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Trump supporters struggle to sideline 'birther' issue


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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Sid Bloomenthal is a proven liar

If that's so, why do you rely on his alleged statements -

Mr Bloomenthal met in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama's birth, which he suggested was in Kenya.

- to support your position? If Sid is a proven liar then nothing he says is credible.

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The title of this Topic Thread should read:  HRC supporters struggle to deal with Trump's surge in momentum and hide Hillary's failing health by drumming up a controversy that no one cares about ... None one except the news media and the rest of the attack machine that supports HRC...  :).


The faux controversy about Trump's position on Obama's birthplace is a 'tempest in a tea pot' - 'much ado about nothing' ... This contrived issue makes good press for the 'joined at the HRC hip news media and HRC sycophants  '.  

Liberal, Leftist and Progressive Activists froth at the mouth while everyone else Yawns... 

Trump settled this issue the other day by saying: "That Muslim was born in America"--- case closed.... :)

Now - for all those worried Liberals, Progressives and Lefties out there who want to spread the idea that there is no enthusiasm for Trump.  Well, you are in denial or just plain wishful thinking.  Trump received more primary votes than any Republican candidate in history, and now holds the record for most money raised through small donations from individuals. His rallies are barn burners, wherever he goes, and his stats on social media are through the roof. Nate Silver's running analysis of polls shows Trump has gone from a low chance of winning to a very strong chance of winning the Presidential Election - a dramatic change in only a few months.


All the while Hillary has to hire people to fill out a crowd, cancel embarrassing lack of crowd events or 'green screen' to allow video graphic artists to insert a crowd scene.  


The latest vote projection from elections guru Nate Silver has Republican Donald Trump showing strong upward movement ... 

"Democrats should panic if the polls still look like this in a week" 


Heavy momentum is with Trump, In contrast, Hillary in the last week is not only falling in the charts - HRC is is also falling down in the street, answering questions looking and sounding like a zombie and has a left eye with a mind of its own. Hillary is now experiencing anti-momentum and the charts show it - below.   HRC may try to weasel out of the Debates for fear of seizing up or going into a coughing fit on national TV or her left eye goes off stage. At  that point Hillary's anti-momentum will become a mud slide same as those classic mud slides down a California hillside.

Chart from Nate Silver's site - fivethirtyeight.com - showing Trump's upward momentum and Hillary's anti-momentum  ... very graphic -- (a pun :)   )

Trump Momentum chart_cr.jpg











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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I'm somewhat familiar with screwy thinking.  My elder brother was a nut case.  He was a Bible-thumper who has 8 ex-wives and has sired a dozen kids to which he sends zero support.  He's abandoned responsibilities as easily as he's abandoned common sense.  He gets a life-long military pension which he cheated to qualify for.  He also cheated SS for benefits.  No surprise that he's a die-hard Trump supporter.  When he gets angry at someone, he shouts "the blood of the lambs will be upon your door!"    


Wow, that's stupefying. Me and my older brother are always at odds when it comes to politics and he is very religious as well. My brother is considering quitting his job and going to one of the most dangerous areas of Africa for missionary work as he believes God wants him to. I love my brother but always thought he was a little off when it comes to reality. I can't imagine having an older brother like yours. It must totally redefine family for you. 

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3 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

If that's so, why do you rely on his alleged statements -

Mr Bloomenthal met in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama's birth, which he suggested was in Kenya.

- to support your position? If Sid is a proven liar then nothing he says is credible.


Indeed, but the editor who reported what he said, IS credible.

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Talk about an issue that isn't even an issue. It doesn't matter where Obama was born, his mother was American so he is a natural born American and eligible to be president.


Has Obama claimed to be born elsewhere? I am sure he did, because it was a benefit to do so (remember his publisher even listed him being born outside the USA, probably to drum up interest). Let Columbia University believe you were born in some third world country if it will help you get admitted. International connections always help at university admissions and if you have some in your background, you should use them. I don't blame Obama at all. Unfortunately, it doesn't look good to put that on your job resume/CV and that is where the "controversy" really is. The "cover-up" is often worse than the "crime".

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20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

the editor who reported what he said, IS credible.

So the editor unknowingly (as you do know otherwise) perpetuates the lie, thinking that Sid is truthful when he is in fact, according to you, a proven liar.

Round and Round.

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28 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

He certainly is. His own. Who cares what TWO average Joes think about anything?

Ulysses is referencing the descriptions of two elder Trump supporters who I know very well.  The two men may not be representative of all Trump supporters, but they share some characteristics.  Primarily:  belief in mean-spirited lies and conspiracy theories.  That describes most Trump supporters, does it not?  That, along with their zeal to toss shit at decent people (their opponents) hoping some of it will stick.


