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will you ever become civilised? instead of drunken,loud mouthed farting whingers. now thats what i call common ! delighted you are at the ends of the earth. is it true you shag sheep and kangaroo,s.?

Australian is with a capital "A", :o and stand at attention when you mention our country.

I was going to write a stinging reply to your observations, but as I don't know you, I thought I'd have a quick look at your profile.

It seems that Secrets is most active in the "I Drink Too Much" forum, the "Stop Smoking" forum and the "Bird Flu" forum. :D

With all the problems that you seem to have, I decided to show a little Aussie sympathy towards you and give you time to get your mind together. I hope that you will soon be able to overcome all of your ailments and recover your sanity.

Good luck. :D


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Generally though they don't resent the rich, they'd like to have some of it sure, but on the whole they're more concerned about their immediate needs to look at the bigger picture, can they pay the council tax, can they get a beer, can they score, can they get home without getting a beating, can they scrape enough together for a week on the piss in Benidorm to get away from it all

I disagree entirely. Park a new car on a British Street and there is a real chance you'll come back and find it 'keyed' - What's that about, if not the spite and envy?

Getting by to the end of the week the end of the month is of course a concern, but no more than elsewhere in the world, and pointedly for many in the UK, a handout is an easy option.

The welfare generation exists (parents who have never worked, children who have never worked and now third generations of families that have never worked). This is as much a product of Thatcher who presided over the distruction of British Industry as it is of Blair who pours three times as much money into welfare as we spend on health care.

Socialism or class values and identity are dead.
Here in a missunderstanding, and a masterly piece of marketting by the political right.

I agree that the attachment to class values is dead, look here how many Brits object to being identified by their social class, but don't assume that this means class does not exist.

Thatcher convinced working class Britains that Class was dead, she spoke of the death of society, individualism and like fools people believed her.

But class still exists, it still is a huge factor in oportunity, expectation and behavior. There is as I have stated above also this huge underclass of welfare dependents (and don't go thinking they don't make it to Thailand, we've seen cases here on TV of people wanting advice on how to claim their welfare while living in Thailand - and I'm not talking pensions).

The behavior we see on any British Highstreet on a Friday or Saturday Night, and that is now spilling overseas to where ever Brits go on holiday is a symptom of the failings of British Society.

Everyone has Rights and no one has Responsibility.


It's true that 20 years ago I was proud to be working class, it still meant something then, now it means nothing to anybody especially those in their twenties and younger. And I agree that there is a huge underclass in Britain today, one that sees people with 3,4,5 houses renting them out at huge rates, when they barely have enough to pay for their council house.

That is the truth of the UK today if you were lucky enough in the 80's and 90's to have property, you're probably doing OK now, but if you didn't then the chances of you getting on the ladder is getting slimmer and slimmer, the only people buying property are those that already have it.

It is a corrupt system that needs to be brought down, and when it does it will crash around the middle classes. After all it was only ever the middle classes that ever cared about where you came from and how you spoke, now it seems everyone is middle class but they don't remember why



will you ever become civilised? instead of drunken,loud mouthed farting whingers. now thats what i call common ! delighted you are at the ends of the earth. is it true you shag sheep and kangaroo,s.?

Australian is with a capital "A", :o and stand at attention when you mention our country.

I was going to write a stinging reply to your observations, but as I don't know you, I thought I'd have a quick look at your profile.

It seems that Secrets is most active in the "I Drink Too Much" forum, the "Stop Smoking" forum and the "Bird Flu" forum. :D

With all the problems that you seem to have, I decided to show a little Aussie sympathy towards you and give you time to get your mind together. I hope that you will soon be able to overcome all of your ailments and recover your sanity.

Good luck. :D


oh lighten up a bit little mouse,

cant you take a little bit of a slapping ?

the brits have been getting it for pages and your having a cry already. no wonder he's having a crack at us aussie when big brave diggers like you fall over and spit the dummy. :D:D:D


Amused observers are wondering when the first headbutts might fly.

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

Can you imagine what it would be like if all the British posters in this thread were in the one bar at the same time, having this discussion.

After a few warm ales, they would be starting to scratch each other's eyes out.

We Aussies would be sitting back with our icy cold beers and laughing our heads off.

