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For those interested in knowing more about Keto


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  • 2 weeks later...

This Keto Summit look like it will have some very informative speakers.  Each presentation is supposed to be available for FREE for 24 hours.  If you want long term access to their presentations it is available for a fee.



I registered and I did get one email to join but a promise for a schedule so that I would know when the 24 hour free window was for the presentations I was interested in viewing.


Keto seems to be gaining lots of traction for weight loss, athletes, and control of Type II Diabetes.


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On 13-9-2016 at 4:46 PM, dontoearth said:

This Keto Summit look like it will have some very informative speakers.  Each presentation is supposed to be available for FREE for 24 hours.  If you want long term access to their presentations it is available for a fee.



I registered and I did get one email to join but a promise for a schedule so that I would know when the 24 hour free window was for the presentations I was interested in viewing.


Keto seems to be gaining lots of traction for weight loss, athletes, and control of Type II Diabetes.



Of course KETO is good for controlling type 2 diabetes, you don't eat carbs or only a few carbs on keto. This way your blood sugar stays regular (no insulin spikes) People who have diabetes have a screwed up insulin response to carbs. So elimineting them will help you control Diabetes. 


Low / no carb has been the standard treatment of diabetes for years nothing new there. 

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12 minutes ago, robblok said:


Of course KETO is good for controlling type 2 diabetes, you don't eat carbs or only a few carbs on keto. This way your blood sugar stays regular (no insulin spikes) People who have diabetes have a screwed up insulin response to carbs. So elimineting them will help you control Diabetes. 


Low / no carb has been the standard treatment of diabetes for years nothing new there. 

      Standard treatment?  Not at all!   In the US they have carted out oral DBII treatments by the truckload.  This is not a standard treatment that the medical community offers. 

       Right now we have very few medical professionals advocating diet changes for DBII.  In fact no matter what your medical problem getting lifestyle and diet advice from your doctor is not the standard treatment. 

        I wish it were.

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47 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

      Standard treatment?  Not at all!   In the US they have carted out oral DBII treatments by the truckload.  This is not a standard treatment that the medical community offers. 

       Right now we have very few medical professionals advocating diet changes for DBII.  In fact no matter what your medical problem getting lifestyle and diet advice from your doctor is not the standard treatment. 

        I wish it were.

We are talking about Europe here.. in some ways Europeans are more advanced than in the US. Seems the US always goes for the easy way (pills and operations) instead of the hard but less dangerous way of changing ones diet. I think the pharmaceutical organisations are far more powerful there. I also think there is more corruption over there as the stuff you (or someone else) posted about sugar how they bribed researchers. 

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

We are talking about Europe here.. in some ways Europeans are more advanced than in the US. Seems the US always goes for the easy way (pills and operations) instead of the hard but less dangerous way of changing ones diet. I think the pharmaceutical organisations are far more powerful there. I also think there is more corruption over there as the stuff you (or someone else) posted about sugar how they bribed researchers. 

     You are 100% right!  However, It is not that Americans are looking for the easy way and the pills and the operations.  They are NOT EVER given any other options.   In the US doctors are not allowed to prescribe exercise or diet and the vast majority do not even try to give good advice.   They need to get to the next patient.  The US doctor starts with your diagnosis and then prescribes a treatment.  They do not tell you why you are sick!  And they do not make any lifestyle recommendations that might alleviate your medical problem.    

       It is almost impossible to get a doctor to work with you on lowering blood pressure or diabetes medications.   They are not trained to do that and don't want to get into that type of treatment as it is NOT approved by the AMA.  In fact, some will violently right in huge letters that you are refusing treatment on your medical file.  They think you are trying to draw them into a lawsuit for medical malpractice.   If the doctor insist you take the drugs or get the surgery he has done his job.  He is within the legal requirements necessary for his profession. 

       We really need to rethink this carefully. 


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28 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

     You are 100% right!  However, It is not that Americans are looking for the easy way and the pills and the operations.  They are NOT EVER given any other options.   In the US doctors are not allowed to prescribe exercise or diet and the vast majority do not even try to give good advice.   They need to get to the next patient.  The US doctor starts with your diagnosis and then prescribes a treatment.  They do not tell you why you are sick!  And they do not make any lifestyle recommendations that might alleviate your medical problem.    

       It is almost impossible to get a doctor to work with you on lowering blood pressure or diabetes medications.   They are not trained to do that and don't want to get into that type of treatment as it is NOT approved by the AMA.  In fact, some will violently right in huge letters that you are refusing treatment on your medical file.  They think you are trying to draw them into a lawsuit for medical malpractice.   If the doctor insist you take the drugs or get the surgery he has done his job.  He is within the legal requirements necessary for his profession. 

       We really need to rethink this carefully. 


