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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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This record numbers of Americans disliking Crooked Hillary seems to be growing.


Hillary Campaign Can Only Muster 200 Attendees – Including Union Hacks – in Last Rally Before Labor Day

Hillary Clinton took the day off on Thursday.
Her next event is scheduled for Monday.

In her absence the Clinton Campaign invited Joe Biden to headline a rally in Ohio.
Only 200 people showed up… Including the paid union hacks.



That's pretty sad.  Looks like Grandma isn't going to last the course...:whistling:

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On 9/2/2016 at 2:01 PM, Jingthing said:

That is not true.


Clinton Raised $143 Million in August


Her fundraising spree took her around the country, including around Hollywood. This time spent fundraising has taken her off the campaign trail and away from voters and reporters who have questions for her surrounding the Clinton Foundation, her time at the State Department, and her private email server.



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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

This record numbers of Americans disliking Crooked Hillary seems to be growing.


Hillary Campaign Can Only Muster 200 Attendees – Including Union Hacks – in Last Rally Before Labor Day

Hillary Clinton took the day off on Thursday.
Her next event is scheduled for Monday.

In her absence the Clinton Campaign invited Joe Biden to headline a rally in Ohio.
Only 200 people showed up… Including the paid union hacks.



That's pretty sad.  Looks like Grandma isn't going to last the course...:whistling:



if you were a democrat would you go to a rally headlined by Biden?  Oh sorry for this nonsense question, I  should know better.  :whistling:  :wai:

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5 hours ago, Publicus said:


My post concluded with now, the present, as I wrote:  None of 'em however are wild or radical, nor are they completely erratic, undisciplined,  ignorant and immensely dangerous as Potus. 


Your post does not address these vital facts and factors. Trump is a wildman and radical who predicates his campaign on exclusion and race, national origin, religion, mass government police forces and actions, social upheaval and disorder and worse. Donald Trump is an ignoramus megalomaniac. 


The post refers to glib and trite expressions and I quote:


Power corrupts

and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Hillary says there is lots of smoke but no fire.

I think where there is smoke there is always fire.


You even throw in a statement attributed to HRC that she hasn't made. Gotta do better than that over there on the political-cultural fringe right that wants to overturn everything to remake America into the 1950s again. When Joe McCarthy ran freely and wildly -- destructively.

Still OFF TOPIC I see.

The fact that Clinton has never topped 50% is significant and shows that HRC is not only disliked, but must be not trusted by a large number to poll so low when she has the media in her pocket, and a large base that she takes for granted.

The longer she refuses to have a press conference can only go against her. Even the most rabid antiTrumpist must now be having doubts about HRC. If they stay home, she can still lose.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

So much for 'running out the clock' for Clinton, eh?  Headline running now throughout even MSM reflect her claims re the FBI do't pass the straight-face test.

This poster goes one further - check my shocked face! :rolleyes:


Severe shock.


Somebody get this man a whiskey STAT.

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


if you were a democrat would you go to a rally headlined by Biden?  Oh sorry for this nonsense question, I  should know better.  :whistling:  :wai:

I wouldn't.

He's on the way out, will never run for anything again, and only the V.P.

I would go to see Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, or Barack Obama though! 

Heck, I'd even go see Anthony Weiner. Could be fun! 

Edited by Jingthing
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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I wouldn't.

He's on the way out, will never run for anything again, and only the V.P.

I would go to see Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, or Barack Obama though! 

Heck, I'd even go see Anthony Weiner. Could be fun! 


Only being factious.  I wouldn't go to see any of them.  I live to far away.  :wai:


Edited by Si Thea01
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49 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I wouldn't.

He's on the way out, will never run for anything again, and only the V.P.

I would go to see Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, or Barack Obama though! 

Heck, I'd even go see Anthony Weiner. Could be fun! 

I thought everybody had already seen Anthony Weiner?

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This thread isn't about Trump. OFF TOPIC.

Oh my. 

I renounce my public and private functions and request that salt be strewn upon my grave.


My point, my little insubstantial point, put forward in good faith was...is...that a record number means little. A record percentage is meaningful. A record number of Americans might like or hate Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton whilst a record percentage dislike them. Or vice versa for that matter. Better now? Anyway, posters telling other posters when they're off topic are like male strippers dressed as cops trying to give tickets. The problem isn't so much that they're fake cops but more that they think they're real. Better left to professionals I reckon. 