What a bunch of old sheilas you lot are. :D No wonder they call it "Mother England".


will you ever become civilised? instead of drunken,loud mouthed farting whingers. now thats what i call common ! delighted you are at the ends of the earth. is it true you shag sheep and kangaroo,s.?

Edited the worst bits out

cricky's mate ,

you really got that wrong and listen up and i'll give you the good oil. :D

every bloody punter on gods earth know's that new zealanders shag sheep and im real sorry but i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

and do you know why that is mate.?

because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks. :D:o:D

now thats got to hurt. :D

i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

and do you know why that is mate.?

because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks.

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :o


i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

and do you know why that is mate.?

because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks.

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :o

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick lick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :D

Socialism or class values and identity are dead.
Here in a missunderstanding, and a masterly piece of marketting by the political right.

I agree that the attachment to class values is dead, look here how many Brits object to being identified by their social class, but don't assume that this means class does not exist.

Thatcher convinced working class Britains that Class was dead, she spoke of the death of society, individualism and like fools people believed her.

Everyone has Rights and no one has Responsibility.

Good post GH.

Just want to make it clear that in no way do I see myself as right wing.

I try to keep an objective view, and don't feel that I have been duped by a 'masterly piece of marketing'. In a way I think that globally social politics are going the way of the Dodo. Getting off topic though. Let's step back and watch the aussies bash each other up, bit like a Saturday night out in London.



The rather heated response to my post, not to mention the fractured syntax and eccentric grammar one associates with the lower orders, only serves to prove my point that class is a very sensitive issue with Brits but also a source of gentle amusement.Actually, I meant no offence in my use of the terms "lower class" or "lower middle class", and I'm sorry if this upset anyone though I can't really see why it should.I could equally have used the terms working class or upper working class, or even the socioeconomic categories used by advertising men - A, B, C etc. My own background is lower middle class so I am hardly putting on airs and graces.By the way the definition of lower middle class is someone who like John Major tucks his shirt into his underpants.

Nevertheless it is quite obvious to an unbiased observer that the social background of most Brits in Thailand, and probably other European nationalities, is very far from being top drawer however you like to define it.Pattaya for example is almost exclusively a destination for the farang lower classes, and the chemistry of the mixture with Isaan farm girls produces an eclectic and I think rather charming mixture.

The reality is that while there are obvious exceptions the English upper classes tend to gravitate to places like Umbria, Tuscany and Provence rather than, for example Thai Visa pissups in Pattaya,Bangkok....or Birmingham where I very much doubt one would hear anyone speaking what I think is technically called received English.

Your like a boil on the ars hole of TV Forum :o

Irritating but harmless. Full of some unmentionable liquid matter.

You do remind me of a character off Harry Enfield, whose name escapes me.

I am assuming that you come up with this dross in the hope of getting a reaction so that someone will get into a slanging match with you( of which you have succeeded several times). Maybe this came as a result of bullying at school? I began by getting annoyed with you, now I realise that it is some sort of facade that you are putting up and I actually feel sorry for you :D

Take care and dont get too serious with your fight within :D

Crikey what have I done to deserve this kind of language.With respect, I think there has been a slight sense of humour failure on your part.My posts did contain a couple of serious points but were deliberately dressed up in a Lord Snooty delivery straight out of the Dandy (or was it the Beano?).It was meant to be a bit of light relief after all the serious exchanges of current political events.I certainly wasn't looking for a slanging match with you because in the nicest possible way we're not really playing in the same league.

It's hardly controversial incidentally that Pattaya is a bit pikey and full of British proles, and that the more upmarket Brits tend to avoid the place.Suits me though and I've seen many nights go down in the old Marine Disco.

Crikey what have I done to deserve this kind of language.With respect, I think there has been a slight sense of humour failure on your part.My posts did contain a couple of serious points but were deliberately dressed up in a Lord Snooty delivery straight out of the Dandy (or was it the Beano?).It was meant to be a bit of light relief after all the serious exchanges of current political events.I certainly wasn't looking for a slanging match with you because in the nicest possible way we're not really playing in the same league.

