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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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Pretty much everyone doesn't like paying taxes, but the same people should admit that it's basically needed.  Sure there's waste up and down Federal and State tax-funded projects, but in the final analyses, taxes are needed for things like:  k-12 schools, school lunch programs, Forest Service, weather bureau, military, coast guard, fire fighters, bridges, tunnels, roads, stoplights, and a million other things we take for granted.


Trump made an admission last night, plus two commentaries, when HRC mentioned how he never pays taxes.  Trump's candidness sent a clear message to Americans: taxes are for pussies.  Not a good message to send to everyone.  Here are Trump's roadmap for Americans and taxes, using his words........


>>>   I never pay, because "I'm smart"

>>>   If I paid, the money 'would be squandered'   

>>>   I won't show my tax returns 'because I'm being audited'


Everyone should know by now that there's no rule against showing tax returns while being audited.  Plus, if he wasn't lying when he said, "I would love to release my tax statements, believe me." then he could at least show his returns for the 2 of 3 years prior.  He's an unlanced pustule and a bad influence for Americans.

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9 hours ago, Prbkk said:


The greater concern for Clinton is to get people to turn out to vote. The Trump people will show up in 3 feet of snow; the Luke-warm Clinton people will be sipping a latte on their home espresso machine . That will be more the case if they believe she is well ahead.

Something similar happened in the UK in the early 70: Labour well ahead in the polls, dreadful weather on election day, Tories won easily ( a bit similar to Brexit). 



Democrats can't wait to go to their local polling station in their respective state to vote so that Donald Trump never becomes Potus. The line to vote for HRC on Election Day will be very long -- determinedly long.


But the difference in the election is, as the Obama campaigns for Potus gave focus to, the unlikely voter, or another kind of registered voter, i.e., the voter who will vote Democrat for Potus but who doesn't vote at all.


The Obama achievement was to identify those voters, then on election day go out and round 'em up to the polls then deposit 'em back home again. We do know where they live cause it's on the public record of voter rolls. You call 'em each day for the seven days before the election. On polling day you call 'em, each one of 'em, and when they whimper about voting you tell 'em you're comin to get 'em and that is what you do.


On election day 2012 the RCP polling average had Obama ahead by a mite, 0.7%. Next morning OB had won by 4.6%. His chief campaign strategist David Plouffe (who'd been the same in 2008), said the polling day field operation on the ground in the targeted states delivered 1% to 3% of OB's total popular vote against Romney. 


Plouffe was being his usual understated when he said between 1% to 3% beyond what the pollsters had found and reported. When Plouffe uses the number 3, it is because that is what it was. Plus three percent, beyond the polling through to election day.


Add, er, 1% to 3% onto HRC's polling numbers due to her massive field operation in the targeted states. The polling doesn't ever include this number of voters -- they seem to suddenly appear on polling day. That's because they get hauled out by a disciplined organisation that is focused and efficient. Ask Mitt Romney whose pollster Scott Rasmussen told Mitt on the morning of polling day he'd be the 44th Potus. Not. 


Trump has only a shadow field operation throughout the country, most of what does exist is from the Republican National Committee. The polling does in fact show almost entirely the angry white guy vote for Trump that's come out of the woodwork since Trump announced his candidacy and up to this point.


There isn't any silent majority out there for either candidate. There is instead a massive Clinton-Kaine nose to the grindstone focused field organisation to get out the voters that don't otherwise vote. It is a statement of the fundamental and radical difference between the two campaigns, i.e., Trump's game is subtraction while Hillary's philosophy has always been addition.


Game over. 

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10 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


Oh now there's a cogent case for you.  As a proud socialist you support a racist psychopath like Trump who got rich bribing politicians and exploiting tax loopholes while taking advantage of subcontractors and foreign workers?   And who wants to lower taxes even further on the rich?  HRC's platform is the most progressive since LBJ while Trump wants to make America white again.


It beggars belief that anyone calling himself a socialist could support Trump's policies.  Why not call yourself an aardvark?  Makes as much sense.

