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British man dies after stabbing attack at Australian hostel 


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British man dies after stabbing attack at Australian hostel 


SYDNEY (AP) — A British man who police say was wounded when he tried to save a British woman stabbed to death at an Australian hostel has died of his injuries.


Queensland state police say 30-year-old Thomas Jackson died in a hospital in the northeast Australian city of Townsville on Tuesday.


Jackson was wounded last week when he tried to stop an attack at a hostel in the town of Home Hill, south of Townsville. Police have accused 29-year-old Smail Ayad, of France, of stabbing Mia Ayliffe-Chung to death in front of dozens of backpackers.


Police said Ayad shouted the Arabic phrase "Allahu akbar" during the attack, but that there is no indication the assault was motivated by extremism.


Jackson has been praised by police for trying to protect Ayliffe-Chung during the attack.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-30
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2 hours ago, Usernames said:


And on and on it goes.


Australia - fast becoming one of the champions of Political Correctness.


The man shouts an Islamic slogan, in Arabic, that is often shouted by Islamic terrorists as they attack and kill non Muslims, whilst he attacks and murders non Muslims.


Yep, no sign of any extremism there. Aussie cops are either dumb or totally controlled by their political masters. 

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23 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Australia is- fecoming one of the champ ions ofdelay Political Correctness.


The man shouts an Islamic san, in Arabic, that is often sho uted by Islamic terrorists as they attack and kill non Muslims, whilst he attacks and murders non Muslims.


Yep, no sign of any extremism there. Aussie cops are either dumb or totally controlled by their political masters. 


Your kind pick on Thai police for hastingly jumping to conclusions when events lead to deaths. Now your picking on Australian police for not jumping to "your" obvious conclusion. Lets, be honest and admit that it's not the hast or delays that get to you, but the opportunity to have a go at criticizing others on racist grounds alone.

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6 minutes ago, mankondang said:


Your kind pick on Thai police for hastingly jumping to conclusions when events lead to deaths. Now your picking on Australian police for not jumping to "your" obvious conclusion. Lets, be honest and admit that it's not the hast or delays that get to you, but the opportunity to have a go at criticizing others on racist grounds alone.

He shouted "Allahu akbar" as he was murdering these two innocent young people, which is what the jihadists normally scream when killing non-muslims. What do the Australian police and YOU reckon his motive was then?


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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Australia - fast becoming one of the champions of Political Correctness.


The man shouts an Islamic slogan, in Arabic, that is often shouted by Islamic terrorists as they attack and kill non Muslims, whilst he attacks and murders non Muslims.


Yep, no sign of any extremism there. Aussie cops are either dumb or totally controlled by their political masters. 

Yep, it's the Allahu Akbar Nothing To Do With Islam Lone Wolf Mental Health boys at it again.

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40 minutes ago, jesimps said:

He shouted "Allahu akbar" as he was murdering these two innocent young people, which is what the jihadists normally scream when killing non-muslims. What do the Australian police and YOU reckon his motive was then?



To date, from police briefings & witnesses,talking to the media the murders seem to be driven by rage due to the female victim's rejection; she was sharing a room with him and a few others, including the deceased in the OP, at a backpacker hostel. Police have requested more time to gather evidence that currently is scheduled for presentation to Court late October this year, we have to wait until that time for more clarity. In the meantime anyone who is familiar with the Australian Federal Police (they investigate incidents of alleged terrorism), obviously not by some with their asinine comments in this topic, will know they are not PC orientated.


Regards the death reported in the OP, from local media reports, the victim had been kept alive on life support until his family had time to get to Australia - RIP.

Edited by simple1
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The right-wing is quick to condemn all of Islam like it’s a singular entity, and hold every Muslim accountable for the actions of a handful bad apples. As I’ve often said, no one religion — not even Buddhism — has the “right” to claim they’re non-violent. Holy War is one of those things that cuts across all religions equally. And while you can point this out to right-wingers, they won’t listen: they’re quick to invoke Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Sheebab, or some other terrorist agency and pretend they’re the sum total of all Muslims.

Well, there are Christian terrorist agencies that are just as scary, and some of them just as bad if not worse, than ISIS. A few of these you may have heard of, but since our so-called “liberal media” gets cold feet at naming Christian Terrorism what it is, some of them slip under the radar or aren’t as associated with Christian terrorism as they should be in the popular imagination

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6 minutes ago, Nemesis7 said:

Well, there are Christian terrorist agencies that are just as scary, and some of them just as bad if not worse, than ISIS.


Perhaps you should look at the other topic running concurrently where IS Buried Thousands in 72 Mass Graves.  

  Perhaps you can show me the mass atrocities committed by rogue Presybterians?

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And who, pray, do US Presidents invariably invoke before unleashing their imperial lust on innocent millions if it isn't the Christian equivalent of the Muslim deity?


Same modus operanda, different nutcases.


Moral: religion poisons everything.

