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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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trump showed his real self which he's been trying to hide recently. He's a MADMAN. His temperament is totally wrong for president. That's the core of why he lost this debate BIG TIME and his chances of being president are OVER.

Edited by Jingthing
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2 hours ago, daveAustin said:

I think the woman is going to get embarrassed.


2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


That would be very enjoyable. :thumbsup:


Yes, we expect Trump's sheeple to hope for her to trip up.  Sorry for the disappointment (not really). 

Even (especially) when she becomes prez, Trump fans will continually try to trip her up and disparage her.  Sad, that you have to put all your focus on putting down an American president, even to the extent of building up Putin or Fat Boy Kim or Saddam Hussein or Kadaffi (some of whom are Trump's buddies).


1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Who put Hillary in the red Santa suit? She looked like a jelly bean waddling on stage.


If you can't stand up to HRC on issues and policies, it's always easy to call names and denigrate how she looks or dresses.

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Trump grins and brags about how he avoids paying taxes, year after year.  He doesn't contribute a dime to the military, to building infrastructure, to emergency services.  He just takes takes takes.  In his view, anyone who pays taxes is a dumbass who doesn't have good enough tax avoidance lawyers.

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You blew it, Trump.


The only consolation is that Obama blew it in his first debate with Romney 4 years ago.


Get your act together, Trump. Try and put a group of words together that make a cogent sentence, for gawd's sake.   annoyed.gif



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Just now, kingalfred said:

Only an idiot would think Trump is "competent" after that performance

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Exactly. The CONTRAST was remarkable. She is MORE than ready to be president today. Loony tunes trump will never be ready. You can tell he doesn't want to lose because he's macho that way ... but to actually DO the job of president? No way. 

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9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:



Yes, we expect Trump's sheeple to hope for her to trip up.  Sorry for the disappointment (not really). 

Even (especially) when she becomes prez, Trump fans will continually try to trip her up and disparage her.  Sad, that you have to put all your focus on putting down an American president, even to the extent of building up Putin or Fat Boy Kim or Saddam Hussein or Kadaffi (some of whom are Trump's buddies).



If you can't stand up to HRC on issues and policies, it's always easy to call names and denigrate how she looks or dresses.

How else does one judge women and ladyboys?

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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2 minutes ago, stander said:

The debate tonight helped undecided Conservatives feel better about voting for Trump.


That narcissistic  psychopath near the nuclear codes is horrifying.

Do "conservatives" want war with Iran?
That moron trump defended his idiotic statement that he would blow an Iranian ship out of the water just for taunting Americans. He said, doing so wouldn't start a war. Are conservatives so stupid they "believe him" that blowing an Iranian ship out of the water wouldn't start a war? Unlike you, I have more respect for conservatives than that. He's a NUTCASE. How he got this far is a national tragedy already. 

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Just now, stander said:

"We are not going to sit idly by and let state actors go after our info." this from a woman who the FBI Director called extremely careless with national security


Well she wasn't in charge of the NSA, was she?


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3 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

I doubt that Hillary resonated with the undecided: just affirmation for the confirmed liberals. 

Totally agree...she didn't offer anything to the deplorables to win them over. Just playing it safe and preaching to the social justice warrior crowd.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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My prediction -- by next week, Clinton will be up to 4 over in the RCP averages. She stopped the momentum that trump had or more accurately he stopped himself by SHOWING for all the world to see what a NUTCASE he is. Just look at his facial expressions. Trust him? Believe him? Are you kidding? 

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2 minutes ago, stander said:

The media protects Clinton, she got sick at the 9/11 memorial, she starts to fall in the polls and then they decide to talk about the birther issue.


I really don't get how people can claim this.


Without the media Trump would not exist.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I kind of pity trumpeters now who are going to try to sell that HORRIBLE performance of trump as a victory. Not a lot to work with there. 


Can't say Hilary's was much better. 

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