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Fridge not cold as usual


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re: Panasonic NR-B37M4-SL


Recently a friend said he was concerned the side wall of his fridge was getting rathe hot.

I looked behind.....no heat emitting pipes visible....and suggested may the heat comes out through the side walls these days. Though it kinda doesn't compute....


Anyway now we have a problem with the above fridge several years old but looking perfect.

It has a lower freezer (as all should have!).

I made sure behind was clear for heat to convect but the back wall seemed not warm.

However the LEFT side was quite warm, not the right.

I noticed it was too close to a marble divider on the left side.....the marble itself was warm.......and we have moved to make a clear gap with the warm left side to make sure the heat can escape. Will check result tomorrow.


But what's happening?

Main upper fridge iw working but less cool that nit should be on maximum.

Lower freezer just about keeps ice hard (though kinda wet) and solutions like berries have defrozen though obviously quite cold.


There is no thermostat visible inside but a vent either side the back top of the main compartment.


Would be most grateful for advice!


ps wondering where the water tray behind fits in......doesn't warm air have togo over it to evaporate the water? It's worked faultlessly for years and never been touched

Edited by cheeryble
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I had similar problems with my whirlpool and a Sanyo.  Both turned out to be a defective defrost timer.  It's usually accessible and mounted where the power comes in in the open space in the back - at the bottom on mine as the freezers are on the top.  Easy to replace. Cost about 600 baht.

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6 hours ago, wayned said:

I had similar problems with my whirlpool and a Sanyo.  Both turned out to be a defective defrost timer.  It's usually accessible and mounted where the power comes in in the open space in the back - at the bottom on mine as the freezers are on the top.  Easy to replace. Cost about 600 baht.


Thanku Wayne


when u say at the back r we talking inside or outside?

i ask because there's a panel inside at the back which we haven't yet opened (presuming it's possible)....see photo, it's quite a big panel going down below photo.


i guess u don't know how to check this part ....shorting it maybe to hear motor start or if I can find it I have a multimeter.


would love someone to explain the hot left side or explain the whole thing.


ps Wayne I can of course get a repairman.....r u in CM?......anyone recommend good fair man there?



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Found a very good article 


and thinking that heat does not "come out" of the left side (I'm away from the house now) but is exuded by a fan, maybe underneath, and hot air happens to blow that way. Please do correct me anyone I like to understand things.


I would normally enjoy to work through this and fix it myself but obviously the sensible thing is a repair guy.


Is Siam TV reasonably priced?

Does Amorn have a call-out service?

Anywhere else?


the part mentioned by Wayne is easily accessible and analysable.....maybe behind the panel in the main compartment..... in which case I'm perfectly happy to fiddle.

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Well learned one thing, AMORN doesn't do call outs. They will transport your fridge to their premises for a fair Proce but who wants to lose their fridge for two or three days even if it's only half working and all the upheaval.......no way.


i now have the number of a place called Future something or other on the Super between Tepanya Hospital and Central Festival which is the Panasonic repair agent apparently.

.......though I kinda prefer a good all rounder in my phone numbers if anyone has one.


have learned a lot about defrost timers!

Edited by cheeryble
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By back, I mean the outside where the electrical cord goes in.  Most fridges have a completely open area in the back where the compressor is located and the defrost timer is usually mounted there, a little (mine have been white) plastic box usually the first thing that the incoming electric wire is connect to.  I have never had one with a bottom freezer so I don't know how they are configured.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tp put this one to bed and against all expectations it seems there was a leak in the Freon or whatever they use.

Leak could not be found when regassed so likely in the hidden away bits somewhere maybe in the fins.

Was told it might last a week or a year.

I'm hoping the leak was always there but just letting out molecules very very slowly indeed.......maybe so slowly a leak is undetectable..... and that it'll be OK for a similar time it's been OK til now (many years!!)

But not banking on it!

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