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Forum puts focus on how Clinton is judged compared to Trump


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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

These are the  two people running for President of the USA,  now the people have the choice to elect one of them.

God Help America, may be a good song title for some song writer to make a song for the result.

  Good Luck



There are four, actually.  Check out Dr. Stein of the Green Party.  Tell me if you think anything she says is off-base or wrong.

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If you want to know who "won" the Vet Forum the other night all you have to do is see the reactions of the Left to the Moderator - Matt Lauer.

He let Trump win!  :lol:


Entire Media Freaks Out After Trump Over-Performance in Forum



Doesn't get any better than that! :D

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And then there was this:

"Trump won the coin flip and got to choose to go second. Matt Lauer offered a ground rule, that neither candidate should use his/her time to attack the other. Clinton broke the rule in the end, and Lauer called attention to that, both to Hillary and at the beginning of Trump's turn. She was a fool to open the door, and Trump walked right through it.

Lauer was harder on Trump, interrupting and getting harsh with him. But Trump didn't let that faze him, and compared to Hillary, who was ploddingly severe and robotic, he was very good."




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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

an observer opined........

"Lauer (the interviewing journalist) was harder on Trump, interrupting and getting harsh with him."


     I watched both segments and completely disagree with whomever said that (above).  Lauer was tough with his persistent questions to HRC about emails.   In stark contrast, Lauer dealt with Trump with kid gloves.  Example, when Trump blatantly lied about supporting the Second Iraq War (there are at least 2 videos which show him supporting the US going to that war BEFORE the invasion), Lauer notably didn't mention anything about well-known Trump lies on that, and other topics.   One thing that distinguishes a good interviewer is the ability to call someone out on their lies.  Perhaps Lauer was afraid of Trump's famous foul temper, afraid to be shouted at and called baby names, ....so Lauer tread cautiously.  


Below is a video (among many other commentaries) which agrees with my missive....



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The answer is so simple, Hillary.

Trump is the better "man" for the job. 


He has ideas, all you have are insults to his supporters.


Being a woman is not enough to convince us that you are qualified.  Start getting on issues, and get off the insults.



Edited by slipperylobster
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23 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Lauer is probably anti Trump as what rational person wouldn't be but he probably overcompensated going after HRC to deflect those assumptions. But too much time spent on the emails. We've got foxy noose for that.


Of course he is, and you're right about why he did it. I'll see your rational person argument and raise you a basket of deplorables. :lol:

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11 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

The answer is so simple, Hillary.   Trump is the better "man" for the job.   He has ideas, all you have are insults to his supporters.  Being a woman is not enough to convince us that you are qualified.  Start getting on issues, and get off the insults.  

Are you watching the same things the rest of us are?


Starting with your closing sentence, " Start getting on issues, and get off the insults. "

Boomer responds;  Are you joking?  Who has the endless litany of insulting immature names for everyone who is not praising him?  Maybe you forgot the taunts: 'little Rubio' 'Pocahantas' 'crooked Hillary', 'Lyin' Ted' 'Who could love a face like that' (referring to Ms Fiorina), 'maybe she's bleeding from her ...whatever' (in reference to a woman reporter's menstral cycle), calling another woman "a fat pig".   


Can you imagine HRC sinking that low?   .....being remotely as low-class and immature as you-know-who?


Speaking of immaturity, Trump says of Putin, "If he says great things about me, I'm gonna say great things about him."   Are we in Nursery School?!?   To use the same logic: "If ISIS says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about them."


Trump said he thinks Putin is a far better leader than Obama.  That's too weird to comprehend.  Apparently Trump thinks Putin taking over part of Ukraine was great, as well as Putin killing journalists and jailing political/business opponents.   Does Trump also think Stalin was a better leader than Eisenhower?   Nothing would surprise me any more about his mouth farts.   

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Thanks for posting the YT link to the town hall/forum.


I think Clinton got ridden harder than Trump.    


That said, IMO, Clinton did a far better job with her "tough" questions than Trump did with "easy" ones.


She was immersed and cogent in all areas, including her emails (which I don't cut her any slack on) and actually addressed the questions posed to her by Vets in the audience.


