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FBI publishes notes on Clinton's use of private email


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FBI publishes notes on Clinton's use of private email

ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton told the FBI she relied on her staff not to send emails containing classified information to the private email server she used as secretary of state.


The revelation came Friday as the FBI, in a rare step, published scores of pages summarizing interviews with Clinton and her top aides from the recently closed criminal investigation into her use of a private email server in the basement of her Chappaqua, New York, home.


The Democratic presidential nominee told the FBI she never sought or asked permission to use a private server or email address during her tenure as the nation's top diplomat from 2009 to 2013. A prior review by the State Department's internal watchdog concluded the practice violated several polices for the safekeeping and preservation of federal records.


The latest developments highlight competing liabilities for Clinton. Either she made a conscious effort to prevent a full public accounting of her tenure at State or she was nonchalant about decisions with national security consequences and risks. The first scenario plays into Republican arguments and voter concerns about her trustworthiness and transparency, while the second casts doubt on her pitch as a hyper-competent, detail-driven executive.


Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said Friday the campaign was pleased the FBI had released the documents.


"While her use of a single email account was clearly a mistake and she has taken responsibility for it, these materials make clear why the Justice Department believed there was no basis to move forward with this case," Fallon said.


GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump countered that Clinton's "answers to the FBI about her private email server defy belief."


"After reading these documents, I really don't understand how she was able to get away from prosecution," Trump said in a statement.


Clinton has repeatedly said her use of private email was allowed. But over a 3½-hour interview in July, she told investigators she "did not explicitly request permission to use a private server or email address," the FBI wrote. Clinton said no one at the State Department raised concerns during her tenure, and she said everyone with whom she exchanged emails knew she was using a private email address.


The documents also include technical details about how the private server was set up. It is the first disclosure of details provided by Bryan Pagliano, the technology staffer who set up and maintained Clinton's IT infrastructure. Pagliano secured an immunity agreement from the Justice Department after previously refusing to testify before Congress, invoking his constitutional right against self-incrimination.


Large portions of the FBI documents were censored. The FBI cited exemptions protecting national security and investigative techniques. Previous government reviews of the 55,000 pages of emails Clinton returned to the State Department found that about 110 contained classified information.


Clinton and her legal team deleted thousands more emails she claimed were personal and private. The FBI report details steps taken by Clinton's staff that appear intended to hamper the recovery of deleted data, including smashing her old Blackberry smartphones with a hammer and using special software to wipe the hard drive of a server she had used.


Friday's release of internal investigative documents by the FBI was a highly unusual step, but one that reflects extraordinary public interest in the investigation into Clinton's server.


The FBI focused on whether Clinton sent or received classified information using the private server, which was not authorized for such messages. Clinton told the FBI she relied on others with knowledge about handling classified files not to send her emails inappropriately.


Clinton said she was unfamiliar with the meaning of the letter "c'' next to a paragraph and speculated that it might be "referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order." That particular email had been marked as classified at the confidential level, the lowest level of classification. Clinton said she did not pay attention to the level of classification "and took all classified information seriously," according to the FBI.


After a yearlong investigation, the FBI recommended against prosecution in July, and the Justice Department then closed the case. FBI Director James Comey said that while Clinton and her aides had been "extremely careless" in dealing with sensitive materials, there was no evidence they intentionally mishandled classified information.


The FBI's review also found no direct evidence that Clinton's server was hacked but said her system would be a high-value target for foreign intelligence agencies and a sophisticated attacker would have been unlikely to leave behind evidence of a breach. Clinton told the FBI she was unaware of specific details about the security, software or hardware used on her server.


Clinton also told the FBI she never deleted emails, nor instructed anyone else to do so, to avoid their potential release under the Freedom of Information Act.


However, the FBI report says Clinton contacted her predecessor, former Secretary Colin Powell, in January 2009 to inquire about his use of a BlackBerry. Powell, who also used a private email account, warned Clinton that if it became "public" that she used a smartphone to "do business," her emails could become official government records subject to disclosure.


"Be very careful," Powell cautioned Clinton in an email. "I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data."


Clinton said she later directed her aides to create a private email account and said it was "a matter of convenience" to use the home server shared with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.


She added that "everyone at State knew she had a private email address," though in separate interviews several on her team told agents they had no idea she was using a private account.


-- © Associated Press 2016-09-03
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There was no other way she could send or receive emails other than through her secret server, as she never had a .gov email address.


BTW here is the non disclosure agreement she signed prior to her secretary of state gig. The language in this document, says she should be in jail, as she broke nearly every rule stated in it.


Edited by dcutman
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Amazing how the Prez, Justice Dept. and FBI time these events: her interview was done at the start of 4th of July weekend and this is released the start of Labor day weekend, with a massive hurricane headed up the east coast.


With hopes both storms will blow over by back to work Tuesday, which it will on the ultra left news stations.


