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Voice TV’s Wake Up News programme may face 7-day ban


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Voice TV’s Wake Up News programme may face 7-day ban




BANGKOK: -- The broadcasting board of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission will on Monday consider whether to suspend Voice TV’s Wake Up News programme for seven days over its alleged law-defying news contents aired on August 15-16.


The news contents in question concern the interview with Pol Cpt Dr Chomdet Trimek regarding the recent spate of bombing and arson attacks in seven southern provinces aired on August 15, the hunger strike of political activist Pai Daodin aired on August 16 and the clarification by Constitution Drafting Committee chairman Meechai Ruchupan on charter amendment regarding the selection of the prime minister.


Ms Supinya Klangnarong, a member of the NBTC, said that a subcommittee overseeing TV programmes and contents had invited representatives of Vice TV for talks about the questionable contents of the Wake Up New programme which are deemed to be violating NCPO orders 41/59, 97/57 and 103/57 as well as Section 37 of the Broadcasting Act.


She said that the panel had recommended that the programme be taken out of the air for seven days.


Ms Supinya noted that the broadcasting board earlier suspended two commentators of Voice TV, ML. Nattakorn Devakula and Atukkit Sawangsuk, from work for ten days for airing contents deemed violating the NCPO orders.


She pointed out that, this time, the broadcasting board would consider suspending the news programme for seven days based on the “terms of license – a new criterion used to mete out punitive action against law-breaking broadcasters.


The new criterion may raise questions among the broadcast media about the regulatory standards of the NBTC, she said, adding that the broadcasting board would also wait and see whether Voice TV will apologize over the latest alleged infringements or not.


Personally, Ms Supinya said she would ensure fairness to Voice TV, pointing out that she didn’t think the news presentation of the hunger strike should be deemed an illegal content.


She suggested that the government should open space for broadcasters to air divergent views, including views which are different from those of the government in order that the people can judge by themselves which views they prefer to listen to and believe in.


Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/voice-tvs-wake-news-programme-may-face-7-day-ban/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-08-29
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20 minutes ago, Plutojames88 said:

What if you don't like being told by a junta how to feel and think?


Want free and fair elections? 


Maybe Thais need to stand their ground more....

Is it Thailand or Junta land ?

It's Prayut land and he has section 44 to make you worship him.

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Voice TV is owned by Thaksin's son.  It's politically oriented.  Politically oriented media outlets (from any party) tend to go off a bit.  Some more than others.  


I've heard what's said on some of these programs.  Absolute BS.

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28 minutes ago, baboon said:

What was said that was actually wrong?

It's Thai language.  I'm guessing it had to do with the initial suggestion the bombings were due to politics...kinda pointing the finger at the red shirts.  I'm just guessing.  But I heard rebuttals about that on a radio station my maid listens to.

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59 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Voice TV is owned by Thaksin's son.  It's politically oriented.  Politically oriented media outlets (from any party) tend to go off a bit.  Some more than others.  


I've heard what's said on some of these programs.  Absolute BS.


And in some cases deliberately misleading. 

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3 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

What if you don't like being told by a junta how to feel and think?


Want free and fair elections? 


Maybe Thais need to stand their ground more....

Is it Thailand or Junta land ?


And maybe some news outlets need to operate with morals and values and report things in a balanced way.

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Irrespective of who or what owns a particular broadcasting outlet, is it not the right of each and every individual to be allowed to make up their own mind and form their own assessments as to the content that is being broadcast?  Perhaps one is assuming too much from a military junta that one be allowed to form ones own opinions.   

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8 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

What if you don't like being told by a junta how to feel and think?


Want free and fair elections? 


Maybe Thais need to stand their ground more....

Is it Thailand or Junta land ?

Yes they need to stand their ground more. The students in Malaysia are a good example defying draconian laws put down by supreme leader Mr. Najib to quell the populous. So much for the green shoots of democracy and free speech here which the junta like to proclaim exists well in their mind anyways. 

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nothing wrong with reporting the truth but these political sites owned by the reds/yellows/shins tend to simply sprook bullsh*t, lies and innuendo and they need to be pulled into line. It is not freedom of speech when they twist the truth around to suit their own agendas, I am all for freedom of speech but not the political propaganda these stations put out constantly. If they tell the truth then let them go but everyone knows they are not, the govt tends to do the same  as well but its harder to pull them into line. Unfortunately here in Thailand the truth is not important enough to many people, they prefer the lies and innuendo that suits their own biased views.

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13 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Voice TV is owned by Thaksin's son.  It's politically oriented.  Politically oriented media outlets (from any party) tend to go off a bit.  Some more than others.  


I've heard what's said on some of these programs.  Absolute BS.

BS is not a good reason for censorship.... ask Roger Ailes.... 

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She suggested that the government should open space for broadcasters to air divergent views, including views which are different from those of the government in order that the people can judge by themselves which views they prefer to listen to and believe in.


I wish her good luck with that one.

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Bullying, bullying, bullying - on and on it goes. In the end, we all know from our schooldays that a bully needs to be stood up to. For the time being, though, the Thai people have decided to take it - more and more and more of it. In this land, it seems  the worm  never turns.


Oh well - it's their country, and their choice. They must live with the consequences.

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18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Voice TV is owned by Thaksin's son.  It's politically oriented.  Politically oriented media outlets (from any party) tend to go off a bit.  Some more than others.  


I've heard what's said on some of these programs.  Absolute BS.


Add the ownership, and probably political bent to the fact that (former) Pol Cpt Dr Chomdet (or Jomdet) Trimek is—I consider—one of the good guys, and you can see why the junta doesn't like him having a platform.


A lecturer of Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration at Rangsit University, Dr Jomdet has a Phd in Criminology, and has been a stern advocate for police reform. This paper is a very good read: http://rjsh.rsu.ac.th/download/RJSH-Vol1-No2_49-53_Jomdet-Trimek.pdf

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10 hours ago, tbthailand said:

BS is not a good reason for censorship.... ask Roger Ailes.... 

Got ya.  But out right lies and conspiracy theories are.  These political stations have been arousing the masses for years.  Not a good thing for Thailand. 


P.S. I'm no fan of Fox news!

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

But out right lies and conspiracy theories are. 

Hey, that is Fox News, ... and no one is shutting them down. 


With freedom of speech, you sometimes need to take some lumps. (and lies, and conspiracy theories, ... ) but it's a sight bit better than censorship, self-censorship, or ... 



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55 minutes ago, tbthailand said:

Hey, that is Fox News, ... and no one is shutting them down. 


With freedom of speech, you sometimes need to take some lumps. (and lies, and conspiracy theories, ... ) but it's a sight bit better than censorship, self-censorship, or ... 



I've yet to see a broadcast on Fox TV asking viewers to go to Washington DC and help paralyze the city to force political changes.  Or publish outright lies about politicians.  Though yes, Fox does seem to thrive on sensationalist journalism.

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