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Regime moves to ease drug laws starting with meth, marijuana


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:ook I smoked POT in my younger days and the Laws were lies to give Prohibition Feds , a job after Prohibition ended ! The lies still tarnish its name but the only people who really want it kept illegal are those making money off of it being sold illegally .I pray it is decriminalized and at least Medical use at first to help people with many ills that Marijuana was used for , for so many years ,I'll be happy to have Tinctures and other items to help my Neuropathy and Arthritis ailments ,

Also , so I can reduce the Tramadol intake for pain , which I have had to take for almost 10 years or more....200 mgr. 4x a day !  and sometimes more during Flare-ups that make u crazy with its pain !

 I took speed in my younger days for diets and they I would not recommend for Medical use , as they can really make u paranoid and so unstable after being used for too long a time period . Plus POT will be great for tourism , ask Colorado about that. Thailand needs some good press for a change , and hope this boosts tourism big time ! I'll take stoners over angry drunks anytime..

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5 hours ago, dhream said:

You should have tried minute quantities of LSD to solve problems... now it's important to distinguish this is not your average 'touch the face of god' trip.
But LSD in researched doses does open the human mind to incredible problem solving potential.
Of course, all stifled by the
control freak and disgraced criminal Nixon and his cohorts in boring suits.

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    Didn't do Syd Barret much good though did it!

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Once saw my neighbor in the states shoveling snow in only his boxer shorts at 3am. It was probably meth.


Nonetheless, he made it to work early, while the rest of us couldn't get out of the garage.


My other neighbor, a constant weed smoker, just said "<deleted> it, I'm staying home"

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9 hours ago, PeeJay1959 said:

So weed is harmless. I have seen the phsycosis




If a substance had to be harmless to be legal, then there would be very few products on store shelves. There wouldn't even be petrol for sale.   Nearly every chemical product now available for sale would be banned; glue, cleaning solutions, most things in a pharmacy, ....you get the picture?


Weed is less harmful than many foods, most pharma, most chemical agents. Weed is arguably less harmful than any product with sugar, MSG or trans-fats.   Honestly, I can't think of any real harm with smoking pot.  I smoked the stuff in High School, and haven't smoked since because I don't like the high.  However, I support the right of people to smoke it or ingest THC, as long as they don't harm anyone or anything.    I say the same for cigs, MSG, sugar, caffeine, trans-fats, pharma, asbestos dust, glue fumes, PVC glue, drain cleaner, carbon monoxide,  ....all of which are proven to be harmful if abused.   


3 yrs ago I had a serious injury.  It was an open wound, but not infected.  However, the Thai hospital staff wanted to err on the side of precaution, and put an IV in my arm to inject anti-infection liquid directly into me - every 12 hours.   I took one dose and felt like I was dying.  After that, I had to suffer angry speeches by head nurses and doctors, because I refused to allow the injections (at first I asked for half dose, but they wouldn't comply).  People have died from overdoses of anti-infection agents.  One of my good Thai friends, among others.  I didn't want to become another statistic.


Who has ever died from smoking weed?   Similarly, who has ever gotten high from smoking hemp?  Yet, in Thailand, hemp is a controlled substance drug which can land a person in prison. Main reason:  Thailand copies US drug laws (lots of money and pressure from DEA to do so), no matter how harmful and ridiculous those archaic drug laws are. 

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Y A W N !
The old BS mugshot stunt AGAIN.
Hopeless alcoholics look the same.
Meth is not addictive to most, the way alcohol is not addictive to most.
Do try to be a little more original, you're needlessly scaring the kids.

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10 hours ago, xvend said:





What you are actually seeing the results of here is the failed war on drugs in America, as they criminalize everything needed to make the drugs, the criminals have found new ways, dirtier, worse ways to make them, the result is sicker addicts.  Look around you, a large portion of the population is taking methamphetamine in Thailand but no one looks like this, no one has sores all over their face, and that is because they have not been able to restrict the producers supplies of chemicals and force them into making it out of poisonous crap like the Americans.  Lower the crime and make it at least safer for the poor addicts.

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Addiction is in the PERSON not the drug.
Go and update your drug knowledge... you're about at the Nancy Reagan era... posting drivel about your crazy neighbour in the snow as 'evidence' they're on meth, and what if they were, is shovelling their drive a felony?

