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Like taking candy from a baby - Thai women want a western husband so badly they are easily parted from their money


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2 hours ago, dru2 said:

At the very least the  headline should be in inverted commas. Not all Thai women - in fact very few except for the bar girl type - think like this or even want Western husbands at all. Taken as is, the headline is deeply insulting to Thai women as a whole. Thai Visa should not impose, consciously or otherwise, the tunnel vision of so many Pattaya residents on the rest of us.


It is offensive, shallow, and simply wrong.



You start off belittling the generalisation of the article and then towards the end do exactly the same regarding Pattaya residents. 


Just a bit hypocritical. 

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4 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

And after they marry the FARANG'S money is soon parted too.


Yes its a vicious circle. Its like asking a 100 girls if you can have sex with them. 98 will slap your face and two will do so willingly. These scammers contact 100's of lonely women and a 2 to 3% success rate in today society seems fair. When you mix up greed and love the rate is surely higher. I cannot understand this couple seemed to be doing the majority of the work yet forwarded 90% to Mayalasia. Methinks they were being scammed as well. 

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41 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Nope, Thailand is really not about to ban the citizens of one of their biggest rice buyers just because a small minority of the Nigerians who come to Thailand engage in crime, to do so would be one of the worst moves Thailand could possibly make, sure it would pander to a few bar stool inhabitants of Sukumvit but it would also cripple the rice market and textile industry.  Those "scumbags" are worth $3 billion in trade to Thailand.

Birds of a feather flock together. 

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The best are letters from beautiful Russian girls complete with pictures and all. I had a beautiful blond (picture more than likely lifted) girl contact me and write for almost a year. Finally I wrote her a nasty email telling her what I thought of her and her racket and she continued emailing me as if nothing had happened. I would guess that Ivan on the other end finally tired of trying to con me and quit and moved on. 

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5 hours ago, JAG said:

A friend of my wife is heading  (I reckon) for such a sting. She has "met" a man on Facebook.  He claims that he is a manager in the petroleum business in London and  has lots of money. He is going to come to Thailand, and buy her a house, car and farm. At the moment he is having a problem with getting a visa (?).


I was shown his Facebook photo - late 30s, well groomed, South Asian or Middle Eastern at a guess.  My wife's friend is in her early 40s, quite attractive but not a stunner.


I tried to explain my doubts but "you don't understand,  he loves her. .."


Exactly the same happened to my wife's sister.  I busted the guy in just 10 mins.  I asked my sister in law to send me a photo of the guy.  Then I used one of the photo-matching sites online to search for where that photo originated.  Turns out it was a conference photo of an architect in Russia, and not a British guy at all.  I showed her the website of the architect.  Job done.



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21 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Birds of a feather flock together. 


The many Nigerian business people who come to Thailand no doubt do flock together with other business people from various other countries, while this Nigerian scammer had flocked with some Malaysian scammers, but I don't think that is what you meant, is it?  I think you wanted to say something racist, didn't you?

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5 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

And after they marry the FARANG'S money is soon parted too.


Yes its a vicious circle. Its like asking a 100 girls if you can have sex with them. 98 will slap your face and two will do so willingly. These scammers contact 100's of lonely women and a 2 to 3% success rate in today society seems fair. When you mix up greed and love the rate is surely higher. I cannot understand this couple seemed to be doing the majority of the work yet forwarded 90% to Mayalasia. Methinks they were being scammed as well. 

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Your quote button was frozen I don't know why but I am about 90% non racist. I will not discuss who the 10% are. If you take a long look at Nigeria and its bountiful riches which never have trickled down to the people you will understand my meaning of scammers in Nigeria. African injustices by reigning politicians has been going on for decades yet this scam called the United Nations does nothing but talk talk talk. Then here in Thailand we have loads of scams to many to mention. To many serious crimes that get swept under the carpet and then there is the Red Bull case and a couple other serious crimes like the Mercedes deaths and the young lady who did a little community work in exchange for killing I think were 6 people in a van while she was intoxicated. Thus birds of a feather flock together. 

