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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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5 minutes ago, Chicog said:


And... so it begins.

It's the nasty moderators fault that Trump constantly tried to avoid answering questions, constantly told lies (Check the NPR fact check link above) and was essentially ill prepared.

Why can't you just be gracious and, more to the point, objective enough to admit that she easily looked and sounded the more informed and more importantly Presidential?

I said she won.  She was better prepared.  The moderator threw her softball questions and didn't correct her answers.  Trump had difficult questions and he was corrected by the moderator.  Still it is like the prizefighter who complains about a split declension.  He could have knocked the guy out.  I could have made the moderator into a stuttering buffoon and had Hillary coughing and falling off the stage.  Trump blew it.  Any person of average intelligence could have bested Hillary.  You for example would have destroyed her if that was your intention.   

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3 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


For sure, she looked and sounded more Presidential. Trump, in spite of being well-coached and rehearsed, was still his schoolboy shrill self. I suspect in the final analysis she won this debate, though not by a large margin. I think the largest poll impact will come from Trump's being nailed on the birther issue, which he just kept avoiding and looked like a deer in the headlines on.


I think the "small loan" from his father is going to get a pounding.

Especially when it turned out to be $14 Million and another $3.5 million.

The 14m is apparently $31 million in today's money.

And the way his just dismissed gloating about picking up peoples' properties after the crash; and dismissing the small businesses he stiffed as "not doing a good job".

Plenty in there for people to seethe about.


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1 minute ago, Chicog said:


I think the "small loan" from his father is going to get a pounding.

Especially when it turned out to be $14 Million and another $3.5 million.

The 14m is apparently $31 million in today's money.

And the way his just dismissed gloating about picking up peoples' properties after the crash; and dismissing the small businesses he stiffed as "not doing a good job".

Plenty in there for people to seethe about.



Yeah, Clinton also scored big by all but directly calling him a racist and bigot, and citing compelling evidence to prove that assertion. He didn't have any principled comeback for that, just diversionary tactics. Quite transparent techniques on exhibit by him really. I expected more of a seasoned media star and big time businessman.

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When they appeared on stage at the very beginning , I had this impression they match well together - maybe better thant with their respective spouses .. I can't find the corresponding image , but this one shows it - wealthy people belong to the same cast anyway, so pretending  you're anti-system is fallacious

 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "clinton trump debate". Something wealthy people do very well , and struggle for, is maintening their own dominant position.  Saying they really care for the "dominated" is .. fairy tale  ( and  "fantasy" for Trump)

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trump got BAITED.  Not surprising. The same dangerous moron that would sink an Iranian ship because of TAUNTING.

Get real, people. The man doesn't have the temperament to be president of a condo board, much less have the most powerful office on the planet!






Clinton Proved Trump Is a Man You Can Bait in a Debate


In Round One, the Democratic nominee prodded Trump into a peevish tone and self-defeating admissions.


Trump’s is a narcissistic defensiveness, as my colleague Laura Reston noted during the debate. If you criticize him, he has to keep counterpunching, even if it makes him look bad.



He needed to start convincing some skeptics that he could be a credible president. And he failed, because Hillary Clinton got so effectively under his skin. 






Honestly, I was worried about this election BEFORE this debate. The polls have tightened. trump has been more disciplined and playing a craftier tactical game. 


But now 100 million Americans have seen the real trump and he will NEVER change.  He doesn't want to change and he is not even CAPABLE of change.


No, the polls won't change much. Most people have already made up their minds. But he needed things to change alot, and now it's clear, they won't. She can easily win with a 2 to 5 percent popular vote margin which would likely translate into about 320 electoral votes. 

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9 minutes ago, Chicog said:

For those who missed it, it's being rerun on Sky News now.

Just search for "Sky News Live" on Youtube.

CNN too.  I'm watching the part where the moderator tries to embarrass Trump saying he said that Hillary didn't look Presidential and she responds that she could face 11 hours of grilling by a Senate committee.  What any intelligent debater could have done with that question.  Trump could have said 1.  I'll never do anything bad enough to spend 11 hours before a Senate committee.   or 2.  I haven't killed any Ambassadors lately.  Or 3.  I would have helped the poor American guys in Libya instead of being responsible for their deaths. or 4..  You get the idea.  Hilly said let the black folks out of jail early.  Oh gee what Trump should have done with that one.  He's not going to get the black anyway vote so he might as well stop trying.  

