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Video: Foreign bikers gang up on Thais in shocking Pattaya violence

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1 - Following a hooking the big tourists do not stop. First fault.
2 - The Thais in scooter wanted them catch up. What's more normal ?
3 - Once in their bar, tourists have not left time for discussion. They knoked immediately. Second fault.
4 - Seeing that they had the advantage (especially weight) they knocked fiercely 3 against one skinny Thai ashore. Third foul, unforgivable.


I wish they will be sentenced to real prison in Thailand for undergoing the joys of prison overcrowding and probably strong revanchist pressures between the buttocks.


And of course never see their dirty face the land of smiles.


Bullies and Idiots!


All they had to do was photograph the Thai driver of the vehicle, photo his ID, plate, photograph their damage, identify witnesses and call the Police.


kicking someone in the head can kill them and they risk spending the rest of their lives in a Thai prison.


I hope they get caught and charged with attempted murder and sentenced to serve 7 years in a Thai prison. Their bikes should be impounded and sold to pay the medical bills.


Over what? A motorcycle which is probably insured and the other driver probably has liability coverage which covers the property damage.


If foreigners don't wake up less visa extensions will be approved.  I believe that is happening now.


Had the Thais that got deadly head kicks had guns they should have shot the bikers in the head after the first strike to the head.  Deadly force would warrant the bully/ies to be capped.  


I hate angry bullies with no common sense...

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50 minutes ago, starchild5 said:

So just because they were farangs, its justified behavior...We have already agreed that, Thai style of group kicking is really low so why applaud when its farangs?


God knows how many farangs they would have kicked like that back home in Europe or America ?


Low Life's are low life's everywhere...without any race...


They got lucky..usually, Thai's have weapons and guns,...they just messed with average Thai's not the gangs..who do most damage to tourists....


+ 1, 100% right. Seems Pattaya attracts it's fair share of low-lives of many nations. Violence of any kind is disgusting and so not needed. MS>


In the Thai press they're saying the farang were originally chasing another Thai down the soi (who got away) from some previous altercation, when they knocked over the boy's bike with their pick-up.
The boy chased after the pick-up with his two friends on the back of his bike and when they caught up with them, the bikers got out the vehicle, with one of the bikers pulling out a knife. The attack then happened.
Saw the reports on Thai news showing the CCTV footage with one male Thai newscaster remarking "How dare these foreigners do that in our country?" with real feeling in his voice.
Must be more to the story that sparked this off since the bikers seemed furious.


Wow! at last,the felang strikes back.can you imagine the shock horror of these guys when they realised they had made a big mistake and these guys werent frightened of.them.

Is this a sign of things to come?Good or bad,at least a few nationals now know that you dont mess with felang bikers.


Are they angry because they were more and bigger.  Or because they took the Thai trademark the more the merrier. 

It's clearly H-A or Bandidos. The young guy that was beaten up had he's pcx on thin tyres and trimmed.  He's tattoos was nicely covered up in the interview. So i think he started the conversation in a Thai way and that's why he got beaten. 

20 minutes ago, katana said:

Must be more to the story that sparked this off since the bikers seemed furious.


No surprise the thread has grown long.

So I don't know whether a different perspective of the incident has been described.


The Thai guys not simply chased the pickup, but used bricks, machetes, golf clubs to smash the car.

After the big guys confronted them the Thais managed to flee except one to take the beating.

(source unwanted at TV, so no link, photos shown of the smashed car)

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My comment on this one is: Violence attract violence and just imagine now farangs bikers are showing some retaliation towards Thai bikers  this is noth North America and now the normal tourist farang will get the worst end of the stick.

Really unfortunate and not to forget we are in there country so we have no rights just like going to the great USA you have no rights as a tourist or a visitor.

Hopefully the media will keep quiet about this one.

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"People tried to stop the confrontation but the foreigners continued with boots flying."  would  people try to stop it of the thais were winning ?


These older 'bikies' are wearing their "patches" on the back of their tops....with cct close up should t be hard to id them. As for being foreign "bikers", maybe they are locals with a local bikers chapter, again their patches would establish this.

n As for the Thai kids, they did have their Honda PCX, which would be they're prize possession, run over by the others. If someone did that to you or I then would you not want to identify them for reimbursement, as the kids did not try to fight. Because some Thai kids fight it didn't mean they all do. But it pleases some here to tar everyone with the same brush..stereotyping.

