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As Clinton cheers, Donald Trump digs in after debate


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As Clinton cheers, Donald Trump digs in after debate



RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A defensive Donald Trump gave Hillary Clinton plenty of fresh material for the next phase of her presidential campaign on Tuesday, choosing to publicly reopen and relitigate some her most damaging attacks.


The day after his first general election debate, Trump blamed the moderator, a bad microphone and anyone but himself for his performance. Next time, he threatened, he might get more personal and make a bigger political issue of former President Bill Clinton's marital infidelities.


Things are already getting plenty personal. On Monday night, Trump brushed off Clinton's debate claim that he'd once shamed a former Miss Universe winner for her weight. But then he dug deeper the next day — extending the controversy over what was one of his most negative debate night moments.


"She gained a massive amount of weight. It was a real problem. We had a real problem," Trump told "Fox and Friends" about Alicia Machado, the 1996 winner of the pageant he once owned.


The comments were reminiscent of previous times when Trump has attacked private citizens in deeply personal terms. Earlier this month, he was interrupted by the pastor of a traditionally African-American church in Flint, Michigan, after breaking his agreement not to be political in his remarks. Though Trump abided by her wishes, he went after her the next morning on TV saying she was "a nervous mess" and that he thought "something was up."


In July, Trump assailed the parents of Humayun Khan, a Muslim U.S. soldier who was killed in Iraq in 2004, after the young man's father spoke out against the Republican at the Democratic National Convention.


Trump's latest comments about Machado were striking in that they came just as he was working to broaden his appeal among minority voters and women — key demographic groups he's struggling to win.


Clinton aides on Tuesday acknowledged they'd laid a trap for Trump.


"He seemed unable to handle that big stage," said Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. "By the end, with kind of snorting and the water gulping and leaning on the lectern that he just seemed really out of gas."


Clinton interrupted a discussion of foreign policy in the final moments of the debate to remind viewers that Trump had called Machado "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping." A video featuring Machado, a Clinton supporter, was released less than two hours after the debate finished.


Aiming to capitalize on Trump's renewed focus on a woman's weight, Clinton's campaign also dispatched Machado to tell reporters how she spent years struggling with eating disorders after being humiliated publicly by Trump.


"I never imagined then, 20 years later I would be in this position, I would be in this moment, like, watching this guy again doing stupid things and stupid comments," Machado said. "It's really a bad dream for me."


Both campaigns knew the first debate, watched by some 80 million people, could mark a turning point six weeks before Election Day with Trump and Clinton locked in an exceedingly close race.


Clinton moved quickly to capitalize on her performance, launching new attacks on Trump's failure to release his tax returns and profiting from the subprime mortgage crisis.


As Trump courted Hispanic voters in Miami, Clinton hammered on an allegation she'd leveled the night before: that he is refusing to release his returns because he goes years without paying any federal taxes. "That makes me smart," was Trump's coy response in the debate, but on Tuesday, Clinton insisted it was nothing to brag about.


"If not paying taxes makes him smart what does that make all the rest of us?"


Added an incredulous Joe Biden, campaigning for Clinton in Pennsylvania: "What in the hell he is talking about?"


Democrats are also sure to keep focusing on Trump's false assertions about President Barack Obama's birthplace, with the president scheduled to make a Wednesday appearance on Steve Harvey's TV show.


Trump's campaign aides had worked hard in recent weeks to keep him on message — and away from personal attacks — persuading him to use teleprompters and reach out to minority audiences.


Their moderate success in scripting Trump came to a halt on Tuesday. Though he insisted he'd done "very well," Trump accused moderator Lester Holt of going harder on him than Clinton. He insisted he had "no sniffles" and no allergies despite the #snifflegate speculation that had exploded on social media. He suggested he'd been given a microphone with lower volume than Clinton's.


Her cheerful reaction: "Anybody who complained about the microphone is not having a good night."


The Trump campaign plans to spend $100 million on television advertising before Election Day, spokesman Jason Miller told The Associated Press. Of the $20 million in TV airtime his campaign had already scheduled, a whopping $13 million is aimed at Florida voters, according to Kantar Media's political ad tracker.


Trump did not address his criticism of Machado as he faced Hispanic voters in a small theater blocks from Miami's Little Havana neighborhood. In rather subdued tones, he only briefly addressed his debate performance the night before.


"It was an interesting evening certainly. Big league. Definitely big league," Trump said. "I really enjoyed it."


