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Thai Teacher_Disgusting Behaviour


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I have heard of Thai teachers hitting unruly kids but this is just outrageous. My Thai step son has just been left in tears at his local school after the teacher urged other children to beat his pet dog to death! The crime of the dog was to follow his faithful friend to school and then help himself to food that was left out for the children, something all animals will do if its there to be eaten. All this on a Buddha day as well. Buddhist my A@@@. The teacher should be arrested, not only for killing the dog but for using children to do his dirty work. This vile piece of crap should have the book thrown at him. Of course the family have reported it to the village head who as expected has washed his hands of the issue. Obviously the teacher has friends in high places. My wife is totally distraught because she is away from the village and helpless to have this "animal"brought to justice. Only hope left now is the local head monk because the BiB are as much help as............!

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Can't put into words what i would do to him.... "Stick him in a cage full of angry dogs and see if he likes getting bitten" comes to mind. My step son is inconsolable right now. I am told it was kids from his own class but cannot confirm that....How sick is that, right in front of him! 

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I am in no way condoning what the teacher did ( if it is true)

Please before you get carried away with this  !!! Check !!! that what you have been told is 100% true.


A few years ago, son of my ex-wife came home with a story of being beaten at school by a teacher.

I went to the school   all guns blazing created hell with the teacher and the director.

When the truth came out i was the person looking stupid ( the boy had lied to me)

He was bullying others when they got together and set on him, not a teacher.


I am not suggesting he lied to you , but please make sure of the facts.

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24 minutes ago, Holmsedale25 said:

I hear you, that was my first thought but it has already been confirmed. The teacher just said "sorry i didn't think the kids would hit so hard!!" Its now also confirmed it was kids from the same class....unbelievable

Don't get angry leave it awhile get even, a few 1000 thb in the right pocket that teacher might be feeling sorry for himself

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Do nothing.

Let the dust settle.

Secretly follow him to his home and note the address.

Go to another town and pay someone to pay someone else to post a parcel containing a dead dog's head (you can humanely get one from up north where they eat dogs).


Even better, google the person and the school to get a picture of them. Edit the picture to remove any context so it's just the person's face, then enlarge to A5 size and print. Then use as wrapping paper for the dog's head.


For added lunacy, place a dog's penis in the dead dog's mouth before wrapping in the teacher's face.



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56 minutes ago, balo said:

If you don't even live in Thailand (work?) you should get all the facts first if I were you. 


Thailand has been my home for 21 years thanks. I speak the language and can discuss directly with the family and friends in the village. The facts are gathered and the teacher has admitted his part but like many things in LOS there are those who work in government positions that think and behave above the law. My concern now is for my step son. To return to the school is going to be difficult if not impossible. Why would anyone, let alone the teacher put a kid through that is beyond comprehension. 

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     Don't write off the RTP at this stage. The Thai Govt have just passed a new Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and it would appear that the circumstances of the incident might reveal a contravention of the Act. Give it a try, nothing lost if they can't be bothered.

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59 minutes ago, Toknarok said:

     Don't write off the RTP at this stage. The Thai Govt have just passed a new Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and it would appear that the circumstances of the incident might reveal a contravention of the Act. Give it a try, nothing lost if they can't be bothered.

Thanks for that. That jogged a memory and searching the web found more on this. I will discuss with the family and a lawyer friend. Forgetting the teacher for now, the only lasting problem is my step son; poor kid is going to have that in his head for a very long time.... not good, not good at all

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8 minutes ago, Holmsedale25 said:

Thanks for that. That jogged a memory and searching the web found more on this. I will discuss with the family and a lawyer friend. Forgetting the teacher for now, the only lasting problem is my step son; poor kid is going to have that in his head for a very long time.... not good, not good at all


He needs inspiring in another direction, maybe.

What's he into?

Start from there and don't fake it or overdo it.



'Tis my tuppence, take it or leave it.

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8 hours ago, Holmsedale25 said:

Thailand has been my home for 21 years thanks. I speak the language and can discuss directly with the family and friends in the village. The facts are gathered and the teacher has admitted his part but like many things in LOS there are those who work in government positions that think and behave above the law. My concern now is for my step son. To return to the school is going to be difficult if not impossible. Why would anyone, let alone the teacher put a kid through that is beyond comprehension. 

Ok so it was a holy day and the food was fir the kids. 100% do not condone the action I am just wondering whether teacher was upset as a result of this specific day and the impact this had on the teacher which may have been a sign of the significance of the actual day? 100% completely awful but where was the teachers heart when he ordered this action? I would seriously harm someone if I witnessed a brutal act like that on an animal but in this circumstance I have to wonder why this chap was so annoyed to sanction such an action. History of teacher  springs to mind? 

Edited by Rc2702
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Social media seems to be the Court of Justice of choice these days. The family of that girl who was deformed by a teacher throwing a cup at her were not listened too either until they went public. A good story plus a pic of dead dog and girl crying would see it going viral and would get the teacher publicly vilified.


Said ajarn might not lose his job (the cup-thrower apparently will not lose his job) but will get pushed around by the authorities and will probably feel like topping himself through bad-face issues

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This is very bad, I can't imagine how I would react in this situation.  THe loss off a pet is one thing, but to experience it in this manner with your peers as the perpetrators!  it's going to take a lot of healing.   Maybe a replacement dog, the biggest dog you can find. 

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Take it to the media. PEople might take notice, especially with that other story about the teacher disfiguring the student with a thrown cup.

True, plus there seems harsher fines/punishment for mistreatment of animals.
Strange, but true!

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On 9/22/2016 at 8:47 AM, DILLIGAD said:

True, plus there seems harsher fines/punishment for mistreatment of animals.
Strange, but true!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    If the guy has a horse, it might be a great idea when he wakes up and discovers his horse's head in his bed.....:rolleyes:


       Don Corleone would definitely know what to do.......:shock1:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Contact all the TV stations, tell them what happened and that they are welcome to come an interview the boy on camera and also suggest they interview some of the boys that the teacher instructed to do his bidding. That's about the only way something like this will get attention. Not to mention, it will make the teacher & pu yai ban look bad...and it may result in criminal charges for the teacher. That's always a plus

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