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Thai muslims call for justice after falling for Ponzi scam in far south


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18 hours ago, clockman said:

You cannot con an honest man!


That statement is probably true in that none of us is 100% honest.


But I’m not smug enough to believe there’s much difference in the honesty between me and the people who owned Enron and Tyco shares, who bought lifetime memberships in a certain gym in Pattaya, who bought Volkswagen or Mitsubishi automobiles based on published spec’s, or whose Asian wives took them for everything they owned. 


Honest people get conned every day of every year.  There but for the grace of God (or the luck of the draw for you atheists) go I.


And the sad (I would contend, criminal) state of banking where there's virtually no interest paid on risk free deposits makes us all even more vulnerable.  Unless we want to see our real savings dwindle by the day, year and decade.

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Greed and need.  A dangerous combination in any proportion.  But it sill amazes me how these people made the payments, by check, bank transfer, bitcoin?  No verification or check on the guy at all?  I mean, some Ponzi schemes or scammers are extremely well polished and can survive a cursory examination, but doesn't anybody have any radar up for when things that promise 5-10 % or more?  Seems like the WWW (world wide web) is a wasted resource if people don't read and learn so much of what is out there. Obviously the crooks keep learning

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20 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

what does muzzlim have to do with it….some people got conned by another guy, thats it….unnecessary way to troll.




So who is trolling, someone from TV Admin?  This article was taken from a source in Sanook and it is a fair way of reporting as Muslims always refer to themselves as such.  If they're not attacking each other, they are ripping each other off.  Greed has no boundaries, it happens world wide, to many people, not only Muslims. :wai:

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

I groan when I see an advert (in the USA for example) for a business with the fish symbol displayed.   I won't do you wrong, trust me, I'm a christian. 





You don't need to see a symbol, just never trust anyone what asks you to trust them

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