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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump IS the establishment as much or more than any other public figure.  

He rubs shoulders with wheeler dealers every chance he gets.  He takes judges out to dinner the night before a judge is scheduled to make a ruling on one of Trump's nearly 4,000 lawsuits against him for not paying wages to workers.  He bribed the Attorney General of Florida the day before she was scheduled to make a decision whether to allow lawsuits against Trump U.  Surprise! the next day she nixed lawsuits against Trump's fake & rip-off U.  Soon after, the same AG was invited to Trump's mansion to attend a party.   Trump hires mafia-connected construction companies in NYC.  He hires Polish workers in NYC who are outside of unions and working for less than minimum wage.  You can recognize them, they're the workers not wearing hard hats on job sites which require hard hats.  Trump's response; "I didn't know they were required to wear protection."




Feel free to post the names of the non mob-connected building contractors in New York City.

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump IS the establishment as much or more than any other public figure.  

He rubs shoulders with wheeler dealers every chance he gets.  He takes judges out to dinner the night before a judge is scheduled to make a ruling on one of Trump's nearly 4,000 lawsuits against him for not paying wages to workers.  He bribed the Attorney General of Florida the day before she was scheduled to make a decision whether to allow lawsuits against Trump U.  Surprise! the next day she nixed lawsuits against Trump's fake & rip-off U.  Soon after, the same AG was invited to Trump's mansion to attend a party.   Trump hires mafia-connected construction companies in NYC.  He hires Polish workers in NYC who are outside of unions and working for less than minimum wage.  You can recognize them, they're the workers not wearing hard hats on job sites which require hard hats.  Trump's response; "I didn't know they were required to wear protection."





Please stay on topic, this is about A record number of Americans hating HRC, not Trump.  Having trouble understanding what has been written or just finding a need to continue with the denigration? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

An outgoing President's approval rating does impact the chances of his party's candidate winning the Presidential election, though I'm not sure to what extent. In that connection, it's interesting to note that Obama's approval rating has been climbing and reached a second term peak this month. I wonder if this will help Clinton in this election. I suppose we will have some analysts weigh on this, but I'm sure it can't hurt.


Can't wait for those far right posters to chime in with he's the worst President in history and to have ever emerged and walked erect on two feet out of Kenya.



Obama’s overall rating puts him on par with former President Ronald Reagan, whose ratings exceeded 60 percent after George H. W. Bush was elected president in November of 1988. George W. Bush, on the other hand, saw his ratings drop to lows of 27 percent during the final months of his presidency.



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On 8/31/2016 at 9:56 PM, rijb said:

A record number of Americans dislike the crooks in Congress.  But, they still vote for them.



seems like honest people don't run for office ( don't want to associate with politicians)

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4 hours ago, keemapoot said:

An outgoing President's approval rating does impact the chances of his party's candidate winning the Presidential election, though I'm not sure to what extent. In that connection, it's interesting to note that Obama's approval rating has been climbing and reached a second term peak this month. I wonder if this will help Clinton in this election. I suppose we will have some analysts weigh on this, but I'm sure it can't hurt.


Can't wait for those far right posters to chime in with he's the worst President in history and to have ever emerged and walked erect on two feet out of Kenya.





Just out of curiosity, what is your response to Bill Clinton bagging Obama Care, calling it crazy.   


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21 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:
1 hour ago, stander said:

It's not Republicans versus Democrats, it's Americans versus Globalists.


Be careful or you will be labeled a Nationalist or more likely Xonophobic. 


FYI - It's xenophobic. Having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries


It is funny how some Americans truly believe in a "us versus them" world. Where America must become a more isolationist nation to protect itself. Like somehow curling into a little ball will protect the country better. Trump and some of his supporters feed on this type of fear and protectionism.


A better way to protect yourself is to make sure other countries benefit from your policies as well as yourself. It is called a win-win. When the USA shows it cares about fellow planet dwellers, the more they will care in return. In most cases kindness is returned with kindness. Unlike with hatred and fear, that of course is returned with hatred and fear in response.


This "either them or us" attitude doesn't fly in a world that is connected by instant Internet communication. Where a person from half way around the world can connect from someone from the other side (both geographically and in beliefs) and share their respective world views. Obama and Hillary understand this.

Edited by Silurian
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14 minutes ago, Silurian said:


FYI - It's xenophobic. Having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries


It is funny how some Americans truly believe in a "us versus them" world. Where America must become a more isolationist nation to protect itself. Like somehow curling into a little ball will protect the country better. Trump and some of his supporters feed on this type of fear and protectionism.


A better way to protect yourself is to make sure other countries benefit from your policies as well as yourself. It is called a win-win. When the USA shows it cares about fellow planet dwellers, the more they will care in return. In most cases kindness is returned with kindness. Unlike with hatred and fear, that of course is returned with hatred and fear in response.