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Love is blind, or is it just greed ???      But this is the other side of the coin,  As many Thai woman scam western men,  get them to build a house up on their parents rice farm to live happily ever after with sexy younger woman, only to get kicked out a year later with nothing.. 

I even heard a story about one guy doing this, plus bought a car and even had the marriage party, only to be told after to "go" buy her older brother, when he said,  No I am married to your sister this is my house and car... To be told by the brother,  No, this is my house and car and she is my wife, Now you go or you have big trouble...   So does this even it all up a bit ?????    

Anyone scamming other people out of money in any way,  are  absolute scum, and if they are not caught, I hope karma catches up with them quickly !!!!!!  

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3 hours ago, dru2 said:

Not all Thai women - in fact very few except for the bar girl type - think like this or even want Western husbands at all.


That is simply not true. I own a dating website and deal with a lot of scammers every single day. Most of the women wanting Western husbands are older women, 40+, who have separated from their previous Thai husband(s) and are now looking for a more stable situation for themselves and (many times) their children. They're not looking to get rich by marrying a foreigner, they just want a stable source of money. Most of these women have little or no experience with foreigners and don't read the news about scams going on, which is why they fall prey to the scammers so easy. The scammers form relationships with these women and the women truly do believe they're legit, so if you truly believed this and the person says they're sending you a big gift, of course you're going to pay some money to receive their gift. It's hard to write it off as simple "Thai greed" when any of us would do the same if we TRULY believe something. It's more a lack of education and a lack of worldly experience. We can usually spot the scammers easy, but most Thai people cannot. Take a message like this for example: "Hello Dear am Williams Stephens by name from United State. 52 years divorcee have 2 children. Good heart man and down to earth hoping to find the real love my life." Any English speaking person would know that is not a native English speaker, but most Thai people would have no idea. Just like most farang can't tell the difference between a native Thai person's writing and a Cambodian person writing in somewhat improper Thai. Hell, most farang can't even read a single word of Thai.

Edited by jakow
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2 minutes ago, slippery snake said:

Love is blind, or is it just greed ???      But this is the other side of the coin,  As many Thai woman scam western men,  get them to build a house up on their parents rice farm to live happily ever after with sexy younger woman, only to get kicked out a year later with nothing.. 

I even heard a story about one guy doing this, plus bought a car and even had the marriage party, only to be told after to "go" buy her older brother, when he said,  No I am married to your sister this is my house and car... To be told by the brother,  No, this is my house and car and she is my wife, Now you go or you have big trouble...   So does this even it all up a bit ?????    

Anyone scamming other people out of money in any way,  are  absolute scum, and if they are not caught, I hope karma catches up with them quickly !!!!!!  

I might add, buying a house for a woman for say one million baht plus paying for everything for her , her kid if she has one (most do) and her parents, and probable her extended family would cost a fair bit for a year..    just to get kicked out a year later..   when you can buy a few lady drinks, take a woman home for the night, cost say 2 to 3 thousand,  a couple of nights a week,  No worries and a bit of variety too.. do the maths  ??  I know  what I will do, and do it !!   very happy with my life ,  No worries, No strife.......   :D  

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3 hours ago, adhd said:

sorry to ask, but nigerians or other african men, what good are they in thailand, if it is not to scam or deal in drugs ?

Some of them are working here as English teachers and many of them are accepting even lower salaries than Filipinos.

Here are some of my own bad experiences with African teachers:


1. I'm a non-NES so my pronunciation might not always be the best but with some of the African teachers it sometimes get totally f-up...

Working with a summer course this conversation happened between a teacher from Ghana and me:
- Pepper!

- What?

- I need pepper!

- Why do you need pepper, it's 2 hours to lunch?