Think you answered your own question there.



will you ever become civilised? instead of drunken,loud mouthed farting whingers. now thats what i call common ! delighted you are at the ends of the earth. is it true you shag sheep and kangaroo,s.?

Australian is with a capital "A", :o and stand at attention when you mention our country.

I was going to write a stinging reply to your observations, but as I don't know you, I thought I'd have a quick look at your profile.

It seems that Secrets is most active in the "I Drink Too Much" forum, the "Stop Smoking" forum and the "Bird Flu" forum. :D

With all the problems that you seem to have, I decided to show a little Aussie sympathy towards you and give you time to get your mind together. I hope that you will soon be able to overcome all of your ailments and recover your sanity.

Good luck. :D


bird flu?, i think you are looking at another forum.

i chose to stop drinking,and i would like to stop smoking.

why would you have a problem with that.? its things most people would like to stop.?you are very weird and dare i say creepy.

capital A, not for you teeny weeny mouthtrap.

aussie sympathy is not needed from the likes of you and does not exist in your book......as it happens we have 3 Australians staying with us right now,they are a delight and great company,

it must be their upbringing. !

they have read your posts and are appalled.

Is the coast clear? I shouldn't get on TV when I've had a few beers, I've slept since then. are we still Brit bashing or have we moved on to Aussie bashing?

Guesthouse your are a very wise old bird, of that there is no doubt, but I feel your view on English society has been shaded by time.

Class boundaries are much less defined than they used to be, thugs and louts can have repectable jobs too. Anti social behaviour is not confined to the lowest class of people, but saying that there is a major underclass in England now and I guess they represent a lot of what is bad about UK society.

Generally though they don't resent the rich, they'd like to have some of it sure, but on the whole they're more concerned about their immediate needs to look at the bigger picture, can they pay the council tax, can they get a beer, can they score, can they get home without getting a beating, can they scrape enough together for a week on the piss in Benidorm to get away from it all.

Socialism or class values and identity are dead. There is no cohesion in society. they read the papers and follow the lead of those in power who say it's all about what you can get away with.

They get abroad and do what they do back home.

I'd agree 100% with that.


Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

It would be understandable :o

dude... lighten up! I'm sure he was only joking

Robski wrote:
Just want to make it clear that in no way do I see myself as right wing.

With a name like Robski, how could you . . . :o

Here we go again 00 Sing .. I thought we had cleared this up last time ... :D


... a bunch of stuff ..

Not bad.

As far as trolling goes it was mildly entertaining. The strategic lack of punctuation and a few other grammatical devices was refreshing but over all the Trollometer gives you a 4.5

Perhaps the beta version will produce more interesting crap.

Presumably you are an English teacher?

No its Tim Nice but Dim :o:D:D

Thought it Was Dick Nice but Thick. :D:D:D


Prior to moving to Thailand from America 6 years ago I was an avid Anglophile and did not have much contact with British nationals, except for a few vacation visits.

However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term). There are exceptions, of course, who behave and dress like gentlemen.

In all fairness, I assume, by their accent, British Nationality. I cannot distinguish between British, Australian, NZ whatever, but lump them all together as Brits. This is no doubt unfair and perhaps Brits are getting a bad rap from the behavior of others.




only an american could write a load of bollicks like that and every other punter on this forum knows exactly what i mean. :D

of you go and have a nice sleep. :D

so true, thats calling the kettle black alright. :D

the loudest ,most opinionated race has to be americans,and of course due to their present president also the most disliked race in the world.

I have travelled throughout the world, Europe, the America's, Middle East and most extensively Asia. Wherever I go, I am amazed at how people, when you get to know them, are basically the same...there is good and bad everywhere! :o

As for the British, my experience comes from working with NATO forces. I found the officers to be intelligent, professional, and overall good chaps to be around. as for the lower enlisted...the word "Hooligans" comes to mind! I believe this would have much to do with the "class" system mentioned in other posts.

Finally, If my history serves right, I believe the Americans had a problem with the Brits 200 (+)years ago...they just kicked them out :D

Robski wrote:
Just want to make it clear that in no way do I see myself as right wing.

With a name like Robski, how could you . . . :D

Yeh bit of a clue in there really, I got the tag a long time ago from a mate called Tony. There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski, can't even remember the programme but he was mad on music and style and was just so OTT he was funny. don't know if you remember or it was your thing.

