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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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It's a sad state of affairs when the only choices are an incompetent corrupt liar and a buffoon. There are obviously huge problems with the entire government. In my long lifetime I have never seen a sadder congress or house. Both branches appear to be filled with absolute morons. Maybe the entire election process needs to be changed. Changed to what? I have no idea except that we have entirely too many politicians.
trump is the much bigger liar and he brags about his corruption as well.
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All those self selecting online media polls are totally worthless. Ignore them ALL!


But BBC mentioned one poll done in a more scientific way where a representative group of voters was selected.


The results of who won that ONE actually scientific method poll?


Clinton 51

Trump 40

Undecided 9


Pretty darn impressive considering the vast majority of people are already decided, so partisan people will lie and say their side won, even when they don't think that.


I will now go on record with a SPECIFIC prediction.

This time NEXT week the Real Clear Politics national average will show Clinton ahead by 4.5 percent. Currently, it's 2.4 percent which BTW has gone up even just today!

This uptick will be a direct result of the DRAMATIC debate win for Clinton.

trump can't seem to get above about 43 percent nationally (remember we have two waste your vote choices too). That will NOT cut it. 

Yes, there was some PANIC for a spell among democrats ... now it's time for trumpeters to panic. Not sure how he can pull this out now.


Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

All those self selecting online media polls are totally worthless. Ignore them ALL!


But BBC mentioned one poll done in a more scientific way where a representative group of voters was selected.


The results of who won that ONE actually scientific method poll?


Clinton 51

Trump 40

Undecided 9



She may have 'won' the debate, but I doubt the laughing liar convinced any undecided voters. She should lay off the botox too, she's too tight when she laughs.

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NBC News analysis:  In a battle of preparation versus instincts, preparation won in a major way.



For weeks, Democrats worried that a newer, more disciplined, more effective Donald Trump might emerge during their first debate and benefit from low expectations to steal a win from the more experienced Hillary Clinton.

Instead, Clinton gained the upper hand early as Trump grew defensive over personal attacks, dissembled or contradicted himself on key issues, and reopened old wounds on gender and race along the way.


I'll take a well prepared, thoughtful President over a shoot-from-the-hip con artist anytime.

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2 hours ago, Prbkk said:


I find Trump's habit of repeating key points, presumably for emphasis on the advice of spin doctors, really annoying....as here 

and " it's gonna happen folks, it's gonna happen", "the country needs xxxxxx, we really need it"....virtually everything he says.

but overall I though he did a pretty reasonable job: it's a big ask for a non-politician to do what he did and , love him or loathe him, he deserves some respect for getting this far.


The product of the basket of deploreables, the low-info, xenophobic, mysogenistic old white men. He deserves a lot of things, respect isn't one of them. 


2 hours ago, Gary A said:

OK, so you rabid democrats don't believe even the liberal biased polls? Figures don't lie but liars figure.


Deep. Everything that points to Trump's dumpster fire of a performance is main stream media. 


He lost and he lost big time. He never had a chance. 


1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Can't we all just be honest here and call it a draw...I saw the debate from beginning to end and neither scored a knockout blow...only a few glancing shots and weak undercuts.  The Donald, for the most part, maintained his composure and didn't say anything too outrageous or offensive; and The Hillary repeated her binder full of plans for this and that problem, got in a few mild digs, and at the end flipped over the gender card. 


I think both said what they wanted to and didn't make any major gaffes. The supporters of both will be happy with their respective performances and they likely swayed few undecided voters to either of their respective camps. I could care less what the talking bobble-heads in the media are saying, because that's what I saw with my own eyes...and I'm sticking to it.


Your eyes are watching Fox News 24/7. Only a dedicated wingnut is going to wishfully call that debate a draw. If it was a heavy weight fight the ref would of called it in the third round. 


Let's face it, Trump is unprepared to be elected an Animal Control Officer. POTUS? He's pathetic. He got to be the Republican nominee for President by appealing to the fears of the lowest of the low of American society. If you're still a Trump fan after that pathetic performance, you need to reevaluate your choices in life...and stop watching Fox News and believing everything written in Breitbart and the rest of the wingnut media.  





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54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

All those self selecting online media polls are totally worthless. Ignore them ALL!


But BBC mentioned one poll done in a more scientific way where a representative group of voters was selected.


The results of who won that ONE actually scientific method poll?


Clinton 51

Trump 40

Undecided 9


Pretty darn impressive considering the vast majority of people are already decided, so partisan people will lie and say their side won, even when they don't think that.


I will now go on record with a SPECIFIC prediction.