Oh, there you go again, jumping to assumptions. Anyone actually read any of my replies knows that I don't consider Trump to be the best choice, but he's the only choice to stop Clinton, and I'd support a baboon if it stopped that awful woman from becoming POTUS.

Clinton is as opposite to a socialist as it is possible to be, and her policies are really, really bad for the working class.

Yes, I'd support a racist psychopath that got rich bribing politicians and exploiting tax loopholes while taking advantage of subcontractors and foreign workers if that is what it takes to keep her out of power.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend etc etc etc.

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I filled out my California ballot today.  Jill Stein's got my vote.

Here are some of the choices on the CA ballot (I copied and pasted)

United States President and Vice-President 

There are some ballot initiatives, mostly related to environmental and health issues. I left out some of the legalese text.  There's one for legalizing pot:

Legalizes marijuana under state law, for use by adults 21 or older. Imposes state taxes on sales and cultivation. Provides for industry licensing and establishes standards for marijuana products. 


.......and one dealing with guns:

Requires background check and Department of Justice authorization to purchase ammunition. Prohibits possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines. Establishes procedures for enforcing laws prohibiting firearm possession by specified persons.

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12 minutes ago, Publicus said:




But the difference in the election is, as the Obama campaigns for Potus gave focus to, the unlikely voter, or another kind of registered voter, i.e., the voter who will vote Democrat for Potus but who doesn't vote at all.


The Obama achievement was to identify those voters, then on election day go out and round 'em up to the polls then deposit 'em back home again. We do know where they live cause it's on the public record of voter rolls. You call 'em each day for the seven days before the election. On polling day you call 'em, each one of 'em, and when they whimper about voting you tell 'em you're comin to get 'em and that is what you do.


On election day 2012 the RCP polling average had Obama ahead by a mite, 0.7%. Next morning OB had won by 4.6%. His chief campaign strategist David Plouffe (who'd been the same in 2008), said the polling day field operation on the ground in the targeted states delivered 1% to 3% of OB's total popular vote against Romney. 


Plouffe was being his usual understated when he said between 1% to 3% beyond what the pollsters had found and reported. When Plouffe uses the number 3, it is because that is what it was. Plus three percent, beyond the polling through to election day.



Quote edited for brevity.


The difference between Obama and HRC is that he was actually popular, while Clinton is actively disliked and not trusted by large numbers.

Getting them out to vote for her will be a lot harder.

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19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Pretty much everyone doesn't like paying taxes, but the same people should admit that it's basically needed.  Sure there's waste up and down Federal and State tax-funded projects, but in the final analyses, taxes are needed for things like:  k-12 schools, school lunch programs, Forest Service, weather bureau, military, coast guard, fire fighters, bridges, tunnels, roads, stoplights, and a million other things we take for granted.


Trump made an admission last night, plus two commentaries, when HRC mentioned how he never pays taxes.  Trump's candidness sent a clear message to Americans: taxes are for pussies.  Not a good message to send to everyone.  Here are Trump's roadmap for Americans and taxes, using his words........


>>>   I never pay, because "I'm smart"

>>>   If I paid, the money 'would be squandered'   

>>>   I won't show my tax returns 'because I'm being audited'


Everyone should know by now that there's no rule against showing tax returns while being audited.  Plus, if he wasn't lying when he said, "I would love to release my tax statements, believe me." then he could at least show his returns for the 2 of 3 years prior.  He's an unlanced pustule and a bad influence for Americans.


Unlanced pustule? :clap2: Come on, man. Let's take the high road here. 


5 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Democrats can't wait to go to their local polling station in their respective state to vote so that Donald Trump never becomes Potus. The line to vote for HRC on Election Day will be very long -- determinedly long.


But the difference in the election is, as the Obama campaigns for Potus gave focus to, the unlikely voter, or another kind of registered voter, i.e., the voter who will vote Democrat for Potus but who doesn't vote at all.


The Obama achievement was to identify those voters, then on election day go out and round 'em up to the polls then deposit 'em back home again. We do know where they live cause it's on the public record of voter rolls. You call 'em each day for the seven days before the election. On polling day you call 'em, each one of 'em, and when they whimper about voting you tell 'em you're comin to get 'em and that is what you do.


