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Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say


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56 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

Where did these very tough laws against drugs in SEAsia come from anyways? 

I mean you are put in front of the firing squad for drugs smuggling and a slap on the hand for murder?


Pressure from the meddling US govt if I remember corectly.

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2 hours ago, Snackbar said:

Where do they find these people. Haven't they got better things to do? 


Ask a local for directions. You'll receive a grunt comparable to a beast defecating. Make an appointment and expect confusion and excuses. Solicite a service and more often than not be decieved.


Teach every child to swim, how to ride a bycycle, how to do basic arithmetric.


Employ more police and give them the resources they need. Get the idiots off the road.


How hard can it be?

As the police don't have a clue about enforcement , how would that help?

Edited by cumgranosalum
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1 hour ago, BKKdreaming said:

need an "official" Medical use card ?


next time you are in LA , pick up the LA Weekly paper and there are pages of Doctors ( yes real Doctors) advertising  that they will sign you up for a $$$ consultation , 


the Medical part has become a joke, , maybe I need to sign up for Medical Chang Beer :)


Uhm, pretty much the same in any state that has legalized medical marijuana.  

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Interesting, that some people think, if Ganja would be legalized for medical use, everybody and their aunt will start smoking the stuff!

I am 49 years, never did any drugs (except alcohol and nicotine, i mean!) and will never do it!

But if someone wants to smoke weed and mellow out...what sh1t do I give?

Like a member said before: I also have diabethis and should the day come, that I need harder stuff then just paracetamol to kill some pain, I sincerely hope, they give me something!

Even if you would legalize pot for recreational use, do you really believe, people who never took any drugs before, will instantaniously into dopeheads?

What little minds you have!

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

Fantastic news! Sounds like progress may be made in the future.


I have glaucoma.  


Oh, what's that... Oh... It's only for Thais using it for medical use. Foreigners will still get fleeced for huge sums of cash or go to jail. 



Only stupid tourist believe that you go to jail for few grams of weed, because actually nobody goes, and cops are using long time stories to scare tourist, but I don't think it could work with expats, am I right ?




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3 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Seems to be working well in half the states in the USA, Thailand could supply the worlds need if they wanted to, has to be more profitable than rice



Weather is not good for weed but yes Thailand should supply the world if the weed was grown under light and in aircon room.

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

Fantastic news! Sounds like progress may be made in the future.


I have glaucoma.  


Oh, what's that... Oh... It's only for Thais using it for medical use. Foreigners will still get fleeced for huge sums of cash or go to jail. 

If they pass a medicinal use law, wait for the instances of glaucoma to skyrocket!



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3 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Seems to be working well in half the states in the USA, Thailand could supply the worlds need if they wanted to, has to be more profitable than rice


Supply the world - Thailand is years behind the USA for quality Ganga. The states where Ganga is legal cannot compare.  Heck, Mexico is also looking at legalization and if that happens will most likely fill any void in sales if it can't already be produced in America.  It's almost like Thailand's high speed 3G-4G, still years behind others. It's like Thailand trying to sell this technology to other countries.  A little to late.. If Thailand expects to supply this, they better hurry to get working on perfecting and strengthening its product.  


3 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Seems to be working well in half the states in the USA, Thailand could supply the worlds need if they wanted to, has to be more profitable than rice


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55 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Pot heads and druggies, all go to

Cambodia.  You won't be missed

and Thailand will be much nicer

and safer....BYE!!!!!!

And the people who will be left behind in Thailand will be self righteous, ignorant pricks it seems.

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54 minutes ago, mike324 said:

now appointments with Khun Somchai will be 4 hours late instead of the usual 1-2 hours.

I think it should be allowed for medical use, but if they don't regulate it more and more kids will be hooked - its already bad enough in the current state with rampant use among high schoolers where schools don't carry out drug tests


As someone who lives & teaches here with kids of my own I very rarely see or hear about kids smoking weed, I do however hear about lots taking Yabba & Ice as well as dodgy drug & cough mixture cocktails which are all far worse for you than smoking some weed...

 However unfortunately I can never see weed being legalised here as it will put too bigger dent in the profits of the rich & connected who control the yabba supply, If legalised they won't be able to control the profits made from something that anyone can grow on their window sill or in their backyard, It was smoked here for thousands of years until American influence in the eighties got it banned & it was replaced by the far more lucrative Yabba, which I believe is the main reason for a race of peaceful Buddhists turning to the violence that we see & hear about every day now...



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2 hours ago, Dr Robert said:

The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything

Yeah, like there aren't any dangers with every drug prescribed by a medical practitioner, who is possibly prescribing it for you because he is on the payroll of big pharma. Facile my foot. Sure it is not as benign as some think. But it's a weed. It grows in the wild. You cannot overdose on it. Why not make comparison with the social ills of the legal drugs alcohol and nicotine. Your opinionated hypocrisy is overwhelming. 

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18 minutes ago, innocenthai said:



Weather is not good for weed but yes Thailand should supply the world if the weed was grown under light and in aircon room.


If the Weather is no good how come that in the 60's & 70's Thai sticks were considered some of the best weed in the world & was reasonably available as far away as Europe?

 they never grew it under lights or with aircon then.....

