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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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5 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:

That is if she makes it to the election.


There's certainly reason to wonder if she'll make it that far. She seems to be cutting way back on campaigning, even as Trump is catching up with her in the collective of polls. A candidate who is leading but losing momentum in a close race gets out there and works their butt off- unless there is some reason they can't. In Hillary's case, the preponderance of the evidence indicates she has serious health problems.

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13 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Although in more specific terms we're witnessing a certain Democrat seemingly immune to prosecution...:facepalm:


Indeed, given Tom DeLay got himself a criminal conviction for far less. Using him as a benchmark, Hillary should get a life sentence.

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On 9/3/2016 at 2:29 AM, ClutchClark said:

Biden gets a 200-person turn-out including hotel staff.


Too funny.


fact is I would love to go see him stump with a crowd that size--he really is entertaining. 


Actually, let's be even more specific- 200, including hotel staff, union hacks and fawning media.

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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 8:43 PM, boomerangutang said:

The Republican Attack Machine is getting some of their desired results.  If they repeat lies and attacks often and forcefully enough, some of it will stick.



There isn't a single one of Hillary's "problems" that aren't of her own doing.  All you need to do in order to dislike Hillary is to just pay attention to what's going on 

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11 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


Actually, let's be even more specific- 200, including hotel staff, union hacks and fawning media.


Biden should not have allowed Obama and the DNC discourage him from running. If we have to have another Democrat administration, I would have far and away preferred him to a candidate that I could not, in good conscience, vote for.

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6 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:


Biden should not have allowed Obama and the DNC discourage him from running. If we have to have another Democrat administration, I would have far and away preferred him to a candidate that I could not, in good conscience, vote for.


I think it was just "her turn" in 2016. The DNC rigging the primary for her is further evidence of that.

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1 hour ago, NovaBlue05 said:


Biden should not have allowed Obama and the DNC discourage him from running. If we have to have another Democrat administration, I would have far and away preferred him to a candidate that I could not, in good conscience, vote for.


I always thought of Biden as a joke, but right now, he is looking pretty good.

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29 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

No crowds at Clinton rallies, no press conferences, admits to amnesia when questioned by the FBI. The icing on the cake is Wikileaks have promised to release info that should sink Clinton before the first debates on September 26th.

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Who do you know uses 13 cellphones:


Drug dealers


Human traffickers


.basically all criminals



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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Hillary Admits to FBI She Has Amnesia

Obviously she should drop out the, right?  Who wants a POTUS that has lost her marbles, eh? :whistling:




That's a precious website link there which connects to another whopper, Infowars. :lol:


Let's see how things go during the debates when the world can see who never had any marbles to begin with as Trump the ignoramus tries hard to be sincere and to appear sane.


We recall that Clinton testified before the sham House Benghazi committee for nine hours without peeing her pants or without having seizures and without getting brainlock. She was in fact patient and unduly respectful toward the gang of political whingenuts running the committee.


Benghazi Whingenut Chairman Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina former prosecutor had wanted two days of his inquisition but HRC insisted on one day, so Gowdy snarled back that he'd make it a one day marathon, which is exactly what he did. Yet after an entire morning and an extended afternoon into the evening HRC showed her savvy and expertise as a seasoned Washington combatant.


Steady as she goes.


She's been out of the public limelight doing what she the Clinton campaign know they should and must do in this race. They've got the lead, they're getting the money for the campaign itself and for the Democratic party candidates downballot, and they're going to be rested and affluent as this horrendously Trumping campaign hits the final and crucial stretch.


See you November 8th - 9th.

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11 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


There's certainly reason to wonder if she'll make it that far. She seems to be cutting way back on campaigning, even as Trump is catching up with her in the collective of polls.


You are correct. It is bizarre. However, it could be because she is so extordinarily unlikeable. The strategy might be to just hide her away.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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12 minutes ago, Publicus said:

She's been out of the public limelight doing what she the Clinton campaign know they should and must do in this race. They've got the lead, they're getting the money for the campaign itself and for the Democratic party candidates downballot, and they're going to be rested and affluent as this horrendously Trumping campaign hits the final and crucial stretch.


See you November 8th - 9th.


Many polls show Trump within the margin of error now, and it is very conceivable he could win. My theory on why Clinton has been so absent, no press conferences, etc., is that this is a carefully crafted strategy to avoid exposing her because she is so deeply disliked. As you mentioned earlier, let Trump self-immolate and she walks over the finish line. 


However, it appears that strategy is not working. Her campaign will have to change this strategy now as Trump, as fruitcake as he is, is now within striking distance.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You are correct. It is bizarre. However, it could be because she is so extordinarily unlikeable. The strategy might be to just hide her away.


There is such a thing as over exposure.


Lookit Trump  :D


We're going to be seeing and hearing 'em all day and night each 24/7 cycle for the next 60+ dayze and its going to be wild and crazy and -- no matter which side you happen to be on -- foul and sickening.


The nature of the beast.








