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Trump vows to deport criminal illegal immigrants

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8 hours ago, Credo said:

Another Trump flip-flop.   If you are illegally in the country, you are a criminal.   He can't and he won't be deporting all the people he said he would.   


His lies make Hillary look like a saint.   


8 hours ago, Credo said:

Another Trump flip-flop.   If you are illegally in the country, you are a criminal.   He can't and he won't be deporting all the people he said he would.   


His lies make Hillary look like a saint.   

First they have to find the elegals. How long is it going to take?

How many busses is needed? 

What is the cost for this operation? 

How many year is it going to take?


There will be no wall and there will be no deportation. 

With Trump as President of USA will pretty soon have bigger problems. 

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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


First they have to find the elegals. How long is it going to take?

How many busses is needed? 

What is the cost for this operation? 

How many year is it going to take?


There will be no wall and there will be no deportation. 

With Trump as President of USA will pretty soon have bigger problems. 


I had neighbors that used to sneak onto my property all the time. They were a real PIA. I finally built a nice strong privacy fence. It cost me a few bucks initially but its paid for itself over the years tenfold.


Now the only time the neighbors can come on my property is when I invite them and I can keep an eye on them. Its amazing how much better behaved they are now than when they used to sneak over in the dark of night.


If I had the money I would have preferred a nice tall wall ;-)

1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


I had neighbors that used to sneak onto my property all the time. They were a real PIA. I finally built a nice strong privacy fence. It cost me a few bucks initially but its paid for itself over the years tenfold.


Now the only time the neighbors can come on my property is when I invite them and I can keep an eye on them. Its amazing how much better behaved they are now than when they used to sneak over in the dark of night.


If I had the money I would have preferred a nice tall wall ;-)

They can dig tunnels!

1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

You Trump supporters really think he is going to build a wall and Mexico going to pay for it,  come on. 



Hopefully you were not suggesting that I am a Trump supporter.


You need to become a BIG picture guy. 


I am a Republican. I vote Republican principals now that obama has swung the Democrats so far left and away from the working class.


a vote for Trump is not an endorsement of the man but of the  republican platform...i.e. The non-obama platform.


Get the bigger picture? The picture that Trump a labil sociopat when become POTUS insulting every country in the World, but not his friend Putin?


Get the bigger picture when building the wall, just to buy the land for the wall will take years not every landowner will sell their land villingly and will drag the US Government to court.


Trump will be dead before he will see that wall.

42 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Hopefully you were not suggesting that I am a Trump supporter.


You need to become a BIG picture guy. 


I am a Republican. I vote Republican principals now that obama has swung the Democrats so far left and away from the working class.


a vote for Trump is not an endorsement of the man but of the  republican platform...i.e. The non-obama platform.

So, you are not a trump supporter, but you vote for the replulican party no matter who their candidate is?

Conclusion, you are a trump supporter!

1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Can't wait until the debates.

Trump is going to kill Crooked Hillary on this criminal  illegal alien subject. :)


I wonder if Hillary will bring up his "mob" connections? You think Donald Trump is an honest guy?

2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Hopefully you were not suggesting that I am a Trump supporter.


You need to become a BIG picture guy. 


I am a Republican. I vote Republican principals now that obama has swung the Democrats so far left and away from the working class.


a vote for Trump is not an endorsement of the man but of the  republican platform...i.e. The non-obama platform.


That would be the platform that says no abortion,  even in case a rape or health of the mother, lower corporate and high earner income tax, and teach creation in schools, etc, etc.





I can see why his latest statement is popular.  At face value it is a good plan.  Obviously he has no idea of what he is talking about but at least that will please Sarah Palin who has been highly critical of his softening position and flip flopping.


A bit of criminal-release history:


        Years ago, the US prison system released a whole lot of Latino inmates - sent 'em back to their home countries.  They were illegals and they'd been caught in the US doing a crime.   While in US prisons, they got covered in tattoos and became hard core baddies.


       I don't know lots of scenarios, but I heard those that got sent back to El Salvador caused massive troubles.   Crime skyrocketed.   There's barely a Salvadoran girl over the age of 15 who hasn't been raped.   I met a Salvadoran woman last year.  She's now 34.  Luckily for her, her mom took her to Canada when she was 6.   Now she's a lovely school teacher.  If she hadn't been taken from there, there's better than 50/50 chance she'd be messed up psychically and physically.  Same for Salvadoran boys, though not so much re; rape, as joining gangs and causing harm.  In Latin America, they don't just join gangs for awhile during their late teens.  Many maintain their hoodlum ways on into their 20's and 30's.    


       That's one (of several) things I like about residing here in Thailand.  There aren't gang problems.  If I'm walking at night and see a group of young Thai men, I have no fear.  I walk by and smile and greet them, and they reciprocate.   Same in Burma.  

7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


The reason ai leave you on ignore is because you never actually contribute to a discussion except to take snipe attacks.


If you have some point to make on this subject in response to my post then make it. 


But this constant negativity of yours is time-wasting nonsense. 

Let me put it this way:  

Hero who saved 6-year-old girl, Antonio Diaz Chacon, says he's an illegal immigrant

"A heroic New Mexico man who saved a 6-year-old girl from the clutches of a kidnapping creep came forward this week to say he is an illegal immigrant.

Antonio Diaz Chacon, 23, was born in Chihuahua, Mexico and has been living illegally in the U.S. for four years, his wife, Martha, said.

Martha Diaz – who is a U.S. citizen – said that her husband had worked to get his citizenship in the past but stopped because the process took too much time and was too expensive."



Are you sorry this criminal wasn't deported?

1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

A bit of criminal-release history:


        Years ago, the US prison system released a whole lot of Latino inmates - sent 'em back to their home countries.  They were illegals and they'd been caught in the US doing a crime.   While in US prisons, they got covered in tattoos and became hard core baddies.