26 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

The faux controversy about Trump's position on Obama's birthplace is a 'tempest in a tea pot' - 'much ado about nothing' ... This contrived issue makes good press for the 'joined at the HRC hip news media and HRC sycophants  '.  Liberal, Leftist and Progressive Activists froth at the mouth while everyone else Yawns... 

Trump settled this issue the other day by saying: "That Muslim was born in America"--- case closed....


First off, I don't think even idiot Trump said something as idiotic as "that Muslim was born in America."   Secondly, it is important to acknowledge that Trump spent many moons harping on that topic.  He recently says, "I finished it", ....but he didn't finish it.   It's like a bully who repeatedly kicks a guy on the ground for three hours, then says, "I didn't mean to hurt you. There. I finished it.  It's over.   No one needs to think or talk about this any more."


 It's not over.  Every American needs to know about Trump's sustained harassing of the president.  It's not over because Trump says it is.  Again, as I said earlier, it's a character issue.  Americans need to look long and hard at what type of person Trump is.  I have, and there's no doubt he's the lowest of the low.  


15 minutes ago, mopar71 said:

Talk about an issue that isn't even an issue. It doesn't matter where Obama was born, his mother was American so he is a natural born American and eligible to be president.


My mother was American, but I wasn't American when born.  I became 'naturalized' at age 12 because I was born in Europe.  I guess that makes me Danish-American.  Me and Arnie Swarzenneger can never become US presidents or VP's.  

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19 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

So the editor unknowingly (as you do know otherwise) perpetuates the lie, thinking that Sid is truthful when he is in fact, according to you, a proven liar.

Round and Round.


He did not perpetuate anything. The editor REPORTED what Bloomenthal said.

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 His bio did, when he was trying to get published. It said that he was born in Kenya. That was long before Hillary's supporters popularized the claim


You sound like the Trump supporters who, when asked for proof for their whacko conspiracy theories, say, "Facebook and Twitter."   Even Gulliani (when referencing how HRC is diseased and about to die) did that recently, so you're in good company.


People can write anything.  I'm a writer.  Some of my stuff is fictional, some not.  If I write that; "Reagan was married to a silkworm," ....is someone going to quote that, later on, as part of Reagan's bio?

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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


You sound like the Trump supporters who, when asked for proof for their whacko conspiracy theories, say, "Facebook and Twitter."   


You are comparing his official bio - published by his literary agent -with Facebook? Do not be ridiculous. 

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ok, I googled and found this on Breitbart.com

(It should be noted that Breitbart is a hard-right organization rife with conspiracy theories)  


The booklet, which was distributed to “business colleagues” in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel. 

It also promotes Obama’s anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White–which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.

Obama’s biography in the booklet is as follows:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. ......"

Boomer's comment:  It was written in a promotional booklet by someone other than Obama.  Whomever wrote it was either mis-informed or was trying to drum up interest in the proposed book (later, that book project was abandoned).  

It harkens back to the premise that anyone can write anything about another person.  I can write a promotional booklet and include the Pope's name, and say he was hatched out of an ostrich egg.   





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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yep. Born in Kenya and raise in Indonesia.  Snopes rated it TRUE.


Did you read the Snopes article towards the bottom? It was proven to be a mistake by the editor and NOT information from Obama. Also, please note that a biography is typically written by someone else otherwise it would be called an autobiography.


The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself.

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5 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

The title of this Topic Thread should read:  HRC supporters struggle to deal with Trump's surge in momentum and hide Hillary's failing health by drumming up a controversy that no one cares about ... None one except the news media and the rest of the attack machine that supports HRC...  :).


The faux controversy about Trump's position on Obama's birthplace is a 'tempest in a tea pot' - 'much ado about nothing' ... This contrived issue makes good press for the 'joined at the HRC hip news media and HRC sycophants  '.  

Liberal, Leftist and Progressive Activists froth at the mouth while everyone else Yawns... 

Trump settled this issue the other day by saying: "That Muslim was born in America"--- case closed.... :)

Now - for all those worried Liberals, Progressives and Lefties out there who want to spread the idea that there is no enthusiasm for Trump.  Well, you are in denial or just plain wishful thinking.  Trump received more primary votes than any Republican candidate in history, and now holds the record for most money raised through small donations from individuals. His rallies are barn burners, wherever he goes, and his stats on social media are through the roof. Nate Silver's running analysis of polls shows Trump has gone from a low chance of winning to a very strong chance of winning the Presidential Election - a dramatic change in only a few months.


All the while Hillary has to hire people to fill out a crowd, cancel embarrassing lack of crowd events or 'green screen' to allow video graphic artists to insert a crowd scene.  


The latest vote projection from elections guru Nate Silver has Republican Donald Trump showing strong upward movement ... 

"Democrats should panic if the polls still look like this in a week" 


Heavy momentum is with Trump, In contrast, Hillary in the last week is not only falling in the charts - HRC is is also falling down in the street, answering questions looking and sounding like a zombie and has a left eye with a mind of its own. Hillary is now experiencing anti-momentum and the charts show it - below.   HRC may try to weasel out of the Debates for fear of seizing up or going into a coughing fit on national TV or her left eye goes off stage. At  that point Hillary's anti-momentum will become a mud slide same as those classic mud slides down a California hillside.

