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Thailand's OBEC to prevent all types of cheating in assistant teacher exam


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OBEC to prevent all types of cheating in assistant teacher exam




BURIRAM, 31 August 2016 (NNT) - The Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC) is working to prevent all types of cheating in an exam, which is scheduled to take place next month, to recruit assistant teachers. 

OBEC’s Director Personnel Administration Development and Legal Affairs Narong Paewpolsong instructed every provincial committee on education and proctors in a meeting held in Burriram to keep their eyes on test takers during the assistant teacher recruitment exam. 

Those taking the test have been warned against scammers claiming they could help with the exam. They are also encouraged to report any irregularities to authorities. 

The recruitment process, which consists of a writing exam and an interview, will take place from September 17th to 19th. Mr. Narong said every step of the process will be closely monitored to prevent cheating. 

The upcoming exam, which is this year's first round, will be held in 60 provinces across the country. Out of 134,795 applicants, only 2,561 will be selected. The highest number of applicants was recorded in Burriam where more than 7,000 people are expected to sit in the exam. 

The second and third largest numbers of people taking the exam are in Chonburi and Amnat Charoen respectively. The results will be revealed on September 29th.

-- nnt 2016-08-31
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It must be very confusing for those taking the test.  Throughout school from P1-M6 they were allowed to copy of the friends papers and the answers were written on the blackboard for them,  and now they can't copy because it is cheating?

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24 minutes ago, ThaiRich said:

It must be very confusing for those taking the test.  Throughout school from P1-M6 they were allowed to copy of the friends papers and the answers were written on the blackboard for them,  and now they can't copy because it is cheating?

Exactly. There's an article on ajarn.com from a foreigner here who says that cheating and always passing is fine because it's 'their' culture. He also says that a child will lose confidence if they fail. (Begs the question why they have so many exams in the first place)


 Yea, it's fine until it matters. And then you wonder why people are so confused as to why a real exam is so hard and why they haven't just passed. 



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12 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Exactly. There's an article on ajarn.com from a foreigner here who says that cheating and always passing is fine because it's 'their' culture. He also says that a child will lose confidence if they fail. (Begs the question why they have so many exams in the first place)


 Yea, it's fine until it matters. And then you wonder why people are so confused as to why a real exam is so hard and why they haven't just passed. 



At the last school I worked in,   a vocational one,   I warned two students they would be thrown out on an exam if they kept on talking.

They complained to the school authorities and I was told not to be so strict,   it wasn't necessary as they weren't talking about the exam   !

I asked the lady who was warning me how she knew what they were talking abut and her reply was she had asked them and they assured her it was nothing to do with the exam and she believed them so I was in the wrong.

Examples like this are ten a penny as schools etc protect the no fail policy while insisting cheating doesn't happen or is no big deal.

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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I think it was just 3 or 4 years ago there was the same teacher assistant test where massive cheating was discovered.  Something like 70% passed the exam until they had to take it again and in some provinces the percentage dropped to ZERO and down by a lot in the others.


I can't be asked to look all the info up.  Someone else will be along in a bit and they will flesh it out for us.

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For crying out loud, get you priorities right - these are assistant teachers!


If they want to get serious about cheats, then maybe the Thais should follow the lead of their Chinese cousins:



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Thais will not be able to stop cheating for as long as cheating hs brought such handsome rewards for so many. Thais look at corruption and see that corruption works. The look at nepotism and see that nepotism works. They see thieving and see that thieving works.


When so many have done themselves proud dishonestly, what incentive is there to have principles?


That is the real reason corruption and thieving are thoroughly suffused throughout Thai society, from the bottom to the top. Tinkering around the edges is all the nice Mr Prayuth will do, he isn't going to kill the goose that laid his golden eggs.



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9 hours ago, Caveat Emptor said:

At the last school I worked in,   a vocational one,   I warned two students they would be thrown out on an exam if they kept on talking.

They complained to the school authorities and I was told not to be so strict,   it wasn't necessary as they weren't talking about the exam   !

I asked the lady who was warning me how she knew what they were talking abut and her reply was she had asked them and they assured her it was nothing to do with the exam and she believed them so I was in the wrong.

Examples like this are ten a penny as schools etc protect the no fail policy while insisting cheating doesn't happen or is no big deal.


When students cheat on exams it's because  the outer Thai school system values grades more than its students value of learning. :clap2:

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