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Just now, Krataiboy said:

And who, pray, do US Presidents invariably invoke before unleashing their imperial lust on innocent millions if it isn't the Christian equivalent of the Muslim deity?


Same modus operanda, different nutcases.


Moral: religion poisons everything.



Sounds like a question for Barak Hussein Obama.

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The right-wing is quick to condemn all of Islam like it’s a singular entity, and hold every Muslim accountable for the actions of a handful bad apples

While the Left Wing is even quicker to absolve all Muslims from any accusations of criminality, whether it be beheading people on the streets of London, mass rape of young white girls in Yorkshire, bombing of transport systems across Europe, or the mass groping and rape of German women in Cologne.


The BBC can't even bring itself to use the word Muslim in connection with these atrocities. It doesn't even accept the term Islamic State, always inserting "so-called" in the front, in a typically lame effort to try and deny the Muslim link.

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17 minutes ago, RickBradford said:


The BBC can't even bring itself to use the word Muslim in connection with these atrocities. It doesn't even accept the term Islamic State, always inserting "so-called" in the front, in a typically lame effort to try and deny the Muslim link.


Rubbish. The reason for using the phrase 'so called" is because Daesh held territory  is not a recognised 'State" by the international community and to deny Daesh's claim of legitimacy by using the qualifying terminology.

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I read a pretty comprehensive report into the murder including witness statements.  Apparently the killer was obsessed with the girl, kept following her around and even told people they were married.  She had tried to distance herself from him and told him she wasn't interested but he kept hassling her.  In the end she told him to get lost and he attacked and killed her.  The British man tried to intervene and that is why he was also stabbed repeatedly.


Hardly radicalised by the sound of it but let's not upset the blinkered few. 

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Australia - fast becoming one of the champions of Political Correctness.


The man shouts an Islamic slogan, in Arabic, that is often shouted by Islamic terrorists as they attack and kill non Muslims, whilst he attacks and murders non Muslims.


Yep, no sign of any extremism there. Aussie cops are either dumb or totally controlled by their political masters. 


I do not believe it to be political correctness: they are simply unsure yet if the slogan was shouted in the context of religious fanaticism or more general lunacy. 

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1 minute ago, Prbkk said:


I do not believe it to be political correctness: they are simply unsure yet if the slogan was shouted in the context of religious fanaticism or more general lunacy. 


A lunatic shouts something like "aluminum bedsheet camel".



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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Australia - fast becoming one of the champions of Political Correctness.


The man shouts an Islamic slogan, in Arabic, that is often shouted by Islamic terrorists as they attack and kill non Muslims, whilst he attacks and murders non Muslims.


Yep, no sign of any extremism there. Aussie cops are either dumb or totally controlled by their political masters. 

As an Australian I am embarrassed at how pathetic my Country has become. It will pay...one day and our kids will be studying Political Correctness in Schools as the downfall of Western Society.

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1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

Yep, it's the Allahu Akbar Nothing To Do With Islam Lone Wolf Mental Health boys at it again.


Too true!


It's nothing to do with Islam.


It's a fashionable war cry nutcases around the world start shouting whenever they feel like killing someone.


The fact that the attackers are Muslims and the victims non Muslims is neither here nor there. Those who say otherwise are racists and bigots.

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So <deleted> sad this - big RIP to both the murdered Brits.


This wacko deserves the worst, almost wish they had a public reenactment in OZ like in LOS. Im not usually one of the hang-em-high group, but a bit of mob justice would be more than welcome in this case. An 'obsession' with a woman is no excuse for any violence.

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1 hour ago, Nemesis7 said:

The right-wing is quick to condemn all of Islam like it’s a singular entity, and hold every Muslim accountable for the actions of a handful bad apples. As I’ve often said, no one religion — not even Buddhism — has the “right” to claim they’re non-violent. Holy War is one of those things that cuts across all religions equally. And while you can point this out to right-wingers, they won’t listen: they’re quick to invoke Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Sheebab, or some other terrorist agency and pretend they’re the sum total of all Muslims.

Well, there are Christian terrorist agencies that are just as scary, and some of them just as bad if not worse, than ISIS. A few of these you may have heard of, but since our so-called “liberal media” gets cold feet at naming Christian Terrorism what it is, some of them slip under the radar or aren’t as associated with Christian terrorism as they should be in the popular imagination


Name a few of these Christian Terrorism organisations that are as bad or worse than ISIS and lets have a list of the atrocities they've committed in recent years then.

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45 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I read a pretty comprehensive report into the murder including witness statements.  Apparently the killer was obsessed with the girl, kept following her around and even told people they were married.  She had tried to distance herself from him and told him she wasn't interested but he kept hassling her.  In the end she told him to get lost and he attacked and killed her.  The British man tried to intervene and that is why he was also stabbed repeatedly.


Hardly radicalised by the sound of it but let's not upset the blinkered few. 


A tragic stalker obsessed murder.  Sad to see so many hi-jacking it for political reasons. Show some respect.

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