       I don't know lots of scenarios, but I heard those that got sent back to El Salvador caused massive troubles.   Crime skyrocketed.   There's barely a Salvadoran girl over the age of 15 who hasn't been raped.   I met a Salvadoran woman last year.  She's now 34.  Luckily for her, her mom took her to Canada when she was 6.   Now she's a lovely school teacher.  If she hadn't been taken from there, there's better than 50/50 chance she'd be messed up psychically and physically.  Same for Salvadoran boys, though not so much re; rape, as joining gangs and causing harm.  In Latin America, they don't just join gangs for awhile during their late teens.  Many maintain their hoodlum ways on into their 20's and 30's.    




Boomer, you are starting to sound like Trump when he was wrongfully quoted as saying all Mexicans are criminals.  ;-)


Only joking...what you heard about Savadorans is in large part correct except that all of Central America has had a violent history all the way back to the Mayans and Aztecs, etc...


Have a good night.



29 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Boomer, you are starting to sound like Trump when he was wrongfully quoted as saying all Mexicans are criminals.  ;-)


Only joking...what you heard about Savadorans is in large part correct except that all of Central America has had a violent history all the way back to the Mayans and Aztecs, etc...


Have a good night.




Trump's own words:

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.





53 minutes ago, thaihome said:


Trump's own words:

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.






Now be fair. He did also say "I assume some are good people."  Which I think in the minds of Trump supporters means that most of what he said here doesn't really count.  

4 hours ago, dutchisaan said:

So, you are not a trump supporter, but you vote for the replulican party no matter who their candidate is?

Conclusion, you are a trump supporter!


No...I am a Trump voter. 


But if the only way you can understand this is to think of me (and millions of others like me) as Trump supporters then do what you have to do to understand.

20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


Now be fair. He did also say "I assume some are good people."  Which I think in the minds of Trump supporters means that most of what he said here doesn't really count.  


Not at all what Republicans or Trump supporters think.


The only ones to misunderstand what he said were the MSM and Liberals.


statements like this one above from you are nothing more than strawman arguments where you create a fictional response so that you can rail against it.



2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Not at all what Republicans or Trump supporters think.


The only ones to misunderstand what he said were the MSM and Liberals.


statements like this one above from you are nothing more than strawman arguments where you create a fictional response so that you can rail against it.



Well, don't be coy. Here's how Trump explained it:

"I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech," Trump wrote, adding, "What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc."


Trump says he will get rid of all the bad guys first "we know who they are". Well if we know who they are AND they are illegal then why not get rid of them? Why do the police not just pick them up? The reason is we do not know who they are and if we do , we do not know where they are. They will hide. He makes it sound as if he will be rounding up sheep.

13 hours ago, Chicog said:


But Trump would say "they don't look like Indians to me".



If you're referring to the wizened elder (former) governor who once addressed a crowd of Mexicans and told them they looked like Asians then you're in for a treat this week.  Trump is going to her turf this week, Arizona.  She's easy to spot, she looks like a baseball glove.  When the show's over you can watch her fly away on her broom.


Here she is trying to pick Obama's nose, which is a sign of respect in AZ.





15 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Of course they are criminals. They entered the US illegally.





adjective: illegal


contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.


Would you call someone with one too many parking tickets a 'criminal'? Would you call someone who once jaywalked in the past an ex-con?


Most normal people draw the line for the 'criminal' distinction at the point where you directly affect or harm others. Jumping over a fence into a country to clean dishes in some restaurant to make a better life for yourself isn't affecting anyone. Most would just call it a visa infraction. Indeed there's no prison time to be served for it in most countries, just deportation. 


I understand internet forums attract some abnormal opinions though.


Unlawful presence itself, such as by overstaying a visa, is not a criminal offense, but only a civil ground of inadmissibility.

Dec. 16, 2005 - James Sensenbrenner, Esq., JD 

43 minutes ago, jspill said:


Jumping over a fence into a country to clean dishes in some restaurant to make a better life for yourself isn't affecting anyone. Most would just call it a visa infraction.



Wrong. They don't have a visa. That is the whole point.

1 hour ago, jspill said:

 Jumping over a fence into a country to clean dishes in some restaurant to make a better life for yourself isn't affecting anyone. Most would just call it a visa infraction. Indeed there's no prison time to be served for it in most countries, just deportation. 


I understand internet forums attract some abnormal opinions though.


Unlawful presence itself, such as by overstaying a visa, is not a criminal offense, but only a civil ground of inadmissibility.



Can you tell me what country I can enter where I do not first have to be processed through an official immigration system ? 




We were talking about whether they're 'criminals' or not, it's a civil offense not a criminal one. 


Maybe they overstayed their visa after entering at first legally. Jumping over a fence without a visa in the first place is slightly worse but still no normal people really refer to those as criminals. Most of us only care if they're selling drugs or whatever when they get here, not if they're cleaning dishes. 

47 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong. They don't have a visa. That is the whole point.


Ok so take out the word visa infraction from my post and the rest of it is spot and totally destroys your notion that they're criminals. You can Google visa laws vs criminal laws and find tons of links describing how it's not a criminal offence, just a civil one, calling them criminals is overkill. 


You're focusing on two words in my post and being pedantic about the difference between those who enter illegally and those who enter legally then overstay. 

18 minutes ago, jspill said:


"  Right now, illegal presence in the USA is not a crime; it is a civil infraction.  "



If they snuck across the border, it is both.


"Whether it’s by crossing the U.S. border with a "coyote" or buying a fake U.S. passport, a foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally can be both convicted of a crime and held responsible for a civil violation under the U.S. immigration laws".



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