6 hours ago, awayego said:

I don't care for thuggery no matter who the thugs are but I have to say, try as I might, I can't raise any sympathy for the Thai guys.

How often have we seen sickening violence perpetrated by a gang of Thais against one or two individuals, farang or otherwise, simply because their numbers give them the confidence they wouldn't have in a one on one situation.

How easily this story could have been the other way around if there had been only one farang in the car.


I totally agree, if , eg. some thais in , say bankgkok, bash a farrang,then a thai in , say , pattaya shoud be bashed as a reprimand. But then again, I only have an IQ of 31.

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to anyone here insulting the bikers, BE HAPPY you was not alone in that car....
would not been the first time this <deleted> beat a foreigner to death or stabbed him

and they really giving a rats if you are alone and they are 10 ;)

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Why are these bikers types allowed to stay ? They come here looking for trouble & usually find it or start it. Shouldn't be tolerated, need to understand they are guests in this country, same as all foreign visitors & ought to show respect. If they can't, deport them!! 

1 minute ago, duke nukem said:

Yeah whatever, I have lived here for years you hero.

ROFL... even worse you learned nothing :D
But anyways,  DONT FEED THE TROLL is obviously the only answer in your direction here AH

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You might want to consider why Thai guys were chasing the assailants vehicle in the first place? 


You might argue that they wanted to remonstrate with the driver and seek compensation for damage to the bike? No harm done in this case. Or was their aim to inflict some violence on the driver, Thai style? In a situation where you hit something by accident do you stay or move on? It's a dilemma. In my own country, you stay and sort out amicably via insurance. But here you might get beat up very badly. 



We are on the 5th page of replies to this thread and I have read many replies but not all. So maybe I missed someone else pointing out what I am about to.

In any case I think most decent people would agree that Stronger Powers (in this case a gang of bikers) against weaker powers is wrong to do serious bashing and not let up.

As far as judging the bikers by their looks, it is only natural to judge a book by it's cover, everybody does it and it works well in MOST cases, this case being no exception.......

BUT......... Have you watched the video at all??????   If you did and and you saw the damage that the bikers truck did to the Thai's bike then you would change your tune...

Those bikers were inexcusably in the wrong and the Thai guys were totally in the right to to chase them as the bikers left the scene of the accident with no intent to pay any damages for their causing the accident.... Had the Bikers stopped and done the right thing, none of this would have happened.......

all the posts I read either supported the bikers or called them what they seem to be (Bullies)(likely a 'drunk or stoned' DRIVER as well)............ NONE of the replies I read seem to even give a bit of thought about the Biker's truck smashing up the motorbike then fleeing as the group of cowards that have proven themselves to be...

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I have some advice for these vicious thugs. Get the hell out of Thailand and pronto.


If the police catch their sorry asses, they won't be politely escorted to the station. More likely escorted to the local crocodile farm. from which they or any trace of them will never reappear. The RTP simply will not put up with their shit.

5 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

We are on the 5th page of replies to this thread and I have read many replies but not all. So maybe I missed someone else pointing out what I am about to.

In any case I think most decent people would agree that Stronger Powers (in this case a gang of bikers) against weaker powers is wrong to do serious bashing and not let up.

As far as judging the bikers by their looks, it is only natural to judge a book by it's cover, everybody does it and it works well in MOST cases, this case being no exception.......

BUT......... Have you watched the video at all??????   If you did and and you saw the damage that the bikers truck did to the Thai's bike then you would change your tune...

Those bikers were inexcusably in the wrong and the Thai guys were totally in the right to to chase them as the bikers left the scene of the accident with no intent to pay any damages for their causing the accident.... Had the Bikers stopped and done the right thing, none of this would have happened.......

all the posts I read either supported the bikers or called them what they seem to be (Bullies)(likely a 'drunk or stoned' DRIVER as well)............ NONE of the replies I read seem to even give a bit of thought about the Biker's truck smashing up the motorbike then fleeing as the group of cowards that have proven themselves to be...


And how much of that damage to the bike was done after the fight was finished? I know, let's cover our arse and do damage to our bikes and blame the farangs who beat us in the fight.

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