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Smoking ANYTHING is not a good idea. However, when living in Aus I sometimes made tea from the leaf of the marijuana plant. It actually tasted great and was, as to be expected VERY relaxing. I dont see what the harm is in doing that....I dont see the harm at all. That it is illegal to make such a tea is ridiculous! What is better, getting hammered off a bottle of whiskey and potentially killing yourself in the process....or others OR having a nice cup of ganja tea while reading Aldous Huxley in a hammok?? I ask you....


The meth thing has me a little flumoxed. Cannabis...sure but meth? I have seen first hand how that stuff can mess people up.....aint no gentle, calming meth tea that i've heard of...


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No amount of laws will ever keep a person away from wanting to break it. If u dont want something it is really based on your own choice becos u r intelligient enough. The people who wants to try drugs knows the consequences. If abused then they should be treated like a patient who needs medical help. Its like a fat obese person who knows eating too much of everything gets him fat n lots of health problems, but he still makes the choice to stuff himself full of sugar n sweets n it becomes a medical problem becos he has abused his choice with food. He will be treated as a patient with medical problems by prescribing lots of water n exercise n a more healthy diet. If we can give the same treatment to alcoholics, addicts that would be good.

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It would be a interesting social experiment if data was accurately and transparently reported. 


Declines alone could potentially be measured in, alcohol sales, road fatalities, violent crimes, drug dealing. Could be a great opportunity to move to a more modern society.


Don't know about the Meth though thats a bit far fetched.





Why is meth 'far fetched'?

Portugal and the Czechs are coping just fine with decrim meth. Have done for over a decade.

Please, everyone, stop swallowing the tired old horror stories and do some proper research.

Of course meth can destroy you.

So can hamburgers if you eat them every day for a year.

The point is, there will always be yahoos who'll abuse anything.

That does not make everything automatically 'bad' for the great majority of us.

Almost all drugs are self-limiting for normal people, you'll either try it or not, walk away, or eventually need help.

Its just like booze. In many cases even less of an abuse risk.

We don't need a big brother to dictate what to use in the majority of cases, and those who do, need government mandated dosages, not street pushers.

The solution lies in the problem as it stands. End prohibition. End the problem.

The guys who benefit most from prohibition are criminals.

Society wont turn to pharmacy sold meth as one, no more than most people drink every day of their lives. Why is that so hard to get the average joe to understand?

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What you are actually seeing the results of here is the failed war on drugs in America, as they criminalize everything needed to make the drugs, the criminals have found new ways, dirtier, worse ways to make them, the result is sicker addicts.  Look around you, a large portion of the population is taking methamphetamine in Thailand but no one looks like this, no one has sores all over their face, and that is because they have not been able to restrict the producers supplies of chemicals and force them into making it out of poisonous crap like the Americans.  Lower the crime and make it at least safer for the poor addicts.

Great post!

And the methedemic occurred because they made coke too expensive.

And coke took off because sex is awesome on it, and IT WAS ILLEGAL THERFORE 'NAUGHTY' THERFORE INSTANTLY MORE DESIRABLE (Google how Singapore ended mini skirted girls table top dancing by LEGALISING it -alas they seem to have missed the 64 million dollar point. Girls stopped doing it because it was no longer 'naughty' See, the majority of kids and adults think that way about everything, Dutch kids do much less weed and other drugs than British kids, still the arsehats don't get it).

Most people can cope with coke on weekends and function as valuable members of society at other times.

But there's always one arsehat socio-political group whose 'addiction' is power.

Telling the rest of us what we should be doing or not doing with whom with what and how.

Well beyond the norms of simply protecting innocents.

They're the busybodies who ultimately must answer for the scourge of uncontrolled drugs.

They hand the entire drug industry to criminals, then spend trillions 'controlling' it.

If thats not arsehat thinking I don't know what is!

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1 hour ago, dhream said:

Do enlighten us swan dive...
If you're going to claim LSD killed someone, be prepared to get laughed off the boards...

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  It may not kill you; but you will have a psychotic break and be clinically insane for part of the 'trip'!

Also LSD never leaves your cerebral cortex undamaged...your better off doing heroine, at least if and when

you 'kick' the habit your brain will be in good working order!

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  It may not kill you; but you will have a psychotic break and be clinically insane for part of the 'trip'!

Also LSD never leaves your cerebral cortex undamaged...your better off doing heroine, at least if and when

you 'kick' the habit your brain will be in good working order!

LSD is non habit forming.

In fact repeating a 'trip' in less than 2 weeks does...
You've wasted that dose.

You'd have to do more than you could ever afford to get brain damage, however, do please cite this study, lest we are tempted to think you pulled it out of your arse. Not that you did, right?