Trump was vague and disorganized, a symptom of a person who hasn't done his homework but tries to skate through.  As we used to say in the military, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.  


Clinton would have benefited from more time.  Trump would have suffered even more than he did. 


I don't care for either one of them, but that's my opinion after watching the vid.

Edited by 55Jay
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On 9/9/2016 at 6:08 AM, Boon Mee said:

The Donald came out the clear winner hands down...:)


btw, Donald Trump was on the receiving end of nearly double the questions his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton got at NBC's "Commander in Chief" forum, many of them follow-ups to initial questions from host Matt Lauer and veterans in the audience.




You mean even the " can I ask a friend" option she used, didn't help her?



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Ever since Crooked H. went down in flames the other night during the Vet Forum she's been lashing out.

She has then   tweeted , “The last thing we need is a president who brings more name-calling and temper tantrums to Washington.”



And now we are on the receiving line of:  Hillary: A Quarter Of America Is ‘Irredeemable,’ ‘Not America.’



Sounds like it's approaching serious flop-sweat time for 'ol Crooked H., eh?  :thumbsup:



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7 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Trump was vague and disorganized, a symptom of a person who hasn't done his homework but tries to skate through.  As we used to say in the military, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.  


I agree.  I challenge any Trump fan to look squarely at the individual questions addressed to Trump, and the look squarely Trump's responses.  19 out of 20 times, Trump DOES NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION. He's like an naughty boy with attention deficit syndrome.  He'll go flying off in a dozen different directions.  Trump fans won't be able to see that issue clearly, because it takes a measure of focused thinking, something neither Trump nor his fans possess.


As for the ear-plug tempest in a teacup:  Guess who first broached that issue?  Trump's son!  Yup, the same guy who gets a kick from slicing tails off dead elephants.  Nothing substantiates it, but Trump family knows that besmirching a person's reputation only takes a mention of something bad.  It doesn't take any proof.   If I say Trump's boys have sex with dead animals, it doesn't matter whether or not it's true.   Just the mention of something as bizarre as that, will get the rumor mills grinding.  That's what the Trumps are good at.

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58 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


19 out of 20 times, Trump DOES NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION. He's like an naughty boy with attention deficit syndrome. 



Something ONLY Trump is guilty of - of course. Hillary and other politicians could never be accused of that! :whistling:

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14 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Are you watching the same things the rest of us are?


Starting with your closing sentence, " Start getting on issues, and get off the insults. "

Boomer responds;  Are you joking?  Who has the endless litany of insulting immature names for everyone who is not praising him?  Maybe you forgot the taunts: 'little Rubio' 'Pocahantas' 'crooked Hillary', 'Lyin' Ted' 'Who could love a face like that' (referring to Ms Fiorina), 'maybe she's bleeding from her ...whatever' (in reference to a woman reporter's menstral cycle), calling another woman "a fat pig".   


Can you imagine HRC sinking that low?   .....being remotely as low-class and immature as you-know-who?


Speaking of immaturity, Trump says of Putin, "If he says great things about me, I'm gonna say great things about him."   Are we in Nursery School?!?   To use the same logic: "If ISIS says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about them."


Trump said he thinks Putin is a far better leader than Obama.  That's too weird to comprehend.  Apparently Trump thinks Putin taking over part of Ukraine was great, as well as Putin killing journalists and jailing political/business opponents.   Does Trump also think Stalin was a better leader than Eisenhower?   Nothing would surprise me any more about his mouth farts.   


Problem with your logic is that it is wrong...and here is why.


Trump and Hillary can call each other names all day.  I don't care.

My care is that she is insulting one half of America.  

Trumps insults were only directed at her...never at the other half of America.



Hillary is scum...


scrape her off your shoes...and walk away.


Edited by slipperylobster
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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I agree.  I challenge any Trump fan to look squarely at the individual questions addressed to Trump, and the look squarely Trump's responses.  19 out of 20 times, Trump DOES NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION. He's like an naughty boy with attention deficit syndrome.  He'll go flying off in a dozen different directions.  Trump fans won't be able to see that issue clearly, because it takes a measure of focused thinking, something neither Trump nor his fans possess.


