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EU unveils ‘debit card’ scheme for Syrian refugees in Turkey


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EU unveils ‘debit card’ scheme for Syrian refugees in Turkey




ANKARA: -- The European Union has launched a multi-million euro aid project to help up to a million Syrian refugees in Turkey – part of the deal aimed at curbing numbers coming to Europe.


Refugees living outside camps are to receive debit cards to help them buy their own food and other basic needs.


Unveiling the project worth 348 million euros in the Turkish capital, the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, said it should give refugees a “semblance of normality” in their lives.


“The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) is the largest ever humanitarian aid project funded by the European Union. It is also the largest ever humanitarian cash transfer programme,” Stylianides said. “We have created a system that combines the Turkish social welfare system with a humanitarian response.”


The Commission says safeguards are in place to ensure the money is correctly spent.


The EU has pledged three billion euros in 2016 and 2017 to help Turkey support Syrian refugees in the country. In return Turkey has agreed to stop migrants leaving its shores for Europe.


The World Food Programme, backed by the Turkish Red Crescent, will administer the programme along with the Turkish crisis management agency and the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-27




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 If only there was a land these people could go to. A land of unimaginably vast size, encompassing many climate zones. A land rich in minerals, seas rich with fish, with limitless farming and agricultural opportunities. A land with many workers eager to graft in return for financial remuneration. Somewhere they could be proud to call home, with a religion and culture reflective of their moral code. If only there was such a place we could call it Africa and send them all back home to live happily ever after.


Seriously, throwing free money at economic migrants is not going to stop them coming. No ifs and no buts.

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2 minutes ago, jaidam said:

 If only there was a land these people could go to. A land of unimaginably vast size, encompassing many climate zones. A land rich in minerals, seas rich with fish, with limitless farming and agricultural opportunities. A land with many workers eager to graft in return for financial remuneration. Somewhere they could be proud to call home, with a religion and culture reflective of their moral code. If only there was such a place we could call it Africa and send them all back home to live happily ever after.


Seriously, throwing free money at economic migrants is not going to stop them coming. No ifs and no buts.

Agreed, its probably going to make more of them come...what a marvellous idea...not

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Great news, debit card is great, that means it can become cash, and god knows the Turkey would welcome some cash creation within its own borders being spent in its own borders.  

Not sure why this is newsworthy as it would be insanity to attempt to centrally manage providing for the needs of every individual with a epic staffing and on costs.  This way, it saves on overheads since much of the process can be automated.  Which is the big issue, management costs, the actual cash provided too and spent by the refugees, if supplied by the Reserve banks, literally costs nothing, and it helps the economy to boot.

EDIT::  Gah, i've screwed up Turkey, EU, and who is who... but point stands.

Edited by jcisco
Error Exists between chair and keyboard.
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The only thing that should be unveiled is a No Entry Return Home policy or assistance to get to countries where their Muslim'  brothers and sisters ' should be taking care of them as per the propaganda.

Many countries are doing their best but so many others want nothing to do with the problem for various reasons.

The Saudis of course are happy to build mosques free of charge.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Unveiling the project worth 348 million euros in the Turkish capital, the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, said it should give refugees a “semblance of normality” in their lives.


The EU Commissioner is so dense that he does not realise that he has just caused another crisis.


Social Media will be awash messages to family, extended family, and anyone else not even related to move via Turkey to get your free debit card.


Anyone who is in a senior position of Authority that thinks money is going to solve anything should be immediately relieved of their duties, placed in an I love me jacket and secured in a mental institution.

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3 hours ago, SgtRock said:


The EU Commissioner is so dense that he does not realise that he has just caused another crisis.


Social Media will be awash messages to family, extended family, and anyone else not even related to move via Turkey to get your free debit card.


Anyone who is in a senior position of Authority that thinks money is going to solve anything should be immediately relieved of their duties, placed in an I love me jacket and secured in a mental institution.

No problem.


The EU can simply extend the free debit card offer to 'potential' migrants living in certain designated countries. No need to embark on tedious, difficult and dangerous travel to Turkey or Europe. Syrians (and Iraqis and Iranians and Afghanis and Libyans and Somalis and.... well, eventually everyone) can apply on-line and have their accounts quickly and seamlessly opened. 


Of course safeguards will be in place to make sure the money is correctly spent.

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4 hours ago, SgtRock said:


The EU Commissioner is so dense that he does not realise that he has just caused another crisis.


Social Media will be awash messages to family, extended family, and anyone else not even related to move via Turkey to get your free debit card.


Anyone who is in a senior position of Authority that thinks money is going to solve anything should be immediately relieved of their duties, placed in an I love me jacket and secured in a mental institution.

Unfortunatly they are Elite, not elected, and almost impossible to sack.

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Lots of impressive comments on here!


Makes me feel happy to be alive!


Any chance of a CONSTRUCTIVE IDEA? You know, something positive.


The lack of humanity appalls me. Sad really. Are we reduced so far that we cannot help anyone...

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War is a real atrocity lot of people die because of crooked politicians and no one ever port attention of the president's mansion it is still intact after all these years of fighting in Syria, why is that?

The gig is make war and displace people in great numbers so where they will be taken as refugees will open door for Country to become weak and could be taken over with the help of all these poor people.

Canada is also running some scheme like that while the seniors are left begging for descent lodging and we have many homeless people that need attention but forget it ( Bringing poverty from refugees is of a good gesture and look good upon the world reputation).

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Turkey is home to some three million refugees, most of them Syrian. The vast majority live in cities without direct support from non-governmental organisations and aid groups. The funds are a component of the existing EU / Turkey funding agreement.


Registered refugees in Turkey, living outside the camps (not enough camp places) will receive the equivalent of $33.50 a month via the debit card to help cover their living expenses. Most are unable to find work & if they do find work are often exploited with very low wages and so on. One would think that this initiative, if properly administered, will help reduce pressure on Turkish society, the refugees and the flow on effects to the EU.






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Well its way better than handing the cash to Turkey and hoping they'll sort it out.

If I'm not mistaken this scheme is part of the deal already negotiated with Turkey, not an additional payment.


The EU's main concern is to reduce the flow of immigrants and refugees, "bribe" or not, if this helps - good.

Guessing these debit card will function only in Turkey, and that derived data will be useful in providing more accurate figures regarding the recipients.

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