There are volumes about how to trip safely and pleasantly available in a few plain english clicks.
This Sid fellow sounds mental to begin with frankly.
LSD does not 'make you insane' he overdosed and lost control of the trip is all.
Very unpleasant, but insane? No.

You stay sequestered in reality, I'll enjoy intelligently and very safely not to mention (geographically) legally, exploring the inner most reaches of the human mind.

By the way, LSD provides the only known cure for agonising cluster headaches.

The current arsehat thinking to ease the pain (which it clearly doesn't -watching a sufferer on you tube) is hospital tank O2.

Thank you, Mr. President arsehat Nixon for banning LSD scientific research. The good news is you're a very dead arsehat, and research has now very sensibly been re established!

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20 hours ago, dhream said:

According to one guy here modern airforce's feed their pilots meth.
I think that qualifies as medicinal.

Also I think he may be referring to the WW2 Luftwaffe and Soviet flyers who would have absolutely needed it in the desperate skies of those times.

Drones now do a much better job of tweaked up air aces, but what would I know? emoji12.png I'm just a 'high junkie' as far as some nincompoops here are concerned...

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A dated, but interesting article:  'Go' and 'no-go' pills are still used by some US military pilots to this day, although it seems to be restricted to combat use over short periods, not as the norm. Never heard about it in the UK forces though.  http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3071789/ns/us_news-only/t/go-pills-war-drugs/#.V8gCGCh97IU

Edited by Psimbo
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Another thing to consider is the on-going peace talks in Burma- the main source of income to fuel the internal war in some of the States is meth. If peace accords are signed the source could dry up. Interesting times ahead. Meth will never be stamped out but its supply could slowly fade away.


As for weed- I see nothing wrong with it- its no more addictive than beer but it does play hell with one's diet getting the munchies. Uruguay legalised it, Canada was going to but found it couldn't under international law so is basically decriminalized it (you can buy it on prescription in vending machines in Vancouver). 4 US States have legalised it (against Federal Law) and other states are basically decriminalising it. Common sense seems to be coming to the fore at last. Concentrate on the 'bad' drugs not the 'good'.

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21 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

Another thing to consider is the on-going peace talks in Burma- the main source of income to fuel the internal war in some of the States is meth. If peace accords are signed the source could dry up. Interesting times ahead. Meth will never be stamped out but its supply could slowly fade away.


As for weed- I see nothing wrong with it- its no more addictive than beer but it does play hell with one's diet getting the munchies. Uruguay legalised it, Canada was going to but found it couldn't under international law so is basically decriminalized it (you can buy it on prescription in vending machines in Vancouver). 4 US States have legalised it (against Federal Law) and other states are basically decriminalising it. Common sense seems to be coming to the fore at last. Concentrate on the 'bad' drugs not the 'good'.


The government backed militias are supposedly some of the biggest players these days, I don't really see any reason why either side would stop making money from this if the fighting stops, they would merely lose the pretense of being in it for the struggle, as happened in Ireland, with the IRA going from terrorists using drugs to fuel their struggle to drug dealing gangsters, the same is likely in Myanmar.

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14 hours ago, dhream said:

LSD is non habit forming.

In fact repeating a 'trip' in less than 2 weeks does...
You've wasted that dose.

You'd have to do more than you could ever afford to get brain damage, however, do please cite this study, lest we are tempted to think you pulled it out of your arse. Not that you did, right?

There are volumes about how to trip safely and pleasantly available in a few plain english clicks.
This Sid fellow sounds mental to begin with frankly.
LSD does not 'make you insane' he overdosed and lost control of the trip is all.
Very unpleasant, but insane? No.

You stay sequestered in reality, I'll enjoy intelligently and very safely not to mention (geographically) legally, exploring the inner most reaches of the human mind.

By the way, LSD provides the only known cure for agonising cluster headaches.

The current arsehat thinking to ease the pain (which it clearly doesn't -watching a sufferer on you tube) is hospital tank O2.

Thank you, Mr. President arsehat Nixon for banning LSD scientific research. The good news is you're a very dead arsehat, and research has now very sensibly been re established!

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk




  I'd point out that there's a huge difference between the

medical grade lsd folks were experimenting with in the sixties and

the street drug concocted in the backstreets of Rotterdam today!

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On 8/30/2016 at 7:33 PM, taichiplanet said:

good idea. Don't get too excited though as it medical use only, not recreational.


I'm very excited, as that is huge progress. 


I wonder if they will honor medical marijuana cards from the USA. Or be able to use it to get a Thai card. 

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