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UK: ‘Hate crime’ murder probe after Polish man is killed


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UK: ‘Hate crime’ murder probe after Polish man is killed




LONDON: -- A sixth teenager arrested on suspicion of murdering a Polish man in southeast England has been freed on bail in what police believe may have been a hate crime.


Arkadiusz Jozwik, 40, was set upon outside shops in the town of Harlow, east of London. He suffered head injuries in the attack on Saturday and died in hospital on Monday evening.


A second man, 43, was also attacked and suffered suspected fractures to his hands and bruising to his stomach. He has since been discharged from hospital.


Visiting the scene on Wednesday to pay his respects, Poland’s Ambassador Arkady Rzegocki said hate crimes had risen since Britain’s Brexit vote.


“Poles are present in Great Britain for many, many decades, maybe even centuries, so I hope that it will never happen in the future,” he told reporters.


Asked how concerned he was about xenophobia in the UK after Brexit, Rzegocki replied:


“Unfortunately there is much more such situations after Brexit, after the Brexit referendum. We found about 15, or maybe 16 altogether such situations.”


Five boys aged 15 and one aged 16 were arrested on suspicion of murder, police said. One line of investigation was that the attack was a hate crime, they said.


The group has been released on bail until Oct. 7 pending further inquiries.


Police in the United Kingdom have reported a jump in hate crime since the country voted to leave the European Union in June, following a campaign that critics said stoked xenophobia and racism.


It is a worrying trend for the estimated 850,000 members of Britain’s Polish community.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-01
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Why is this particular attack labelled a "hate crime" as opposed to just naughty kids highjinks, poor mental health or even unrequited love? It wouldn't have anything to do with the ethnicity of the attacking kids would it? 

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It would be interesting to know the names of the 5 thugs who did this. The poles have always distinguished themselves by their wish to be productive working people. If the attackers were mohammed this and mohammed that, well, enough said :)

Edited by phantomfiddler
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Horrible little <deleted> One of the reasons I'm so glad I don't live in the UK anymore........obnoxious gangs of kids drunk at the weekend making nuisances of themselves. Lock em up and throw away the key.

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3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

It would be interesting to know the names of the 5 thugs who did this. The poles have always distinguished themselves by their wish to be productive working people. If the attackers were mohammed this and mohammed that, well, enough said :)

Not sure about names, but since it's classed as a hate crime they're definitely white!


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6 hours ago, jaidam said:

Why is this particular attack labelled a "hate crime" as opposed to just naughty kids highjinks, poor mental health or even unrequited love? It wouldn't have anything to do with the ethnicity of the attacking kids would it? 


Maybe it could have something to do with what the arrested youths said to police whilst being questioned.


Note that they've been released on bail. So murder suspects being bailed isn't just a Thai phenomenon as some TVF posters think.

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On 9/1/2016 at 0:32 PM, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

How come when blacks kill white people it is never called a hate crime?



Anyway ... you are incorrect in your assertion. Here is the proof for you:



Racial bias

Among the single-bias hate crime incidents in 2012, there were 3,467 victims of racially motivated hate crime.

66.2 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

22.0 percent were victims of an anti-white bias.

4.4 percent were victims of a bias against a group of individuals in which more than one race was represented (anti-multiple races, group).

4.1 percent were victims of an anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.

3.3 percent were victims of an anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias. (Based on Table 1.)



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. . . police believe MAY have been a hate crime


What kind of justice system are we running that permits such a damaging and inflammatory allegation to be made public before a case has even been brought to court?


The police should be ashamed of themselves along with the gutter press which is using every dirty trick in the book to drive a wedge between indigenous Brits and immigrant communities - with the obvious aim of discrediting the Brexit referendum result.


It won't wash. The British people are among the most tolerant and compassionate in the world and the vast majority will be as  horrified at the recent spate of anti-immigrant violence as the victims themselves.


However, the pro-EU establishment and their minions in the corporate media needs to understand - as, mercifully, the country's new Prime Minister seems to - that whatever propaganda tricks they pull, the Brexit vote means what it says.

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21 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Maybe it could have something to do with what the arrested youths said to police whilst being questioned.


From the official government website:-


The Association of Chief Police Officers and the CPS have agreed a common definition of hate crime: "Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender."


So a hate crime is a hate crime if anyone says it is. All other considerations are irrelevant. Interestingly though, nationality, as opposed to race, is not mentioned on the above list so how an attack by white Brits on white Poles is deemed a hate crime as per the defintion is not particularly clear.

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16 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

. . . police believe MAY have been a hate crime


What kind of justice system are we running that permits such a damaging and inflammatory allegation to be made public before a case has even been brought to court?


The police should be ashamed of themselves along with the gutter press which is using every dirty trick in the book to drive a wedge between indigenous Brits and immigrant communities - with the obvious aim of discrediting the Brexit referendum result.


It won't wash. The British people are among the most tolerant and compassionate in the world and the vast majority will be as  horrified at the recent spate of anti-immigrant violence as the victims themselves.


However, the pro-EU establishment and their minions in the corporate media needs to understand - as, mercifully, the country's new Prime Minister seems to - that whatever propaganda tricks they pull, the Brexit vote means what it says.

To be fair, it probably was a hate crime - although we all wait further information.


Yobs have been attacking (and sometimes killing) those they dislike for decades.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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effects of brexit and exaggerated xenophobia on British youth. which is a good indicator like what will happen in UK when those brainwashed youth with full of hate become adults holding more power in their hands or occupying key legislative, legal systems or law enforcement positions! a new ultra conservative fascist state? (but a poor one too after Brexit which is more dangerous) where France is heading on?

hate crimes are latest rising trend in UK and rest of Europe.

well, christians and whitees are always good at hate crimes, dont they? 