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This thread isn't about Trump. OFF TOPIC.


I think it's fair enough to qualify the ridiculous topic title, which implies that Clinton is the most disliked of the two contenders.

Hillary's positively lovable in comparison to Trump's unfavourables.



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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Still OFF TOPIC I see.

The fact that Clinton has never topped 50% is significant and shows that HRC is not only disliked, but must be not trusted by a large number to poll so low when she has the media in her pocket, and a large base that she takes for granted.

The longer she refuses to have a press conference can only go against her. Even the most rabid antiTrumpist must now be having doubts about HRC. If they stay home, she can still lose.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


Be afraid, be very afraid.


That is the entire basis of the Trump campaign.


In a sharp contrast, Stronger Together resonates with the great majority of Americans that continue to occupy the moderate mainstream political-cultural and socio-economic center middle of the general electorate.


The rest of the post has nothing to bear on anything.


The extreme right in their passion to vote for Trump seems to ignore completely that more than 90% of Democratic party voters are focused to vote on Tuesday November 8th to elect HR Clinton and to deny the rash and brash ignoramus wildman Donald Trump becoming Potus.

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11 hours ago, Publicus said:


My post concluded with now, the present, as I wrote:  None of 'em however are wild or radical, nor are they completely erratic, undisciplined,  ignorant and immensely dangerous as Potus. 


Your post does not address these vital facts and factors. Trump is a wildman and radical who predicates his campaign on exclusion and race, national origin, religion, mass government police forces and actions, social upheaval and disorder and worse. Donald Trump is an ignoramus megalomaniac. 


The post refers to glib and trite expressions and I quote:


Power corrupts

and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Hillary says there is lots of smoke but no fire.

I think where there is smoke there is always fire.


You even throw in a statement attributed to HRC that she hasn't made. Gotta do better than that over there on the political-cultural fringe right that wants to overturn everything to remake America into the 1950s again. When Joe McCarthy ran freely and wildly -- destructively.



Since when does your opinion constitute "vital facts and factors"? I had no argument with your historical meanderings except seemingly wildly off topic and the rest over blown rhetoric as per usual. So why do you think I was obligated to answer any of it?


"You even throw in a statement attributed to HRC that she hasn't made. Gotta do better than that"


Appearing on CNN, Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton denied that donations to the Clinton Foundation played any role in who she met with as secretary of state. “There’s a lot of smoke and there’s no fire,” Clinton told Anderson Cooper.

Try google  " Hillary says there is lots of smoke but no fire"  About 4,420,000 results  Take your pick.


Gotta do better than that over there on the political-cultural fringe left



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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Be afraid, be very afraid.


That is the entire basis of the Trump campaign.


In a sharp contrast, Stronger Together resonates with the great majority of Americans that continue to occupy the moderate mainstream political-cultural and socio-economic center middle of the general electorate.


The rest of the post has nothing to bear on anything.


The extreme right in their passion to vote for Trump seems to ignore completely that more than 90% of Democratic party voters are focused to vote on Tuesday November 8th to elect HR Clinton and to deny the rash and brash ignoramus wildman Donald Trump becoming Potus.


Also "I'm with you" resonates general appeal better than "I'm with her"

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Topic being shear numbers of Americans disliking Crooked Hillary - reckon this bit of news will further endear them to this corrupt, vile woman? :rolleyes:



SELLING ACCESS: Children of Rich People Allowed to Ask Hillary Questions at Fundraiser For $2,700 a Pop


Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich

At a private fund-raiser Tuesday night at a waterfront Hamptons estate, Hillary Clinton danced alongside Jimmy Buffett, Jon Bon Jovi and Paul McCartney, and joined in a singalong finale to “Hey Jude.”


Meanwhile, Trump preaches at Black Churches, flys to Mexico like a leader and helps out with the relief lines in Louisiana.

Notice any difference here? :whistling:


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17 minutes ago, ivan96822 said:

If you or I did what she has done, or were recklellsly insubordinate, we would be in prison.


Instead, she is vying for the world's top leadership position.


What a sham / shame...


Exactly my complaint. There is no justice when the rich and powerful are immune from consequences for their crimes.

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