As for the ear-plug tempest in a teacup:  Guess who first broached that issue?  Trump's son!  Yup, the same guy who gets a kick from slicing tails off dead elephants.  Nothing substantiates it, but Trump family knows that besmirching a person's reputation only takes a mention of something bad.  It doesn't take any proof.   If I say Trump's boys have sex with dead animals, it doesn't matter whether or not it's true.   Just the mention of something as bizarre as that, will get the rumor mills grinding.  That's what the Trumps are good at.

Well, I'm not in the Horray Hillary camp but yes, I was one of those hanging on by the skin of my teeth, hoping Trump would clean up his act after the Primary.    


She offered a better performance and is clearly more conversant on issues, but I take the optics with the grain of salt.  She's just more of a professional sleaze bag, polished and coached by PR and image nerds.  But that's the game.   :(

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3 hours ago, slipperylobster said:


Problem with your logic is that it is wrong...and here is why.


Trump and Hillary can call each other names all day.  I don't care.

My care is that she is insulting one half of America.  

Trumps insults were only directed at her...never at the other half of America.



Hillary is scum...


scrape her off your shoes...and walk away.



Not so good at fractions eh? That's understandable. Higher level mathematical figuring is not for everyone. For Hillary to have insulted half of America with her comment about the Deplorables, then Trump would have to have the 100%of the vote. But hey, who cares about logic? The Deplorables certainly don't.


Here is a list of the 258 people, places and things that Trump has insulted on Twitter: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html


Such serious flaws in cognition that I am surprised more of the Deplorable's heads don't explode.

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46 minutes ago, PTC said:


Not so good at fractions eh? That's understandable. Higher level mathematical figuring is not for everyone. For Hillary to have insulted half of America with her comment about the Deplorables, then Trump would have to have the 100%of the vote. But hey, who cares about logic? The Deplorables certainly don't.


Here is a list of the 258 people, places and things that Trump has insulted on Twitter: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html


Such serious flaws in cognition that I am surprised more of the Deplorable's heads don't explode.


You are even worse in math....

Hillary insults millions of potential voters...and you worry about 258 places, things and politicians.


The difference, my little one, is apples and oranges. She alienated potential voters, instead of winning them over to her side.  What a dumb thing to do.


Go sit in the corner.


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5 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


You are even worse in math....

Hillary insults millions of potential voters...and you worry about 258 places things and politicians.


The difference, my little one, is apples and oranges.


Go sit in the corner.



One of the deplorable things about the Deplorables is their overblown sense of significance. November 8 will be a rude awakening.


Here's a hint. If you're offended by Clinton's comment, then you are one of the Deplorables. Take your place at the margins of political thought.


Keep playing with your fruit. Trump loves the poorly educated.

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"Are we supposed to forget 30 + years of scandals surrounding Crooked Hillary from Whitewater to today as you seem to have done?"  No and neither are you supposed to forget not one single scandal resulted in any charges. But the Republicans wasted one hell of a lot of taxpayer money and time. Happy there taxpayers?


Personally I loved her Deplorables statement, and I don't like anything about her. Direct and to the point, to those offended, "if the glove fits, you must convict", well the glove fits you perfectly. These people, these Deplorables will never change, will never become moral, will never become ethical and will always be ignorant stupid, racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, authoritarian loving little brown shirts devoted to that narcissistic sociopath con man that would be Mussolini.

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3 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

"Are we supposed to forget 30 + years of scandals surrounding Crooked Hillary from Whitewater to today as you seem to have done?"  No and neither are you supposed to forget not one single scandal resulted in any charges. But the Republicans wasted one hell of a lot of taxpayer money and time. Happy there taxpayers?


Personally I loved her Deplorables statement, and I don't like anything about her. Direct and to the point, to those offended, "if the glove fits, you must convict", well the glove fits you perfectly. These people, these Deplorables will never change, will never become moral, will never become ethical and will always be ignorant stupid, racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, authoritarian loving little brown shirts devoted to that narcissistic sociopath con man that would be Mussolini.