On election day 2012 the RCP polling average had Obama ahead by a mite, 0.7%. Next morning OB had won by 4.6%. His chief campaign strategist David Plouffe (who'd been the same in 2008), said the polling day field operation on the ground in the targeted states delivered 1% to 3% of OB's total popular vote against Romney. 


Plouffe was being his usual understated when he said between 1% to 3% beyond what the pollsters had found and reported. When Plouffe uses the number 3, it is because that is what it was. Plus three percent, beyond the polling through to election day.


Add, er, 1% to 3% onto HRC's polling numbers due to her massive field operation in the targeted states. The polling doesn't ever include this number of voters -- they seem to suddenly appear on polling day. That's because they get hauled out by a disciplined organisation that is focused and efficient. Ask Mitt Romney whose pollster Scott Rasmussen told Mitt on the morning of polling day he'd be the 44th Potus. Not. 


Trump has only a shadow field operation throughout the country, most of what does exist is from the Republican National Committee. The polling does in fact show almost entirely the angry white guy vote for Trump that's come out of the woodwork since Trump announced his candidacy and up to this point.


There isn't any silent majority out there for either candidate. There is instead a massive Clinton-Kaine nose to the grindstone focused field organisation to get out the voters that don't otherwise vote. It is a statement of the fundamental and radical difference between the two campaigns, i.e., Trump's game is subtraction while Hillary's philosophy has always been addition.


Game over. 


Publicus always with the excellent "big picture", educated view on things. Thank you. I always learn something from you (when you're not just fielding in-coming missile attacks). Trump's laziness of not organizing, always winging it, running for President on Twitter, will haunt him. There is a day of reckoning coming. 


HRC is going to win in a landslide. There is nothing sniffles can do at this point. Assange has nothing that hasn't been dealt with before. The skeletons are all out there for everyone to see. We don't need the Youtube of Trump doing a couple of lines before walking onstage. :lol:


The only sad thing? Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President.  That's an embarrassment that will live on.  Maybe by totally crushing him and the Republican party on election day, we'll get past this. 

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The difference between Obama and HRC is that he was actually popular, while Clinton is actively disliked and not trusted by large numbers.

Getting them out to vote for her will be a lot harder.


Ok, if you want to look at it as two half empty glasses (instead of one half full, one half empty).....


It's admitted that HRC has some negatives.  Yet only a Trump groupie can fail to see that Trump has many more and much graver negatives.  It's like comparing the which smells worse; a rotten pear or a dead soldier left on the battlefield for a week.

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8 hours ago, Pinot said:


Unlanced pustule? :clap2: Come on, man. Let's take the high road here. 



Publicus always with the excellent "big picture", educated view on things. Thank you. I always learn something from you (when you're not just fielding in-coming missile attacks). Trump's laziness of not organizing, always winging it, running for President on Twitter, will haunt him. There is a day of reckoning coming. 


HRC is going to win in a landslide. There is nothing sniffles can do at this point. Assange has nothing that hasn't been dealt with before. The skeletons are all out there for everyone to see. We don't need the Youtube of Trump doing a couple of lines before walking onstage. :lol:


The only sad thing? Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President.  That's an embarrassment that will live on.  Maybe by totally crushing him and the Republican party on election day, we'll get past this. 


I'm not as enthusiastic a Clinton supporter as you and Pub, nor such a confirmed democrat, in fact not a democrat really. But, regarding embarrassment, I work and deal closely daily with successful people doing important things in life, and in all my years abroad, have never seen such incredulity by my contemporaries that such a defective candidate and person such as Trump could possibly rise to this level. After the debate, these grown men and women were rolling their eyes and howling with laughter 'around the water cooler' having seen the transparent bait-and-switch simplistic concepts used by Trump in the debate. Upon my entrance, they fell silent, out of respect knowing I was American, until I signaled that I too was speechless, amused, though ashamed.

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The adept Kellyanne Conway is finding that the irrepressible Trump is a lost cause. Conway herself is finding out what a loser she is by having her own natural home in the Republican camp.


