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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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21 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


"blindly believing" in a philosophical religion?  That isn't something many Mullahs welcome, they welcome allegorical readings and discussion.


A few, and it really is a few, Muslims I know will discuss their religion with non Muslims. Some are genuinely interested in understanding different views. Many however are not. Some, the majority, simply choose not to enter dialogue. Others, a minority, see if as an offense and react violently.

A great many are intolerant of other views, more so than any other religion currently is and on a wider scale than the old Catholic extremists.


Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan suffer from particularly intolerant virulent strains of this ideolgy, IME, as does Iran, Iraq and now those areas affected by ISIS.



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5 hours ago, Caps said:

I thought restaurants and bars etc had the right not to serve anyone they choose.  He said he doesn't want them in his place.  Is that not his choice? 

People might call it racist but at the end of the day if the person who owns the business doest want you there then tough.

Or are we going to start forcing people to take business just because it suits a certain group

This is very easy!Display message at the entrance:


and......expect atack shortly...

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:

Not that it would be anything but the first time for you, though,but never mind, keep blindly repeating other bigots nonsense that embarrass you with public displays of sheer ignorance.


I think there's enough actual bigotry in the Quran to go around. You're the one who is not open to the possibility that Muhammad could have been a warmongering pedophile.

Not that it would be the first time for you, but never mind, keep blindly believing it, if it makes you happy. 

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4 minutes ago, moonray said:

This is very easy!Display message at the entrance:


and......expect atack shortly...


Maybe always keep a few slices of bacon on the fryer.


The smell will turn some folks away and make the customers who remain more hungry ;-)

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54 minutes ago, stander said:

Islam is not a race, but as usual, people are being labeled as racist for their disdain of Islam.

For my part, I have disdain for all religion, they are nothing more than a collection of mythical beliefs, most being benign, with Islam being the most evil 


Call it the evolution of language:

Discrimination against Muslims is now considered racist in the same way that anti-semitism is now considered discrimination against Jews, not Semites.


Arguing that point is just semantics really. It has just become accepted, in the same way that if you say "gay" nowadays, it generally means homosexual.





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28 minutes ago, Scott said:

He might have gotten away with not serving them, but his remarks were WAY out of line.  


When I lived in the ME, women did not eat with anyone in a restaurant except for their father/brother.   They were also seated in a different section of the restaurant from single men.


You should see my staff canteen then.





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1 minute ago, BuaBS said:

The restaurant owner must think of his other clients too.

I would not want to eat in a restaurant that served women wearing a tent.

Back home we avoid businesses where there are muslims.


I can understand your dislike of the religion, but you shouldn't hate the people who fell for the lies of a faith they were brought up in and brainwashed by.


That kind of hate will only lead to more ill feelings boiling up, and the outcome can only be disastrous for all.

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13 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


A few, and it really is a few, Muslims I know will discuss their religion with non Muslims. Some are genuinely interested in understanding different views. Many however are not. Some, the majority, simply choose not to enter dialogue. Others, a minority, see if as an offense and react violently.

A great many are intolerant of other views, more so than any other religion currently is and on a wider scale than the old Catholic extremists.


Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan suffer from particularly intolerant virulent strains of this ideolgy, IME, as does Iran, Iraq and now those areas affected by ISIS.




Not sure why you take that as the majority, go to Indonesia, the largest Muslim majority country and people are more than willing to discuss, and of course perhaps it is just you and how you approach the subject.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


Not sure why you take that as the majority, go to Indonesia, the largest Muslim majority country and people are more than willing to discuss, and of course perhaps it is just you and how you approach the subject.


Note that any who dare challenge the veracity of Islam and their prophet are subject to snide remarks by you. How typical of those who support Islam.


For your edification not I qualified my statement by "Muslims I know". You may be assured I do not know every Muslim in the world, nor would I suggest I do. But I do know many, have lived and worked in Muslim countries and comment on how I found that sample.


Having an opinion contrary to yours does not make that opinion unjust. Get over yourself importance.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:

Not sure why you take that as the majority, go to Indonesia, the largest Muslim majority country and people are more than willing to discuss, and of course perhaps it is just you and how you approach the subject.


Though Indonesia is an exception even in Southeast Asia, thanks to the diversity of religion in their population and many of them not forgetting their pagan roots. The same discussion will not be as easy to have in Brunei, Malaysia or Singapore.

In those countries, if you are "Malay", you are actually expected to be Muslim. Saying you are otherwise may not lead to violence, but harsh criticism and ostracization is sure to follow. 

Also, let's not forget Aceh, an Islamic state that was once part of Indonesia, where whipping women in public is still a common occurance: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/harrowing-moment-sobbing-muslim-woman-7620834

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29 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, PLO,  all right wing fascists eh? Well that's a new one.


Just can't recall seeing any white right wing groups producing videos beheading people, burning people alive, getting children to commit murder, raping people, forcing people to become sex slaves and wantonly destroying historical cultural objects to promote their own blasphemy and wicked evil ideology.


Can you give is the links and/or research to support your claim?

You would have found a link if you had read earlier posts.

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3 hours ago, Chicog said:


I'm willing to bet his food wasn't halal. And the fact that they were still willing to eat it tells me that they weren't even devout muslims.

So I'm guessing he's just another dimwitted racist.



Then they should thank him for saving their souls...and they better FTFU before the local ISIS cell gets wind of their harem behavior and takes action.

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13 minutes ago, mesterm said:


I think there's enough actual bigotry in the Quran to go around. You're the one who is not open to the possibility that Muhammad could have been a warmongering pedophile.

Not that it would be the first time for you, but never mind, keep blindly believing it, if it makes you happy. 