Associated Press writers Julie Bykowicz, Josh Lederman, Jonathan Lemire and Thomas Beaumont contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-28
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Trump did just fine for his debate with Lying Crooked Hillary. He can now prepare debate two. For an unseasoned non-politician he did just fine! The moderator was one sided, as reported by most media, so heads up and it looks like money is flowing towards the

Trump camp. Debate three will be non-bias with Fox News moderating . Hillary should get some tough questions about emails,

Foundation, and Bengazi! Looks pretty positive for a Trump win in November. The country wants change and Hillary is no Change!

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I have said all along and still believe it that trump is in the race for p[resident for one reason. So Hillary can win. She is so hated and unreliable, the only way she can become president if she has such an outrageous opponent. The trouble is that many people are actually liking trump.


Just wait until closer to the lection date. Trump will say even more ridiculous things and ostracize himself. The whole debate for me was one staged event. Trump could have easily have beaten Clinton in throwing sleaze. Either way I pity Americans because they have two awful people who could be president.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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54 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I agree , they did give him a bad microphone. I made him sound like he was sniffling all the time, and every time he said something  intelligent and profound, it made it sound stupid and absurd.   


Huh, sounds like they brought the same microphone that he uses on the campaign trail.

Edited by Silurian
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The day after his first general election debate, Trump blamed the moderator, a bad microphone and anyone but himself for his performance. Next time, he threatened, he might get more personal and make a bigger political issue of former President Bill Clinton's marital infidelities.


Here we go ... nop matter if his advisors are screaming Nooooooooooooooo Don't! He will and that will give "Lying Untrustworthy Hilary" the election.


He shouldn't but I don't think he can help himself   Trump has to be Trump even if it sinks him for goodf. This next debates should be fun to watch.  :D


The one big thing from last nights debate:  Trump  basically admitted why he has not revealed his tax returns.  ..... He didn't pay any  .... :thumbsup: not like we didn't  know.

Edited by LomSak27
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Please keep the split screen. He could get away with "hit and run" in Republican debates as camera went off him. You can learn alot from just watching him the entire time. His scowls, head tilts etc gives us the chance to observe the non verbal side of him (rare).

" For an unseasoned non-politician he did just fine!" And you want him because....? Made me think "For a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, he did just fine!"

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

I agree , they did give him a bad microphone. I made him sound like he was sniffling all the time, and every time he said something  intelligent and profound, it made it sound stupid and absurd.   


Trump say something intelligent and profound?!:cheesy:

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2 hours ago, tomwct said:

Trump did just fine for his debate with Lying Crooked Hillary. He can now prepare debate two. For an unseasoned non-politician he did just fine! The moderator was one sided, as reported by most media, so heads up and it looks like money is flowing towards the

Trump camp. Debate three will be non-bias with Fox News moderating . Hillary should get some tough questions about emails,

Foundation, and Bengazi! Looks pretty positive for a Trump win in November. The country wants change and Hillary is no Change!


I think the rest of the world has a different definition of "just fine". 


1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So Hillary nailed the fat Hispanic housekeeper vote...big whoop.


Oh, it was quite a bit more than that. It was one more example of how Trump treats people. He's a crude asshat who doesn't care about anything or anybody. Never mind, you wouldn't get it. 


Well, the first debate is in the bag with the Trumpeteers thinking sniffles won and Hillary is a liar. Trump is the worst candidate for POTUS, ever. It will all be over very soon and Trump can go on to being Trump and HRC can go on to being the first woman President in a landslide. Trump is taking the Republican party down with him. Som nom na. 

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Trump should really sit his campaign- staffers down and have a few words with them.

If I were him, I'd ask them, why they send this body- double, that says all the things he never said and why they flood his Twitter- account with stuff. he would never tweet!

I mean...come on..."climate change a hoax by the Chinese!

Who would say such idiotic BS?

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Just now, OMGImInPattaya said:

So Hillary nailed the fat Hispanic housekeeper vote...big whoop.


There ya go.

If that isn't a CLASSIC, ignorant, bigoted, racist retort from a Deplorable Lemming, Then, I don't know what is...

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36 minutes ago, Pinot said:


Oh, it was quite a bit more than that. It was one more example of how Trump treats people. He's a crude asshat who doesn't care about anything or anybody. Never mind, you wouldn't get it. 

