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Air China magazine London race slur sparks anger


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Air China magazine London race slur sparks anger


LONDON: -- A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that "precautions" should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by "Indians, Pakistanis and black people".


Air China included the comments as part of a feature in its in-flight magazine on visiting the city.


It also advised tourists not to go out alone at night, and for females to always be accompanied when travelling.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-37298803

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-09-08
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Sadly, although more than a little racist, there is an element of truth in the warning. One only has to read the UK.Media to be startled by the amount of assaults and knife attacks being reported .

if I am truly honest, I feel safer walking the streets of major Chinese cities than I do in the UK.

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The entire population of the world has noted, been aware of and disseminated behavioural traits by tribe, race or creed and altered behaviour as a result for millenia.


In the last 40 years or so, one race, the Western Europeans and their diaspora, has developed a taboo about this.


Look at the hate and scorn being poured upon anyone that posters feel is connected to Air China in this thread. It is quite irrational.

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Yes, The truth generally hurts someone, now if Londoner's do not like the rap, then take back those areas, you never should have allowed it to happen. Not the only city or even the worst from what I read.


There are places in my Country, USA, where the States National Guard needs to go and take back some cities because the Police can not or will not do it. There is a cancerous culture taking over too many places !!




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2 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people.


Is this true or not?

They forgot to mention another group.

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after Hijacking all our western countries and culture successfully, the globalists and cultural Marxists are now trying dictate their will on foreign medias, no Sir China is a sovereign country and has free press and media unlike us in the west.


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Voltaire

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Am less concerned about the perceived racism, since two of the three groups they identified are nationalities and not actually races, as I am the inaccuracy that will mislead the visitors.


Does anyone actually believe that there aren't any light-skinned, native British  street thugs, muggers or other miscreants in London, for example?

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6 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Does anyone actually believe that there aren't any light-skinned, native British  street thugs, muggers or other miscreants in London, for example?

go check the crime rates of Japan, Korea and Bhutan and all other homogeneous societies. I m a former law enforcement officer and 95% of crimes are committed by non-natives.

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1 hour ago, gchurch259 said:

Yes, The truth generally hurts someone, now if Londoner's do not like the rap, then take back those areas, you never should have allowed it to happen. Not the only city or even the worst from what I read.


There are places in my Country, USA, where the States National Guard needs to go and take back some cities because the Police can not or will not do it. There is a cancerous culture taking over too many places !!



Mmm - have you actually been to London or lived there? 


There are NO no-go areas in London, even the most deprived boroughs of London are perfectly safe to wander about. In fact the areas such as Brixton which did not have a very good reputation are now trendy and very expensive.


Please do not compare cities in the USA to London. 

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1 hour ago, gchurch259 said:

Yes, The truth generally hurts someone, now if Londoner's do not like the rap, then take back those areas, you never should have allowed it to happen. Not the only city or even the worst from what I read.


There are places in my Country, USA, where the States National Guard needs to go and take back some cities because the Police can not or will not do it. There is a cancerous culture taking over too many places !!



Mmm - have you actually been to London or lived there? 


There are NO no-go areas in London, even the most deprived boroughs of London are perfectly safe to wander about. In fact the areas such as Brixton which did not have a very good reputation are now trendy and very expensive.


Please do not compare cities in the USA to London. 

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2 minutes ago, peterb17 said:


Mmm - have you actually been to London or lived there? 


There are NO no-go areas in London, even the most deprived boroughs of London are perfectly safe to wander about. In fact the areas such as Brixton which did not have a very good reputation are now trendy and very expensive.


Please do not compare cities in the USA to London. 

ohh really how about Peckham and Brixton, you ve been there really ???

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2 minutes ago, peterb17 said:


Mmm - have you actually been to London or lived there? 


There are NO no-go areas in London, even the most deprived boroughs of London are perfectly safe to wander about. In fact the areas such as Brixton which did not have a very good reputation are now trendy and very expensive.


Please do not compare cities in the USA to London. 

ohh really how about Peckham and Brixton, you ve been there really ???

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It is possible to check online for crime rates by UK Post Code .  Anybody seriously wanting to contribute to this debate could check a few areas and make comparisons.   There is no doubt that crime rates vary significantly between different cities/towns and  between different areas within those cities/towns. Often areas of social deprivation.   

This is the sort of issue that the British choose to refer to by inuendo, rather than plain speaking.     

Whether the Chinese should modify their forms of expression in their own publications is another matter.   

The Chinese have for many decades been" educated" in the firm belief that they have a culture superior to most other ethnic groups. Blame the teachers not the students!   

(not strictly relevant to the OP, but the Chinese living in the UK,  are amongst the least likely of any foreign ethnic grouping, to be involved in crime).

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1 hour ago, marcofunny said:

ohh really how about Peckham and Brixton, you ve been there really ???

Yes, frequently.


Most violent street crime in London is gang on gang related.


Tourists are, of course, not immune from crime. But they are most likely to be the victims of pickpockets and similar in crowded tourist areas such as Oxford Street rather than be mugged in Southwark or Tottenham.


9 minutes ago, bumpkin said:

This is the sort of issue that the British choose to refer to by inuendo, rather than plain speaking.........





Have a read of Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 2014 from the Ministry of Justice (can't find 2015 figures, maybe not published yet). No innuendo; simply the facts and figures.

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27 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Have a read of Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 2014 from the Ministry of Justice (can't find 2015 figures, maybe not published yet). No innuendo; simply the facts and figures.

 Those are rigged stats by the establishment, far away from the reality in the streets, go check by you self inside any Police station, court room, prison and see by your eyes who are most of the criminals and thugs and they don't even have real British names, the Swiss police used to be the only police force in Europe who can publish crime rates by nationalities and right now the establishment succeeded to remove that right to advance their well hidden agenda to flood Europe with massive third world immigrants and if Peckham,  Brixton, Tottenham and Hackney was a country, it would be a failed state on par with Afghanistan or Somalia.

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