Chart from Nate Silver's site - fivethirtyeight.com - showing Trump's upward momentum and Hillary's anti-momentum  ... very graphic -- (a pun :)   )

Trump Momentum chart_cr.jpg












Trump Deplorables keep posting charts that show Trump losing consistently as evidence of Trump's inevitability of becoming President.


How does that work?


Are the Deplorable's brains wired differently form normal folk?


No. They believe in magic. They talk about momentum as if this Physical Law has some meaning in political events. They talk about the future - wait for the debates, wait for Hillary to die of AIDS, wait for Wikileaks to produce the magic bullet that finally kills the Witch.


Yep. The Deplorables got it correct from the beginning when they told us about this secret, massive movement that will overthrow the Lefty Liberal Progressive Green BLM loving Wing Nuts and their colored President. Yes they are correct. The Old Men are Revolting. The only movements these old farts are concerned about are the ones caused by prune juice.

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8 hours ago, Silurian said:


Did you read the Snopes article towards the bottom? It was proven to be a mistake by the editor and NOT information from Obama. 


NOTHING was proven. That was what she claimed many years later. If you believe that, there is certain bridge that you might be interested in buying. Obama did not change the information for 16 years - when he ran for president. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


NOTHING was proven. That was what she claimed many years later. If you believe that, there is certain bridge that you might be interested in buying. Obama did not change the information for 16 years - when he ran for president. :rolleyes:


Guess it is up to you to pick and choose whatever you feel is important from the URL you provided. But please don't tell me to pick part of it to believe and then ignore the rest. I have done the research on your statement and have proven it false in my view. Your beratement will not change that.

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34 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Guess it is up to you to pick and choose whatever you feel is important from the URL you provided. But please don't tell me to pick part of it to believe and then ignore the rest. I have done the research on your statement and have proven it false in my view. Your beratement will not change that.


So, you don't see anything strange about the FACT that Obama did not change the information about being born in Kenya for 16 years - only when he decided to run for president?

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10 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Dream on Lefties -- The Trump Tsunami is coming to get you... 


Interesting analogy.  A tsunami first appears by all the water getting sucked out to sea.  That's like Trump sucking all the front page ink for himself - by saying/doing at least one outlandish thing daily.  Then a massive wave inundates the shore.   That's Trump with the next day's flip or flop or ridiculous mean-spirited mouth fart.


8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


So, you don't see anything strange about the FACT that Obama did not change the information about being born in Kenya for 16 years - only when he decided to run for president?


        Obama is a writer.  I'm a writer.  Sometimes a 3rd party will write a review (or bio, or whatever) about another person, and sometimes that piece won't be factual.  I've had it happen to me.  Apparently, Obama had it happen to him.  It's only a big deal if you want it to be.  The fact remains that Trump orchestrated a major campaign stretched out for nearly a decade, where he continually harassed Obama and publicly shouted that Obama should be disqualified as being president.


      You're saying it's justified, because of something someone wrote about Obama decades ago. 


       Undecided Americans are supposed to decide which candidate they want in the Oval Office, with their finger on the triggers of 77 nuclear missiles.   They should know that one of the main candidates is a man who perpetrated a witch hunt based on a mistaken sentence written by a person decades ago.   


       When Trump says, "I ended it, ok, I ended it"   It doesn't end for Americans who are looking to see the character of the man.  If I stab you with a fork every two minutes for five weeks, and then stop - is it enough for me to say, "I ended it, ok, it's over." .....then all is forgotten and forgiven?

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5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


      You're saying it's justified, because of something someone wrote about Obama decades ago. 



Something HIS LITERARY AGENT wrote about him and he did not correct for 16 years - until he ran for president.

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Trump denied Barack Obama's certificate of birth in Hawaii even after the officials of the state produced it.


Trump by his denial said the Hawaii state officials were either unable to recognise a fake of their own document or that the Hawaii state officials were involved in a conspiracy against the Constitution of the United States.


Face it over there on the fringe right, Donald Trump is a lunatic mad and crazy guy who wants to control the nuclear arsenal and ignore the Constitution in each and every respect. Trump is both an ignoramus and he is malevolent.


Donald Trump is the most dangerous politician in the history of the United States in the United States. Trump is both reckless and malicious. 

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


So, you don't see anything strange about the FACT that Obama did not change the information about being born in Kenya for 16 years - only when he decided to run for president?


It probably didn't bother Obama so much and it was not fact checked properly before printing. What is he going to do? Demand that all the brochures be returned and destroyed? He just let it go until the whole Birther movement blew up.


And this statement from the same Snopes URL pretty much seals it for me:

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

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