More bad "optics".

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It all is starting to make sense with the Poindexter glasses at the congressional hearings and the brain damage from a fall.  She didn't remember 39 times in the interview, all due to her injuries.:cheesy:


Should be a good excuse for her lies at congressional hearings also.  All straight out of organized crime defense playbooks.


What a pathetic wench.

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…Clinton said she was unfamiliar with the meaning of the letter "c'' next to a paragraph and speculated that it might be "referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order." That particular email had been marked as classified at the confidential level, the lowest level of classification. Clinton said she did not pay attention to the level of classification "and took all classified information seriously," according to the FBI.


Well that explains everything. No one told her anything about classified information. And if she was unable to associate “(C)” with “Classified”, how would she be able to know if she received any classified documents through her do it yourself server?


That damned dog ate her homework.
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8 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

…Clinton said she was unfamiliar with the meaning of the letter "c'' next to a paragraph and speculated that it might be "referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order." That particular email had been marked as classified at the confidential level, the lowest level of classification. Clinton said she did not pay attention to the level of classification "and took all classified information seriously," according to the FBI.




Well that explains everything. No one told her anything about classified information. And if she was unable to associate “(C)” with “Classified”, how would she be able to know if she received any classified documents through her do it yourself server?



That damned dog ate her homework.


The (c) appeared frequently. 


If it was for a paragraph sequence then don't you think she might have wondered where the (A) (B) (D) (E) were not labeled as well? 


Is she an imbecile? No, she was a top student at a prestigious college.


Either she is losing her marbles or she is lying. 

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4 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


The (c) appeared frequently. 


If it was for a paragraph sequence then don't you think she might have wondered where the (A) (B) (D) (E) were not labeled as well? 


Is she an imbecile? No, she was a top student at a prestigious college.


Either she is losing her marbles or she is lying. 

I prefer the last bit if your final remark.

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:

Is she an imbecile? No, she was a top student at a prestigious college.


Well, being a 'top student' didn't help her when it came to trying to pass the NY Bar.



On topic:  Why did the FBI allow Crooked Hillary's consiglieri Cheryl Mills attend her interview?

Gets murkier all the time doesn't it? :facepalm:



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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Because Trump doesn't know much about running a campaign (or running a business), the RNC has taken it upon itself to hire 400 staffers to run 100 new campaign offices in battleground states. source.  Trump shouts about what a great wheeler dealer he is, but he often needs a big rich organization to steer him & get him out of trouble.  It's like when Trump had to rely on his daddy's influx of millions of dollars, each time the dufus son got himself in financial trouble. Is that the sort of person Americans need to run the country?   Trump fans think so.


I think Trumps father has been dead for nearly 30 years, so obviously he has not got money from him recently, and he seems to have managed just fine. 

But I think the topic is about HRC and how she violated just about every law when it came to how she ran the state department.

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28 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


The (c) appeared frequently. 


If it was for a paragraph sequence then don't you think she might have wondered where the (A) (B) (D) (E) were not labeled as well? 


Is she an imbecile? No, she was a top student at a prestigious college.


Either she is losing her marbles or she is lying. 


Amazing as the paragraph markers are on all documents that have mixed level of information security.  Such as the (TS), (S), (CSI), (noforn) and (U).  After 25 years in public office and these being on massive amounts of documents...she never connected the dots.  Is she really that stupid?  And why no follow up questions?


And what is even worse is the absence of all markings on the other documents, you know those that were moved from secure government computers and onto her illegal server.

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27 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Because Trump doesn't know much about running a campaign (or running a business), the RNC has taken it upon itself to hire 400 staffers to run 100 new campaign offices in battleground states. source.  Trump shouts about what a great wheeler dealer he is, but he often needs a big rich organization to steer him & get him out of trouble.  It's like when Trump had to rely on his daddy's influx of millions of dollars, each time the dufus son got himself in financial trouble. Is that the sort of person Americans need to run the country?   Trump fans think so.



No opinion on the interview then?

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The Left said they were concerned about Trump getting an intelligence briefing; Trump is not the person who hid an unprotected illegal server.

She has practically put America out to auction, with a unprotected illegal server and shared Top Secret information for the world to see.

Where is Clinton keeping her information now? Still on The Clinton Server?

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14 minutes ago, stander said:

The 12 juiciest bits from the FBI's Clinton report



It is quite difficult to imagine how the FBI could have determined there were not grounds for further investigation. 


This case had a legal obligation to be reviewed by the Attorney General. 


In the name of transparency, Clinton should have insisted on it herself.


It was Bill who got Lynch her first federal bench, its not like Miss Loretta would have actuslly brought the weight of the law down on hillary...but atleast it would have kept up appearances of some legitimacy.

