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80 Germans clash with a group of young asylum-seekers in Bautzen


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1 minute ago, swanny321 said:


  In my analogy, coming from the UK; our tiny island is the lifeboat 'cos they ALL want to come here;

the sinking ship is the massive African continent with its 1 Billion plus inhabitants!


Even the safe ones in Calais 

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Just now, swanny321 said:


  In my analogy, coming from the UK; our tiny island is the lifeboat 'cos they ALL want to come here;

the sinking ship is the massive African continent with its 1 Billion plus inhabitants!


After the generations of exploitation and outright theft of its natural resources by European colonialism, I think it's a nice bit of payback.

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2 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


No justification for violence.


What would you say if the Thais decided they'd had enough of concentrations of farangs in Pattaya, Chiang Mai and BKK and began wandering around in mobs looking to kick the shit out 'em chanting "Falang kee nok, go home"?

I don't sponge off the state and cause issues in Thailand,  I also don't think the whole world owes me a favour or try to bring/force my believes on people 

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7 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


Well the topic is not the UK.


Have you got anything to back up your claim ?


The indications in the link I provided appear to prove you wrong.


Well these people have fled war and the German government is offering them a home


If you were in their position, wouldn't you take it?

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3 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


Well these people have fled war and the German government is offering them a home


If you were in their position, wouldn't you take it?


  Fleeing war used to be called cowardice and desertion...young men were shot by their commanding officers for it!


It's not like they're being asked to be cannon fodder in a foreign field; if you can't stay and defend your home what good are you?

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5 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


Well these people have fled war and the German government is offering them a home


If you were in their position, wouldn't you take it?


Fleeing war ?


What war did the Moroccans, as per the OP flee ?


You are now starting to sound like a troll.


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1 minute ago, Caps said:

I don't sponge off the state and cause issues in Thailand,  I also don't think the whole world owes me a favour or try to bring/force my believes on people 


Yeah cos they're all radical Islamists, aren't they?


Are you paying taxes here? Do you make a contribution to the refuse collection, highway maintenance and fire services? Not if you're a retiree here, you're not

Do you maintain medical cover so that in the event of an illness or accident, you won't be a burden on the  health care system struggling to cope with the needs of its own?

Do you come here and support a sex industry that is prepared to go to any lengths to satisfy the cravings of dirty, depraved old Westerners who can't think with anything but their choppers?


Sorry bud but you are contributing to Thai issues and while you may not be "sponging" off the state, you're definitely deriving benefit from it indirectly.


I'll expect the obligatory "But I pay tax in the form of VAT on my half a lager each lunchtime" rebuttal



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here the latest social benefits statiscs harzt IV 2015 for non-eu foreigners : 293.000 tuerks, 245.000 syrians, 16293 lebanese, 16379 eritreans, 25000 afghans etc...see all muslims. in germany you have different social budgets for non eu foreigners....

the a.m. figures also not include as to refer to paper germans from for example analphabets from aghanistan carrying german passports


cheers roobaa01

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15 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


After the generations of exploitation and outright theft of its natural resources by European colonialism, I think it's a nice bit of payback.


      I've heard this nonsensical argument before; the reason you're wrong is that during the British Empire era it was

only the top 1% who benefited.Dickens had a good handle on the social injustices of the class system for example!

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8 minutes ago, swanny321 said:


  Fleeing war used to be called cowardice and desertion...young men were shot by their commanding officers for it!


It's not like they're being asked to be cannon fodder in a foreign field; if you can't stay and defend your home what good are you?


I have wondered this very thing.


Why don't any of these refugees stay in their home country and fight to make it a better place?


Easy. The Germans already created a better place so just go flee there.

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8 minutes ago, swanny321 said:


  Fleeing war used to be called cowardice and desertion...young men were shot by their commanding officers for it!


It's not like they're being asked to be cannon fodder in a foreign field; if you can't stay and defend your home what good are you?


Yeah if they were soldiers


You're out of your depth here, pal. 


Run along now - the adults are talking

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As they should....it's a long term battle. Let the enemy fox into the henhouse. And have all the vegetarians so happy.

Elect and keep on electing vegetarians to run the farm.

History,  that's a TV channel. Forget about it.

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2 minutes ago, swanny321 said:


      I've heard this nonsensical argument before; the reason you're wrong is that during the British Empire era it was

only the top 1% who benefited.Dickens had a good handle on the social injustices of the class system for example!