I'm afraid guyz that the HRC campaign is going to lead Trump by the nose to assure that Trump is Trump and never an imposter posing to be presidential or even pretending to be a normal person -- and certainly not a regular guy as it were. (I say 'afraid' entirely as a manner of speaking of course.)


Here are some of the details of it...


Rick Klein "And in the debate’s aftermath, Trump is also adding fuel to a two-decade-old feud with a former Miss Universe whom he attacked for gaining weight. This is the Trump that the Trump campaign had been trying to disappear – and the Trump that Hillary Clinton’s campaign insists is the only true Trump to exist.”


“That’s what’s behind Clinton’s masterful strategy from Monday night: She set traps for Trump to fall into – or, rather, she pressed a whole bunch of buttons knowing that something would set him off. Clinton got the result she wanted. Trump’s reaction, meanwhile, took would could have been a partial victory or a split decision and turned it into a solid loss. The Clinton camp got a debate win, and then a parting gift.”



Trump keeps putting himself back into a hole. The hole gets deeper each time. He's compulsive so he can't help himself. Trump's advisers can't prep him for a debate because  he can't sit still to focus. It's a complete lost cause....


First Read: “Trump’s ill-advised feud with Machado fits into a pattern we’ve noticed throughout the campaign: When Trump is in a bad period like this, he makes it worse for himself by refusing to back down. Particularly in the face of poor reviews (remember the Khan fight after his convention message was panned by pundits?), Trump has a tendency to spiral downward for a few days until he’s convinced to stop lashing out or punching down. Our question is: how long does bad stretch for Trump last?”


Donald Trump is a one man circular firing squad. His campaign high command is suddenly acting like the German General Staff in 1945.

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Trump, like so many others among the rich and famous, has lived his life in a bubble where the only sound he hears is, "Yes sir, Mr. Trump!"  And so he gets to believe that everything will always go his way because the world is supposed to work that way.  He can remain the stunted individual he is, because he never has to develop new skills or deal with people other than by threatening them with lawsuits, etc.  And when the day comes that the game has changed decisively, he cannot understand and is unable to change his game.


Obama underperformed in his first debate with Romney, because he failed to prepare sufficiently.  But because he is both disciplined and intelligent, he made sure he was up to the mark for the subsequent debates.  Trump has no attention span, no self-discipline, and is too stupid to grasp the fix he is in.  So, he can only double-down on what has always worked for him, even though that is not only not going to work now, it is going to make everything worse.


I notice with Trump as with other psychopaths whom I have had to deal with personally, that when they tell you some preposterous lie they expect you to believe it just because they say it.  They seem to inhabit a world with no other people in it.


In the end Trump will be just what he dreads most of all: the big loser. 

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trump knows he got owned, so he's not stupid that way. But he's not capable or willing to prepare in standard ways by doing the real work that any actual qualified person could and would do. But he's wounded. He's angry like a bleeding alpha male orange orangutan that knows he's being replaced but even more so because the victor is a FEMALE. His primitive big ape animal instinct to do now is attack, attack, attack, in historically nasty ways. Hillary is ready for that.  Apologies to apes comparing them to trump.


trump likes the fun stuff. He doesn't accept that he has to do the hard stuff. He has an army of "Miss Housekeepings" of every level to do that. He's shockingly unqualified to be president in every conceivable way. 


Edited by Jingthing
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This is playing out exactly as I thought it would. I wanted Trump as the nominee because he's such a dunce. It will be the end of the Republican party. It's all downhill from the 40% of the voters who think cheeto jesus would make a good President. I just shake my head at the what has become of the American people.  


Generations from now, people will shake their heads at this moment in time, when the first female major party presidential nominee—competent, qualified and more thoroughly vetted than any non-incumbent candidate in history—endured the humiliation of being likened to such an obvious grifter, ignoramus and hate monger.


