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Clinton tries to blunt fallout from not disclosing pneumonia 


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Clinton tries to blunt fallout from not disclosing pneumonia 
JULIE PACE, AP White House Correspondent


WASHINGTON (AP) — When Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia late last week, she informed a handful of her closest advisers, but pressed on with a busy campaign schedule and did not inform the public that she was sick. "I just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal," she said.


Clinton's first comments about her health condition came in a CNN interview late Monday, a day after a dizzy spell caught on video forced the Democratic nominee to disclose her illness and cancel a West Coast campaign trip.


The incident reinforced Clinton's reputation as a public figure with a predisposition for privacy. While her top campaign aides conceded they were too slow in providing the public with information about Clinton's condition, it was unclear how quickly they themselves had been informed by the candidate.


In a move aimed at quieting questions about transparency, Clinton said she would be releasing more medical information this week. Her campaign has sought to turn the matter around on Republican opponent Donald Trump, who has released only a glowing letter from his doctor, though the billionaire real estate mogul says that he, too, plans to make public additional information in the coming days.


Less than two months from Election Day, Clinton's handling of her health incident added to Democrats' growing sense of uncertainty about the presidential race. While Democrats said the matter is unlikely to fundamentally alter the presidential race, Democrats worry the race with Trump is too close for comfort.


"If you look at the way the last couple months have gone, it feels like the race should be further apart," said Greg Haas, an Ohio-based Democratic strategist and former county party chairman.


Aaron Regunberg, a Democratic state representative from Rhode Island, said he was "surprised and concerned" that the race is so tight.


"I still think that we are likely to win, but I think anyone who's not concerned about a bigoted, KKK-endorsed sociopath being this close right now in the polls is not living in reality," Regunberg said of Trump.


Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 anniversary event Sunday in New York and was seen on video stumbling and being held up by aides. After roughly 90 minutes of silence from her campaign, aides said Clinton left because she was overheated. Several hours later, her doctor acknowledged she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier.


Clinton spent Monday at her home in Chappaqua, New York, after canceling a fundraising trip in California. It was unclear when she planned to return to the campaign trail.


In a text message to supporters Monday night, Clinton wrote: "Like anyone who's ever been home sick from work, I'm just anxious to get back out there."


Trump showed surprising restraint regarding Clinton's health. He wished her well and did not repeat questions he has previously raised about whether the former secretary of state has the strength and stamina to be president.


He did hammer Clinton for her assertion Friday night that half of his supporters belong in a "basket of deplorables" and are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic. Clinton later said she regretted applying that description to "half" of Trump's backers, but stuck by her assertion that the GOP nominee has given a platform to "hateful views and voices."


Speaking in Maryland Monday, Trump said he was shocked to hear Clinton "attack, slander, smear and demean these wonderful, amazing people who are supporting our campaign."


After a staff shake-up in August, Trump has largely abandoned the free-wheeling style of campaigning that energized his supporters but also led to an endless string of controversial comments about women, minorities and others. The Republican nominee's newfound ability to stay on script has coincided with tightening in both national polls and surveys in some key swing states.


"The last few days feed into a sense of uncertainty," said Chris Kofinis, a Democratic strategist. He said Clinton's rough weekend raises the stakes for the first presidential debate on Sept. 26, which "will either finish Trump or, if he does well, it will create a race."


Privately, some Republicans say Trump would likely be losing more convincingly to another Democratic nominee. But Clinton's unpopularity rivals that of her opponent, and she's been unable to do much to change the minds of Americans who believe she is dishonest and secretive.


To be sure, Clinton continues to have numerous advantages over Trump as the race presses into its final weeks.


Polls show Trump struggling mightily with big swaths of the electorate, including women, blacks, Hispanics and young people. His path to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win in November is also narrow — he likely needs to carry Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina — while Clinton has numerous routes. Clinton's campaign is also running a sophisticated voter targeting and turnout operation, led by several people involved in President Barack Obama's winning campaigns, while Trump is banking on the Republican National Committee for his field operations.


Given those built-in advantages and Trump's weaknesses, some Democrats say their biggest fear is complacency — making the tightening of the race not such a bad development.


"It really says to me and other supporters of Hillary that we have to be invested, and we're going to have to get out and work," said Missouri state Rep. Margo McNeil of suburban St. Louis, who was a Clinton delegate to the Democratic National Convention.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-13
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7 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:

Such a frail physical wreck is clearly unfit for the high-stakes, high-pressure job of president.