I am not open to peoples two cents worth who do not know what they are talking about.  The history is clear, he led the people against repression and persecution, you heard he was a warmonger from some Islamophobe, liked that as it suited your agenda, and now in your mind I am not "open", pretty sad stuff.  The case of how old Aisha was when they were betrothed to be married is often debated, you hang on to one Mullahs idea, and in doing so ignore the very laws that Muhammad wrote, it makes no sense and the truth is there is no way from the Quran to put a more specific age on her than between 5 and 19, no one knows but in your quick to close mind because one Mullah once said she was 9 then he must of been a pedo, disregarding that his first wife was 40 and his second was 55 and disregarding that Aisha had already been betrothed to be married before him, I very much doubt she was 9 and many scholars have estimated her age between 15 and 17.  Well, if it makes you happy to be an unread ignorant blind follower....

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11 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Note that any who dare challenge the veracity of Islam and their prophet are subject to snide remarks by you. How typical of those who support Islam.


For your edification not I qualified my statement by "Muslims I know". You may be assured I do not know every Muslim in the world, nor would I suggest I do. But I do know many, have lived and worked in Muslim countries and comment on how I found that sample.


Having an opinion contrary to yours does not make that opinion unjust. Get over yourself importance.


You claimed based on your experiences that this was the case for the majority of Muslims, all I did was point this nonsense out, you meant in the majority of your Muslim acquaintances when confronted by you.  The other posters I have responded to have not challenged Islam, they have challenged the truth and I have set them straight, quit different things, lies are not opinions.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


I am not open to peoples two cents worth who do not know what they are talking about.  The history is clear, he led the people against repression and persecution, you heard he was a warmonger from some Islamophobe, liked that as it suited your agenda, and now in your mind I am not "open", pretty sad stuff.  The case of how old Aisha was when they were betrothed to be married is often debated, you hang on to one Mullahs idea, and in doing so ignore the very laws that Muhammad wrote, it makes no sense and the truth is there is no way from the Quran to put a more specific age on her than between 5 and 19, no one knows but in your quick to close mind because one Mullah once said she was 9 then he must of been a pedo, disregarding that his first wife was 40 and his second was 55 and disregarding that Aisha had already been betrothed to be married before him, I very much doubt she was 9 and many scholars have estimated her age between 15 and 17.  Well, if it makes you happy to be an unread ignorant blind follower....


Quite funny. You're the one who believes in an ancient book based on the words of an illiterate self-proclaimed "last prophet" to mankind. A book that cannot be edited from it's original form.


By the way, as I asked previously, is it possible that Muhammad may have been a warmongering sexist pedophile? Or is only the version of history that you choose to believe in the "true" and undeniable history?


Seems like you're the unquestioning blind follower here :)

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The Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) said to be in connection with  the two muslim women involved.   It also calls for "ruin the reputation of this restaurant on all online spaces where it is listed," while advancing "in a coordinated approach that combines legal action political communication and mobilization structured to achieve the objective: convict the restaurant. "

According to the spokesman of the CCIF, Marwan Muhammad, contacted by AFP, the two women intend to file a complaint monday with the help of the Collective against Islamophobia .


This overreaction to me ( filming,  public denunciation, police, Muslim organizations..)  is disproportionate and tends to feed islamophobia.







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5 hours ago, GarryP said:

It does not matter whether the actual terrorists are in western dress or not. The fact that they are identified as Muslim is sufficient. Some people will then react negatively to people in Muslim dress as it is the only thing that clearly identifies them as Muslim.  

My granddaughter married a pakistani gentleman and now complains that whenever she wears complete covering, people (neighbours and friends) avoid being with her! She is one of those young women who on deciding to marry and join her husband in his religion, chose to go "all the way" which includes commenting in arabic and wearing clothing more suited to the ME! This young lady is Australian, even her husband does not agree with her behaviour as he finds it puts a lot of distance between himself and his friends!

We have tried to explain, "people are judged by the clothes they wear", it may not be fair, it's just the way life is! :):thumbsup::wai:

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15 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Quite funny. You're the one who believes in an ancient book based on the words of an illiterate self-proclaimed "last prophet" to mankind. A book that cannot be edited from it's original form.


By the way, as I asked previously, is it possible that Muhammad may have been a warmongering sexist pedophile? Or is only the version of history that you choose to believe in the "true" and undeniable history?


Seems like you're the unquestioning blind follower here :)


You dont believe there is a book?  Or you have decided that you wouldn't appreciate the philosophy contained within it without actually having read it?


No, it is not a possibility that the suggestion that he was a warmonger is true just because an Islamophobe claimed it disregarding all the history surrounding the persecution by the Meccans recorded outside of the Quran.


He may of been pedo.


He was sexist, he made a great many protections for women, only a sexist would do that rather than allow feminism to develop and women protect themselves from men.

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Ha !! Finally people will understand what "service à la Française" means for real... this time it's two women's who did show their  religion, before it was reserved for other french catholics, but not from the same village.. "foreigners" I should say.. Anyway the way of thinking for restaurant and bars owners in France (since the begining) could be resume by this : I dont like your face.. GO somewhere else, I won't serve you.. and If you want we can fight toghether !  well.. after a good fight it happened sometimes that people begins to be good friend also !


Anyway, it's very common to have bad experience in French Restaurants, specially about the service quality and behaviour of employees or the boss or both !

look at some  kitchen nightmares experiences, French version, hilarious !!



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3 hours ago, Hawk said:



Hotels, bars, restaurants, nightclubs etc have the right to refuse service to anybody, afterall these places are private property and as such the law protects them. At the end of the day these women can fuss and fart but the owner was perfectly within in his right to refuse service and ask them to leave, he didn't even need to give a reason.

Really?  You know for a fact that that's what French law says?

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