More cluelessness.


Bankers & corporations grew immense wealth out of, amongst other things, the slave trade, diamonds, gold, sugar and other raw materials; wealth that contributed to the countries' coffers and allowed them to fund wars where they acquired even more wealth.

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11 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


More cluelessness.


Bankers & corporations grew immense wealth out of, amongst other things, the slave trade, diamonds, gold, sugar and other raw materials; wealth that contributed to the countries' coffers and allowed them to fund wars where they acquired even more wealth.


  And just as today the rich got richer and there was NO trickle down effect to the great unwashed masses!

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3 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


If you had read page 1 of the thread you would have seen where Moroccans came into it.


It is mentioned and sourced  in multiple posts.


But in your haste to post utter  garbage you did not read through the thread, did you ?


Engage brain before assaulting keyboard. Stops you making a complete ass of yourself.


1 Moroccan in an ambulance so they were all Moroccans, were they?


In any case, is a mob of 80 Germans beating a group of just 20 asylum seekers a legitimate means of defending their way of life?

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2 hours ago, Thorgal said:


Your avatar and nickname refer to the Nazi era.

Knowing this, your first post isn't so innocent at it looks, might be sensitive to some posters and not surprisingly popular to some others.


I hope you won't post Nazi rhetoric over here...

Is this one of the mails where one has to say "stay on topic"? Haunebu was one of the prototypes of disc shaped flying machines... So being interested in UFOs, anti gravity systems, sustainable energy, space, science fiction and perhaps the "unexplained" makes me a Nazi then, huh? Wow - sad to see that people like you hang out here, I'll keep my eyes open and will make sure to respond to your offensive ways accordingly. Thank you!

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

@agent sumo


who called aanother sheep would omit calculations approox. 1.2 million arab uneducated muslim asylum seekers in germany, claiming family reunion averagely at least 8 uneducated persons so another 9.6 millionen, hence 10.8 million x social expenses euro 1300 per head/monthly x 12 months = ???billionen euros per annum , unbearable for a society !!!!!  uneducated =analphabets.


cheers roobaa01


So in short, a 20 'uneducated' immigrants were beaten by 80 'educated' non-immigrants.

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2 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


So you don't think it's normal that moderate Germans should fear a return to the right-wing political rhetoric and politics of its dark past?


If you can't see what these populist politicians are doing by stirring up fear and resentment then I'm afraid you're just another sheep.


Well you must be living in Lala Land then, but certainly haven't seen live, what's going on in Germany and european borders... Calling me a sheep... Haha, that's a good one, not impressed, Sumo, not impressed!

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Just now, swanny321 said:


Do try and keep up! Condensation was a play on the word condescend. Tangier never emptied out

because the port is closed to the majority of natives.Since my first visit the main difference is the town

is no longer entirely arab/berber; it's now full of sub-saharan africans who have literally crossed deserts

on bare feet to get as close to europe as possible.  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ceuta+border


So bloody what?


They want a better life and most are prepared to work for it.


Only racists would regard that as a problem

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1 minute ago, Haunebu said:

Is this one of the mails where one has to say "stay on topic"? Haunebu was one of the prototypes of disc shaped flying machines... So being interested in UFOs, anti gravity systems, sustainable energy, space, science fiction and perhaps the "unexplained" makes me a Nazi then, huh? Wow - sad to see that people like you hang out here, I'll keep my eyes open and will make sure to respond to your offensive ways accordingly. Thank you!

But what does your location say about you?

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After the generations of exploitation and outright theft of its natural resources by European colonialism, I think it's a nice bit of payback.

You mean the European colonists that built towns and roads and brought govt to a land where none of the indigenous population did anything but fight amongst themselves, the Colonists like the ones that made Zimbabwe the breadbasket of Africa until they were thrown out and it was then run by the original people and is now the basket case of Africa where the people are starving,you mean those colonists?

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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Just now, i claudius said:



You mean the European colonists that built towns and roads and brought govt to a land where none of the indigenous population did anything but fight amongst themselves, the Colonists like the ones that made Zimbabwe the breadbasket of Africa until they were thrown out and it was then run by the original people and is now the basket case of Africa where the people are starving,you mean those colonists?

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk




Yes those colonials


The ones who went into South Africa, imposed apartheid, plundered the country's natural resources, denied the indigenous people educations and kept order with a brutal military force.

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