1 hour ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

How come when blacks kill white people it is never called a hate crime?


whitees kill more colored people, always.

also whitees kill each other more than other groups too sadly!

and we always saw/see whitees kill, discriminate, enslave colored people somehow throughout the history.


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Is a crock of B - $ h it, no evidence at moment of hate crime - just happens to be a Polish guy ( and I don't mean that disrespectfully) who basically was in the wrong place at wrong time. A group of young thugs out looking to cause some trouble (if it was a native UK national sat there eating pizza then they would have most likely took the beating) They kicked the poor bloke to death by all accounts and hopefully they will all get locked up for a few years, but the press/media giving it the Hate card crap??? As far as I have seen the Plod have only said they are investigating as to whether it may have been an hate crime... 


The press are more interested in proving BREXIT was the wrong decision and use every opportunity to show this argument; Most people I know think it was the right choice, Mmm maybe why the public voted out then ehh?

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12 minutes ago, Lokie said:

Is a crock of B - $ h it, no evidence at moment of hate crime - just happens to be a Polish guy ( and I don't mean that disrespectfully) who basically was in the wrong place at wrong time. A group of young thugs out looking to cause some trouble (if it was a native UK national sat there eating pizza then they would have most likely took the beating) They kicked the poor bloke to death by all accounts and hopefully they will all get locked up for a few years, but the press/media giving it the Hate card crap??? As far as I have seen the Plod have only said they are investigating as to whether it may have been an hate crime... 


The press are more interested in proving BREXIT was the wrong decision and use every opportunity to show this argument; Most people I know think it was the right choice, Mmm maybe why the public voted out then ehh?

Whilst I generally agree with the emboldened part, it seems likely that this was a bunch of yobs out to hurt a group they disliked.


Nothing new - although the remain press pretend this is only the case since the brexit vote.

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Harlow is not a town with a large immigrant population. Figures from the 2011 census showed that 83.9% of the town's population were White British, 5.3% White Irish or Other White. Of the remaining 10.8% just 1.3% were of Pakistani or Bangladeshi heritage. (See page 19 of this document.)


The area where this murder took place is a well known trouble spot: Police install dispersal order at The Stow in Harlow

Superintendent Andy Mariner said: "Over the last two months we have received reports of nuisance and anti-social behaviour in The Stow, which have affected the quality of life for residents and shop owners.
"These complaints relate to groups of youths congregating in the area, riding bikes and motorbikes and generally acting in an anti-social manner.

I suspect that it is likely that the youths who killed Mr. Jozwik came from one of these groups.


What I can't understand is why it took someone's death before the police took this action and why the order is only in force until 7pm tonight!


My condolences to Mr. Jozwik's family.

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5 hours ago, dageurreotype said:

Some in the US and Canada are now beginning to question political correctness and terms such as 'hate crime', in that it has reached the point where it is stifling freedom of speech. I should not have been surprised to learn that the UK is the worst in the world for this.

Equally, slinging the words 'hate crime' around all the time completely devalues the term, just as Leftists calling everyone who disagrees with them 'racists' and 'bigots' renders those terms completely meaningless. It's just another term of abuse designed to stifle debate.


There are real racists and bigots around, but the serially outraged activists have made it hard to find out who they are, by tarring everyone who prefers their own culture with the same brush.


As they say, when everybody's somebody, then nobody's anybody.

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27 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Equally, slinging the words 'hate crime' around all the time completely devalues the term................


Indeed, using the words 'hate crime' just because victim and perpetrator are of a different race, culture, religion, sexual preference etc. is counter productive. It should only be used because the victim's race etc. was the motivation, in part or full, for the crime.


However, despite the title of this topic, as the OP says


One line of investigation was that the attack was a hate crime

(7by7 emphasis)

Pure supposition on my part, but I think its fair to assume that those investigations will try and determine if Mr Jozwik was attacked because he was Polish, was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time or some other reason.


Maybe the police should not have said that; but often such comments are the response to a question from a journalist, even when there is no mention of that question in the report.


31 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

.........just as Leftists calling everyone who disagrees with them 'racists' and 'bigots' renders those terms completely meaningless. It's just another term of abuse designed to stifle debate............

Ditto when people throw the word 'apologist' and similar at those with whom they disagree.

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17 hours ago, dunroaming said:

My sister lives in Essex and when we have visited in the past my wife has been spat at in the street and told to p*ss off back to Pakistan (she is light skinned Thai).  It is the heartland of the rightwing racists which is partly why UKip did so well there.


My wife was spat at once in my old home town ,it was by an Asian (pakistani ,/ indian) for being married to a white guy , cuts both ways .

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2 hours ago, i claudius said:


My wife was spat at once in my old home town ,it was by an Asian (pakistani ,/ indian) for being married to a white guy , cuts both ways .


It does cut both ways, your wife is given exactly the same recourse to the law.


She should gave filed a report.

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3 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


It does cut both ways, your wife is given exactly the same recourse to the law.


She should gave filed a report.


Why bother? it was just some stupid idiot who spat from a bridge ,if i could have got to the little pr-ck i would have sorted it myself . as for what happened to the Polish guy that was terrible , hope it was not a hate crime , but i do know the area where it happened and it is rough, in my old home town the Poles even have a club , everyone seemed to like them ,they were no problem at all ,very nice people on the whole ,but there were some drunks , but that happens in all walks of life

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People forget how prevalent Paki-bashing used to be. Of course, this was in the days when they didn't fight back. I'd be a bit careful with the Pole-bashing, after all they did help us win the Battle of Britain. And they did,  in myth, charge Nazi tanks with cavalry. Not exactly a soft target.

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