Edited by ClutchClark
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The (c) meaning classified should be used in documents already marked classified in the headers. Those who sent emails with the (c) did not follow government guidelines regarding flagging of documents. Saw good interview on Charlie Rose month or two ago discussing this subject. Btw (c) can also indicate copyright, among other things.....

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i am more interested in weather or not trumps girl was a porno actress. he has my vote if she was.


Are you saying you're not interested in the email server nonsense? That's un American in some circles. It's all the Republicans have, trying to hang her somehow. 


They never do. 


I'm looking forward to a taco truck on every corner. ;)


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The disclosure of her testimony to the FBI is pretty damning. It's the constant evasion, wiggling and wriggling. I hate it, but I dislike Trump, the Republican party and their policies far more so I'll just have to live with it. I don't want to, but I'll just have to. 

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31 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

The (c) meaning classified should be used in documents already marked classified in the headers. Those who sent emails with the (c) did not follow government guidelines regarding flagging of documents. Saw good interview on Charlie Rose month or two ago discussing this subject. Btw (c) can also indicate copyright, among other things.....


Emster, ever had a US security clearance?  The (C) does not mean classified it means confidential.  The top and bottom of the original document those paragraphs came from would also be stamped with bold letters spelling out Confidential, which are missing from the original.  Also the remaining paragraphs should have a (U) unclassified or (FOUO) for official use only. 


Those documents are cut and pasted from an original that was scrubbed of the other markings, these (C) paragraphs were mistakes made during the adulteration not being complete.


Hillary is a crook!

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6 hours ago, Caps said:

Maybe the first woman president of the US...oh and the first one to get locked up :coffee1:



And the first one to start office with 60% disapproval rating.

Edited by Rob13
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1 hour ago, bassman said:


Emster, ever had a US security clearance?  The (C) does not mean classified it means confidential.  The top and bottom of the original document those paragraphs came from would also be stamped with bold letters spelling out Confidential, which are missing from the original.  Also the remaining paragraphs should have a (U) unclassified or (FOUO) for official use only. 


Those documents are cut and pasted from an original that was scrubbed of the other markings, these (C) paragraphs were mistakes made during the adulteration not being complete.


Hillary is a crook!


Sort of like this, in which FBI says Clinton did not avoid complying with the Federal Records Act, the FOIA, or the DepState IG, or the FBI requests for information. It is In fact stated precisely in the part of the FBI notes below.


It points out the obvious, which is that in all the inquiries and inspections by government inspectors and other snoops, HRC relied entirely on her legal team to comply and to respond in accordance with the law.


FBI concluded:




We recall Bryan Pagliano the guy who set up the server getting some certain immunity by FBI and that the fringe rightwhinge declared Pagliano guilty, Clinton guilty, and that the immunity for Pagliano was going to break the right's case wide open. 


The howling rightwhinge had said at the time of the immunity that it was absolute proof Pagliano had the goods on HRC, that immunity had to have come from a judge, which also would mean there is a prosecutor which itself assured us that a grand jury would be in existence -- all of which the frantic right were certain meant HRC was guilty and was going to be indicted, prosecuted and begin eating breakfast behind bars...and all the rest of it. All of it was and remains make-believe nonsense from the mass of the well funded and hyperactive rightwhinge media.


So now the extremist radical monomaniac right has put its hopes, trust, illusions on the axis of Putin-Wikileaks-Assange-Trump.


It's been one thing after another concocted, for going on 30 years.


Nobody over there is fooling anyone over here.

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2 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Sort of like this, in which FBI says Clinton did not avoid complying with the Federal Records Act, the FOIA, or the DepState IG, or the FBI requests for information. It is In fact stated precisely in the part of the FBI notes below.


It points out the obvious, which is that in all the inquiries and inspections by government inspectors and other snoops, HRC relied entirely on her legal team to comply and to respond in accordance with the law.


FBI concluded:




We recall Bryan Pagliano the guy who set up the server getting some certain immunity by FBI and that the fringe rightwhinge declared Pagliano guilty, Clinton guilty, and that the immunity for Pagliano was going to break the right's case wide open. 


The howling rightwhinge had said at the time of the immunity that it was absolute proof Pagliano had the goods on HRC, that immunity had to have come from a judge, which also would mean there is a prosecutor which itself assured us that a grand jury would be in existence -- all of which the frantic right were certain meant HRC was guilty and was going to be indicted, prosecuted and begin eating breakfast behind bars...and all the rest of it. All of it was and remains make-believe nonsense from the mass of the well funded and hyperactive rightwhinge media.


So now the extremist radical monomaniac right has put its hopes, trust, illusions on the axis of Putin-Wikileaks-Assange-Trump.


It's been one thing after another concocted, for going on 30 years.


Nobody over there is fooling anyone over here.


You actually have something wrong in your head for your constant need to call names and attempt to belittle. you need a vacation.


The problem with the Right was they naively expected an impartial investigation.

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