We deserve the shame that we will bear.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump knows he got owned, so he's not stupid that way. But he's not capable or willing to prepare in standard ways by doing the real work that any actual qualified person could and would do. But he's wounded. He's angry like a bleeding alpha male orange orangutan that knows he's being replaced but even more so because the victor is a FEMALE. His primitive big ape animal instinct to do now is attack, attack, attack, in historically nasty ways. Hillary is ready for that.  Apologies to apes comparing them to trump.


trump likes the fun stuff. He doesn't accept that he has to do the hard stuff. He has an army of "Miss Housekeepings" of every level to do that. He's shockingly unqualified to be president in every conceivable way. 


If Clinton is so qualified to be president, why did she have an illegal server in her house, or wherever it was?

If Clinton is so qualified, why does she lie so much?

If Clinton is so qualified, why, after spending so many millions on negative ads on Trump she can't get ahead of him more than the margin of error.

The facts say it all- she let her ambassador die in Benghazi and lied about it, she had an illegal server and lied about it, she did not land under fire in Bosnia but she lied about it. A majority of Americans don't trust her, and a lot don't like her.

She IS owned by Wall St, and WILL be expected to give favours if she becomes POTUS.

She DOES want to make thousands of working Americans unemployed.

She DOES want to allow thousands of illegal aliens stay in the US.

She DOES support illegal sanctuary cities.

She DOES criticize the police.

She doesn't have a clue about the middle east- she proved that when it was her job

I'm not saying that Trump is better, but at least he doesn't have her baggage.


If she wins, he just goes back to building things and making lots and lots of money. Does anyone on here think he will be worse off?

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On ‎28‎/‎9‎/‎2559 at 9:53 AM, CaptHaddock said:


Your head is firmly in the sand.  The Democrats developed the best ground game in history during Obama's two runs while Romney's system crashed on election day.  Obama's database of all the voters in the country is available to the Hillary campaign who have an staff that vastly outnumbers Trump's who thought he could tweet his way to the White House.  And the effect of the Dem get-out-the-vote drive doesn't show up in the polls, but will on election day.  That's the basis on which I expect the Dems to take the Senate as well as the presidency.

You are missing that Obama was popular. I can't see anyone going out in the rain to vote for her other than the hard core Dems.

People just don't like her.

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On ‎28‎/‎9‎/‎2559 at 2:05 PM, CaptHaddock said:

Of all the writers struggling to come to grips with the vileness of Trump, I think Adam Gopnik of the "The New Yorker" best gets to the disgusting heart of Trump:


By 2011, Trump had simply succeeded in making this racist conspiracy theory so prevalent that Obama, who had released his birth certificate three years earlier, concluded that it was more efficient to end it for all time by asking Hawaiian officials for special permission to let him give out the “long form,” archival version than to let it go on. What Obama may not have realized was that in Trump’s world, since he is never wrong, it couldn’t end.


Yet Trump continued last night his self-congratulations for compelling the President to do this, along with the grotesquely racist notion that it was “good for him” (i.e., for the President). It slowly dawned on the listener that this was all of a piece with the rest of Trump’s racial attitudes: he believes that, as a rich white man, he had a right to stop and frisk the President of the United States and demand that the uppity black man show him his papers. Stop-and-frisk isn’t just a form of policing for Trump; it’s a whole way of life. The idea that he had a right to force a black man to go through what Obama rightly saw as the demeaning business of producing his birth certificate showed his fundamental contempt for any normal idea of racial equality. It was of a line with his equally bizarre notion that owning a country club that doesn’t actively discriminate against black people is not a minimal requirement of law but a positive achievement of the owner.



In case anyone hadn't noticed, Obama got elected.

This whole birther thing is just a troll diversion to stop Trump taking about things that matter now. He should have realized that and just refused to be sidetracked.

Shame on the moderator for being a troll.

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19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Ok, if you want to look at it as two half empty glasses (instead of one half full, one half empty).....


It's admitted that HRC has some negatives.  Yet only a Trump groupie can fail to see that Trump has many more and much graver negatives.  It's like comparing the which smells worse; a rotten pear or a dead soldier left on the battlefield for a week.

Trump supporters are way more likely to go and vote than Dems are. Had the DNC not backstabbed Bernie, there would be no debate about the winner.

