being sold within) but the weed was ignored.... And there was a lot of it


ten thousand people, raging out all weekend... High as kites... Not one single fight... Not one.


dont know how to work that into a stat for you, as it's a personal observation, but other observations regarding alcohol only parties, often involve violence... That I know.... Which is what is so sad... And there are plenty of alcohol / violence studies out there... A truck load of which show women as the victim... So IMHO... Women should support this move

Dont feed the troll...anymore!

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Institutions and  eighty percent of

the street people are just burned out 

druggies.  Legalization just leads to

more abusers.   More of a drain on


Society ruled by elitism and guns! Legalize the erb! Give the poor something to escape the reality. Word up, y'al.
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15 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Seems to be working well in half the states in the USA, Thailand could supply the worlds need if they wanted to, has to be more profitable than rice

Except that mostly it's dirty brick weed.  They need to import some N. California growers to help them develop the quality.

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9 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Teatree.  Those that remain in Thailand

after the druggies leave will be the ones

with money to enjoy fine dining, golf, 

theatre, concerts, with less threats

of being robbed, homes burglarized,

with safer roads because all the freaks

and druggies will be gone.

Nobody is burgling a house to feed a weed habit, you are just exposing your ignorance.


To feed a Ya Ba habit sure, or a heroin habit, but not weed. 


To you all illegal drugs are the same aren't they?

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Alcohol kills
Nicotine in cigarette tobbaco that addicts people to smoke kills
No helmet driving a motorcycle kills
Junk food if eaten regularly over time kills
Ganja never killed anyone
Not wearing a seat belt and be involved in a car accident kills
Bad health and safety at work kills
Swords, flick knives and knuckle dusters sold at local markets kill

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14 hours ago, Dr Robert said:

The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything

Dear lord, aren't we all prim and proper - is your last name Webster by any chance?


Which "illegal substances" exactly, does a god given creation contain?? 


Imagine the instant benefits for Thailand should they start cultivating it.  The revival of the 'Thai stick'


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12 hours ago, innocenthai said:



Weather is not good for weed but yes Thailand should supply the world if the weed was grown under light and in aircon room.

Nonsense ... Climate wise, Thailand is one of the best countries for natural weed to be grown.

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12 hours ago, ThaiTony2 said:


Supply the world - Thailand is years behind the USA for quality Ganga. The states where Ganga is legal cannot compare.  Heck, Mexico is also looking at legalization and if that happens will most likely fill any void in sales if it can't already be produced in America.  It's almost like Thailand's high speed 3G-4G, still years behind others. It's like Thailand trying to sell this technology to other countries.  A little to late.. If Thailand expects to supply this, they better hurry to get working on perfecting and strengthening its product.  



With no disrespect, from your post I deduce you're a drawling loud mouthed gum chewing cola drinking Texan :) I still say that nature in Thailand has the potential to grow some of the best weed . 

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12 hours ago, elgenon said:


How do you figure this? It is grown on a mega scale in the US. Only will get more mega. Thailand only had an advantage when it was illegal in the States. It probably will be cheaper to import it. Takes a lot of water too. Thailand is kinda short on that.

<deleted>. Weather conditions in Thailand are much more friendly to the weed. 


Thailand short on water? Lol

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12 hours ago, elgenon said:


Wild stuff can't compete with today's stuff that is bred for strength.

Again I'm afraid I disagree.


its like comparing farmed salmon to line caught wild salmon.


the pleasure you get from something created by God and nurtured by Mother Earth.

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11 hours ago, Thian said:


For Thailand i would be against liberating it, people here are allready very careless and relaxed/slow, ganja would stimulate that as well.


But if they allow it for medical use i bet soon they all have medical reasons to use it.

My thoughts lie with the reasoning that if it was more popular and widely available, teenagers would harmlessly experiment with ganja instead of the addictive devilish chemical man made creations 

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7 hours ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Well between Bkk and Hua Hin there is a half permanent police check and you have to pee... Couple of friends have been caught with purple pee because of Ganja...and they ask a lot of money

I must've passed the other half then two days ago

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