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Clinton tells Trump to apologise for Obama 'birther' claims


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The whole birther issue is nonsense and has nothing to do with this campaign . Donald Trump  has no experience that could even remotely translate to being qualified to be President. He is even a bad businessman who has been bankrupt several times and has used the emint domain lawa to force an elderly woman from her home so he could build a parking lot for his casino which is also on its last legs.

As I have mentioned several times- if Trump would ever become President- there wold be a Worldwide Stock Market collaps equivalent to the great depression; the US currency would decrease by 20% around the World taking down the British Pound and the Euro with it.

Simply listening to Trump's rhetoric which is bombastic; full of half truths and borders on being racist is enough to determine the man has no credibility or the temperament to lead a Nation.

Does all of the above make Hillary a good choice. It does not but it is the only reasonable choice to stop Trump from destroying America.

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:


Not before Obama  apologies to the American people for wasting 8 years they will never get back and for ruining the US reputations within and with the wide world with his bad policies.....



Interesting take on it.  Over here in the outside world Obama is seen as a very good president who followed on from one of the worst Presidents of all time.  Still considering that Obama easily won a second term I guess not all Americans share ezzra;s view.

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President Obama haas been an adequate President- his cautious approach to foreign affairs has stopped American intervention into Syria, Libya and Iran.  Compared to George Bush - he would be considered a great President. Bushe's invasion of Iraq was a greater istake than America's intervention into Vietnam which was a disaster.  Obama never intended America to be 'the World's policeman' and refused constant calls for American troops in Syria and Libya as well as an attack on Iran.

His failings have been in domestic policies- the Affordable Care Act is neithere afforable or fair; there is no relief on outlandish pharmaceutical prices and Americans are dying bcause of this; no lowering of university costs and the indebtedness of people for 20 years; no help for the middle class or the poor; a failed immigration policy with huge numbers of deportations; and there is plenty more.

Obama had the rare chance in his first term to go to a single payer healthcare system- that would have provided universal healthcare to Americans using the medicare system which would have broken the high cost of medical care and drug prices but he refused to push this and get it approved by a Democratic Congress.

He came into office with so much hope pinned to him but has failed to stop the wealth businesses and barons from exerting their control over America. The bankers and barons almost destroyed America's financial system and not one of them has spent a night in jail or had their wealth seized.  I would give his Presidency a C while George Bush would get a D-

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That also seems to be the general view of most of my American friends from both sides.  I fully appreciate that he hasn't lived up to the expectations and people are disappointed in that.  My comments are over his performance on the international stage where he is held in high regard.  All politicians are flawed and history shows that nine times out of ten they fail in their commitments.  We have that over and over again in the UK.


I do think that this time it is different though.  Nobody believes any of the promises made by either side and there seems to be an acceptance that whoever gets in, they will not be good for the USA.


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I apologize if anyone finds this post offensive but the headline certainly sounds like Clinton behaving like a nagging wife.


There was always something sympathetic about Bill...ofcourse, he is not the kind of guy you would call a friend but he would be fun to have at a Bar-B-Q. 

The more hillary I am exposed to in the press the more I feel sorry for Bill. 

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I think there are two ways of looking at Bill and Hill.  First Bill was a serial adulterer who shagged his way through life and Hill knew that.  Consequently she had the embarrassment of putting up with all his sh*t while standing by him when what she should have done was kick him in the balls and move on.  Do we see that as showing loyalty to her spouse or playing the long game to end up where she is now?  I think that they are both as bad as each other in their own way which seems to be confirmed by the fact that they are both still together.

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I wouldn't want to be married to Hillary but I would rather have her for President than Donald Trump.  If  it was another candidate other than Trump I might reconsider but it is what it is. This election is a perfect example of why Democracy is failing in America.  The American founding fathers nor even my own father didn't go to war to have this travesty played out on the World stage.

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22 hours ago, hgma said:

It is strange to me to see so much venom in US (i think) posts on Mr Obama and Clinton.

Since i am in no way an expert on US internal affairs  i assume that they all can't wait to be back safe in the USA when Mr trump is elected.

W'll see.

me too. I respect neither of the 2 candidates. What horrifies me is to think that so much energy is spent defending eitehr (horrible) candidate, on TV. Some expats,  (including my wife and I) follow international scene, including the US presidential election. We regard the current choices facing US votes with a combination of horror and alarm and disdain for the sleaziness of the campaign rhetoric. As if the world needs another burden, brought on by either of these candidates.

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On 9/17/2016 at 11:51 AM, Publicus said:


The link your post refers to that appears earlier in the thread is full of innuendo only and it is from the rightwhingenut mass of highly financed rightwing media that calls President Obama a traitor. 


Only the fringe and those who associate with it, to include the link in your post, continue the long corrected discredited claim the 2008 Clinton campaign pursued, promoted, employed the Trump Birther nonsense. It is an old saw that only the right and its allies continue to holler about.


Supporters of Hillary Clinton in 2008 initiated the rumor. Clinton did not. The Clinton campaign did not. The rightwhinge continues to go at it however irrespective of the facts and of real life.




Read and weep....


From Politifact:


Our ruling


Trump said that Clinton started the birther movement and "was all in."


