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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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5 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:


My comment was more in response to a prior post than the OP:

My son won't be taking drugs here with my blessing if the current legislation persists. Might move to Portugal or Uruguay though as he reaches his teens. Decent climate, low corruption, politically stable and more progressive laws regarding personal freedoms (and decent tax rules).

That said, the world is beginning to change in regard to drug laws, so we'll see how it is in 5 years or so.

In terms of the OP, fully agree that the bloke in question should have been aware of the potential punishment for his actions.

Maybe the world is changing but the devastation to lives because of drugs certainly isnt

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11 hours ago, kmj said:

I wonder at what point did they think "Hmm maybe it's not such a good idea to deal drugs in a country like Thailand" ?


I'm guessing not long after they were caught... obviously not before they started dealing.

What if someone planted some pills on you... or threw some over your balcony and then called the police... or slipped some into an open window? 61 little pills is a small bag. Sentences like these are truly frightening.


The prosecutors didn't need any proof of dealing? This sentence was just for possession?

Edited by tropo
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10 hours ago, joeyg said:

..... I saw the consequences of using "E".  In patients and colleagues, it wasn't pretty.


I think it may have been "P" you heard them say, not "E". 

Without getting into it, P is a very, very, different letter to E - and not very easy on the eye as you say.


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58 minutes ago, autanic said:



Can I just bring some reality to some peoples Thai FairyTale.


Thailand is their Country. In their point of view, Foreigners have come to Thailand to sell drugs and take drugs.  Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot, what if a load of Thais came to your Country and started selling drugs.  Of course their is going to be a difference in the sentence because they are probably hoping that the message gets out to the whole world.

Don't do drugs in Thailand, you will end up spending the rest of your life in Prision.

If a "load of Thais" came to my country to sell drugs they would be subject to due process and the laws of the land the same as a citizen from my country,that is how Western democracy works try looking it up sometime!

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25 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

Just trying to understand where you're coming from. You are clearly passionate about what you believe and I respect that, but you're not really sending a clear message and I would like to understand. You state that "supplying and dealing drugs deserves a harsh sentence"... well that could apply to a pharmacist, right? So are you saying that it's the drugs they were dealing that you object to (MDMA) and you would object to that drug being supplied/dealt anywhere in the world, whether it was illegal in that country or not? Or is it that you are happy to see the law being enforced in this case and you are simply an advocate of laws being enforced, regardless of the crime?


As for the offer of a dance for an hour... you could at least offer to buy me a drink first...


If a Pharmacist sells drugs that are either nor prescribed or that are illegal then yes. 

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2 minutes ago, MyFrenU said:

If a "load of Thais" came to my country to sell drugs they would be subject to due process and the laws of the land the same as a citizen from my country,that is how Western democracy works try looking it up sometime!


I will be sure to ask Blacks in America, what they think of this due process.

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12 hours ago, mercman24 said:

one rule for THAI one rule for FARANG, should know, it is written in the statute book, this is a job only THAI can do,



I think everyone knows thais obviously do drugs including yaba and X so how long would a thai be looking at?

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12 hours ago, RaoulDuke said:

I have had more bad experiences than I would ever want to remember with alcohol. Never had that problem with MDMA, LSD, or mushrooms. It is horribly hypocritical and ignorant for anyone who drinks beer, wine, hard alcohol, as well as people addicted to nicotine and caffeine to run around saying how evil all drugs are. The crap at the pharmacy causes far greater harm than most party drugs. Only weak minded people prone to addiction have problems with these drugs. Pcp, heroine, and cracked are hard drugs. MDMA is 6-8 hours of feeling happy and forgetting just what a truly horrible world we live in, and the come-down is a billion times less harsh than the average hangover.

If these drugs were legal than this POS would be selling something else that was not, period. If alcohol was illegal than he would be selling that as he couldn't make money selling something legal could he? He knew the consequences of what he did didn't he? I think he is a lazy prick looking for a way to use people to serve his own interests. Yes alcohol is the second worse drug to nicotine but what does that have to do with it. A weak minded person puts his head under the ax.