- I need to print (for) my student(s).


2. Apparently the teacher ethics are different in Thailand than i Africa...

A secondary school offered me my first teacher job here in Thailand, they were really desperate (maybe that's why they hired me, a non-NES) to find a foreigner teacher for the second semester of the school year. The first semester the school had hired 2 Cameroonians but they had been forced to fire them... between the two of them they had made 5 students pregnant!


3. There are many kind of creeps out there...

A well renowned (here in the province) private kindergarten asked for my help as they had fired their South African teacher as he had done some "inappropriate" things with some of the children (kiddy fiddler)... this was a WHITE South African.

Sadly the kindergarten didn't press charges against him as they where afraid of ruining their reputation.

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:


These scammers and others are playing on and with one of the oldest human's trait. Greed....

all those ' suitors " have nothing else on their minds but financial gains and bettering

their lives by being attached to a foreigner, any foreigner for that matter, not love, not

affection and not caring in on their minds, money and better life for them, their kids

and their extended family,  I don't blame them, is just that the world is full of scoundrels

and schemers and scammers take takes advantage of good honest people....

Not only greed but also laziness to try and secure their financial future instead of working their way up and earning it. and as you say; there are those who will take advantage of people who think there is gold in those hills when in fact it`s fools gold. These have become known as catfish scams.


Difficult to feel sympathy for these people and doubt if many do.

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26 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

Some of them are working here as English teachers and many of them are accepting even lower salaries than Filipinos.

Here are some of my own bad experiences with African teachers:


1. I'm a non-NES so my pronunciation might not always be the best but with some of the African teachers it sometimes get totally f-up...

Working with a summer course this conversation happened between a teacher from Ghana and me:
- Pepper!

- What?

- I need pepper!

- Why do you need pepper, it's 2 hours to lunch?

- I need to print (for) my student(s).


2. Apparently the teacher ethics are different in Thailand than i Africa...

A secondary school offered me my first teacher job here in Thailand, they were really desperate (maybe that's why they hired me, a non-NES) to find a foreigner teacher for the second semester of the school year. The first semester the school had hired 2 Cameroonians but they had been forced to fire them... between the two of them they had made 5 students pregnant!


3. There are many kind of creeps out there...

A well renowned (here in the province) private kindergarten asked for my help as they had fired their South African teacher as he had done some "inappropriate" things with some of the children (kiddy fiddler)... this was a WHITE South African.

Sadly the kindergarten didn't press charges against him as they where afraid of ruining their reputation.

The last sentence says so much about attitudes and how things are here.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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2 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Yes, I don't understand why the "victims" do not also get charged in these cases as they are clearly guilty of attempting to bribe an official.  The same for the old scam, pay me money to help me get the money I am trying to steal out of my war torn country and I will give you a share, the person attempting to help is very much a criminal but they are seen as a victim by both the press and the police, crazy. 


Obviously you don't understand either that there are no officials involved so they are clearly not guilty of trying to bribe an official.

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1 hour ago, Kasset Tak said:

Some of them are working here as English teachers and many of them are accepting even lower salaries than Filipinos.

Here are some of my own bad experiences with African teachers:


1. I'm a non-NES so my pronunciation might not always be the best but with some of the African teachers it sometimes get totally f-up...

Working with a summer course this conversation happened between a teacher from Ghana and me:
- Pepper!

- What?

- I need pepper!

- Why do you need pepper, it's 2 hours to lunch?

- I need to print (for) my student(s).


2. Apparently the teacher ethics are different in Thailand than i Africa...

A secondary school offered me my first teacher job here in Thailand, they were really desperate (maybe that's why they hired me, a non-NES) to find a foreigner teacher for the second semester of the school year. The first semester the school had hired 2 Cameroonians but they had been forced to fire them... between the two of them they had made 5 students pregnant!