However, DWS managed to have the most unlikable politician ( possibly in the history of the Dem party ) win the primary. So here we are, two unpopular candidates, one of which will be chosen by the people most likely to go and vote, and that probably ain't her. I bet all the Dems hierarchy are on their knees praying for a nice day in November.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im waiting for the second debate….it is going to be carnage…..no more restraint for Mr Trump….hes gonna come out guns blazing.


Hillary is just as bad on all the counts he has been accused of…time to shine the light on that.

Yeah, sure thing, mate.

He best back off on the fat shaming though and the way other candidates "look" ...

The man is definitely obese. He obviously conspired with quack t.v. Dr. Oz to fudge his BMI. Nerve of him to fat shame others.


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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im waiting for the second debate….it is going to be carnage…..no more restraint for Mr Trump….hes gonna come out guns blazing.


Hillary is just as bad on all the counts he has been accused of…time to shine the light on that.


Yes, ranting like a carnival barker is going to make him look soooooooo presidential.

Talk about doing exactly what Clinton wants!



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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

He's a big guy but he's not miss universe who has commercial obligations to not "let herself go".

Perhaps not, but Americans have now seen the dark soul of the trump monster exposed. He's an AWFUL human being. His charity foundation is a total scam as well. 



Donald Trump has a serious weight problem: He can’t seem to stop criticizing the girth of others.

For decades, Trump has commented on other people’s bodies, particularly women who he believes had gained too much weight or were, in his word, “fat.” 



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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, sure thing, mate.

He best back off on the fat shaming though and the way other candidates "look" ...

The man is definitely obese. He obviously conspired with quack t.v. Dr. Oz to fudge his BMI. Nerve of him to fat shame others.


Oh dear, have you looked at your heroine recently?

Better not be attacking Trump over his girth when she is about the same width, though quite a bit shorter.

As he pointed out, the contest winner had a contract, and was in violation of that.

Frankly, the more she complains about him, the more I sympathise with him.

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47 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Yes, ranting like a carnival barker is going to make him look soooooooo presidential.

Talk about doing exactly what Clinton wants!




There won't be no ranting….kellyanne will take care of that…..but there will be a precise, calculated bludgeoning of crooked.


Granted he might lose the election still…but not before exposing crooked hillary for what she is.

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There won't be no ranting….kellyanne will take care of that…..but there will be a precise, calculated bludgeoning of crooked.
Granted he might lose the election still…but not before exposing crooked hillary for what she is.

It's trump on stage. Not his handlers. Duh.
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If Clinton is so qualified to be president, why did she have an illegal server in her house, or wherever it was?

If Clinton is so qualified, why does she lie so much?

If Clinton is so qualified, why, after spending so many millions on negative ads on Trump she can't get ahead of him more than the margin of error.

The facts say it all- she let her ambassador die in Benghazi and lied about it, she had an illegal server and lied about it, she did not land under fire in Bosnia but she lied about it. A majority of Americans don't trust her, and a lot don't like her.

She IS owned by Wall St, and WILL be expected to give favours if she becomes POTUS.

She DOES want to make thousands of working Americans unemployed.

She DOES want to allow thousands of illegal aliens stay in the US.

She DOES support illegal sanctuary cities.

She DOES criticize the police.

She doesn't have a clue about the middle east- she proved that when it was her job

I'm not saying that Trump is better, but at least he doesn't have her baggage.


If she wins, he just goes back to building things and making lots and lots of money. Does anyone on here think he will be worse off?

She did not have an illegal server in her house.   She had a server in her house and it was used for purposes which were against the current policy of the gov't.   What she did, did not rise to the level of criminal charges.   


Clinton does not lie 'so much'.    She is endlessly accused of lying because her opponents like to label most everything as a lie.   Political fact checkers show that she is more truthful than not and certainly more truthful than her opponent.


She did not 'let her ambassador die' in Libya.   Please  check the facts about what happened.   A topic which has been discussed to death.   No charges, no smoking gun.   A tragic, tragic situation with enough responsibility to go around, including congress who were reticent to approve requesting funding for security.   


She was not truthful about her landing in Bosnia.  It was a dangerous airport, but she got caught on that one.   It was probably about as dangerous as GW Bush's trips to Iraq -- they were unannounced and dangerous as well, but nothing happened.   


