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Watching Ashes Cricket On Satellite


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Anyone know of a satellite system that carries a channel that shows Ashes cricket, such as SkySports (UK) or Channel 9 (Australia)?


The Ashes is on UBC pay per view. Cost me 2,000 Baht for the whole series. Went to my local UBC office and payed for it. Although being English, after the last 3 days Iam beginning to wonder if it was a wise thing to do.

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Anyone know of a satellite system that carries a channel that shows Ashes cricket, such as SkySports (UK) or Channel 9 (Australia)?


The Ashes is on UBC pay per view. Cost me 2,000 Baht for the whole series. Went to my local UBC office and payed for it. Although being English, after the last 3 days Iam beginning to wonder if it was a wise thing to do.

I think you were ripped off.

I paid 1,500 Baht at the local agent in Pattaya for the 5 tests, after being sent a form quoting that price by UBC Head Office.

I thought it was me that put the jinx on it - Thatnk God there's few more out there who can share the blame. :o

Bit better today though - but along way to go. Send Harmy home, replace Giles and Jones, and we might make a better showing in the 2nd test.

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Send Harmy home, replace Giles and Jones, and we might make a better showing in the 2nd test.

Ageed. Time to give Monty Panasar and Mahmood a go instead. But the team aa a whole need to show a great deal more resilience than a couple of hours though if we're to avoid a whitewash. But at least that arrogant **** Pontin's got a back injury and MCgraph is showing his age over a few days play :o

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Anyone know of a satellite system that carries a channel that shows Ashes cricket, such as SkySports (UK) or Channel 9 (Australia)?


The Ashes is on UBC pay per view. Cost me 2,000 Baht for the whole series. Went to my local UBC office and payed for it. Although being English, after the last 3 days Iam beginning to wonder if it was a wise thing to do.

I think you were ripped off.

Bit better today though - but along way to go. Send Harmy home, replace Giles and Jones, and we might make a better showing in the 2nd test.

I know but every thing in Samui is a rip off.

And yes we have got to sort the bowling out.

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But at least that arrogant **** Pontin's got a back injury and MCgraph is showing his age over a few days play :o

Wishful thinking. Ponting's back got sore from hitting you all over the park. McGrath is showing that at 36 he can still make the best England can muster look ordinary. :D

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Ponting's back got sore from hitting you all over the park.

Arr, poor little Ricky. His back was a little sore so he missed the nearly a whole days play with a little back pain. Goodness knows how he react if someone had broken it for him then :D

McGrath is showing that at 36 he can still make the best England can muster look ordinary.

How many wickets has MCgraph taken in the second innings? When it comes down to it you'll be relying on Warne again. And so far Pietersen has resisted everything that he has managed to off-spin. :o

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The poms have as much chance of winning the ashes as Bin Laden has a chance of becoming the next president for the yanks

This one bears repeating. :D

Now where is the pom bashing thread? :o

It is good that (for a price) everyone can see this test series in LOS.

At least the last Ashes series was on Sky Sports where the comentators spoke English. Where did Channel 9 get this lot from?

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