This "either them or us" attitude doesn't fly in a world that is connected by instant Internet communication. Where a person from half way around the world can connect from someone from the other side (both geographically and in beliefs) and share their respective world views. Obama and Hillary understand this.



Yeah no kidding thats how its spelled. My posts are full of typos because my hands tremble due to arthritis. Nobody needs a grammar and spelling cop on the TVF.


As for the rest of the post...when there is not enough food and energy left on the planet due to over-population (and we have reached maximum carrying capacity) and there is not enough for everyone to share then good luck with your Kumbaya moment. 


We used to have some hippy co-ops tryig to farm near me through the 70's. None of them made it beyond 3 years. The reason was always the same--their ideas of cooperative co-existence never took into account human nature. 


True story.

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The Globalist Elite see nothing wrong in their world is the reason why we don't trust them.


Bill Clinton recently spoke of a globalist vision of a "nonzero-sum" world in which everyone wins together and how the idea was under attack by "zero-sum" tribal politics



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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:



Yeah no kidding thats how its spelled. My posts are full of typos because my hands tremble due to arthritis. Nobody needs a grammar and spelling cop on the TVF.


As for the rest of the post...when there is not enough food and energy left on the planet due to over-population (and we have reached maximum carrying capacity) and there is not enough for everyone to share then good luck with your Kumbaya moment. 


We used to have some hippy co-ops tryig to farm near me through the 70's. None of them made it beyond 3 years. The reason was always the same--their ideas of cooperative co-existence never took into account human nature. 


True story.


Oh, I know you know how it is spelled. I was just messing with you. :smile: Arthritis sucks. There are days where my knees keep yelling at me for climbing those damn steps.


You and I have had these "Utopian/kumbaya" discussions in the past. You know that I always try to believe the best in human nature. It is just something I hope and wish for. It is one of the reasons I can't stomach those different dystopian scenarios that seem to pop up ever other day. People have been preaching doom and gloom (like Trump and his supporters) for as long as there have been people and yet, here we remain.


I truly believe the world is in a much better place now than 10, 20, 30 or XX years ago. Globalization is happening whether some people want it or not. The Internet brings people closer and closer. It brings different ideas, beliefs and customs to all who are willing to look. Shipping, planes and people themselves bring goods and services all over the planet. This will only continue to grow. To try to hide behind trade barriers and stockpiles will only stunt a country's economic growth. I believe both Obama and Hillary understand and back this.


I truly wish for a planet where anyone can travel and live where ever they choose. Just like the US is a conglomeration of states where travel is allowed anywhere in its borders without much hassle, this is what I want worldwide. I believe it will happen, at least in part. The EU is another example of this (minus Brexit). These types of coalitions are the natural side effect of globalization. 

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2 hours ago, Silurian said:


FYI - It's xenophobic. Having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries


It is funny how some Americans truly believe in a "us versus them" world. Where America must become a more isolationist nation to protect itself. Like somehow curling into a little ball will protect the country better. Trump and some of his supporters feed on this type of fear and protectionism.


A better way to protect yourself is to make sure other countries benefit from your policies as well as yourself. It is called a win-win. When the USA shows it cares about fellow planet dwellers, the more they will care in return. In most cases kindness is returned with kindness. Unlike with hatred and fear, that of course is returned with hatred and fear in response.


This "either them or us" attitude doesn't fly in a world that is connected by instant Internet communication. Where a person from half way around the world can connect from someone from the other side (both geographically and in beliefs) and share their respective world views. Obama and Hillary understand this.

Tell it to the unemployed and poor US citizens that live in Detroit or many once industrialized US cities. I'm sure your words will make them feel better.

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2 hours ago, Silurian said:


Oh, I know you know how it is spelled. I was just messing with you. :smile: Arthritis sucks. There are days where my knees keep yelling at me for climbing those damn steps.


You and I have had these "Utopian/kumbaya" discussions in the past. You know that I always try to believe the best in human nature. It is just something I hope and wish for. It is one of the reasons I can't stomach those different dystopian scenarios that seem to pop up ever other day. People have been preaching doom and gloom (like Trump and his supporters) for as long as there have been people and yet, here we remain.


I truly believe the world is in a much better place now than 10, 20, 30 or XX years ago. Globalization is happening whether some people want it or not. The Internet brings people closer and closer. It brings different ideas, beliefs and customs to all who are willing to look. Shipping, planes and people themselves bring goods and services all over the planet. This will only continue to grow. To try to hide behind trade barriers and stockpiles will only stunt a country's economic growth. I believe both Obama and Hillary understand and back this.


I truly wish for a planet where anyone can travel and live where ever they choose. Just like the US is a conglomeration of states where travel is allowed anywhere in its borders without much hassle, this is what I want worldwide. I believe it will happen, at least in part. The EU is another example of this (minus Brexit). These types of coalitions are the natural side effect of globalization. 

