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Best Thing You Have Ever Found......


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Not to sure if this counts or not but I once "found" my wallet which had gone missing 4 months before and had 7,000 baht in it. My ex gf was defroasting the freezer and discovered it in there. I had been getting something out the freezer ( probably beer ) 4 months before and was a little worse for wear and it must have dropped at the back. I was still happy though :o .

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I found a wedding ring in a shopping centre in Essex. Took it to the local police station and three months later was phoned by them. Did I want to keep it or should it be given to the police widows and orphans fund? I had it melted down and made into a pair of earrings. :o

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I once found a full set of male genitals in a beautiful "girl's" knickers.... :D But I don't want to talk about that... :o

I have found a couple of stray dogs (canine variety) in my time that have turned into life-long companions and ever-faithful friends. :D

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I always thought one should hand in found property to the police ?? (Maybe not the best idea in some countries though)

If you keep something you find are you stealing it? :D

What happened to "finders keepers ??!!??" :D:D:o:D:bah: .

Thought you lot didn't steal..................................................just swapped.

Bricks for wheels :bah:

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I work security in the states and I use to work at a Shopping Mall, One night one of the cleaning crew found a checkbook and it was a wallet also, whole bunch of credit cards and the big thing 3,000 dollars in cash. It was a ladies wallet. The cleaning lady turned it into me, Of course I had to inventory it and put it in lost and found. But if you find it how can that be stealing, say the cleaning lady or myself decided to keep it. would I or the cleaning lady be accused of stealing??

Stealing? Probably not. But you do have the moral responsibility to at least try and find the poor person who's lost it. :o

Poor people don't usually have a bunch of credit cards and $3000 US cash in their wallets :D

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My brother once found a gold viking coin.

He was quite pleased with this and showed it to our dad, who, ever suspicous of what it was we got up to when not in his direct line of sight, asked my brother where he had found his treasure.

'In a skull came the reply'.

This had the old man really interested, and it should be added, concerned.

'What skull?!' he almost shouted.

'The skull me and Micky Brighton found near the river'

This wasn't helping... so

'Where is the skull now'

'Oh Micky's got it, I wanted it but he said I could keep the coin if he had the skull'

So the old man gets off around to Micky's house and after a brief explaination Micky's old man goes upstairs to find Micky in the bath tub cleaning the skull with his tooty brush.

After two fathers took two sons to the police station to report the find and the subsequent inquest my brother got to keep the coin which he has loaned to the Lincoln museum where it is now on show, or at least was the last time I looked.

I don't think Micky was allowed to keep the skull

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I lost 500 pounds and a lump of mary jane stuffed in a toilet roll tube a friend left for me in some posh chelsea joint.

Still have'nt found the thieving chav who knicked it yet, but i think i'm close.......


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I lost 500 pounds and a lump of mary jane stuffed in a toilet roll tube a friend left for me in some posh chelsea joint.

Still have'nt found the thieving chav who knicked it yet, but i think i'm close.......


Closer than you think, and may I say I had a great day with the cash and not to mention the ganja! :D :D :D :D

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I left my Apartment in Tokyo this morning on my way to the airport, I was walking towards Roppongi Station when I spotted something on the pavement, up against a wall and some leaves nearly covered it.

I walked past, then decided to check it out, it was a Cartier Watch............lucky me.....Unfortunately a Ladies model , but what a find!

I am in Hong Kong now waiting my connection and have been upgraded to business class....also I went to the duty free shop where they sell Cartier watches in Hong Kong airport and they confirmed its not a copy.

So all in all a good day, whats the best thing you have ever found, and kept !


My current wife !
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I work security in the states and I use to work at a Shopping Mall, One night one of the cleaning crew found a checkbook and it was a wallet also, whole bunch of credit cards and the big thing 3,000 dollars in cash. It was a ladies wallet. The cleaning lady turned it into me, Of course I had to inventory it and put it in lost and found. But if you find it how can that be stealing, say the cleaning lady or myself decided to keep it. would I or the cleaning lady be accused of stealing??

If you had access to the owners name on a credit card etc then you in my opinion would have been stealing and id question your honesty and dont think you should be in that job !

Stealing? Probably not. But you do have the moral responsibility to at least try and find the poor person who's lost it. :o

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I have never found anything too interesting...even my husband found me.

Anyway I am so absent-minded that i am always losing my things...so please can you give me back my wallet with the 500€ on it, my Carter watch, my 3000 $....

Well the day before my weeding I bought my sister a pair of nice, fashion elegant boots which were a present from my mother. On my way to my dancing class I forgotten them on the underground together with a purse ( that i like it a lot) which have 30 €, the receipt and my husband pictures. My sister have nothing nice to wear at my weeding!!!!!...ok this is not the end of the world but taking into account the big day, my streess, how nervous i was, etc it was the end of the world to me. Well I rushed to the nearest shoe shop and I bought her another pair of boots. Two hours later I called the underground lose property office (without much hope) they told me that they found a pair of men boots and a purse with some pictures on it (money gone). Well I was so happy ( and disspointed how can they say that they were men boots!!!!! :D ), I came to collect them...I was really thankful for the person who returned them... the 30€ i did not care I hope they enjoyed some beers on my stupidity.... :D:o

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My brother once found a gold viking coin.

He was quite pleased with this and showed it to our dad, who, ever suspicous of what it was we got up to when not in his direct line of sight, asked my brother where he had found his treasure.

'In a skull came the reply'.