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12 hours ago, ballpoint said:

Don't you mean transported to Australia?

Transferred to another prison which he will be transported to. <removed>

Edited by CharlieH
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12 hours ago, joeyg said:

Cute.  As you know it's legal. Everywhere...

So your kids, can get drunk legally, become addicted, maybe even die of liver damage, and you wouldn't demand the death penalty for the maker of that drug, just because it's legal? 


What about personal responsibility regardless of your predilection. If you over do any drug, you will get addicted, that is your fault not the sellers. 

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1 hour ago, autanic said:



Can I just bring some reality to some peoples Thai FairyTale.


Thailand is their Country. In their point of view, Foreigners have come to Thailand to sell drugs and take drugs.  Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot, what if a load of Thais came to your Country and started selling drugs.  Of course their is going to be a difference in the sentence because they are probably hoping that the message gets out to the whole world.

Don't do drugs in Thailand, you will end up spending the rest of your life in Prision.


Well said. IMO to even be using illegal drugs here is stupid in the extreme.

Dealing them is just the hieght of arrogance and stupidity to think you will get away with it.


Anyway, this guy can now hang up his Discs, the only thing he will be jockying is d...s 

got no sympathy from me

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1 minute ago, mettech said:

Lucky dood they are, if they were in the Phillipine their life would very short and fast ending. That way it is cheaper for government to put one or two bullet into drug dealer than to keep them incarcerated.


I was just think, how much of a burden these scumbags are on the Thais.  They require food, water and even the occasional beating. This all costs money.

Its a shame to think of some guy working his ass of growing rice in the wet, humid rice fields to pay his taxes so these guys can languish in jail for a long time.

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1 minute ago, mettech said:

Lucky dood they are, if they were in the Phillipine their life would very short and fast ending. That way it is cheaper for government to put one or two bullet into drug dealer than to keep them incarcerated.

Absolute nonsense. A couple of Australian DJ's with some pills in the Philippines would not be shot. You're taking all the media bashing too seriously. The only ones getting shot are the ones resisting arrest with guns or other weapons.


Having said that, calling a person handed a double life sentence is lucky is absurd. I'd rather be shot than spend my life in a Thai prison.

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19 minutes ago, tropo said:

Absolute nonsense. A couple of Australian DJ's with some pills in the Philippines would not be shot. You're taking all the media bashing too seriously. The only ones getting shot are the ones resisting arrest with guns or other weapons.


Having said that, calling a person handed a double life sentence is lucky is absurd. I'd rather be shot than spend my life in a Thai prison.



Called sarcasm/satire?

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11 hours ago, joeyg said:

As a clinician in Family Practice for many years, part of that time working in an HIV/AIDS, treatment and research center, I saw the consequences of using "E".  In patients and colleagues, it wasn't pretty.

Sorry bud, but I gotta ask the question... what exactly did you see that wasn't pretty? Was it the gurning...? Or maybe that kinda involuntary claw/hand thing...? Or was it those guys who would for no apparent reason loiter right behind you thinking they had joined the queue for the bar or something... even though the bar was over the other side of the room?


Please tell us... The suspense is killing me...

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2 hours ago, twizzian said:


With that outlook on drugs, I'm glad you and your children are not anywhere near me or my children.


Boo hoo. Though perhaps we are.


We certainly don't know one another well though, if so.

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3 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

Sorry bud, but I gotta ask the question... what exactly did you see that wasn't pretty? Was it the gurning...? Or maybe that kinda involuntary claw/hand thing...? Or was it those guys who would for no apparent reason loiter right behind you thinking they had joined the queue for the bar or something... even though the bar was over the other side of the room?


Please tell us... The suspense is killing me...

Or was it that guy 'Mr Dancer' that always wants a dance-off in the middle of the night,maybe he wasn't pretty?

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