The story appears to have started with supporters of Clinton, an important distinction.


Trump goes on to completely distort the chain of events by claiming Clinton "was all in" on the birther movement.


We rate this claim False.





Donald Trump Falsely Calls Hillary Clinton The Original Birther

Her 2008 presidential campaign didn’t quite go there





Fact check: Hillary Clinton wasn’t a ‘birther’



Hillary Clinton Wasn’t A ‘Birther’ Like Donald Trump Claims

Trump has linked her to the “birther” movement before.



Do carry on however. The extreme fringenut right is obsessive compulsive.


Because Donald Trump the leader of the Birthers today ate a shit sandwich made of his own shit. There's plenty enough of 'em to go around so all youse guyz get in line over there.


The Trumpeteers believe ALL the lies. I wouldn't waste any more time refuting his bullshit.




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 just reading about The Tragically Hip, at the Edmonton Journal,

noticed this - this is the 2nd time T. has used innuendo  under the guise of ''what if '' for raising the specter of assassinating C. Maaybe he's watched too many episodes of ''The Man in the High Tower'' ?


Trump suggests Clinton’s bodyguards ‘drop all weapons’ and ‘see what happens to her’

Bloomberg News  09.17.2016

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On 17 กันยายน 2559 at 3:42 PM, dunroaming said:


Interesting take on it.  Over here in the outside world Obama is seen as a very good president who followed on from one of the worst Presidents of all time.  Still considering that Obama easily won a second term I guess not all Americans share ezzra;s view.

The average person in the outside world has no idea as to the reality. All they get is the version that the local media gives them, and in my home country the local media is anti Trump. Nobody I spoke to had any idea as to the truth of what Trump said.

I only know better because one of the 5 channels I can understand on cable tv in LOS is an American quasi news channel.

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1 hour ago, Asiantravel said:

but where do you draw the line as to whether she is fit to be president?



Haitian President Exposes Clinton Foundation: "Hillary Clinton Tried To Bribe Me!"


Haitian President EXPOSES the Clinton Foundation: "Hillary Clinton tried to bribe me!"



I know this post is a little bit off-topic but I'm also surprised that the Clinton Foundation's Haiti scam hasn't popped yet. Let's give it a little bit of time until it even can't be suppressed by the corrupted, ignorant MSM anymore. (You just made one step in this direction against them with your post)

Also: Just wait for the reports uncovering the reasons why Mrs. Clinton had Muammar Gaddafi killed. Give it a few days.

I think and hope, that the Globalists (GOP and Democrat elites) are in for much trouble with their plans. The anti-globalist movement, carrying Mr. Trump, is just starting to wake up and rise.

It has absolutely nothing to do with "Left vs. Right". The Globalists are just using the classic tools of the Left - Divide and conquer. It doesn't work this well anymore, at least for me.

Mr. Trump is a racist and thus a "Birther" - Don't make me laugh.

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On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 4:57 PM, Pinot said:

Anyone else find it amazing how distant the wingnuts are from reality? 


Fox let Trump come on weekly and spew his birther nonsense for YEARS AND YEARS. He continued to do it after Hawaii published the birth certificate. 


Try and get a grip boys. :coffee1: 

The other issue is who in their right mind would have believed that his mother (or others) would have had the foresight to put the notice of birth in all the Honolulu papers to cover up a foreign birth. With the thought that an African American and Caucasian mixed race child born in 1961 would someday have the potential to become President of the United States. Anyone that believes this rubbish should be forcefully sterilized to remove any chance of this strain of stupidity being passed on in the human gene pool.

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On 9/17/2016 at 9:28 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

HRC's top man was pushing it in 2008, according to a news item I saw this morning. While we don't know that she ordered him to do so, she is foolish to be going down this road. Of course she has nothing to show for her own Senate/ Sec State time so she is resorting to negative campaigning. No doubt by dredging up this old news she hopes to distract the media from her health issues.


Clinton's people started it. I guess Hillary could always claim she knew nothing about it, or forgot...



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Trump is so blatantly the culprit and for so long and loudly it beggars belief anyone would give those unauthorised Clinton supporters of 2008 any more than a quick and brief passing mention. 


Which is what the History books will do if they give it any mention at all in their presentation of the Hillary Clinton presidency.


Do carry on however. 

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:

Trump is so blatantly the culprit and for so long and loudly it beggars belief anyone would give those unauthorised Clinton supporters of 2008 any more than a quick and brief passing mention. 


Which is what the History books will do if they give it any mention at all in their presentation of the Hillary Clinton presidency.


Do carry on however. 


Ha ha! Yeah, by all means, carry on. They want to believe the Trump lies so much, but beliefs are not facts. Man, life is hard. 


Carry On Wayward Son



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2 hours ago, chuckd said:

Hillary/s very own private hit man, Sydney Blumenthal,  started the rumor in 2008.


Hillary is lying again.


When did Hillary Clinton say Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States?


Date? Time? Place? Statement? Comment? A remark? In response to a question? At her own initiative? Produce the quotation in print, on audio, on news tape or any kind of visual of it.


Thank you in advance for your invaluable cooperation and contribution. 

Edited by Publicus
Revise text.
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