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"Please don't let me be a widow when I am still young" - Adult star "Nong Nat" waits at sick Harold's side


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10 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Genuine ICU rooms do not have tv in.

Private hospitals wanting to make money putting people in so-called icu rooms do.

I have experience of genuine ICU ROOMS BEING IN THEM TWICE.

No food on tables no tv no nothing.

My wife was only allowed in  wearing mask/gown/ overshoes/gloves.

Everything was sterile, not the same as in Harolds photo.

Anyone saying different wants to go and check genuine ICU.

My wife had to leave her bag/mobile/ books outside nothing absolutely nothing allowed in the room.

ICU,  intensive care unit. It means just that not with or without a TV in the room, but ok it's up to your definition and your experience.

I understand were you are coming from, and agree that many hospitals use rooms as "so-called ICU rooms"  to make money, that is one small part of the corruption in hospitals both privet and public. regular privet room 2,000/3,000 per night,  ICU room just over 100,000 per night in my wife's case.

It really depends on the hospital as the room set up,  Some hospitals don't have a TV in the ICU room as you say.

My wife worked in two large privet hospitals in BKK, and they had TV's in the ICU room's but no connecting bathroom.

Also she was a patient in two ICU  hospitals, one privet one public, again no connecting bathroom, also as you say no food in room's as ICU patients typically are fed through a tube, and IV drip, also no bag's and phones,  shoe covers, mask's the works nurse check every 2 hours  but yes a TV was in the room.  Different equipment can be wheeled in and connected and taken out as needed.

There is a big difference  between a sterile unit and an ICU unit.







a patient in ICU in two

As for genuine ICU room's, I think you miss the point===================================================

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3 minutes ago, BWFC said:

Come on, what better ways are there to live out your days shacked up with a porn star? (if you're a man, then you have certainly wanted a porn star g/f at some stage in your life). He's more than likely worked hard all his life and is now having some fun, fair play, let him get on with it.


Two kinds of men in this world, those that want a porn star and liars!


Seriously, speak for yourself. While I fully admit to be a connoisseur of Japanese and European art house films, never in a million years would I want to be with one of those actresses. 


Liar? No. A hypocrite? Perhaps.

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3 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

ah, last of the romantics. dont think there is any possibility really. she is putting on a good show however and i hope her devoted husband has seen to make sure she is well compensated in her grief.

Who cares, he's bonking a choice bit of trim isn't he?

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12 minutes ago, English 1 said:

This SLAG really is too much constantly lying about her feelings for the silly bugger.


When these prostitutes are working with other like minded con artists they get to learn

every trick in the book to extract the last Baht!


Of course being prostitutes they are very good actors or actresses ( Males are the same ).


When I see these old buggers walking along or in restaurants looking like they have won the lottery I feel like saying

                                               'No it's her who has won the Jackpot not you!'.


As the adage goes:  IF IT FLIES, FLOATS or F......... Rent it don't buy!

So if your knocking on in years enjoy your sex but don't get into a relationship!

She's not a prostitute, she's an actress. And apparently her fan thinks she's good.

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26 minutes ago, BWFC said:

Come on, what better ways are there to live out your days shacked up with a porn star? (if you're a man, then you have certainly wanted a porn star g/f at some stage in your life). He's more than likely worked hard all his life and is now having some fun, fair play, let him get on with it.


Two kinds of men in this world, those that want a porn star and liars!

i watched a tv show where they were interviewing prostitutes. think it was in london. they are booked over the internet and the customer chooses between the 'girlfriend experience' or the 'porn star experience' good old Harold got both.

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Just now, williamgeorgeallen said:

yea no harm done. his kids might be a bit disappointed about loosing out on their inheritance however.

Don't assume she will get everything and don't assume that all oldies are stupid either. He might be stringing her along with a lot of promises he won't keep.

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If you are going to kick the bucket, Harold, please leave this vile slapper in penury, without a pot to piss in . Leave it all to the monks, the Catholics, anyone but this shrew.

Edited by Prbkk
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5 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

If you are going to kick the bucket, Harold, please leave this vile slapper in penury, without a pot to piss in . Leave it all to the monks, the Catholics, anyone but this shrew.

Shrew (pejorative) An ill-tempered, nagging woman: a scold.

You know her personally, do you?

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1 hour ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

If you marry a prostitute you takes yer chances......Is it any coincindence that they got married and now he's in ICU with her snapping selifies? A lot of men need a reality check. If you can go into a relationship FULLY accepting that someone is with you based purely on financial gain then....ok, your an idiot, but its a free world. The reality paints a different picture for me though. How many times do you see farang walking around places like Nana with an obvious prostitute, hand in hand like they are lovers on a first date!!! The attitude that is put out in public is in line with the "good on you Harold....get it while you can" In reality a lot of these men are deep down wanting relationships based on genuine like, love, trust, compatibility etc.....The problem is they KNOW  they wont get it with a 25 year old Thai woman when they are 65, it just wont happen!!! So, they end up like Harold, in ICU with a money grubbing, virtually brain dead Thai woman that thinks its all just part of her Facebook update routine. 


Its OK gentlemen to admit that we can actually have meaningful relationships with women based on something other than just fincancial gain. Its NOT weak to admit that we want a woman in our lives that genuinelly finds us attractive, funny...fascinating even. Its right to want genuine relationships EVEN IN THAILAND! They can be found, just usually NOT with ex prostitutes. If you want a rent a girlfriend then JUST RENT HER...why marry? I cant for the life of me see the point???? But no, they will continue to puff out their chests and proclaim that all they want is some good sex and, at the end of the day ALL women are prostitutes anyway........right????????


No, not right. Grow a pair of balls and admit that you are being naive. I wish Harold the best. I am skeptical that his missus does

Don't forget wrapping a towel around his neck...cough, splutter.

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