This time NEXT week the Real Clear Politics national average will show Clinton ahead by 4.5 percent. Currently, it's 2.4 percent which BTW has gone up even just today!

This uptick will be a direct result of the DRAMATIC debate win for Clinton.

trump can't seem to get above about 43 percent nationally (remember we have two waste your vote choices too). That will NOT cut it. 

Yes, there was some PANIC for a spell among democrats ... now it's time for trumpeters to panic. Not sure how he can pull this out now.



Whilst I am in your corner as far as wanting Clinton to win (given the alternative) I do wonder from whom the poll was taken! There is no doubt that in the UK Clinton is by far the preferred candidate but I am not so sure now in the US and that is where the voters are.  I am sure there will be a far clearer picture after the third debate but in the meantime it's fingers crossed.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


More like a polished politician who has memorized every single dishonest talking point.


You're certainly right about her being polished, and Trump not. Again, I value even-tempered, studied leaders who make decisions based on reason. Appealing to baser instincts and nativist, racist, and isolationist values is pretty easy when you are using the opposite of that.

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Whilst I am in your corner as far as wanting Clinton to win (given the alternative) I do wonder from whom the poll was taken! There is no doubt that in the UK Clinton is by far the preferred candidate but I am not so sure now in the US and that is where the voters are.  I am sure there will be a far clearer picture after the third debate but in the meantime it's fingers crossed.

It was of U.S. voters of course. It was simply reported on BBC. Some name like public policy institute.
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34 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


More like a polished politician who has memorized every single dishonest talking point.

Did you notice how Clinton remembered every detail of things Trump said, but couldn't remember sh88t in interviews with the  FBI

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41 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


More like a polished politician who has memorized every single dishonest talking point.


All her talking points are dishonest. Every single one of them, eh? 


You guys are hilarious. Tick...tick...tick...it will all be over very soon. 

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

All those self selecting online media polls are totally worthless. Ignore them ALL!


But BBC mentioned one poll done in a more scientific way where a representative group of voters was selected.


The results of who won that ONE actually scientific method poll?


Clinton 51

Trump 40

Undecided 9


Pretty darn impressive considering the vast majority of people are already decided, so partisan people will lie and say their side won, even when they don't think that.


I will now go on record with a SPECIFIC prediction.

This time NEXT week the Real Clear Politics national average will show Clinton ahead by 4.5 percent. Currently, it's 2.4 percent which BTW has gone up even just today!

This uptick will be a direct result of the DRAMATIC debate win for Clinton.

trump can't seem to get above about 43 percent nationally (remember we have two waste your vote choices too). That will NOT cut it. 

Yes, there was some PANIC for a spell among democrats ... now it's time for trumpeters to panic. Not sure how he can pull this out now.


This uptick will be a direct result of the DRAMATIC debate win for Clinton.


I can only surmise you were watching a different debate to the one I saw.  The one I saw was boring, and changed nothing. IMO neither did well enough to "win" anything.  It still comes down to November, at this stage.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It was of U.S. voters of course. It was simply reported on BBC. Some name like public policy institute.


Yes I assumed it was a poll of Americans otherwise it would be pointless.


One reason I think Trump found it difficult is that he was one half of a debate rather than just grandstanding on his podium in front of his supporters.  Clinton is used to the debating platform but Trump clearly isn't.  Maybe next time he will be better prepared

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51 minutes ago, Pinot said:


All her talking points are dishonest. Every single one of them, eh? 




 Not every single one, but lots of them. Saying that he had not paid his taxes was a BLATANT lie and the fact checkers called her on it.

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16 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Not every single one, but lots of them. Saying that he had not paid his taxes was a BLATANT lie and the fact checkers called her on it.

I believe I heard her say that he may not have paid any taxes.   That's a little different than saying he didn't pay his taxes.   

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9 hours ago, Strange said:


Does not matter what I "think" or "feel" because the fact remains that businesses are going to do whatever they can do to increase profits and if its legal, its not "gaming" the system. 


Trump pays more than a middle class family. 


Its not "Scamming" the system if its legal. 


I would love to see people that support Hillary give up their Foreign Earned Income/Physical Presence Exemption. 



In the year 2555 maybe.


We recall the Republican congress maximus tried unsuccessfully several years ago to repeal the foreign earned income tax exemption, exclusion, deduction. Republicans are sure it's a privileged give-away to expatriate / ex-patriot Americans -- all of us.


That's what Trump thinks the word for us is -- expatriot.


Trump in the White House might try it again.


Wait until The Ignoramus finds out there's a Publication 54 too for us guyz out here. There's going to be hell for us to pay if Trump makes it over the White House fence without being shot by the Secret Service.




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