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Narcotics Suppression Bureau cracks down on narcotics in Bangkok


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Narcotics Suppression Bureau cracks down on narcotics in Bangkok


BANGKOK, 14 September 2016 (NNT)-The Narcotics Suppression Bureau Chief Pol Lt General Rewat Klinkesorn has deployed a team of police and soldiers to 27 spots in Bangkok in a bid to crack down on illegal drugs. 

According to Pol Lt General Rewat, the deployment of police and soldiers is a joint effort between the Narcotics Suppression Bureau, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board and the Anti-Money Laundering Office. 

The move complies with the Royal Thai Police’s policy which is aimed at keeping crimes and illicit drugs at bay. Pol Lt General Rewat told police officers and soldiers to be cautious when confronting drug dealers as they usually bear arms and are ready to defend themselves. 

Once suspects are arrested and police have confiscated illegal items, they will be brought to the Narcotics Suppression Bureau for further police questioning. 

-- nnt 2016-09-14
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Inspector Clouseau could do a better job than this mob. The dealers are there out on the pavement of Sukhumvit Road and up the alleys every night. Narcotics Suppression my a#@*. The narcs pay the Narc Supp to leave them alone. 

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