She does not want to see thousands of Americans unemployed.   


She does not want to see illegals stay in the US.   She supports a path to legalization of status for qualified people.   


The police are not always right and are at times deserving of criticism.   As is the military as are other local, state and federal agencies.   


Nobody, absolutely nobody, really has a clue about the Middle East.   She has a vast amount of experience and some ideas as well as knowing the major players, but what will or won't work is anybody's guess.   


I've followed her career and read a lot about her and not all of it flattering.   She will make a fantastic president.   She is qualified, even tempered and has the political leverage to get things accomplished.   


Unfortunately her opponent does not have these qualities.   We know little about him.   We no nothing about his wealth or businesses.   We know nothing specific about how he will do what he says he will do.   I am not even sure he realizes there is a congress that must approve much of what he wishes to do and they are not particularly enamored by him.   


Like her or not, she is the best alternative to represent the US at this time.   



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3 hours ago, Credo said:

  What she did, did not rise to the level of criminal charges.   



Actually they did, but the fix was in.





Clinton does not lie 'so much'.    



Yes she does. A few of them that the fact checkers have pointed out.



Edited by Ulysses G.
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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In case anyone hadn't noticed, Obama got elected. This whole birther thing is just a troll diversion to stop Trump taking about things that matter now. He should have realized that and just refused to be sidetracked. Shame on the moderator for being a troll.


Trump harassed Obama and tried to rally Americans to his side on the birther issue.  It worked for rednecks (many of whom had a problem with a half-black man in the WH) and it sucked a shitload of headlines and energy - energy which could have been devoted to useful things, like trying to improve situations for Americans.  The Birther campaign, which Trump touted for years (and which started his political career, tho he's never been elected to anything) has produced nothing of any use.  It's been a giant waste of time for everyone except Trump.  Now he realizes what all reasonable Americans knew all along: Obama is American, so Trump now sees it as a liability.  He's sucked it dry for 7 years and now says, "I'm finishing it."   Thank you God Trump for telling us what to think, but you can't erase the whole birther thing from history with a 3 word sentence.  It lives on, and it continues to show you as the low-life rude cretin you really are.


Below is today's speech by VP Biden, yet another person (in a very long list) for Trump and Trump's sheeple to hate, because Biden doesn't praise idiot Trump.   Biden's main problem with Trump is how Trump gloated when the economy almost tanked in 2008, because Trump was making money. Check it out. . . . . 



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4 hours ago, Credo said:

She did not have an illegal server in her house.   She had a server in her house and it was used for purposes which were against the current policy of the gov't.   What she did, did not rise to the level of criminal charges.   


She did not 'let her ambassador die' in Libya.   Please  check the facts about what happened.   A topic which has been discussed to death.   No charges, no smoking gun.   A tragic, tragic situation with enough responsibility to go around, including congress who were reticent to approve requesting funding for security.   


She does not want to see thousands of Americans unemployed.   


She does not want to see illegals stay in the US.   She supports a path to legalization of status for qualified people.   


The police are not always right and are at times deserving of criticism.   As is the military as are other local, state and federal agencies.   


Nobody, absolutely nobody, really has a clue about the Middle East.   She has a vast amount of experience and some ideas as well as knowing the major players, but what will or won't work is anybody's guess.   


Like her or not, she is the best alternative to represent the US at this time.   



Edited for brevity


OK, she had a legal server and did illegal things on it just as Comey said she did. Just because he chose not to indict her does not mean she is innocent.


I am well aware of the facts about Benghazi, including that it was not as a result of a VDO, when she said it was.


She is continuing Obamas policies and he is making thousands of workers in the coal industry unemployed.


She wants to let thousands of illegals jump the q to legal status. Is that fair to those that are doing it the right way?


The police are a state matter, and it is not her job to criticize them. It is certainly not her place to support an organization that wants to kill the police.


Of course there are people that know about the middle east. Unfortunately she didn't ask them before blundering about in Libya. One would think someone with a clue would have a plan as what to do after removing Gaddafi. She should have known that after Iraq.


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