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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Exactly! :thumbsup:


Even if Clinton wins by sneaking quietly in, it will likely be by a slight margin, and I completely agree with this writer at the LA Times. Clinton will have the weakest start of any President in history probably, with no mandate, no love, just a minimum of respect. Still better than than the other jackass though.



But barely beating the most absurd candidate Republicans have ever nominated will not give Clinton the clout she will need in the toxic political battles certain to come once the votes are counted and the hard work of governing begins.


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48 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Many polls show Trump within the margin of error now, and it is very conceivable he could win. My theory on why Clinton has been so absent, no press conferences, etc., is that this is a carefully crafted strategy to avoid exposing her because she is so deeply disliked. As you mentioned earlier, let Trump self-immolate and she walks over the finish line. 


However, it appears that strategy is not working. Her campaign will have to change this strategy now as Trump, as fruitcake as he is, is now within striking distance.


The difference is that the Clinton campaign knows what it is doing while the Trump pitching and rolling circus only knows what it wants so feverishly to do.


Clinton has the Obama coalition which is all she needs to win. Yet, the campaign has expanded to historically red states, such as North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona among a couple of others due to the polling, internal as well as external polling, and the views of seasoned campaigning experts.


Trump remains behind Romney's pace of 2012 and the pace of John McCain in '08 among suburban college educated Republican women and college educated whites across the board. Which is why for instance HRC took an early big lead in historically red Colorado and continues to have it. And which is why she's consistently ahead in red North Carolina with its high-tech triangle of cities that over a couple of decades is moving toward becoming  what had been historically red Colorado -- same for historically red Virginia. The beat goes on.


While Trump has drawn blue collar Democrats in some states, they are not enough to change the outcome in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and other states like them. He's also picked up redneck Republicans who' d dropped out of the electoral system due to their seeing no choice between the two parties. Trump has further attracted cranks that howl against anything they can't control and who prefer anarchy, chaos or just plain nihilism. They continue to make no difference in election outcomes.


The Clinton campaign needs to remain focused on the mechanics of getting out the vote when voting time begins, and in many states early voting begins later this month. President Obama rolled up the early voters in both his wins and realistically speaking, it's already too late for Donald Trump.

Edited by Publicus
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I recall doing chemistry in lab many years ago......Sometimes I would wonder, umm if I mixed this with that what could be the worst that could happen!!. That feeling reminds me of current political situation in USA.

The kid in me thinks, vote in the big Trumpet....let's see how crazy things can get.

Especially when the alternative is so appealing. Not

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I've followed the Clintons since Bill was President.   They have been investigated and investigated and investigated yet nothing is ever found except the most minor of irregularities that amount to nothing.   The detractors make a mountain out of a molehill.


Recently someone even posted about her defending an alleged rapist and getting him off the hook.   It reads like she was more than the attorney.   She must have been the judge and the jury as well.   


As Kenneth Star said after nearly $80 million in investigating, 'there's nothing there.'


She has spent her life in public service.   She's spent her life under the microscope and there is no smoke.   Just fire from detractors pouring whatever fuel they think they have on a fire.   


She will get my vote.   

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16 hours ago, PTC said:


Why are you talking about poultry?


The Right seem to be such cry-babies. Constantly whining about being 'picked on'. Upset when their conspiracy theories and selfish, divisive and exclusive ideology gets shown for the BS that it is.


I think this topic is about Americans hating Clinton, not Australians. What business is it of yours?


Australians? Still having trouble understanding global dynamics? When America sneezes the whole world catches cold which makes it everyone's business. Not a paltry issue at all

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Trump's new campaign team have been doing a good job of keeping him on script and limiting his damaging spontaneous remarks, so Hillary's strategy of laying low and letting him self-immolate is not working anymore.  The poll aggregators show her lead steadily declining from 7 or 8% points to 3 - 4%, probably due to the steady stream of email-gate revelations and Trump's recent relative self-control.


We have a unique situation in that both candidates are very unpopular and disliked by a majority of voters.  We may  end up with an election where the 'least unpopular' candidate becomes the next president.  


The debates will begin in 3 weeks.  It will be interesting to see which one loses (I say that because I don't think that either candidate will win in any conventional sense).  As Trump will be 'off the leash' (no teleprompter), the debates are probably Hillary's last chance.

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14 minutes ago, Credo said:

I've followed the Clintons since Bill was President.   They have been investigated and investigated and investigated yet nothing is ever found except the most minor of irregularities that amount to nothing.   


You mean like like lying under oath? It would be a big deal if someone without political clout did it.

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12 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You mean like like lying under oath? It would be a big deal if someone without political clout did it.

The typical twaddle.   She didn't lie under oath.   If she had, she would have been charged.   She wasn't, so she is guilty of nothing....but keeping pouring whatever fuel you have on the fire before it goes out.   

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Bill lied under oath. That is a fact. You were referencing "the Clintons".

Of course, there is also a little problem with Hillary falsely claiming that "there was nothing marked classified" in her emails. She was under oath at the time and the director of the FBI contradicted her directly. 

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