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Woman to sue stranger for calling her 'fat animal' on social media


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19 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


How to judge the gravity of the offence? The offence taken is entirely subjective. Sensitive people will take offence at something that normal people will laugh at. Why should the law drag everyone down to the level of the most sensitive?

How to judge the context? In the current case - who knows exactly what happened when the woman bumped into the man? - perhaps her behaviour was actually inflammatory. It's just one person's word against another's.

How to distinguish between genuine hostility and unintentional offence-giving such as teasing? That could lead to all sorts of unfair judgements.

How to prevent people faking or exaggerating offence in order to win damages? Not possible.


Some people will no doubt profit by it, but such a law is generally unworkable and will have potentially damaging consequences for society.

I haven't seen the law as it stands in Thailand. Do you have a link to a good English translation?


I understand you don't like the law and think it's bad for Thai society. I disagree, but discussing our opinions on the good, bad and ugly aspects of Thai law is really beyond the scope of this thread. 


You're trying to make simple matters more complicated than they are.


I am basing my opinion on the story as presented to us in the media. That's all I can do.


It's quite easy to find English translations of the Thai defamation law on Google. Many legal sites have it.


Most of these types of cases will come to a negotiated settlement before they reach court. If it does go to court, a judge will decide on the gravity of the offense and the punishment. She will have 3 months to press charges, or in a civil case, a year.


In this particular case it's not one person's word against another at all. There is electronic evidence of slander posted on Facebook. That's all she needs. 



Edited by tropo
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On 29/08/2016 at 0:06 PM, CanInBKK said:


Despite possibly agreeing with you, it won't be long before the TV white knights and SJWs are on this thread tearing the Facebook poster a new one.

The *%£" who posted the abuse should have a new one torn. They are pathetic vermin who get a vicarious thrill from abusing other, contemptible cowards.


Not as contemptible alt-right bigots with their pathetic terms used to describe those who can see right from wrong mind... 

Edited by Bluespunk
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