That is totally different from what is done in Europe (or at least the Netherlands). First they check about lifestyle and what can be done without medicine. Then later if that fails do they start to use medicine. (depending also on the seriousness of the case)

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On 9/15/2016 at 3:40 PM, dontoearth said:

     You are 100% right!  However, It is not that Americans are looking for the easy way and the pills and the operations.  They are NOT EVER given any other options.   In the US doctors are not allowed to prescribe exercise or diet and the vast majority do not even try to give good advice.   They need to get to the next patient.  The US doctor starts with your diagnosis and then prescribes a treatment.  They do not tell you why you are sick!  And they do not make any lifestyle recommendations that might alleviate your medical problem.    

       It is almost impossible to get a doctor to work with you on lowering blood pressure or diabetes medications.   They are not trained to do that and don't want to get into that type of treatment as it is NOT approved by the AMA.  In fact, some will violently right in huge letters that you are refusing treatment on your medical file.  They think you are trying to draw them into a lawsuit for medical malpractice.   If the doctor insist you take the drugs or get the surgery he has done his job.  He is within the legal requirements necessary for his profession. 

       We really need to rethink this carefully. 


Medical Practitioners get a minimal amount of nutrition education.  It is a shame.  Some are open to things like keto, most will spout off what the ADA or AMA say.  For T2 diabetic the ADA recommends a diet with somewhere between 240-300 carbs a day.  Outrageous!  A recommended breakfast was a six ounce glass of orange juice, two pieces of whole wheat bread with margarine, one poached egg, and some extra fruit like grapes or apple.  Jesus.

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3 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

Medical Practitioners get a minimal amount of nutrition education.  It is a shame.  Some are open to things like keto, most will spout off what the ADA or AMA say.  For T2 diabetic the ADA recommends a diet with somewhere between 240-300 carbs a day.  Outrageous!  A recommended breakfast was a six ounce glass of orange juice, two pieces of whole wheat bread with margarine, one poached egg, and some extra fruit like grapes or apple.  Jesus.

      One of the younger newer medical doctors doing cures on T2 diabetes referred to the old standards as "Doctor assisted suicide."   Unfortunately, the medical profession only changes course generationally.  Despite the evidence regarding smoking and lung cancer first appearing on the horizon in the 1930's less than 30% of doctors were advising patients to stop smoking as late as the 1960's. 

       If you are suffering from T2 diabetes you really have to dig up a good doctor and find a program that works.  This is difficult.

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9 hours ago, dontoearth said:

      One of the younger newer medical doctors doing cures on T2 diabetes referred to the old standards as "Doctor assisted suicide."   Unfortunately, the medical profession only changes course generationally.  Despite the evidence regarding smoking and lung cancer first appearing on the horizon in the 1930's less than 30% of doctors were advising patients to stop smoking as late as the 1960's. 

       If you are suffering from T2 diabetes you really have to dig up a good doctor and find a program that works.  This is difficult.

I was at the pre-hypertension phase and they were saying I needed to get weight off or start looking at medication, I really didn't know anything about that so educated myself.  Lost weight, insulin resistance, and am in a normal range now.  Still want to lose more weight, but my scores are good.  Doctor said good work, didn't ask how I lost weight, so I didn't tell him it was through extra bacon and no toast :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Free for the next 24 hours:

Here's the link to watch the Day 2 videos:
-->> http://ketosummit.com/launch-day-2
Here's who you'll be hearing from on Day 2 of the Keto Summit:
Mark Sisson

Maximizing Athletic Performance: Keto, Energy Production, and Sleep Hacking

Dr. Tom O'Bryan
The Most Overlooked But Important Keys to Complete Health and Longevity
Maria Emmerich
Practical Keto: Cooking, Kids, and Making it All as Easy as Possible
Dr. Tommy Wood
What to Do When Your Keto Diet Isn't Working: Underlying Issues
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  • 1 year later...
On 9/15/2016 at 9:36 AM, robblok said:

We are talking about Europe here.. in some ways Europeans are more advanced than in the US. Seems the US always goes for the easy way (pills and operations) instead of the hard but less dangerous way of changing ones diet. I think the pharmaceutical organisations are far more powerful there. I also think there is more corruption over there as the stuff you (or someone else) posted about sugar how they bribed researchers. 


US and Thai style.



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On 9/15/2016 at 3:40 PM, dontoearth said:

     You are 100% right!  However, It is not that Americans are looking for the easy way and the pills and the operations.  They are NOT EVER given any other options.   In the US doctors are not allowed to prescribe exercise or diet and the vast majority do not even try to give good advice.   They need to get to the next patient.  The US doctor starts with your diagnosis and then prescribes a treatment.  They do not tell you why you are sick!  And they do not make any lifestyle recommendations that might alleviate your medical problem.    

       It is almost impossible to get a doctor to work with you on lowering blood pressure or diabetes medications.   They are not trained to do that and don't want to get into that type of treatment as it is NOT approved by the AMA.  In fact, some will violently right in huge letters that you are refusing treatment on your medical file.  They think you are trying to draw them into a lawsuit for medical malpractice.   If the doctor insist you take the drugs or get the surgery he has done his job.  He is within the legal requirements necessary for his profession. 

       We really need to rethink this carefully. 



If peoplr were spending less time on stupid Facebook and try to learn something, they would know. No more excuse since Internet exists !

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