Wow! :facepalm:


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6 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

"Are we supposed to forget 30 + years of scandals surrounding Crooked Hillary from Whitewater to today as you seem to have done?"  No and neither are you supposed to forget not one single scandal resulted in any charges. But the Republicans wasted one hell of a lot of taxpayer money and time. Happy there taxpayers?


Personally I loved her Deplorables statement, and I don't like anything about her. Direct and to the point, to those offended, "if the glove fits, you must convict", well the glove fits you perfectly. These people, these Deplorables will never change, will never become moral, will never become ethical and will always be ignorant stupid, racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, authoritarian loving little brown shirts devoted to that narcissistic sociopath con man that would be Mussolini.

Why don't you stop beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel? :)

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I resent Trump saying; "the War in Iraq has been a total disaster."


It's a kick in the groin to all US military personnel, who have died and been wounded, and their families. Trump is essentially saying; "your sons and daughters who have died and been wounded there for nothing."


It's typical Trump 8 yr old frantic girl alarmism.  In his post-it-notes mind, everything is either wonderful or horrible.  He can't see any middle ground.  Sure it's easy in hindsight to see just the worst aspects of that war, if one puts his mind to it.  There have been horrible aspects to all wars.  But it takes a sage person to see the bigger picture.  For example: without US intervention, Saddam and his two masochistic sons would still be in power.   They already started several wars, and killed thousands of people extra-judiciously.  Who's to say they wouldn't have continued, week by week, and start added wars throughout the Middle East, from western India to Morocco.


I'm not justifying the war.  I actually went to anti-war protest meetings in California prior to Iraq II, hosted by a very liberal old Jewish couple who Trump would probably call 'Pinkies'.  That was the same time when Trump, asked by Stern if he supported the US going to war, said, "I guess so."  It was also the same time when Pence and all his Republican colleagues in Congress voted in favor of going into that war.


I can imagine the Middle East in worse shape if the US and its allies had not gone to war in Iraq.  Trump can't.   He thinks that region is as bad as it can possibly get (partly because he's a stupid man and partly because he's doing all he can to besmirch HRC).  Message to simple-minded Trump: IT COULD BE WORSE THERE.  The type of destruction in Syria could be going on in a much wider region, if not for US intervention years ago.   


Trump is a brain-addled back seat driver, who is quick to find fault after-the-fact.  He's a liar and would be awful as leader of the US - not to mention repercussions worldwide.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I agree with you on this, but not much else. I was against the war, but our military did a good job, until Obama got in office and pissed it all away.


I think Obama and his advisors have been doing all they reasonably can to try and extradite the US from that conflict region.  It's full of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' trip wires.  


If a person is determined to find fault after-the-fact, as Trump is, then it's easy to find fault.  Every single action, toward more aggression (weaponized drones, for example), or toward withdrawing (Trump would say it shows weakness), ......is subject to Monday morning quarterbacking by Trump.


He doesn't have one minute of military experience, yet he says he knows more than all US generals.  On one side of his mouth he shouts about how tough he'd be.  On the other side of his mouth he chastises Obama, Kerry and HRC for showing resolve.   He calls HRC hopelessly hawkish, yet he says he would 'bomb the hell out of ISIS.'    Which is it Trump?  Oh, and don't project that Gold Star families lost their loved ones for nothing.  It's worse than a slap in the face to them, and to the US armed forces in general.


Trump said 2 nights ago, "we have a very sadly depleted military."  No. The US has a powerful military.  The biggest fault of the military, in my view, is it sucks up too much funding, much of it wastefully spent - money which could be devoted to environment, education, or.....  used to pay down the national debt - now up to $156,000 per American family.    Best of all, would be for the Feds to spend less money all around.  Obama and congress have been bad about that, but Trump would be many times worse.   I suggest starting with a 15% cut in EVERYTHING across the board.  Nothing exempted, not even veterans' benefits, SS, SSI, PIK, CDC, DOE, HUD, NPR, DEA, NPC, PBS, or the $60 million the US spends each year monitoring old nukes (picture a couple of guys walking around silos with geiger counters).   

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