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Hollande, Merkel press for clear agenda for post-Brexit EU


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Hollande, Merkel press for clear agenda for post-Brexit EU

Source: Xinhua 


PARIS, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday pressed European partners to set an agenda of reforms to overcome difficulties that Brexit has triggered.


"What we want is to face the causes which had led UK leave. What we must have in mind is to give to the Europeans a clear view of what will be their future," Hollande said in a joint press meeting with Merkel.


With that aim, the French president called for a roadmap of reforms at the informal EU summit whose "first priority is security ... our border security, our security against external threats."


Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-09/16/c_135689948.htm


-- Xinhua 2016-09-16

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They should speed up Brexit and UK's departure from EU so they can start and reform EU for the future. Since UK will cancell work visas from EU countries they should do the same, no reason why UK citizen should be able to work and travel free in EU. UK can build on their US friendship so maybe Trumps higher taxes for items made outside US will not affect all parts that Boeing is buying from UK so the new Boeing aircrafts will not go up in price.

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The EU reforms should be primarily based on restoring TRUE DEMOCRACY to the EU and ensuring ONLY elected MEP's make the rules by democratic majority voting in a totally legally binding EU parliament, rather than the dictatorial unelected EU commission of failed ex politicians who cannot even  be replaced by democratic means !!!!!  That is to me the main reason why I and many others opted for Brexit.   It should be the EU commission who should be a solely advisory body to the MEP's and certainly NOT in any true and real democracy the other way around as it is now.  This should be the main point to be hammered home in talks on EU reform and only then can all the problems start to be fairly and rightfully sorted out truly by abiding with the exclusive democratic will of the people !!!!!! 

Edited by rayw
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7 minutes ago, rayw said:

The EU reforms should be primarily based on restoring TRUE DEMOCRACY to the EU and ensuring ONLY elected MEP's make the rules by democratic majority voting in a totally legally binding EU parliament, rather than the dictatorial unelected EU commission of failed ex politicians who cannot even  be replaced by democratic means !!!!!  That is to me the main reason why I and many others opted for Brexit.   It should be the EU commission who should be a solely advisory body to the MEP's and certainly NOT in any true and real democracy the other way around as it is now.  This should be the main point to be hammered home in talks on EU reform and only then can all the problems start to be fairly and rightfully sorted out truly by abiding with the exclusive democratic will of the people !!!!!! 


You have not familiarised yourself with the rantings of General Juncker over the last few days.


In particular has grand speech of 2 days ago.


Onwards to full Monetary and Political Integration.

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"What we must have in mind is to give to the Europeans a clear view of what will be their future," Hollande said in a joint press meeting with Merkel. "


Not a choice of what their future will be then? Nope. The one decided by the likes of Merkel and Hollande and their mates and implemented by Commissar Juncke.


Europe under these clowns is either doomed to becoming a new version of the USSR or erupting in flames as peoples react to being led into a super state led by bureaucrats and removed from democracy that no one wants.

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Bratislava summit: EU is at critical point, says Angela Merkel




Nailed that one Merkel.


It is such a crying shame that you are either, unable to identify or admit what has brought the EU to this point.


Just to give you a clue, most of the reasons are sitting around the table in Bratislava.


Hollande will be dragged, screaming and kicking from power next year.


Merkel, although you started making some strange decisions from last year. You have, in the main been a force of good for Germany and the German people. Take heed of the writing that is on the wall and disappear quietly before you are really turned into a figure of hatred.


Monday morning analysis, after defeat in the Berlin Elections will tell you all you need to know.


Tick Tock said the Clock.



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They should speed up Brexit and UK's departure from EU so they can start and reform EU for the future. Since UK will cancell work visas from EU countries they should do the same, no reason why UK citizen should be able to work and travel free in EU. UK can build on their US friendship so maybe Trumps higher taxes for items made outside US will not affect all parts that Boeing is buying from UK so the new Boeing aircrafts will not go up in price.

The problem is Central and Eastern countries don't share Merkel and Hollande's vision.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Bratislava Declaration here




As much use as soaking wet bog roll.


The EU have identified and are in the process of implementing the definitive answer to the EU's ever growing problem of ever increasing youth unemployment.


It is called conscription to the EU Army. :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Popcorn time. 

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18 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

"What we must have in mind is to give to the Europeans a clear view of what will be their future," Hollande said in a joint press meeting with Merkel. "


Not a choice of what their future will be then? Nope. The one decided by the likes of Merkel and Hollande and their mates and implemented by Commissar Juncke.


Europe under these clowns is either doomed to becoming a new version of the USSR or erupting in flames as peoples react to being led into a super state led by bureaucrats and removed from democracy that no one wants.

Lovely report on BBC showing that while these two were shoulder to shoulder having their love in Mario Renzi of Italy was in another press room saying he couldn't accept what was going on and wouldn't stand beside them to prove there was unity.

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7 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Lovely report on BBC showing that while these two were shoulder to shoulder having their love in Mario Renzi of Italy was in another press room saying he couldn't accept what was going on and wouldn't stand beside them to prove there was unity.


Unity in the EU is like a mystical field of galloping, prancing Unicorns.


It simply does not exist,

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Lovely report on BBC showing that while these two were shoulder to shoulder having their love in Mario Renzi of Italy was in another press room saying he couldn't accept what was going on and wouldn't stand beside them to prove there was unity.


Yep - caught him being interviewed on the BBC News. He looked really very frustrated and clearly wouldn't be party to the "all's well and were all together" nonsense Hollande and Merkel were ready to portray.


I expect Juncke will now try and drive as much as he can to "ever closer union". The EU army HQ he's pushing is just the start. They see things slipping away from their total control aspirations and won't accept that, regardless if its the will of the people or not. How Merkel and Juncke ever thought they could get away with enforced migrant quotas to sort Mekel's mess out beggars belief. But shows the dictatorial arrogance that pervades Brussels.



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On 16/09/2016 at 3:14 PM, SgtRock said:


You have not familiarised yourself with the rantings of General Juncker over the last few days.


In particular has grand speech of 2 days ago.


Onwards to full Monetary and Political Integration.


Indeed I have my friend.  BUT that is not the point.  I personally have no problems with monetary and political union in a properly set up and TRUE DEMOCRATICALLY run EU where we the people make the decisions via our representatives as to how the EU is run. That would also demand a proper democratic electoral system such as AV and/or PR with NO unelected voting members in any such EU parliament.


As that is unlikely to happen then I am very happy that the UK voted for Brexit.  So now all the UK need to do is to restore true democracy to the UK by bringing in an electoral system that does not allow any elected MP into power before he attains more than 50% approval of his constituency electorate much like Australia for example. That will mean that future Governments are not in power with a minority voted support as they are now (This current UK Tory Government only attained 36.7% of the electorates votes in last years General election and therefore should have no right to rule us all !!!) . Until then no way will I personally accept that the current UK Government (nor similarly minority elected past ones) has a mandate to rule as indeed we already know the EU certainly has not !!! 

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