Sorry, but it will never happen till a plague wipes out 3/4 of the world's population. Overpopulation will destroy any dream of globalism, simply because under the present system those that don't fit in are left with nothing, and they are a majority. So long as a country is democratic, they will vote for the one that will give them stuff, and jobs are the best way to get stuff.

HRC's view of globalization doesn't help the people of Detroit, or Ferguson, as it is centered on making the 1% and Wall St richer, which is why she is tanking in the popularity stakes.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sorry, but it will never happen till a plague wipes out 3/4 of the world's population. Overpopulation will destroy any dream of globalism, simply because under the present system those that don't fit in are left with nothing, and they are a majority. So long as a country is democratic, they will vote for the one that will give them stuff, and jobs are the best way to get stuff.

HRC's view of globalization doesn't help the people of Detroit, or Ferguson, as it is centered on making the 1% and Wall St richer, which is why she is tanking in the popularity stakes.

7 billion strong with our feet firmly on the throat of nature. CO2 levels highest in 800,000 years, and oil and plastics are still our poison of choice.

behold, ye mighty, look upon my creation and despair!

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Tell it to the unemployed and poor US citizens that live in Detroit or many once industrialized US cities. I'm sure your words will make them feel better.


3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sorry, but it will never happen till a plague wipes out 3/4 of the world's population. Overpopulation will destroy any dream of globalism, simply because under the present system those that don't fit in are left with nothing, and they are a majority. So long as a country is democratic, they will vote for the one that will give them stuff, and jobs are the best way to get stuff.

HRC's view of globalization doesn't help the people of Detroit, or Ferguson, as it is centered on making the 1% and Wall St richer, which is why she is tanking in the popularity stakes.


What a pathetic view of life. 


Republicans have been elected in the past. Did they promise to give people more to get elected? The majority of Americans realize that Republicans are going to screw them. They care only about cutting taxes on the rich, guns for everyone, taking away women's rights and more war. It was only 8 years ago the worst President in history (Bush) was finally shown the door. Bush is Jesus Christ Superstar compared to Trump. 


No, it's not about who is giving away the most stuff, it's about who can lead the country. This time around the answer, NOT TRUMP

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14 minutes ago, Pinot said:



What a pathetic view of life. 


Republicans have been elected in the past. Did they promise to give people more to get elected? The majority of Americans realize that Republicans are going to screw them. They care only about cutting taxes on the rich, guns for everyone, taking away women's rights and more war. It was only 8 years ago the worst President in history (Bush) was finally shown the door. Bush is Jesus Christ Superstar compared to Trump. 


No, it's not about who is giving away the most stuff, it's about who can lead the country. This time around the answer, NOT TRUMP

I agree with nearly everything you posted, except the common promises for Republican nomination are cutting taxes and increasing jobs. Which everyone claps for, nevermind the tax cuts aren't for everyone, or the minimum wage hasn't risen, or the job increases are for part time positions.

Otherwise, right on brother.

Edited by cncltd1973
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6 minutes ago, Pinot said:



What a pathetic view of life. 


Republicans have been elected in the past. Did they promise to give people more to get elected? The majority of Americans realize that Republicans are going to screw them. They care only about cutting taxes on the rich, guns for everyone, taking away women's rights and more war. It was only 8 years ago the worst President in history (Bush) was finally shown the door. Bush is Jesus Christ Superstar compared to Trump. 


No, it's not about who is giving away the most stuff, it's about who can lead the country. This time around the answer, NOT TRUMP

Perhaps not, but as has been pointed out many times he's not a real Republican.

Anyway, Clinton won't sort it. She is Wall St's puppet and the lobbyists control her. Which is why a majority don't trust or like her. Even Trump bought her in the past. She's for sale to anyone if the price is right.


Perhaps the US is screwed whoever takes over. It's been on a death spiral since Bush the younger was elected, it's just that it's happening slowly enough for people not to notice if they don't want to.

IMO China will be the superpower by end of this century. Empires always fall because they rot from within, and the west is rotten to the core. No stronger than Rome when it fell to the barbarians that it had invited in.

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4 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Just out of curiosity, what is your response to Bill Clinton bagging Obama Care, calling it crazy.   



Yeah, wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall in the Clinton bedroom. Imagine the private talk of the overwhelming love for Obama. :wub:

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3 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Yeah, wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall in the Clinton bedroom. Imagine the private talk of the overwhelming love for Obama. :wub:


I'd rather have been a fly on the wall after she found out about his numerous indiscretions.  Just imagine the exchange of pleasantries then.

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1 minute ago, JulesMad said:

I am not at all in favor of Hillary, but ANYTHING repeat ANYTHING is better than that idiot Trump :-)  Good Luck, USA.....


Yeah, but a rich idiot.  If I had as much, then like him I would care what anyone called me.

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Looks like a record number of people will vote for Hilary Clinton.


The Republican Song of the moment? Crystal Gayle:


Don't know when I've been so blue

Don't know what's come over you

You've found someone new

And don't it make my Red States blue

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