And the relevence :D to this thread is................................. :D

When it comes to music and style the British are the best in the world and that's what lies at the root of all this Brit bashing, every other country is jealous of us Brits and is just looking for any excuse to bring us down....... :o

There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski,

Why did you feel the need to mention the colour of the mans skin? If he had been white skinned would you have said 'There used to be this mad white geezer on the T.V.?

Please don't get defensive over this question like you have done with another poster and start hurling personal insults, it is a genuine question.




i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

and do you know why that is mate.?

because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks.

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :o

no i would not because i like sheep better. :D:D:D

much easier to hang on to and and are better at moving backwards. :D


i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

and do you know why that is mate.?

because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks.

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :o

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick lick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :D

cricky's dave i used to really get into those kangaroo's but that bloody great tale kept on ruining my style. :D


kiwi's are bloody 115% correct that sheep are the best shag. :D:D


There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski,

Why did you feel the need to mention the colour of the mans skin? If he had been white skinned would you have said 'There used to be this mad white geezer on the T.V.?

Please don't get defensive over this question like you have done with another poster and start hurling personal insults, it is a genuine question.



Why shouldn't I call him black? he was black, maybe by saying he was black it might jog your memory as to he was, if I sad he was an Irish dwarf with red hair and a speech impediment would you have been offended? would you have posted me? I know black guys, but I don't know any that are offended by being called black. do you? or is it somethging else that bothers you? what are you trying to say? :o


i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

and do you know why that is mate.?

because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks.

Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :o

no i would not because i like sheep better. :D:D:D

much easier to hang on to and and are better at moving backwards. :D

Gee.pers, Terry, Is this a confession or are you just getting started.

And me, who thought you were just the straight firefighter from Freo?



will you ever become civilised? instead of drunken,loud mouthed farting whingers. now thats what i call common ! delighted you are at the ends of the earth. is it true you shag sheep and kangaroo,s.?

Australian is with a capital "A", :o and stand at attention when you mention our country.

I was going to write a stinging reply to your observations, but as I don't know you, I thought I'd have a quick look at your profile.

It seems that Secrets is most active in the "I Drink Too Much" forum, the "Stop Smoking" forum and the "Bird Flu" forum. :D

With all the problems that you seem to have, I decided to show a little Aussie sympathy towards you and give you time to get your mind together. I hope that you will soon be able to overcome all of your ailments and recover your sanity.

Good luck. :D


bird flu?, i think you are looking at another forum.

i chose to stop drinking,and i would like to stop smoking.

why would you have a problem with that.? its things most people would like to stop.?you are very weird and dare i say creepy.

capital A, not for you teeny weeny mouthtrap.

aussie sympathy is not needed from the likes of you and does not exist in your book......as it happens we have 3 Australians staying with us right now,they are a delight and great company,

it must be their upbringing. !

they have read your posts and are appalled.

look mate,

im a strait up top aussie bleeder and i think that the mouse has been hit on the noggin by the mouse trap when he was pinching the cheese. :D

most of us aussie's are top blokes but the mouse is definately not one of us and i feel exactly the same as you mate. :D

maybe its a size issue. :D:D

he also appalles me. :D


There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski,

Why did you feel the need to mention the colour of the mans skin? If he had been white skinned would you have said 'There used to be this mad white geezer on the T.V.?

Please don't get defensive over this question like you have done with another poster and start hurling personal insults, it is a genuine question.



Why shouldn't I call him black? he was black, maybe by saying he was black it might jog your memory as to he was, if I sad he was an Irish dwarf with red hair and a speech impediment would you have been offended? would you have posted me? I know black guys, but I don't know any that are offended by being called black. do you? or is it somethging else that bothers you? what are you trying to say? :o

Like i said, don't get to emotional about it, i was just curious to know why you felt the need to mention skin colour, if i had been talking about a white guy of the TV i would not have mentioned the colour of his skin, i was just curious as to why you felt you had to mention the fact he had 'black' skin.

No big deal. Peace, love, respect and all that. :D


Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

It would be understandable :o

it seems that nobody likes that little mouse does it. :D

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