This had the old man really interested, and it should be added, concerned.

'What skull?!' he almost shouted.

'The skull me and Micky Brighton found near the river'

This wasn't helping... so

'Where is the skull now'

'Oh Micky's got it, I wanted it but he said I could keep the coin if he had the skull'

So the old man gets off around to Micky's house and after a brief explaination Micky's old man goes upstairs to find Micky in the bath tub cleaning the skull with his tooty brush.

After two fathers took two sons to the police station to report the find and the subsequent inquest my brother got to keep the coin which he has loaned to the Lincoln museum where it is now on show, or at least was the last time I looked.

I don't think Micky was allowed to keep the skull

Yes I did! Small world, where you at Guesthouse, I remember you being to cool for us, hope you changed?

Micky Jensen :o:D

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I left my Apartment in Tokyo this morning on my way to the airport, I was walking towards Roppongi Station when I spotted something on the pavement, up against a wall and some leaves nearly covered it.

I walked past, then decided to check it out, it was a Cartier Watch............lucky me.....Unfortunately a Ladies model , but what a find!

I am in Hong Kong now waiting my connection and have been upgraded to business class....also I went to the duty free shop where they sell Cartier watches in Hong Kong airport and they confirmed its not a copy.

So all in all a good day, whats the best thing you have ever found, and kept !


yeah! Nice one my son! So ok my story is lame in comparison, BUT it goes to show Lady Luck is on our side, sometimes?! This reminds me of a time spent while living in Northbridge, Perth, Western Australia, as my girlfriend had just dumped me and I was feelin a wee bit low. I decided to hit the town in my silver k-mart shirt, looking a wee bit drab and before my eyes, in the puddle of rain, the nicest 50 AUS dollar note you could wish for, resting upon a puddle near the drain. That smart black suit jacket I wished for was now an affordable purchase (Yes I was a young backpacker with no money so f##k Off!) Anyway it was a gift from Heaven, as later I met a Thai girl who kicked me in the balls and told me to never come back, which I decided not to do, and left 1 week later for some place called 'Thailand' ....and subsequently have never looked back (but have been kicked in the balls a few times since)....and yes that 'thai girl' is now my wife....


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I left my Apartment in Tokyo this morning on my way to the airport, I was walking towards Roppongi Station when I spotted something on the pavement, up against a wall and some leaves nearly covered it.

I walked past, then decided to check it out, it was a Cartier Watch............lucky me.....Unfortunately a Ladies model , but what a find!

I am in Hong Kong now waiting my connection and have been upgraded to business class....also I went to the duty free shop where they sell Cartier watches in Hong Kong airport and they confirmed its not a copy.

So all in all a good day, whats the best thing you have ever found, and kept !


An original 1977 issue C3P0 Star Wars figurine.

But then I blew him up with a firecracker when I tried to launch him into space. Oh the wealth I'd have today otherwise :o

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I was playing a round of golf at Panya Hills (Now Mountain Shadow) a few years back and wondering how I was going to get over a 150 Yard water hazard when I looked down and found a Gold Chain next to my ball, bit of good fortune I thought!

Back at the Clubhouse I told reception about the find, showed them the necklace and told them if anybody informed them of the loss of such an item to contact me.

I left them my contact phone numbers (the correct one's) and was never contacted.

Got it valued locally and was told value was 4000 baht. (Six Years ago)

Not being a naturally lucky chap was feeling very good about my change in fortune until I decided to clean the necklace a couple of months later, it slipped through my grasp and went straight down the drain!

Song Nom Na you might say!

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Finding a Cartier watch?

Could it have been one of those hidden camera shows, a reality TV show, watching to see if the finder had any integrity or high moral fiber?

In the USA, at my friends restaurant, a drunk left a backpac with $35,000 cash under his table. Yes, he came looking the next morning.

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When I was about 10 years old in the early seventies my mate and I found a leather satchel with $7000 dollars in it on the side of a highway on the outskirts of our town. We looked at it for hours dreaming of air rifles and mini bikes. Seven grand was a fortune. My mate got a bit scared which made me scared as well so we handed it in to the local postlady.

It had been reported lost and after it had been sorted out and reunited with the owner we got a grand reward of $10 each and praise for being so honest, I thought we were ripped off.

I doubt I would hand it in now unless I heard a tale of woe about it to trigger my concience.

The worst thing I have found was on the same highway, when I was 12 I found a packet of Rothmans ciggies, havent stopped since.

Khun Andy

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I was born I found my first breath so I kept it:

I had life so I kept it:

I found LOS so I kept it:

I found my wife so I kept it:

I found my little daughter so I kept it :

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I was born I found my first breath so I kept it:

I had life so I kept it:

I found LOS so I kept it:

I found my wife so I kept it:

I found my little daughter so I kept it :

in 1979 i found my future wife in 1994 i found her in bed with another man the divorce in1995 was the best thing i ever found waiting on the door step to celebrate i went to thailand 2 days later and never went home ,its such a strange world now im happy and she;s alone in the uk :o

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found a wallet in ladies room at Bed Supperclub. and yeh I returned it.

boring story.

have to make effort to think if there have been other more interesting stories .....hmmmmm

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I left a job in London before official pay day and my boss paid me by cheque instead of directly into my account. Moved from London to the north and somehow misplaced the cheque among all the boxes of crap. 6 months later when I'd really convinced myself that it had gone AWOL forever, I found it folded up in a CD box. Wahey, much celebrating was necessary!

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