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1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:

Pot heads and druggies, all go to

Cambodia.  You won't be missed

and Thailand will be much nicer

and safer....BYE!!!!!!


Quote from the Article:  "Crime Suppression Division police or CSD have clearly stated that ganja use does not promote criminal behavior."


So it doesn't promote crime, have the violent social problems or cause the thousands of vehicular manslaughter deaths that alcohol does, yet you are still in that mindset in this day and age? Have you ever tried to put your "Reefer Madness" level of indoctrination aside and really think about your feelings and objections toward cannabis? Do you not accept that it has any medicinal benefits?  Wouldn't it make more sense to wish all drunkards and alcoholics to run off to Cambodia? Wouldn't that really make for a safer and nicer place? 


Edited by Inn Between
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4 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Seems to be working well in half the states in the USA, Thailand could supply the worlds need if they wanted to, has to be more profitable than rice


How do you figure this? It is grown on a mega scale in the US. Only will get more mega. Thailand only had an advantage when it was illegal in the States. It probably will be cheaper to import it. Takes a lot of water too. Thailand is kinda short on that.

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12 minutes ago, zyphodb said:


If the Weather is no good how come that in the 60's & 70's Thai sticks were considered some of the best weed in the world & was reasonably available as far away as Europe?

 they never grew it under lights or with aircon then.....


Wild stuff can't compete with today's stuff that is bred for strength.

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11 minutes ago, Inn Between said:


Quote from the Article:  "Crime Suppression Division police or CSD have clearly stated that ganja use does not promote criminal behavior."


So it doesn't promote crime, have the violent social problems or cause the thousands of vehicular manslaughter deaths that alcohol does, yet you are still in that mindset in this day and age? Have you ever tried to put your "Reefer Madness" level of indoctrination aside and really think about your feelings and objections toward cannabis? Do you not accept that it has any medicinal benefits?  Wouldn't it make more sense to wish all drunkards and alcoholics to run off to Cambodia? Wouldn't that really make for a safer and nicer place? 



What would happen to Pattaya?

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16 minutes ago, zyphodb said:


If the Weather is no good how come that in the 60's & 70's Thai sticks were considered some of the best weed in the world & was reasonably available as far away as Europe?

 they never grew it under lights or with aircon then.....



Hey man, we are not anymore in 1970 when stupid hippies were smoking 2% thc weed.


We are in 2017 and we want 20% to get very high <3


So there is no outdoor weed that can compete with indoor.




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1 minute ago, elgenon said:


Wild stuff can't compete with today's stuff that is bred for strength.


You'd be surprised, naturally grown weed has a completely different "hit" than skunk grown under lights, in a lot of peoples opinion a much more pleasant one......

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

Fantastic news! Sounds like progress may be made in the future.


I have glaucoma.  


Oh, what's that... Oh... It's only for Thais using it for medical use. Foreigners will still get fleeced for huge sums of cash or go to jail. 

main problem is that there is only fine line between use and abuse.

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4 hours ago, Thian said:

I come from a country where you smell marihuana on ever streetcorner litterally. It makes some people very lazy but others enjoy it without any problems.


For medicinal use it's a different story i guess but to see the youth all being stoned all day is not that good. They are wasting their future/career.


It helps against stress and escaping from the reality but there's no stress in Thailand since everything goes so slow and unregulated here. Sunshine also makes people happy. 

What exactly is your point?

The article is not about "social' use of ganja, but about the use in medical situations.

I presume you must be against liberating ganja?

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2 minutes ago, hansnl said:

What exactly is your point?

The article is not about "social' use of ganja, but about the use in medical situations.

I presume you must be against liberating ganja?


For Thailand i would be against liberating it, people here are allready very careless and relaxed/slow, ganja would stimulate that as well.


But if they allow it for medical use i bet soon they all have medical reasons to use it.

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5 hours ago, dcnx said:

Fantastic news! Sounds like progress may be made in the future.


I have glaucoma.  


Oh, what's that... Oh... It's only for Thais using it for medical use. Foreigners will still get fleeced for huge sums of cash or go to jail. 

I pay the same as Thais for medicine.Sorry your getting ripped or was that a generic throwaway line with no truth in it.

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4 hours ago, Thian said:

I come from a country where you smell marihuana on ever streetcorner litterally. It makes some people very lazy but others enjoy it without any problems.


For medicinal use it's a different story i guess but to see the youth all being stoned all day is not that good. They are wasting their future/career.


It helps against stress and escaping from the reality but there's no stress in Thailand since everything goes so slow and unregulated here. Sunshine also makes people happy. 

No stress in Thailand,you gotta be joking.Farmers suicide,a lot of people uptight about lack of money.Your comment about all Thai youth being stoned is ridiculous.It was readily available where i grew up and most youth were not stoned.Also i was here in the 70's when buddha sticks where everywhere and most youth weren't stoned then either.People of all ages and backgrounds use ganga now,legalizing it wont increase the use of it,but it will cut out the criminal element of it.Also a lot of jails will have less people in them and more room for white collar crims.

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