Should we trust this spoilt habitual liar with the US presidency if she is in such a decrepit state?


Wow, such a great post that it appears in another thread as well. I am glad you can diagnose her condition over the internet or are you her personal physician that you know so much about her health. I am sure you are above rumor and speculation so I assume you must have some first hand knowledge on her condition. Please tell us in depth what exactly is Hillary's health condition?



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50 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Wow, such a great post that it appears in another thread as well. I am glad you can diagnose her condition over the internet or are you her personal physician that you know so much about her health. I am sure you are above rumor and speculation so I assume you must have some first hand knowledge on her condition. Please tell us in depth what exactly is Hillary's health condition?




It's narcissism, a sense of entitlement, obesity, neurosis, opportunism, compulsive lies, avarice, a frail mental state, and physical decrepitude.


... which makes Hillary unsuitable for the presidency.


... and which doesn't make me a Trump supporter. Far from it. He's a dangerously deluded, badly house-trained buffoon.

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2 hours ago, tubby johnson said:


It's narcissism, a sense of entitlement, obesity, neurosis, opportunism, compulsive lies, avarice, a frail mental state, and physical decrepitude.


... which makes Hillary unsuitable for the presidency.


... and which doesn't make me a Trump supporter. Far from it. He's a dangerously deluded, badly house-trained buffoon.


Hmmm, such a laundry list of conditions. I'm glad she is taking some time to rest from pneumonia so at least that will be taken care of. 

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13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Bill Clinton or Obama? Neither served in the military.


Did either of them make a draft deferment, or did they just not chose a Military career? Trump dodged the draft.


Back to thread. I think anyone who stoops so low as to slag of this woman for being sick is quite honestly missing the bit the makes us human. Calling someone 'decrepit' because they catch pneumonia, or the flu or a cold is frankly disgraceful. It doesn't matter what Trump or Clinton 'is', that is no excuse. I have just got over a 3 week bout of flu which included an upper respiratory complication. I caught it off someone I knew. Does that make me decrepit? The attacks that people make on Clinton for any excuse are staggering.


I hope you never get sick tubby johnson, when you do remember by your definition you are decrepit.

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6 hours ago, tubby johnson said:


It's narcissism, a sense of entitlement, obesity, neurosis, opportunism, compulsive lies, avarice, a frail mental state, and physical decrepitude.


... which makes Hillary unsuitable for the presidency.


... and which doesn't make me a Trump supporter. Far from it. He's a dangerously deluded, badly house-trained buffoon.


Avarice? You threw in avarice? You must be fun to be around. 


10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Bill Clinton also dodged the draft. Obama was too young. He did not need to.


Yeah, he probably would have dodged too...knowing him.


7 hours ago, tubby johnson said:

Such a frail physical wreck is clearly unfit for the high-stakes, high-pressure job of president.


Should we trust this spoilt habitual liar with the US presidency if she is in such a decrepit state?


She has a cold. She was trying to play through it. Decrepit? :coffee1:

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Rather than get all excited about an evil old lady and an egotistical maniac, which is exactly where TPTB want you, perhaps it's time to consider the big picture and ask:

Are these two cretins really the best that the USA, a nation of more than 300 Million people, can offer to lead, as they like to state "the free world" ?

And if so, then in my view, it's high time the collective of humanity gave the job of leadership to another nation or group, because the USA is clearly not up to the task!


Just Sayin :whistling:


PS. Never forget that Putin must have somehow engineered Killary's Pneumonia ;)

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During Vietnam war it was very easy to find a sympathetic doctor to cook up some excuse to get out of the draft. Good friend of mine supposedly had a heart murmur. I missed the draft by being #115 and they topped out at #107 that year. Seems there is no level so low Republicans won't stoop to. Recall they somehow painted Kerry, who served under fire in Vietnam as a coward while Bush, who skipped weekend sessions for air national guard, was some sort of hero.

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After seeing the Clinton's long history of manipulation, deceit and lies, my first thought on learning about her 'illness' was that either:

a) Obama wants her out of the race and is giving her the opportunity for a graceful exit, or

B) this is all orchestrated to avoid the debate which she knows she will be creamed in by Trump.

