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Police raid Pattaya Hi-So drinks and drugs party - ketamine found


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On ‎25‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 3:49 PM, paulbj2 said:

All this talk of drugs reminds me of a report I read the other day on the relative dangers and social harm done by the various drugs people take. The outright "winner" and by far the most dangerous street drug in the world, by a substantial margin, was alcohol. That report was specific to Britain and was authored, if I remember correctly, by Prof. Nutt. A similar report prepared by the European agency charged with surveying drug abuse reached the same conclusion regarding alcohol. I have noticed in the past, that many of the harshest critics of drug use are, themselves, inveterate drinkers and smokers. The reality is that alcohol and tobacco account for many hundreds of times more deaths every year than all illegal drugs put together.


My brother was a consultant in Acute Medicine at one of Britain't largest hospitals. He said that 75 - 80% of his admissions were alcohol related. Naturally, the cost to the NHS of alcohol abuse is astronomical. I have seen far, far more lives destroyed by alcohol than by any illegal drugs.

Well duh, I think you have just qualified for post of the year.

Obviously if the amount of people taking illegal drugs and alcohol were the same, the figures would be completely different, old chap.

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