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Clinton: 'Deplorables' comment was "grossly generalistic"


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Trump has never looked down or or disrespected the American worker as Crooked Hillary as done...:whistling:

You missed the old trump tweet then where he called most Americans F word idiots! All this whining about something HRC said that is basically true but not a peep about the orange fascist clown that thinks everyone but him and his family is a LOSER.
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Just now, Jingthing said:

You missed the old trump tweet then where he called most Americans F word idiots! All this whining about something HRC said that is basically true but not a peep about the orange fascist clown that thinks everyone but him and his family is a LOSER.

That's just the way they talk in NY.

Haven't y'all clued into that form of speech from him yet? :facepalm:

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Trump can now say and do most anything he wants.


This silly woman is neck deep in self destruction.  I notice her handlers are going to put her in a private padded cell for the next five days.


Can't have her and her cough running loose on the public.  :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

That's just the way they talk in NY.

Haven't y'all clued into that form of speech from him yet? :facepalm:

That' not true

I grew up in NY and I don't know many people that talk like that, the only people I know that talk like that are uneducated idiots and those who pander to them.

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Just now, sirineou said:

That' not true

I grew up in NY and I don't know many people that talk like that, the only people I know that talk like that are uneducated idiots and those who pander to them.


I've been there several times and they generally do talk like that. 

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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

Trump' deplorables  are Not Misogynistic at all,  but a woman running for President sounds shrill to them:whistling:


What? So commenting on the tone of Hillary Clinton's voice and the delivery of her speeches and remarks are now considered racist and misogynistic?  Must we all be frog marched into re-education camps and be made to praise her dulcet tones and lyrical speechifying? Does anything less get you a visit from the Secret Service and automatic consignment to the memory hole on the MSM or message boards?

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9 hours ago, Pinot said:

"Oh my word, that evil woman spoke harshly of us, I believe I have the vapors..."


If anything Clinton was far too lenient with the sexist, racist, xenophobic and just plain morons that make up Trump support.  They prove it over and over again, day after day. It's an army of Ted Nugents marching to the beat of Trump's twitter feed. Hate and fear are the hallmarks of this embarrassing campaign by the worst candidate in history. 


She is absolutely 100% right, as usual. The data proves it. The lemmings are a fearful, hateful, low educated bunch. "Trump supporters were always more critical of blacks on personality traits, analysis of the results showed." http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-race-idUSKCN0ZE2SW


"65% of Trump supporters believe Obama is a Muslim."  The online poll, which surveyed people over the age of 18 across the United States, was conducted during two periods in the 2016 election cycle.


69% of Trump supporters view immigrants as a burden to the country. 


87% of Trump supporters think Muslims should be banned from the country. 


52% of Trump supporters still believe LGBT people should not be allowed to marry.


The data, the evidence, the truth, are all there. Hillary was far too nice to the lemmings. 


You can see it above or any US political post here on TVF. The Trumpeteers are racist, xenophobic, sexist, fearful and unrepentant bigots. 


"Oh lord, what that terrible woman said." Jesus wept. 

Those you call Lemmings have been cheated out of their jobs and or fair pay by the Big business empire that both sides of the isle have been selling legislation to for 50 years or more. Just look at the Big Buss. Repubs. jumping ship to support their clients at the top. Hillary is just more of the same crap. At least there is a chance Trump won't sell out to the big boys. 

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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Right. Unqualified to be president. A dangerous hothead.


Ouch, walked right into that one! Trump doesn't get diplomacy and therefor unfit for a diplomatic title such as President. BOOM!

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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

I don't get it, she should be praised for her kindness.

She was being kind when she said that only half of them were deplorable. 

  1. deserving strong condemnation.


Now, now. Let's not go around using exact definitions you will just confuse people. The Trump supports read deplorable as despicable since they are all such minions. Hmm, that is probably disrespectful to those actual cute minions from the movie though.

Edited by Silurian
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5 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Those you call Lemmings have been cheated out of their jobs and or fair pay by the Big business empire that both sides of the isle have been selling legislation to for 50 years or more. Just look at the Big Buss. Repubs. jumping ship to support their clients at the top. Hillary is just more of the same crap. At least there is a chance Trump won't sell out to the big boys. 


Do you realize that Trump is one of those so called "big boys". And if anyone know how to cheat people out of paying for a job, Trump leads that too.

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Just now, Boon Mee said:


I've been there several times and they generally do talk like that. 

Perhaps the ones you associated with in your visits there.

NY is a diverse state with 8.5 milion people, I doubt you met with more than a very small percentage of them.

Any way back to Topic

Perhaps what  Hillary said was not political prudent, but certainly not untrue.

For those who say that they appreciate people that "say it as it is", I would thought you all would appreciate her candor.

Trumps misogynistic,racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic comments are  or should be deplorable. and those who support such attitude should be deplorable also



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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

For once Hillary took  break from lying and spoke the truth.


This is what the Clinton's really think of ordinary hard working people who want a better life.


No, she lied again because she knows that well over 50% of the Trump supporters are rather deplorable in their political thinking.  And there are plenty of "ordinary hard working people who want a better life" who see through Trump as just another street con man from Queens.  If you want a good insight into the mindset of many of Trump supporters may I suggest reading a recent book by one J. D. Vance, "Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis".

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Brother, some people here are really snorting the Trump powder. A black Trump supporter, yea right. I don't like Clinton, don't support Clinton, never have, never will. That being said, somebody like the Trump shouldn't have even been chosen to run for dawg catcher in a one dog town. If those that say she vamped on workers believe so, then I have several bridges to sell. Hey, the Trump doesn't even pay workers. For once and probably the only time I agree with Clinton 1,000%. Personally I loved her Deplorables statement, and I don't like anything about her. Direct and to the point, to those offended, "if the glove fits, you must convict", well the glove fits you perfectly. These people, these Deplorables will never change, will never become moral, will never become ethical and will always be ignorant stupid, racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, authoritarian loving little brown shirts devoted to that narcissistic sociopath con man that would be Mussolini.  

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You know perfectly well Hillary Clinton is going to massively win the African American vote. That doesn't mean 100 percent even though there are state polls showing 0 percent support of trump from them. 


IF, and a very big IF trump can manage to win 25 percent of that vote, that would be a big deal and might even win him the election. But that's highly unlikely. 

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13 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Breaking News

Hillary faints at 9/11 memorial. Rushed away.


Well the Trump Crazies were wetting their pants all day today about the Deplorables thing. Who knows what thrilling bon mots will be thrown up on this issue after Breitbart and Infowars have 12 hours to work on it. Bring on the adult diapers and watch this space.

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10 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


A "medical episode"?


FOX news and Breitbart, two very conservative media outlets, are reporting a "medical" episode while other media outlets are reporting a "overheating" episode and that she went back to her daughter's apartment.

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