The world is awash in terrorism, people are feeling economically insecure, America's infrustructure is crumbling, police and community relations need mending, etc., ...and the big issue for you is that 20 years ago Trump call some bubble-headed beauty contestant "fat,"...get a freaking grip! 

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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3 hours ago, tomwct said:

Trump did just fine for his debate with Lying Crooked Hillary. He can now prepare debate two. For an unseasoned non-politician he did just fine! The moderator was one sided, as reported by most media, so heads up and it looks like money is flowing towards the

Trump camp. Debate three will be non-bias with Fox News moderating . Hillary should get some tough questions about emails,

Foundation, and Bengazi! Looks pretty positive for a Trump win in November. The country wants change and Hillary is no Change!


I doubt he'd want to bring up foundations, given that his foundation has been shown to have been paying his legal bills.


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44 minutes ago, DM07 said:

I mean...come on..."climate change a hoax by the Chinese!

Who would say such idiotic BS?


Yes, "I never said that" is not a clever thing to say when the tweet in which you said it is still on your website.

What a mug.



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16 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Yes, "I never said that" is not a clever thing to say when the tweet in which you said it is still on your website.

What a mug.



I am really interested to know, WHY he does that!

Does he really spout so many lies, that he forgets half of them along the way?

Or is this Alzheimers and he should make his health record public?

I mean: "I didn't nuke Italy!" is not a valid excuse, if you have the nuclear - codes!

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4 hours ago, tomwct said:

Trump did just fine for his debate with Lying Crooked Hillary. He can now prepare debate two. For an unseasoned non-politician he did just fine! The moderator was one sided, as reported by most media, so heads up and it looks like money is flowing towards the

Trump camp. Debate three will be non-bias with Fox News moderating . Hillary should get some tough questions about emails,

Foundation, and Bengazi! Looks pretty positive for a Trump win in November. The country wants change and Hillary is no Change!

Really amazing how there are still a bunch of people supporting trump,the evidence that this man is just awful just keeps on piling up,maybe the people who support him identify themselves with him,the deplorables?sure it's understandable that people want change but you don't go and risk everything in the world for this,Bush was terrible but nothing compared to trump,haven't the Americans learnt anything from that experience?Yes Hillary told a few lies but please tell me which politicians don't do that,and on the subject of lies let's talk about Trump the dump.

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The Trump campaign is unbelievable. Apparently it's OK to insult and body shame women if it's "in the context of beauty pageants", and then "we should be focusing on what Hillary Clinton did to that 12 year old girl who was raped"!?

Do they have any concept of the truth at all?


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13 minutes ago, DM07 said:

I am really interested to know, WHY he does that!

Does he really spout so many lies, that he forgets half of them along the way?

Or is this Alzheimers and he should make his health record public?

I mean: "I didn't nuke Italy!" is not a valid excuse, if you have the nuclear - codes!


My only explanation: when he makes the 

 idiotic comments he is so stupid that he actually believes he made a clever cryptic comment,  or worded it in a way that he thinks wont be picked up on or qouted by anyone.

Then he thinks its easy to deny  the true intent, by saying "its not what i said", even though its as plain as day what he said  .


That is the first true sign of a class  idiot..thinking everyone is as stupid as he is. 


About the tax thing: Sure, he pays no tax, but everyone knows to pay no tax means (on paper) you made no money.

He does this by buying rundown properties on loan. He fixes them up using reciepts of labour/costs against the purchase price and outlay. This way it looks like he made no money on the deal.


Meanwhile, he makes up the shortfall by defaulting on loans and not paying the labourers the already receipted cost of renovating the property.

Of course, in the end he has an asset he got on the cheap, with minimal labour costs, which he can sell or rent out at profit. 


Its not even clever. Its a coward way of making money, and signifies what really stinks (the world throughout) with people like him.

Im sorry, but if America is stupid enough to vote this asshat in, there is no helping them.


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30 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

Actually I think Trump would make an excellent President......of the Philippines. Him and Duterte, arrogant, crude, like two peas in a pod.

There is another place in SE Asia, where people in power constantly pull stuff out of their @$$...

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5 hours ago, whybother said:


I doubt he'd want to bring up foundations, given that his foundation has been shown to have been paying his legal bills.


Clinton Foundation we are  talking about BIllions  of Dollars from Foreign & US Governments. Trump Foundatation $10,000

dollars. Miniscule comparison!  When your Guilty the Socialists Dems deflect to their opponent! Raul Lewinsky 101!

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