Possibly explains the trip to Chelsea's house rather than the hospital.

Either way I don't trust her or the people around her. And by the way its very hard to feel sorry for what is possibly the most despicable, evil, reptile of a person on the planet.



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Pneumonia is not a specific disease, it is a build up of fluid in the lungs which can be caused by a virus or a bacterial infection of other causes.  Overwork and stress can turn a simple cold into pneumonia.


Some years back, friend of mine had a slight cough.  She didn't think anything of it, but suddenly passed out while riding a bus to work.  When she woke up in the hospital, she was told that she had pneumonia and if she had passed out somewhere private, like at home, instead of on the bus, she would probably have died from lack of oxygen.  She was treated at the hospital and was back at work a week or so later.


When my father was about 40, he would get pneumonia almost every winter.  His doctor finally told him to move someplace warmer!  He as lived in Florida for the past 50 years and is now a healthy 90 year old.  Having pneumonia does not mean that you are on your death bed.

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If it's true that she has contagious pneumonia as she claimed, then: (1) why did she hug a little girl before getting into her car? (2) why did she go to Chelsea's luxury condo instead of straight to the hospital?


We can't give Crooked Hillary the benefit of the doubt here. She seems to have a history of obfuscation and deception. Unfit for the presidency.

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9 hours ago, FunkyDunky58 said:

After seeing the Clinton's long history of manipulation, deceit and lies, my first thought on learning about her 'illness' was that either:

a) Obama wants her out of the race and is giving her the opportunity for a graceful exit, or

B) this is all orchestrated to avoid the debate which she knows she will be creamed in by Trump.

Possibly explains the trip to Chelsea's house rather than the hospital.

Either way I don't trust her or the people around her. And by the way its very hard to feel sorry for what is possibly the most despicable, evil, reptile of a person on the planet.




Wow! FD hits it out of the park on his 16th post!


Reptile! You just blew my mind, Dude. 


An excellent example from the "basket of deplorables" posts and so early in your hate posting timeline. :thumbsup:

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Life on TV is getting very tedious of late, the USA and the Philippines, the USA iand South Korea , Duterte v Obama, zzzzzzzzz do I care a hoot about the American presidential election. NO I DONT, I would like to see a president with BALLS who  would totally overhaul the gun laws in that deluded country. Someone WHO could successfully integrate the black Americans with the whites and the Latinos . A president who can control their own police forces, but most importantly, listen to tv members who are eligible to vote without getting personal . After all this is a Thai based site, and just for the record, I foresee civil disobedience and disturbances very soon in the so called country that polices  the world .

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11 hours ago, Emster23 said:

During Vietnam war it was very easy to find a sympathetic doctor to cook up some excuse to get out of the draft. Good friend of mine supposedly had a heart murmur. I missed the draft by being #115 and they topped out at #107 that year. Seems there is no level so low Republicans won't stoop to. Recall they somehow painted Kerry, who served under fire in Vietnam as a coward while Bush, who skipped weekend sessions for air national guard, was some sort of hero.

The military doctors examined everyone so the doctors note was not enough.  Kerry threw his medals away in protest and testified against American soldiers during the anti war period.  Kerry piloted a boat and Bush a Jet airplane - difference in skill level. 

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I'm looking forward to a Clinton. Presidency.  Another reason to pat myself on the back for leaving. What I'm not looking forward to is more Americans escaping.  man I'm glad I have enough money to where it doesn't matter. If I had to even think about Having or needing to head home.....well, I'd join the Pattaya Flyers Club.

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Hillary not healthy enough and a liar, Trump too unstable and bad hair :) .... If there ever was a year this is the year for a third party. Vote Gary Johnson or Jill Stern. The democrats and republicans have both proven they are unfit for office. Don't follow the rest of the sheep, vote to make a change !!!

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I guess one good thing about this issue is that the poorly educated on TVF got to learn how to spell pneumonia.


I see evidence of more whacky illnesses being bruited about by the Deplorables. I guess we will all know the spelling of a whole raft of life threatening, deadly conditions by November.

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7 hours ago, tubby johnson said:

If it's true that she has contagious pneumonia as she claimed, then...


Followed by this:


4 hours ago, tubby johnson said:


What she actually stated was a lie, whatever she stated.


Is just priceless.  Multiple personality disorder?

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