3. There are many kind of creeps out there...

A well renowned (here in the province) private kindergarten asked for my help as they had fired their South African teacher as he had done some "inappropriate" things with some of the children (kiddy fiddler)... this was a WHITE South African.

Sadly the kindergarten didn't press charges against him as they where afraid of ruining their reputation.


A white male? A paedophile?? 



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7 hours ago, captspectre said:

Oh No! not a nigerian!  everyone knows that those people are law abiding, in other words what else is new? those scum bags have been active in thailand for years! and still they are not banned or vetted before coming in to the kingdom!

And what nationality might you be?


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2 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


Seems to me that the Nigerian wasn't doing anything thousands of farangs do when they come here; namely, pretending to have a lot of money in order to blag women.


The women only realise they've been duped when they discover the farang's chump change pension or TEFLer's salary doesn't go half as far as he's led them to believe.



Perhaps the scales fall from their eyes when they realise that their chosen soul mate belives that he is actually rather special simply because he has a good pension or a rather impressive salary, and is keen to make sure everyone knows it!


Speaking as someone on a TEFL salary ( oh the shame, the horror).




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1 hour ago, Kasset Tak said:

Some of them are working here as English teachers and many of them are accepting even lower salaries than Filipinos.

Here are some of my own bad experiences with African teachers:


1. I'm a non-NES so my pronunciation might not always be the best but with some of the African teachers it sometimes get totally f-up...

Working with a summer course this conversation happened between a teacher from Ghana and me:
- Pepper!

- What?

- I need pepper!

- Why do you need pepper, it's 2 hours to lunch?

- I need to print (for) my student(s).


2. Apparently the teacher ethics are different in Thailand than i Africa...

A secondary school offered me my first teacher job here in Thailand, they were really desperate (maybe that's why they hired me, a non-NES) to find a foreigner teacher for the second semester of the school year. The first semester the school had hired 2 Cameroonians but they had been forced to fire them... between the two of them they had made 5 students pregnant!


3. There are many kind of creeps out there...

A well renowned (here in the province) private kindergarten asked for my help as they had fired their South African teacher as he had done some "inappropriate" things with some of the children (kiddy fiddler)... this was a WHITE South African.

Sadly the kindergarten didn't press charges against him as they where afraid of ruining their reputation.

The African teacher scam is quite common. An agency supplies the teachers having "provided" the required paperwork (degree, teaching certificate, visa and work permit) not always sourced through " conventional channels". The agency receives the salaries,  keeps a significant sum, returns a good kickback to the employer ( school director) and pays the balance (usually half or less of the proper salary) to the teachers. 

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8 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I've heard about this scam before. The reason why the women in this story got stung is because they're greedy, stupid and arrogant. 


Some foreigner wants to give you gold and iPhones, etc? Why? Do you really think you're so special that some stranger can't wait to just give you expensive items? 


Then some immigration official says they have him but can't release him until a fee is paid. So because you're so desperate for the free loot, you're willing to break the law and bribe a government officer? 


Sorry, I have no sympathy at all. These fraudsters are bad and will get their punishment. The women who were duped under the guise of 'love'. No! You were greedy and were taught a lesson in life. Ain't nothing in life for free. 




What a sorrowful live you must have had to be so judgmental of victims of crime. 

My S-i-L nearly got ripped off. Some crook, false FB profile etc. Chats her up, promises he's coming over to see her, wants to look after her, loves her - all the usual conman crap. Then sends photos of all the goodies he's sent in a big packing case to her - jewelry, fashion goods, luxury items. Copy of shipping manifesto etc. Next day she get's a call asking for money for clearance and delivery.

Very elaborate scam - well prepared FB profile, shipping documentation. Only one or two minor mistakes which luckily for her I could spot when M-i-L insisted she check with me.


Greedy, stupid, arrogant - certainly not. Vulnerable, emotionally drained from pathetic Thai husband and boyfriend, naive and desperate for a better live and some genuine affection most certainly.



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