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But wait. 

Hold on a sec. 

It was rigged!








“You just watch, folks,” Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. “Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that’s how she’s going to try to rig the thing.”

“It’s a disgrace,” he added.

The billionaire drew a sharp contrast between himself and the former Secretary of State by claiming that his debate prep “involved no facts whatsoever.”



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Anyway, it certainly was historic.:stoner:






Josh Gad ✔@joshgad

This akin to the Lincoln-Douglas debates if Lincoln was debating against a very mentally ill and Orange version of Cookie Monster

8:02 AM - 27 Sep 2016





Zach Braff ✔@zachbraff

It's like the Super Bowl but for the apocalypse. #debates

11:51 PM - 26 Sep 2016




Talk about minimalist moderating --



Chelsea Handler ✔@chelseahandler

Someone should check on Lester Holt. #Debates



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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

I said she won.  She was better prepared.  The moderator threw her softball questions and didn't correct her answers.  Trump had difficult questions and he was corrected by the moderator.  Still it is like the prizefighter who complains about a split declension.  He could have knocked the guy out.  I could have made the moderator into a stuttering buffoon and had Hillary coughing and falling off the stage.  Trump blew it.  Any person of average intelligence could have bested Hillary.  You for example would have destroyed her if that was your intention.   


So you think the moderator wasn't fair?  Too tough on Trump?  Will Trump didn't think so...


["I thought Lester did a great job. Honestly, I thought Lester did a great job," Trump told CNNMoney shortly after the debate was over.


When asked if the questions had been fair, Trump replied: "Yeah, I thought it was very fair."]




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28 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

CNN too.  I'm watching the part where the moderator tries to embarrass Trump saying he said that Hillary didn't look Presidential and she responds that she could face 11 hours of grilling by a Senate committee.  What any intelligent debater could have done with that question. 


The moderator was clearly asking Trump what he meant by saying "she didn't look presidential". To wheedle out of admitting he's a sexist dinosaur, he tried to turn it into a discussion about stamina.

Say what you like, but she chewed that one up and spat it in his fat, orange face.




I note he's now trying to blame his performance on a defective microphone!

Presumably that's because it worked.




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8 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


So you think the moderator wasn't fair?  Too tough on Trump?  Will Trump didn't think so...


["I thought Lester did a great job. Honestly, I thought Lester did a great job," Trump told CNNMoney shortly after the debate was over.


When asked if the questions had been fair, Trump replied: "Yeah, I thought it was very fair."]




Holt asked no questions about:

Hillary’s emails


The Clinton Foundation

While ignoring these issues, Holt grilled Trump on stop-and-frisk, the birther story, his comments about women, his many bankruptcies, why he hasn’t released his tax returns — and a host of other issues the media sees as unfriendly to the Republican candidate.

Holt also repeatedly attempted to “fact check” on some of Trump’s positions, such as his claim to have opposed the Iraq War from the beginning. Holt interrupted Trump several times.




If I am wrong in any way please correct.

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4 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Holt asked no questions about:

Hillary’s emails


The Clinton Foundation

While ignoring these issues, Holt grilled Trump on stop-and-frisk, the birther story, his comments about women, his many bankruptcies, why he hasn’t released his tax returns — and a host of other issues the media sees as unfriendly to the Republican candidate.

Holt also repeatedly attempted to “fact check” on some of Trump’s positions, such as his claim to have opposed the Iraq War from the beginning. Holt interrupted Trump several times.





He also didn't ask questions about:

Trump paying Pam Bondi to drop the Trump University case.
The Trump University case.

The Child rape charge.
The using the Charitable Foundation to pay for his private business dealings.

It's a two-edged sword my friend.


He was asked about the issues. Race was one of them, and please don't try and pretend that his Birther witch hunt wasn't about race.


Benghazi is a DEAD issue.

If they couldn't nail her in 11 hours of testimony, you need to get used to the fact that their pointless little witch hunt was without foundation.

The emails were covered.

The Clinton Foundation has been investigated and no wrongdoing has been found.

If that's the best you can cling on to, no wonder he's losing.


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You can't cover everything in 90 minutes. There are two other debates. But now 100 million Americans now focused on this massively important election have seen the REAL trump and the REAL trump doesn't have the TEMPERAMENT to be president.  That's the core here. He's almost finished. Just need to go in for the KILL now. 

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Pundits from both camps have said Clinton won the debate. There are some variations but that is clear.






Love this one from ABC: 

Analysis: In Debate, Clinton Was Prepared, Trump Was Trump


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4 minutes ago, jippytum said:

Watch the debate live .The Donald was great he really nailed it .

Hilary and Bill looked like a couple of creeps shaking hands with the audience after the event.Anyone who would vote to have those two back in the white house must be deluded.

I would agree he nailed it. He nailed the coffin of his absurd aspirations to be president. Did he ever really, really want to do the work of that job? It seems doubtful. Yes he wants the title to feed his diseased EGO and he wants to WIN (because he hates to lose) but that's not the same thing as actually wanting to and actually being READY to do the work. He is not and he NEVER will be. 

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3 minutes ago, jippytum said:

Watch the debate live .The Donald was great he really nailed it .

Hilary and Bill looked like a couple of creeps shaking hands with the audience after the event.Anyone who would vote to have those two back in the white house must be deluded.



There were two debates? Because the one I watched and most observers I've read seem to had the exact opposite response to yours. The debate I saw found DT unable to defend his extremely well-documented history of racism, misogyny, bigotry and disdain for the American worker. He was exposed for exactly the fraud he is. 

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Just now, stander said:

Having the historically first woman president will turn out as badly as having the first Black one has.

Well it will certainly bring the misogynists out of the closet just as Obama brought out the racists. trump being the leader of the birther movement and so many misogynistic comments and actions over the years certainly represents that DEPLORABLE demographic very well. 

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Donald Trump bombed at the debate, I am shocked. Honestly. I mean, the bar was set so high for Hillary Clinton and so low for Trump...and even he couldn't meet that level, whereas Clinton surpassed all expectations. 


What was up with Donnie sniffing? And does he have diabetes, what with the TEN times he reached for water? Many, many people are asking me these very important questions, believe me.  :partytime2:


Release the medical records! Release the taxes! Release the hounds!

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

He also didn't ask questions about:

Trump paying Pam Bondi to drop the Trump University case.
The Trump University case.

The Child rape charge.
The using the Charitable Foundation to pay for his private business dealings.

It's a two-edged sword my friend.


He was asked about the issues. Race was one of them, and please don't try and pretend that his Birther witch hunt wasn't about race.


Benghazi is a DEAD issue.

If they couldn't nail her in 11 hours of testimony, you need to get used to the fact that their pointless little witch hunt was without foundation.

The emails were covered.

The Clinton Foundation has been investigated and no wrongdoing has been found.

If that's the best you can cling on to, no wonder he's losing.


Bengazi 9 months ago.  Trump discrimination 40 years ago.  Trump birther issue dead when Obama elected.  


Clinton Emails re Clinton foundation hacked June 22 2016.   


The FBI Investigation of EmailGate Was a Sham

NSA Analyst: We now have incontrovertible proof the Bureau never had any intention of prosecuting Hillary Clinton.

 John R. Schindler • 09/25/16


Two edged sword (you forgot) Trump got one edge tax, birther, Clinton appearance, Iraq war........  Clinton difficult questions?  None.  






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Still getting clips on the news and analysis but not seen the whole debate yet.  However from what I have seen it all looks pretty pathetic.  Just a slanging match with no substance from either side.  Trump keeping on banging the drum about what's wrong in America but not one answer as how to deal with it.  Clinton just highlighting Trump's failings and his loose mouth.


One can only hope that that round two will raise the level from the gutter where it is at the moment.  Not worthy of any popcorn yet!

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23 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Donald Trump bombed at the debate, I am shocked. Honestly. I mean, the bar was set so high for Hillary Clinton and so low for Trump...and even he couldn't meet that level, whereas Clinton surpassed all expectations. 


One of the Fox chaps said "the trouble with setting the bar that low is it's easy to trip over it".



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